Smokerebel homebrew

I'm making a not!steampunk system and want a wide arsenal of weapons for that tacticool combat vibe.

Names, pictures, ideas, steampunk bitching etc thread

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Bloodborne has some melee weapons that you might like.
How crazy should these weapons be? Just kind of science fictiony, or scythe-wiht-a-blade-made-of-fire-that-also-turns-into-a-motorcycle crazy?

>a not!steampunk system
So, steampunkpunk?

Not quite that crazy, mainly looking for more variety to the combat than bullets and bolts of different sizes. Melee is fair game too. Fire bombs, weaponized tesla coils, steam cannons, that kind of shit. Since the setting is arid/dessert, my current favorite idea is super heating sand then rail-gunning it at shit.

A glass cannon, if you will

Flare Revolver: fires a small incendiary explosive to light your target and anything near it on fire.

Rail Spear: an electrified two pronged polearm, you can load a projectile spear into it (think the kind you would use in a speargun) between the two prongs and fire it like a railgun by using the electrified prongs as a rail.

Flash Cannon: a primitive energy weapon that fires a massive unfocused burst of energy in a wide cone. It has a short range and isn't very lethal, but it can easily blind people and/or light them on fire.

As long I'm bringing up Killing Floor weapon I should also mention the buzzsaw crossbow, the saw goes through enemies and bounces off of everything else.

ooooh, I am hacking together a limb damage system, and mechanical limbs are cool, so dismembering shit would be neato

Big fuck - off crossbows that fire explosive / shrapnel / etc bolts

Hydromancy gloves. It would be an exotic weapon type and each different attack would use up a different amount of water. Like a water skin would be a water-crossbow - bolts and a gallon would be a water-fireball.


You sound like a retard.



But sand isn't magnetic OP, how would you railgun it?

>a pepperbox pepperbox

I wonder if the barrel clusters can all accidentally gangfire like on the normal pepperbox pistols.

I hope they can.

For when flak cannons just aren't classy enough.

Weaponized Tesla Coils you say?

I wonder if you could actually make a semi-practical defence or weapon with tesla coils

Probably something for crowd control would be my thought - I recall mythbusters where they tested water gun + stun gun, which didn't really work, but near the end they went to a giant (as in, Jamie was inside the top of it) tesla coil and that did work with the squirt gun they had, so you could scale that up and have a neat water hose/telsa coil combo

Literal autist

The in - depth explanation or the concept?

If OP is desert steam punk you could have a picrelated steam punk version.

WWI is steampunk enough, or is it too modern? What ever.

Tends to fall on the too modern, but there's a lot of cool shit that only got photogrphed during the war so it sort of counts

Also, there was an actual steam tank (admittedly, a prototype)

Well, is late 19:th century too modern?

Hell, "not!steampunk" tells me Jack shit. It gives time period from the 17:th century (first patent for steam engine 1603) to somewhere close WWII.
Even Victorian times (the definite steampunk time) is from 1837 to 1901.
From brand new percussion caps overthrowing venerable flintlocks, to breechloaders, to Peacemaker, to fucking machine guns and semiauto handguns. From steam locomotives to internal combustion and electric motors.
Somebody please tell me what is the fucking year!

>mfw flare revolvers in 1
So damn OP

The power of vigorous hand waving probably