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is that orc using a fucking sarcophagus as a shield
Why can't Skalds take Perform (Dance) for their Raging Performance?
That Orc gets me every time. He just fucking picks up a Sarcophagus to use as a shield because its big and covers his body. And the best part is it just works because it can.
Nobody ever claimed orcs were particularly caring of historical artifacts.
And who says you necromancy has to be evil?
Who's that gunslinger? The concept is kinda cool but he looks like a fuccboi.
Oh, I remember this--it was back when the only guns in the mechanics were just expensive wand-holders that helped you aim better.
That latest Overlewd app
Now that's a giggle.
I've just discovered variant bardic performances and masterpieces.
Besides the feat: extra performance, is there any other way to increase rounds of bardic performance available in a day? I know lingering song can be manipulated to cheese the system a bit, and an increase to bard level and/or Cha will yield more performances.
be a half elf
It was a wild ride watching Broodie write that shit up. The running commentary was gold.
They made this drunk at 2am.
I am impressed.
my friend
my friend
Spellcheck is gods blessing to drunkposting
Also tequila is gods blessing
I don't get it, is there a joke I'm missing?
I guess gnome would work too, but it's too late to change races.
Guess I'll have to go back to being a bit miserly with my performances. Thankfully I have lingering song.
it's a discord thing, you wouldn't understand
the joke is that its literally a fucking dominatrix how is that not a meme
How is it a meme in any way? How is it a joke, for that matter?
for fucks sake
Broodie did it drunk is the joke.
They just wanted to use a whip.
ill have you know that i also wanted to be an eliciter
>Role: Dominant.
>Von Edelfelt
Good tastes, literally my backup Waifu should I abandon ship.
>vivienne is a noble
The memes in this app are actually deep.
>implying they don't get off from it
>that wraith picture for the wraith
t. smudge tool pro
same thing really
You would not believe how hard it was to just find a normal goddamn picture of a wraith that actually looks smokey and insubstantial but isn't 3D.
I've got a hot tip to start buying buxom punchgirl stocks--Overlewd GM is a muscle fan
>buying punchgirl stocks
>this far past the crash
How about delicate punch girls?
Stocks always recover. That being said
As soon as you announce BUY BUY BUY, you create a fucking bubble.
Not always, I hear Bara Meta was actually insider trading
Though given that Legg and Zokat got into Shardwalkers... Was the Bara Meta true?
I mean it looks okay, it's just so obvious you spammed smudge like no tomorrow.
Do you employ themes and motif as guides when making a character or/and setting?
God damn it Broodie, don't just shout out those words nilly willy.
You buttslut
yoooo what the fuck that ain't me
do you think i'm assed to capitalize shit at this point.
I just made a Healdom.
You'd be better off making a buff sorceress or something.
Oh okay, sorry.
still a buttslut tho
wait shit i capitalized shit
i don't fuckin kno anymore
I don't think so. I just finished making a delicate punch girl.
PNCH is still falling. What you need to do is take a chance on MSCL, it's a completely different stock.
Which traits?
Is there any way to create an actual plane instead of a shitty demiplane that costs bajillions of monies to have enough room for a large house
Becoming a God.
You think shitting out dimensions is easy? There's a reason it takes high-level casters to make room for a single multi-planar bathroom.
Does the Glory + Encompassing Light trick really work?
The writer of the Light handbook says here that Glory only affects the cost of NORMAL bright light, not any (light) talents.
I mean Glory probably shouldn't exist, but it does pretty clearly say that it actives "the effects of (light) talents".
That refers to talents like Repelling Light or Revealing Light, which cost a spell point to create separately from any spell points needed to maintain the glow.
Encompassing Light costs no extra spell points.
I cannot help but notice the following two legendary Equipment talents right next to each other:
>Oversized Weapons
>Prerequisites: Equipment sphere
>You may wield weapons sized for creatures 1 size larger than yourself with no penalty.
>Stable Shooter
>Prerequisites: Equipment Sphere, Firearm Training talent or Mechanical Training talent
>If you are proficient with the culverin, double hackbut, or gastraphetes, you are always treated as though it was supported or mounted and may reload these weapons while prone.
Why do these exist? Oversized Weapons means that any Strength-based character can go ahead and take a talent for 3d6 damage greataxes (good with Axe Training), greatswords, lucerne hammers, and the like.
Even worse, Oversized Weapons and Stable Shooter together means that a character can wield a 6d6 damage Large double hackbut. That rises to 8d6 by using both Encompassing Light and Glory, since Spheres of Power is supposed to go hand-in-hand with Spheres of Might. A 6th-level character with that 8d6 damage firearm can deal 30d6 + static modifiers damage with a Sniping deadly shot and Vital Strike, on a touch attack too.
Worst of all, these do not even open up any new avenues or tactics in combat. They are nothing but mindless damage-increasers, and Spheres of Might was supposed to do something other than just ramp up martial damage.
Would anyone agree that Oversized Weapons and Stable Shooter have no place as talents?
>"Back in my day you had to take a two level dip in barbarian to get to use Large weapons"
>"And even then you still took the -4!"
Assuming legendary talents work like Advanced talents did, I don't think it's unreasonable, Stable Shooter however does take a lot of the punishment (and in my opinion some of the fun) out of the larger firearms. There's just something fun about firing a weapon strong enough to knock you flat on your ass.
>Worst of all, these do not even open up any new avenues or tactics in combat. They are nothing but mindless damage-increasers, and Spheres of Might was supposed to do something other than just ramp up martial damage.
Double Hackbuts are unusable without a talent like that so I think it's semi-okay, but Oversized Weapons should go.
I see the demand for its flavor but it should get some other benefit.
'You can wield weapons of 1 size larger but its base damage is still that of a weapon sized for you, however you get [other benefit].'
Likewise, does anyone think that the troubadour is far too powerful and flexible a class?
3/4 BAB, 6 base skill points, good Reflex and Will, and a martial tradition (e.g. Brutal Butcher for Armor Training, Axe Training, and two Dueling talents) give it a good chassis to start with.
Then it happens to be a low spherecaster, albeit one with very few talents. A troubadour can still put that spherecasting to good use with talents that need little caster level, such as Fate's Blessing, Fate's Curse, Light's Encompassing Light with Glory, and Time's Retry.
Then it has a combat talent every other level. That is about enough to gradually pick up the likes of legendary Equipment's Oversized Weapons, the Berserking base, and Berserking's Savage.
Then it has this class feature:
>Performer’s Synergy: The troubadour has assumed so many roles in his life that he can consult with them as needed, drawing on their expertise.
>Choose attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws, or caster level. The troubadour gains a +1 competence bonus to this category, +1 at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter.
>At 6th level and every 6 levels thereafter, the troubadour may choose a new category to gain this bonus.
A troubadour's raw numbers get rigged to good levels with this, even putting its attack bonus on par with full BAB.
Then a troubadour has something like a vigilante social talent every even-numbered level, except it can be used to acquire versatile performances, and it can gain the Pageant of the Peacock with its own independent pool of rounds per day. The troubadour is now on par with bardic skill monkeys.
Then the troubadour has binder-vestige-like "personas" that they can switch between throughout a day, granting huge packages of things like extra skill ranks, extra class talents, extra BAB, bardic inspire courage, and so on and so forth. The benefits of personas are massive, and can be juggled as the adventuring day goes on.
Does anyone find this too much?
>6th-level character with that 8d6 damage firearm can deal 30d6 + static modifiers damage with a Sniping deadly shot and Vital Strike, on a touch attack too.
My mistake; 32d6.
Why would you *not* take Oversized Weapons if you are wielding a 1d10, 1d12, or 2d6 damage weapon? It is a mindless, unconditional, boring damage boost that goes against the idea of talents opening up new combat options rather than just rigging numbers.
Why would you never just take Primal Fury when playing an initiator? Because games are meant to have fun, not see who can roll the most dice/do the most with out rolling any dice. The problem is most games care more about the latter and because of this most fan-content has to cater to it to become popular.
Because wielding a big sword is cool as fuck.
A better solution would just be a clause saying further size increases won't boost your damage.
Damage dice stacking is, in fact, something that the (distant) Path of War 1 errata aims to fix. At least the Dreamscarred Press developers are aware that encouraging martials to do little but deal more and more damage makes for a boring combat paradigm.
I agree with you that these talents could stay, and also that they could offer a benefit other than increased damage for wielding such a massive weapon.
>Superb Reach
>Prerequisites: Lancer sphere, base attack bonus +5
>The reach of any weapon you wield increases by 5 ft. In addition, you may treat a creature as being adjacent to another creature as long as both creatures are within 10 ft. of each other. For every additional 5 base attack bonus you possess, the reach of weapons you wield increases by 5 ft.; at base attack bonus +15, you treat a creature as being adjacent to another as long as both creatures are within 15 ft. of each other.
I take issue with this legendary talent as well. It is an unconditional, no-questions-asked reach increase that does not even take martial focus. For the price of a single talent in Lancer with both drawbacks, a character can gain Superb Reach and Adamant Stalker (an improved version of Step Up), thereby making them a menace with their threatened area.
Spheremighters want to take Combat Reflexes or Muscular Reflexes anyway, since there are so many good deals reliant on attacks of opportunity. A single talent in Dueling with both drawbacks for Defensive Slice (Cut from the Air + Smash from the Air) and Scar Tissue (scaling damage reduction) is a good example. Why not extend your reach unconditionally as well?
It is even better if you are wielding a normally 1d12 or 2d6 damage weapon with the Oversized Weapons drawback, because then your attacks of opportunity are rolling 3d6 for base weapon dice.
This is what happens when you don't check for traps in a dungeon:
Just a warning to anyone new to Pathfinder : whatever you do, don't play with the mythic rules. They are broken beyond quick description. Just... just don't do it. If you want epic flavor, go high level with a good DM.
Man spheres is just such a stupid name for their mechanics.
Boxing sphere? Lancing sphere? Sounds fucking dumb. More like Dildo sphere! amirite?
That looks painful!
What kind of dungeon builder would do such a thing? Craft a butt-violating stone thrower?
Hello people, I've entered Pathfinder not so long ago, so I'm kinda new. This is my first campaign (second, technically, but the first one only lasted 2 sessions due to half the players always being absent). I'm currently playing Warpriest and I got some questions about Sacred Weapon. Do the enchantmens (Holy, Ghost touch, etc...) last for a limited amount of time? Do I have to activate divine power in order to use them? And, if it does consume rounds of use, does it consume Divine power's rounds?
I read that stuff with as much attention as I could, but nowhere it is mentioned the duration and the uses.
My source was
r pathfinder is that away
>tfw I've seen a mannequin manip of this exact picture
Small world.
>Sacred Weapon
As per, the rules say the following:
>the warpriest gains the ability to enhance one of his sacred weapons with divine power as a swift action
>The warpriest can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to his warpriest level, but these rounds need not be consecutive.
So they only last as long as your Divine Power rounds, yes.
>Deadpan Not-Loli, Bondage Punch Girl, Tank, Knowledge of Everything
All these fuggin monstergrills
Time for a DragonGame1 Greentext!
>Everyone gets dressed for the ball while also declaring that Lameeka's dress will totally catch the guys' attention
>Darling arrives to flirt with his DragonWife and escort the party
>Arrive early enough to get some seats and start eating
>People are staring because good lawd look at them dergunbabes
>A giant walking pile of medals arrives! Oh, wait, that's Celestine! And she needs help!
>Cue even bigger tide of questions and proposals.
>Everyone gets asked out to a dance! Except Atolm. And Astarte, but player was absent due to meatly tribulations
>Freyda shows off her crazy mindpowers while Lameeka gets taken for a ride
>Song ends and married couple go make out in public.
>As everyone is switching off, Freyda gets visited by an old man
>He sees it all kinda weird how they just killed a dragon and suddenly dragonfolk just show up.
>Oh look! It's Sir Daubany!
>He assures them that he won't get in the way of their investigations on Cross, but he does advise caution considering how obvious it was that they were snooping around.
>He also finds the whole gift-giving thing weird.
>He's beaten up the guards and is bothering everyone looking for the dragonslayer
>Bullies Celestine, the real dragonslayer, by claiming that the dragon isn't really dead!
>As this asshole, this Knave, gets comfy, some investigations are made. One, he's so overflowing with power that he blinds Freyda. Two, Celisse's power of Detect Evil pings that he's Neutral at the worst.
>Possible conclusion? He might be some sort of deity. He also smacked a guy out with a bottle and the bottle survived.
>Gives an open-invitation challenge for everyone present!
W-well the party was fun while it lasted!
>An immortal wizard touched time-space, watched the end of the world on rerun like it was a B-list movie, and realized that she saw everything there is to see in the world. Becoming bored with her life, she decided to reroll as a martial on Lunatic difficulty, adding an overwhelming bondage fetish to further handicap herself. Thus, she became level 1 newbie deadpan bondage punch girl.
>Kanna is replaying the game of life on hard mode, with a self-imposed (and magic-reinforced) no sphere grid challenge. She chose the terms of her own exile when she reincarnated herself just to give her new life some extra difficulty, so that it would be more fun and interesting to someone who had already seen the literal true ending of the game.
This is probably one of the best character concepts I've ever seen.
>they could offer a benefit other than increased damage for wielding such a massive weapon.
Some for of Cleave that is easier to use? Treating enemies 10 ft. away from each other as being adjacent instead? Sliding after hit? Reducing cover or shield bonuses? Bonuses to sunder and attacking terrain?
What, you mean that edit by adi? Guy's a real scumbag.
Are you the guy who made her? I like her concept but how is she CE, I'd go ahead and make her textbook CN / TN because at this point good and evil are not meaningful concepts to her.
That's... a very busy class.
And Scholar still sucks shit.
The troubadour completely and overwhelmingly blows away the scholar in terms of being a skill monkey, utility character, and combatant.
The same guy who would design a fake main entrance which is a sphere of annihilation.
Also spring spikes that do sodomize you are a classic.
Spheres of Annihilation are based
How would you improve the scholar? 2hu? Is it possible to make a d6 1/2 BaB class worthwhile without giving it spellcasting?
The scholar could use a defensive class feature at 1st-level. Perhaps Intelligence to AC and CMD while unarmored and not using a shield, +1 for every two scholar levels past the first? It would help compensate for the scholar being terribly squishy.
The scholar's talents all need to be as strong as cunning attacker, martial study, and studied technique.
Flashbangs needs to become an Alchemy talent instead of something built into the class, and the material impositions once reliant on flashbangs should key off any weapon attack.
>Half Succubus, Half Gelatinous Cube
What the fug
Half Succubus, Half Gelatinous Cube, 100% Comfy.
>ambition is literally to be a bed
Why do you assume everyone automatically always takes the double hakbut though?
Keep in mind options exist for things like hand crossbows as well.
If it is ONLY balanced when using the biggest most powerful weapon available, it can easily become worthless for anything beneath it.
No one noticed Atolm was in there talking to the girls as they were getting dressed.
The real question is: does she carry around her equipment inside her?
use the twin-spheres to power a romulan warbird?
Slimecubus is cute
There's pretty much no reason to not use it with one outside of thematic and just because it can shore up a not broken option doesn't mean we should ignore the broken combo.
Let's be honest, they're from the Demesne.
Everyone's seen everyone naked in the Demesne.
So just disallow it with weapons that require setting up (siege, hakbuts; and cannons are firearm-class anyways so whatever list the hakbut is in didn't matter anyhow).
No reason to also kill off someone with giant derringers.
>looking at Dreamscarred Succubus
>at level 8 a succubus has +6 DEX, +8 CON, +14 (!) CHA, +4 INT, +4 WIS, +6 Natural armor, +6 WIL (actually +8 because of WIL), +2 FOR (actually +6), +6 DEX (actually +9), +8 BAB, acid r. 10, cold r. 10, DR 10/CI, Good
Dreamscarred monster classes are really inconsistent
Classes with more levels are usually obscene with their stat bonuses, while classes with fewer levels still have stat bonuses, they just get less.