/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General

Rolled 17 (1d26)

Fluffy Assault squad Edition
MEATGRINDER teamup when Sub-Edition

A DG got help with a list but yellow is a bitch to paint, but user is still unsure on the ECs. Not all Imperial Fists are wallfags but WS.are reading biker tactica, while the IWs bitterly await Perturabo's novel ft Magnus Palooza. More of that in ye olde thread >READ MOTHERFUCKER READ

>Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)

What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more
pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp (embed)

>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
pastebin.com/k9uvqsub (embed)
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2Ffz1OuHK%2Fcrusade-imperialis-army-lists.pdf.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2FZTK72gs%2Flegiones-astartes-age-of-darkness-army-list.pdf.html
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>/HHG/'s Legion demographics
strawpoll.me/10558764 (embed)

>/HHG/'s allegiances
www.strawpoll.me/10663447 (embed)

>Oct 16 White Dwarf

>Primarch Popularity Poll
strawpoll.me/11458318 (embed)

>HHG Discord


Posting this again in this new thread. Looking for feedback and recommendations. Thanks, fellow DG bros out there!

What is the shittiest BL fluff?

> Cabal
> Perpetuals
> The Emperor begging / pickpocketing the Gods
> The Emperor saying "Lol GG you guys won forever."
> etc


Are there any shopping lists for an absolute beginner? (ie, no supplies, no books, no prior experience with miniatures/painting/etc.)
Trying to get a ballpark of how many shekels I should be looking to throwdown. I've seen recommendations for Betrayal at Calth?

>BL fluff
its all one big ball of jizz-coated horseshit

So I was rereading Mechanicum and this bit stuck out to me (pic related):

There are apparently trillions of kilometers of cabling and fiber optic wiring on mars.

Assuming they mean 2 trillion km, that means end to end all the wiring on mars would reach about 1/5th of a light year. Suffice it to say such a wire would completely leave the solar system and its end point could be about 2.5% of the way to the nearest star if pointed the right way.

So yeah, torrent speed on mars must be pretty good

Man, I really wish I didn't fail Australian in high school.

Fuck me, take two

Just finished assembling Caladius number three and Contemptor Galatus number two. Time for some cleaning and priming.

Battle at Calth contains a lot of good stuff to start off with. 30 Veteran Tacticals (also make fine tactical squads) in MkIV armour, 5 Cataphractii Terminators, a mono-pose Dreadnought and 2 generic characters (one in Cataphractii and one in Power/Artificer Armour).

Burning of Prospero contains 30 Veteran Tacticals in MkIII armour, 5 Tartaros Terminators, 5 Custodes, 5 Sisters of Silence, 1 Thousand Sons Sorceror and 1 Space Wolf Character.

The Custodes and Sisters fall outside the normal Legion armies and the characters are quite heavily decorated for their specific legions.
This makes the Burning of Prospero a little less of a deal than Battle at Calth.

As for books, Age of Darkness Legions and Age of Darkness Armylist gives you the rules for the majority of Legions that are out (Space Wolf and Thousand Sons are in book 7, these red books don't contain information from book 7 yet, but it may be a while for a new pair of Red Books comes out).

On the painting/modelling supplies front, I'd start off with some practice material before committing to the hobby, you'd want to be sure that it is what you want to do.
This isn't exactly a cheap hobby.

Would there be any problem if I use Skitarii Sicarans as Servo-automatas after a bit of conversion?

they're also way to big, servo automatas are on 20mm bases and smaller then a normal humie. most people seem to use scyllax for it though.

As with anything of this type, ask yourself two questions:

1) is the base size correct

2) is the height correct

3) is the width at least pretty close (if not, give your opponent benefit of the doubt for TLOS)

If all the above are "yes," then you're fine.

Finally done.



where's the axe from?

Thanks for the detailed explanation. Yeah, I realize I should take a couple steps before committing so I was more curious about painting/modeling supplies. Is there a recommended list of what to buy there, as I'm starting from complete scratch?

One is an old plastic Space Wolf axe, the other is from the new Devastator box and looks just like the 2E plastic power axe.

Out of those? Pick-pocketing the gods.

I like BL but FUCK Vengeful Spirit.

>Pick-pocketing the gods

The only gods in 40k canon are the Chaos Gods, correct?

It depends on what's available, the modelling/miniature painting brands out there tend to all be at least competent.
The choice between any of them really comes down to personal preference, and many will mix and match brands as they go, as there are no truly bad choices in this particular niche.

Games Workshop's materials may well be the most commonly available but trend a little to the expensive side.
Their washes and technical paints are absolutely fantastic though, and lots of those here will be using them.

Just for familiarizing yourself with painting you could try buying some cheaper miniatures and invest a little bit in some paints (there are starter sets out there, Army Painter, Reaper, Vallejo all have various options available for instance).
The GW starter sets aren't bad either, however they contain smaller sized paint pots which makes them less of a deal than the full size pots in the AP, Reaper and Vallejo sets.

As for the miniatures themselves, be sure to get something that you want to paint.
Just grabbing some cheap stuff is one thing, but you need to enjoy painting them, it really helps with motivation.

There's the Eldar ones as well.


Those are simply entities as old as the universe. Quite weak on their own, diffuse as they are.
They feed on stars, true, but they're not that powerful, certainly not on the level of greater warp entities.
Condensed into the small form of a C'than, sure, they're absolute masters of the physical realm around them, but their natural form definitely isn't.

Looks pretty good to me, except it will be way too easy to avoid combat with the Cataphractii.

Oh boy. Betrayal at Calth is the way to go for most legions, but not all. If you've been lurking a while, you should have some idea what you want to do... tell us first. Then we can pick some basic colors for you as well.

No need to pay the premium for GW brushes, glue, clippers, etc. Generic all the way. But you'll want clippers, x-acto knife and blades, tweezers, superglue with a brush applicator, plastic cement, green stuff or modeling putty, a cutting pad, pin vise, size 0 or 1 brush, larger brush, flat or slanted-tip brush for drybrushing (GW's drybrushes are actually worth it, in this particular case), spray primer, blue-tack or something like that to temporarily stick minis onto corks or other things while painting, overcoat (aka varnish), and a few cheap practice minis (probably 40k marines off ebay).

Nope, C'tan are as powerful as the Chaos Gods are powerful in the Warp. They have absolute power over reality and are fundamental parts of the fabric of reality. Meaning if they were truly destroyed, then reality would unweave itself. Also they have mastery over souls.

I mean a sliver of a C'tan had its power used to unmake the galaxy (It was stopped via sacrifice of the Eldar). Not just a star system or a sector, the whole galaxy was going to be erased from the space-time continuum.
The C'tan early form of existence wasn't weak. Theit minds and bodies were so vast that they didn't comprehend the existence of the corporeal universe and the fleshy beings living within it.

I see I missed a pile of retcons somewhere.
Last I knew the C'tan's diffuse forms weren't masters of the universe at all, just vast unknowable entities, not of any concern to the greater universe.
Their condensed forms focus all of their abilities in a frame that's microscopic on their scale, making them capable of manipulating reality on an amazing scale, but in their diffuse form they're simple star vampires as old as the universe itself. They can consume souls true, but that's simply a very dense form of energy to them.

Also, the Chaos gods are far more vast, with far more power at their disposal, but their power in real-space is limited by their existence in the warp.

If it's cat 6 cable, 2 trillion km (x6.2mm wide) would only cover like 8.5% of Mars's surface with one layer of cable. There's room for more!

>pristine cabinets
>nice marble countertop in the kitchen
yeah I'm gonna go ahead and guess these are authentic and not recasts.

Don't forget Gork and Mork!

Love them!

>Last I knew the C'tan's diffuse forms weren't masters of the universe at all, just vast unknowable entities, not of any concern to the greater universe.

They existed in a higher plane of existence as ethereal beings. They had no need to use any of their powers because they cared for nothing but sucking on stars. When the the Necrontyr clothed them in Necrodermis, the C'tan minds were forcefully made aware of the universe around. It didn't make them powerful or boost their abilities, they already had all of that they just didn't have a reason or motivation to use them. When they discovered that feasting on life and being worshipped rocked, the fireworks started to fly.

The C'tan can abandon their Necrodermis and fly off as mass of malignant energy (usually in form of a mass of light or dark matter). They are just as powerful as they are in living metal cloth. Presumably the Necrodermis shell just helps them from having their essences suddenly disperse over thousand of space miles being that would be inconvenient.

Probably not as excessive as it sounds, oddly enough - as of 2015, there was enough underwater fibre optic cables (and this is just underwater) to reach the moon and back, and Mars has been inhabited for almost 30000 years at this point - and has for much of that been a tech haven, to boot.
Having one or two million times as much fibre-optic as we have under the sea isn't all that much, not when you have buildings that reach space and shit

What Primarch/Legion preps the bull?

Iron Hands, as much as it pains me. Ferrus died so early on his hefty backstory still doesn't keep him from being a jobber.

Awesome thanks, this list was pretty much what I was looking for, going shopping for supplies while the stores are still open.

Yeah, the plan was to familiarize myself with painting before committing to a legion. Even the concept of spray painting a base is a bit daunting so I have a long way to go.

Is there any info about where the Custard Creams recruit from?
I'm assuming mostly Terra but if they happen to be on another planet and find someone with the potential to be one of them could they just take them home?

Its said that the Emps went to a planet called Molech with a bunch of other Perpetuals, proceeded to bargain or steal away the power of the gods and then fuck off back to Terra

Horus later showed up on Molech to get a power boost from the Chaos Gods before he went to assault Terra

I love those helmets, what kit are they from?

How did you paint the bases user?

I think they're destroyers.

It looks like you're right there, thanks

You would be correct; and I'm a stickler for cleanliness too. I'm not above recasts, but none of my Dreads or Caladius are recasts.

From conquered planets and civilizations that the Emperor personally oversaw, or events where Custodes would assassinate individuals, but spare the children and recruit them.

user has it right, the unit is converted from Destroyers.

The bases are Vallejo Black Lava with a basecoat of brown and then drybrushing up through some warm greys.

Oh fuck that's huge.

Cool I guess, but I was honestly expecting the one I ordered on Thursday to be smaller based off the gun profiles, that thing looks practically superheavy.

what is wrong with the cabal

Don't mind both WIP tanks, but the Coronus is way bigger than the Caladius.

what is 'cleaning' i thought you did that before building in water?

Also; Here's a comparison of a Coronus with a Deathwatch marine.

Wow fuck me thats a big tank

Trimming, sanding, filling gaps, etc. when my model is fully built I then scrub it down with a toothbrush dipped in rubbing alcohol to fully strip all oils. Works better than soap and water for me.


I thought the tanks were all the same size, fuck me I was wrong the bigs ones are like Baneblade size

whilst this is generally true I don't necessarily think calth is always a better option. Mk IV looks very similar to normal marines so is less exciting, and 1 contemptor which you get from calth is worth far less than 5 sisters of silence and 5 custodes which you get from prospero (everything else is equal), which you could keep if doing a loyal legion or sell for a fairly reasonable amount if not, definitely more than the price of one contemptor. The only problem is the characters, but Ahriman is a pretty easy conversion to a librarian, and you could just sell grigor.

Here's a real fun mindfuck


how do you then get the rubbing alcohol off? Or does it just evaporate with no residue

>It just gets bigger

What the fuck FW how big can we go?


if true

High profile rubbing alcohol dries on it's own faster than water.

I usually let it sit for under half an hour and then spray primer.


Don't tempt them. You say that and FW will make a Grav superheavy that I'm gonna have to buy.



Are we sure Custodes are human, these look too much like a Wave Serpent to be real Imperial tanks

I mean the Emperor was inspired by the Eldar at one point.

Also Custode tanks are surprisingly old-ish. They were designed during the early use of Thunder Warriors and ended up getting upgraded as time went on.

Also DARK AGE OF TECH stuff is really fuggen awesome.

Fuck yeah it is.

Grav Tanks and Grav weaponry everywhere. Weapons so strong they get banned even by the Emperor himself, and technologies so powerful that they're contained to less than handfuls of use in the whole Imperium.

God damn.

More of Primarchs believing filthy Xeno scum.


Empy showed that he'd often take the direct children of vanquished ennemies or rebels, like prince and shit, in MoM.

During the Great Crusade I suppose he'd do the same if the children weren't mutated, and of very good genetic stock. He did have a fuckloaf of planets to choose from.

Holy fuck it's that size and all it is is a 12 man non-assault transport with a weird lascannon and a fancy heavy bolter?

What a low impact for such a massive brick of resin.

> And they describe that thing as the Custodes Razorback

Seriously. I didn't get one because I see no use for a non-assault transport that isn't even a better gunboat than it's points in bikes or Caladius... But if it's so gargantuan then it's honestly pretty inexcusable that it has "Meh I'll just take Valdor or infiltrate" tier rules.

That it can only hold 6 custodes according to the rules is fucking retarded. It is twice as large as a Land Raider, but can only barely hold more troops.

Maybe somebody should start a petition to ask FW to re-do Inferno, it's just a goddamn mess.

local meta going custodes heavy... i need ultimate anti-custodes list. what's best? mechanicum maybe?

I dislike how Custodes vehicles are only enlarged versions of themselves, FW could do better than this.

Probably Ordo Reductor. Several Adsec squads for fearless tarpits out the ass, S10 artillery and 40k grav, Droplites for instagibbing any tank they bring with 12 BS5 Cover-1 Haywire hits and Magi that can walk off Solarite Gauntlet hits all day even if they can't do much damage back. Also, air power and excellent LoW options, plus Custodes lack anti-vehicle at range and they can't CC if there's 80 Adsec all over your deployment zone and around the tanks. Toss in a few Occularis and intercept with Medusas and Graviton Imploders.

Mechanicum against ranged instant death: The army?

Well, we don't always have to go full boop spam, there's other builds, and they have either a very low range and volume of fire, plus lowish strength, or rely on a 1/6 failed T test. I'm not very fussed, plus in an OR list the most valuable thing they can hit is T6 3++ and in an AV14 Flared tank with bodyguards.
Also, all their melee is way overkill against us, which helps, since they're paying for a shit ton of superfluous choppy when Thallax and Adsec would lose anyway.

You might be better off getting this set.

You will just need a box cutter to remove the minis from the sprue.

this'll give you a good idea of the painting and modelling part of the hobby first. If you don't like Ultramarines maybe pick up another colour as well as this set like medium green for salamanders, or red for blood Angels.

better idea?

Maybe a bunch of Medusa and Thudd Gun spaming IW list,

What do cuckstodes have for Anti-Air if they don't have a lot then maybe lightnings to pop the transports with chainfist missiles

That user has the right idea. Get this and the start collecting box with all the tools. It'll be enough to try your hands at stuff for about 30 euros, then you can buy more paint and models if needed.
That non

Pride of the Legion so you can spam sniper veterans and don't care about T5.

Terminators with powerfists, join Forgelord with Rad Grenades to unit and Instant Death those fuckers first round of combat. Bonus point is you can give the Forgelord cataphractii and a cyber familiar for your own 3++ dude.

Seekers fuck Custodes right up with Scorpius rounds, but you gotta keep them out of combat. And alive.

Dreadnoughts with AV 13 front generally are a struggle for the banana boys in CC. Not all units can take those gauntlets, only one cuckstodes can use a meltabomb now, and with Str 10 the dreadnought can clear them out pretty well.

To deal with the vehicles you want enough volume of fire to get past the Jink save. Taking mobile anti-armour to get side or rear armour seems like a good idea. Oh and nothing of the custodes shoots up, so flyers might be an option too.

Mech might not be bad if you spam so many tech thralls to drown them in RoPT bodies and enough rad spam to reduce their toughness

TSons. Shriek the pants off them.

Anything with AV. Kill their Dreads and they can't do shit.

This guys is correct. Marksmen veterans with combi flamers for effectively having rending flamers that wound on a 4+. Use a destroyer squad to rad missile their guys to rad phage prep them for the inevitable close combat. Mop up with terminators with power fists and instant death due their guys being -1t from rad phage.

Custodes are warriors, astartes are soldiers. Nary in the history of humanity has a force of warriors defeated a professional army.

Would using a named character praetor/centurion/consul equivilent satisfy the warlord requirement in a Army of Dark Compliance list? Follow up question, is there any synergy between militia/warp cults and Alpha Legion? It seems like a really fun and fluffy army

Do the decals on these shoulders look like they've been free-handed?

No, those are the decals that come in the BaC set. FW Word Bearers decals look better if you ask me

Yeah, the named characters (Dynat?) should count, same as they do for regular HQ slots. As for synergy, as you're Sworn Brothers you can toss ICs into Infantry blobs or shooty squads with Alpharius around to grant the whole unit Preferred Enemy, or possibly use Venom Sphere harnesses on termie ICs to give a 50-man giant tarpit o' doom Hammer of Wrath. Would eat into your HQ slots, though, since you need a Force Commander to take Provenances. Could you use Apothecaries for that? Not sure about the exact specifics of the Legion list, but if there's no explicit list of the squads they can join you could dole out Feel No Pain and Preferred Enemy liberally.

What Provenances do you want? Zealot Rending horde, or more conventional?

I was planning on taking Cult Horde and Tainted Flesh for cultist blobs o' doom to support my more elite Astartes forces. Also I was planning on taking a medic detatchment to give my blobs FnP.

Cult medics can't be attached to Levy blobs, so you'd have to use Apothecaries instead.

Personally I just ally in a couple blobs of CHTF Levies instead of AoDC just for those, but it could be good. Does anyone know whether attached characters to an Artillery unit can fire the guns? Because if so, stick SM characters in units of fixed artillery to get around the snapfire thing and get cheap FnP meatshielded Medusas and Basilisks. Fixes the Ld and autocharging problem, too, 'cause they're Fearless and aren't allowed to charge.

Alas attached models cant fire artilery

Not only are the decals way to uniform to be freehands, the lack of a matt varnish over them makes them look extremely glossy compared to the rest of the models. The decals stand out like a sore thumb.