need polish fag to elaborate
Need polish fag to elaborate
fukken kek
>fetish fantasy
Im gonna check that out next time at flgs
if we're talking about foreign systems, is there any pole who wants to say anything about neuroshima? from what i understand it's some kind of quirky post apocalypse setting.
I need it translated
it's a pretty nice system, uses USA as setting, you have muties, robots, jungle, loads of stuff trying to kill you. Anything interests you in particular?
GM'ed that shit for three years.
The plot of this setting is silly and full of holes, but otherwise its bearable.
I'd chose Warhammer FRP or Fading Suns over it any day.
Hold up, Neuro is Polish? And there isn't any translation of it? Color me surprised. Never tried it myself, but from what I heard, nice setting, shit system.
>Warhammer FRP
It's the cancer of Polish gaming community.
Awesome setting, shitty mechanics. Me and my players love it though, I GMed it for like 2 and a half year for a single party of adventurers. Good times.
WH is all right by itself, the problem is that it's probably like, 75% of all systems used in Poland, which results in very little variety. It's still my go-to system when it comes to fantasy, but I like to experiment and try different stuff.
That it is, but still beats Neuroshima in my books.
Anyway, something like this:
>simple to understand setting
>some decent plot ideas
>barter exchange rates for given region...?
>fukken retarded mechanics
>plot holes
>everythin a desert (muh madmax)
i don't know shit about it, so everything interests me
I tend to homebrew the setting a little bit to put in some variety. Like, Texas is really green and luscious, even with some forests, all the North is pretty much an arid, rocky wasteland and East coast is a swampland. Only true desert, sandy and shit, is the Vegas region with Nevada and maybe the West coast. Everyone was OK with it and has fun, so I guess it wasn't bad.
I pity the fools who can not enjoy Neuroshima.
But to be completely serious, it's a damn shame it wasn't ever translated into English. I would gladly join a translation group to help bring it to more players.
i heard it might be difficult to translate, because it has very polish kind of mentality to it, is it true?
I'd describe it as a setting similar to Fallout, with lower level tech, more gang stuff, and more cars. I don't think there is an inherent polish mentality in it but I can be biased.
It has an unusual health mechanic. Instead of numeric hitpoints you either take Light, Heavy or Critical Wounds. It's more narrative in that instead of someone dropping to 0 hitpoints the guy takes a Heavy Wound to the chest, which probably translates to him having a pierced lung and dropping to ground. It's interesting, but a lot more clunky from typical gaming perspective.
I guess... Maybe it's because of the fact that books are not written in this dry, encyclopaedia-like fashion with just rulesets and tables. They are more like a tale of some hard-ass veteran introducing a rookie into the world, you know? And it's all sprinkled with some fun side stories, usually relevant to the chapter's topic.
It also might be hard to translate because of the humour, which as you may know, is highly untranslatable in most langages because of idioms and cultural ties.
I would be in for a challenge, though.
Not sure, apart from some in-jokes like the Four Tankmen perk it's basically USA as people from Eastern Europe understand it. So Texas is full of cowboys, Vegas is the one town with electricity and everyone is superstitious there, Salt Lake is religious nut center etc.
Polish mentality might be in that it is depressing as fuck, despite all the funny bits. For starters, every PC starts off with a chronic illness they need to regularly take meds for (only Texans can take a Healthy life perk). and it's very easy to die.
It's utter shit gameplay-wise. The ruleset is just fucking awful. You can literally consider it Polish FATAL in terms of mechanics.
And the setting only works if you are:
- a Pole
- who experienced 90s in Poland first-hand
- and watched too much B-movies on VHS
Don't get me wrong, the setting can be fun, but it really reaches full potential if you are aware of all the stuff it's spoofing.
When compared with Neuro, even KaCet starts looking appealing.
It's more of "USA as seen by post-commie nation taking all the knowledge from late 80s and early 90s VHS bootlegs". So 3/4 of the game content makes only sense if you experienced this shit yourself and ALL the jokes only fire up if you were obsessively watching "Western stuff" in 90s.
For fucks sake, a hefty dose of jokes in Neuro is based on "Dr Queen, the Medicine Woman" trivia, which was a massive hit in Poland in mid 90s
Yeah, I tried to homebrew it quite a bit in my time, trying to make it more logical and mechanically bearable.
>Anything that's not near big faction capital is either raider or Outpost bitches for taxation (raw materials, manpower, food etc).
>No ridiculus diseases from the start and magically created post war meds. Survival of the fittest!
>Flora is still there, some damaged and some mutated, but still not gone.
>Stole mechanics from Fading Suns to ease it up and roll 1d20 instead of 3d20.
>Extended firearms list up to 300 with % chance to find depending on location (city, village, military base) and rarity (how many sold in US, most popular use).
And my old group broke up soon after. Haven't had a chance to try it out properly.
Honestly, the only reason I ever played Neuro was Fallout popularity around the time it was published. The game as is just doesn't work: the setting is pure cringe, the mechanics are fucking broken (fucking slider, who invented that shit?!) and if you want to play post-apo, it's literally better to pick any game you like and homebrew a setting for it.
Biggest irony of Polish tabletop RPG:
- Twilight 2000, a post-apo game that ALWAYS starting near Kalisz, was never published in Poland due to failed deal with Copernicus
- Neuroshima, a Polish-made post-apo game set in US of A, was never published outside Poland (and that's a good thing in my book, as it's just awful)
It's not quirky, it's just bad. It's so contrived it makes Bethesda's take on Fallout look good. Compared with unplayable mechanics and you realise the only reason it was ever popular in Poland is because it was one of the four games released past the 2000 mark and the only one to ever come with post-apo as a setting
And how dry it was/is in Poland? People homebrewed roughtly 20 books of fan-made content to just fix the shit-tier setting full of holes, while nobody uses the mechanics presented in the source material, as it comes with rules so retarded you can just flip a coin when trying to decide who shot who.
What exactly did you find cringeworthy in the setting? I know it's spoofy, but I guess not every postapo setting has to be dark and terrifying and unforgiving.
The mechanics... yeah, they are terrible. I like the Wounds though, I always found it weird to count down your lifepoints, so it's an idea (wonky, but still).
>USA as people from Eastern Europe understand it
>Texas is full of cowboys
>Salt Lake is religious nut center
Here's the deal, actual Americans have the same stereotypes.
I know, I know, shit source, but it's a really good summary of what's wrong with Neuro:
I was translating it but abandoned 60% through.
All Gimmicks are translated, diseases don't have flavor text and are only stat modifiers.
There was another, bigger translation but it was literal with all the polish-only things translated word for word.
Not sure if you are American, but the book is really extreme about the "Easter Europe perception".
How bad Texas is in the stereotype? Imagine Dr Quinn combined with Walker, Texas Ranger, add a dash of John Wayne westerns and that's about it.
In a post-apo game, no less
this actually sounds kinda awesome
>You can literally consider it Polish FATAL in terms of mechanics.
>You can literally consider it Polish FATAL in terms of mechanics.
i see polish-speaking brigand community is too retarded to understand the simple guideline to difficulty settings. I'd expect nothing less from a self-hating failure without identity
did you get booted from your containment thread on ?
>Imagine Dr Quinn combined with Walker, Texas Ranger, add a dash of John Wayne westerns and that's about it.
Yep, that's Texas.
It SOUNDS awesome.
It's stop being awesome if you realise it's growing in Arizona, New Mexico and west-most Texas, not to mention the other side of the "border".
So you've got an Amazon jungle in the middle of fucking desert, BECAUSE.
And the entire setting is like that.
>i see polish-speaking brigand community
Oh, it's that /pol/tard again.
Everyone and their dog knows Neuro is shit-tier on the mechanical side, so kindly fuck off from turning another thread into /pol/ shitlifting
>i see polish-speaking brigand community is too retarded to understand the simple guideline to difficulty settings. I'd expect nothing less from a self-hating failure without identity
So everyone has so much of a shit taste the base manual was reaching high prices and Portal released re-prints.
I wonder do you monitor Veeky Forums to shit on everything for free or are you paid to do it?
No user, Neuroshima is just a very bad game with even worse ruleset.
If you want to promote good Polish tabletops, there is always Wild Fields, THE quintessential Polish tabletop RPG. Or De Profundis for new wave stuff.
But bringing Neuro to the fry is like being proud of eating shit
>de profundis
too bad mail is kinda dead, i guess you can play with e-mail but i think it isn't the same frankly
Dude, the climate changed drastically after all the ABC bombing. That justifies it.
>Almost no new games published in Poland at all
>No post-apo game ever published in Poland
>Height of Fallout popularity in Poland
Gee, I wonder why Neuroshima sold so well paddling those 2k copies 13 years ago... That had be totally due to top-quality! That also explains why Portal released re-prints ONCE and grand total of 200 of them. Unless you want to count the 2nd re-print, grand total of 100 books, STILL IN STOCK for past 5 years.
Keep trying. Maybe you will bend reality with your will one day
> It is pre-requested to even start character creation. Reading through the setting's lore while sober can be hard to take. Highlights include: dense jungle growing in the middle of the desert, adult people living with a condition causing them to sweat acid in a world with no medical care, New York not being a prime or even secondary target of nuclear attack, European nobles coming to post-war States and establishing a feudal confederation in Deep South, with slaves mining coal... The list can go on for quite a while.
oh my
Neuroshima seems good compared to Wolsung.
Dzikie Pola is nice though.
But user, majority of gamers HAVE shit tastes, and its hardlt a polish specific thing.
Just look what is the most popular rpg worldwide ;^)
That hand-waves it. If you had a climat supporting jungle in Arizona and New Mexico, you wouldn't have deserts east of Rockies, but marshes and/or lush greenland.
Guess what you have there instead.
Neuro only starts working out as a setting if you either homebrew the living shit out of it (so it no longer will be even Neuro, but your own creation, top to bottom) or pick up the mentioned already fan expansions, which made the setting much more consistend and reasonable than the original "muh mad max lolsrandom"
Afterglow RPG got 9 out of 3k goal in 3 hours after launching, ended with 41k on Polish kikestarter.
But that's at best it starts spreading over the border pic rel
The trick is not to force yourself to play it with too much realism. I always enjoyed playing Neuro in not-so-serious or even comedic tone. Muh Mad Max? Comedic relief.
I forgot about Nemesis, probably because I never played it but my friends said it is pretty good.
Maybe because Wolsung is 3rd worst Polish RPG?
And Neuro is "only" 5th worse (Monastyr is 4th, 2nd goes to KaCet, 1st is Kruk). 6th goes to Arkona, which is heroic fantasy with rules of a horror game and shit-tier setting (I'm amazed Lechistan faggots didn't pick that game up, but then again, most of them were born around the time it was released)
Seriously, Dzikie Pola is the only TTRPG that holds over the years and has nice ruleset (especially 1e). Then comes Oko for rule-light and then MAYBE Witcher, which is cluncky and easily broken, but just fun to run with greenhorns
>Talking about money collection
>Not books printed and sold
Nice moving of goalposts
So Oko Yrrhedesa is really good? I've only heard about it a few times, never had an opportunity to give it a read.
Still won't make Neuro good. You can literally pick all the good things from it and ideas (Moloch structure, certain factions, common genetic mutations causing serious diseases) and then run it with some non-shit rules.
In short - you end up playing something that doesn't even look like Neuro in the end.
It's absolutely golden for rule-light. Easy to learn,. easy to run, fun to play if you have people willing to put some roleplaying effort into it.
And most importantly - it's short, compact and runs almost entirely on d6 (technically there is d10 involved, but it's very easy to keep it d6)
yea, it's very basic, kinda like more complicated fajerbol in my opinion
I remember Afterglow came out very shortly before Warzone: Resurrection, which I've heard hit it hard. I don't know if Afterglow sells, but I like their elves.
So if I'll take the setting from Neuro and mix it with rules from a different system will I get a nice, playable and enjoyable system?
Thanks, gonna give it a look.
Assuming you are going to pick a setting from fan-made stuff and not the "official" crap - yeah, it's pretty neat.
Average expansion for given faction/region is 200-250 pages long.
The setting as described in core book is maybe 40 pages in total.
How about the Neuroshima Hex boardgame?
Also I know there was a miniaures game, but it died due to poor casting quality. Which is surprising considering how many good bits and miniature makers are there in Poland (like Kromlech, MaxMini or Puppetswar, the latter two have some pretty good post-apo stuff).
There's a free version on mobile stores, if you like it the game is more of it.
You can get a quick look at the rules in the link posted by
It's roughtly 10 times better than the original TTRPG and it's the very reason the creators completely abandoned TTRPG business - the board and hand-held version of Neuro Hex! were making more money with less effort than they could ever imagine. Plus they don't suck, so it's also nice
The minature game was shit quality, because Portal was trying to sell cheaply made minis with quality of army men packages sold in discount shops.
Neuroshima Hex is good and fun. There is also at least one resources managing game that is meh
there was add-on called "Ołów" if i remember correctly which simplified that mess with suwak(or rather got rid of it). Basically you just modified stats instead of that whole % fuckery
It still doesn't drop the horrible 3d20 system nor the retarded way of handling modifiers. Removing slider is like reworking THAC0 in ADD - still god-awful ruleset, with one extra-clunky element out.
Original suwak was boring.
I changed it to things happening based upon the amount of 1's or 20's you roll.
where 3 nat 1's in a row with a chance of 1/8000 happening would cause miracles to happen and 3 nat 20's would kill or severely cripple you.
Once a player lost a leg in an attempt to kick down the door because he rolled 2 nat 20's, made a hole in them and activated a trap set behind them.
well yeah, but ołów itself was horrible mess. they wanted to make the system more "realistic" and reworked everything to almost FATAL levels of "detail" wound-wise.
You have blood-loss, can destroy vital points and on and on.
Also, %'s were meant either for MENSA-tier levels of autism or as a general idea what difficulty should a player roll when sniping unscoped at target 900 meters away.
I will never understand the point of 3d20. It doesn't use bell curves, it doesn't use normal crit-fail rules and it tries waaaay too hard to be something new and original
duh, i hated %s the most i think, we quickly got rid of that and replaced it with simple -1/-2/-3 to stat thing.
Out of pure curiosity - which Polish word are you desperately trying to translate, Mr Braun?
that's literally what difficulty does though.
I have certified assburger so i can quickly count it when GMing to set difficulty without mentining the % values or hindrances
So, since the thread seems to have gathered all poles on Veeky Forums, mind if I ask what fellow poles on this board actually play?
Polish RPGs?
Translated ones from decade or two ago?
English language ones?
You're too inconsequential to be crooks, no power and corruption to be cronies either.
well yeah, but it's quicker to say something like
>it's 100m so you'll have -1 to the stat
>it's 100m so you'll have 15%
isn't it? i took the numbers out of my ass that's granted, but i feel like it's quicker
Dunno, I use it in great effect for Vallheru-based games, works like a charm.
I play deadlands, Call of Chthulhu and Neuroshima, waiting for afterglow rpg
Illuminati, Neuroshima Hex! and "Stawka większa niż życie"
I just state the diffuculty level of a test.
If players are curious i mention all the factors contributing, like distance, movement etc.
>Trying to insult someone with "rozbójnik"
>Seriously using "rozbójnik" in any context at all, bar maybe Rumcajs
neuroshima for way too long, basically we patched system so much it became our own.
I also played whfb 1ed a little, but quickly moved to 40k's "toy-soldiers" as we call them. Never played in english honestly.
When we were younger we just homebrew everything i remember our first "system" was three stats. Body, Mind, Luck(where luck was spend to turn the dice), and when testing you rolled the amount of dice equal to your stat, then looked for doubles/triples and so on. The more multiples you had, the more successful you were, luck was fucking important, really.
still better than huncwot
not possible in our group, everyone is from mat-fiz so they struggle with basic stuff like addition/multiplication/substraction.
did you fall for the college meme?
At least Polish college teaches you something useful and doesn't put you in crippling debt, so an improvement over the west.
I run GURPS and Twilight 2000 as for now. Before that I was running 0D&D megadungeons for/with oldfags and in the late 90s Vampire was the easiest game to find players for.
I tend to introduce people to the hobby with Witcher, the pocket edition of it (it's great for this kind of stuff).
I used to play (never GM) A LOT of Wild Fields scenarios and campaigns. Our GM was a history teacher, so it was fun as fuck. My Cyberpunk 2020 group sadly dissolved few years ago, so when we meet up from time to time, we are rather using GURPS now (easier to play without remembering fuckload of rules).
Other than that, only one-shots for different games.
And the hobby is dying anyway, with age-average steadily increasing, so I don't think I will be able to find players in next 10 years or so.
Oh, and also Call of Cthulhu games when I was still on the uni, since we found a half-decent GM who was not only willing to do this stuff, but also was breddy gud for CoC scenarios.
welp, i was from biochem, so i am kinda better off than them(at the other hand i study medical analysis, so yeah). All of them are on polytechnics to, so i am not sure about whole "college meme"
>Never played in english honestly
But user, no one does that. Almost no-one with a sense. You don't have to play the game in english because rules are in english. Sure using english gemeplay terms in midst of polish narration is sometimes weird but in most cases some kind of ad hoc utilitarian translations of the key phrases appear quickly.
myself I'm playing The One Ring as of now but unfortunately it's as popular in Poland as it is everywhere else, this board included.
That is, not at all.
at least not almost, fuck.
i though you asked about playing with people other than poles.
If you ask about english-rpg then sure, sometimes, FATAL for example
Highlander pride, world wide
Infinity, the miniatures game. I backed the RPG and I don't regret it, but I have not played it yet.
Back in the day I dabbled in Neuro and D&D (3.x and 4e).
>I was running 0D&D megadungeons for/with oldfags
>and in the late 90s
>talks about oldfags
>was playing in 90s
Sup, grandpa
Many things, right now I'm trying out settings and "popular" systems I haven't got an opportunity to yet. Would mostly like to try running Shadowrun or some superhero campaign.
At the moment I'm mostly running horror games or rule light one-shots in whatever setting me and my players feel like playing at the moment. Also running a WH campaign for some tabletop newbies becase my friend asked me to.
Apart from that I'm thinking about starting to run larps, I like doing this sort of stuff and I'm pretty good at it, but never did actual larps before so I kind of don't know where to start with it.
Oh, an I'm also writing a dungeon crawler system, with emphasis on resouces management and being hard and gritty. Currently in the playtests phase.
Works for fantasy/medieval games.
>you will never play a Janosik campaign
DESU, the only Polish game I ever played was Witcher around the time it was released.
Friend got 3.0 books as a present once and we sticked with those for a long while. And when on uni, I was introduced to GURPS 4e by guys from ŚKF and I don't play anything else ever since, but getting players for it is pretty tricky.
I wouldn't say it's dying, more that the demographics of target group is changing so much that there is no continuity between generations of players. the 90s old guard, the 00s Neuro/D&D 3E/WFRP2 ad nausea wave, and modern youth gamers play different games in different ways, as well as not really interacting on a social level beckause wildly different backgrounds.
>He never played Janosik campaign
That's literally everyone who isn't a complete newfag to the hobby plays first
Nah, it's dying. While all the stuff you've listed is true, just think about it for a while:
- ever since MAG went out of RPG business, no "big" releases of foreign systems
- Wolsung was the last "big" release in Poland and that was a decade ago anyway
- it's good if a new game sells in 100 copies AT ALL, while by late 90s selling 5k copies was no biggie
- newfags are usually some kind of banana from Warsaw and you can literally forget about finding players in Poland B entirely
- the only gaming club or community still in "business" is ŚKF and good luck playing with them anyway, as the gaming group has a half-life of about 8 years, with current list of 7 guys in it and all of them are from WFRP 2e background.
- universities are pretty much dead and barren from gaming groups; my younger brother barely scrapped together 10 people from entire UJ 3 years ago.
- the hobby as such doesn't have any coverage at all, since if you aren't old enough to remember the "haydays" of it, there is just no way of knowing such hobby even exists, unless you will find some random, obscure reference (pretty much everyone thinks RPG means a video game)
- even WotC decided they don't see any feasible way of selling their games in Poland and they are infamous fro Starbucks-tier marketing (push hard on the market with massive marketing and low initial prices)
Basically, the hipster "movement" was the last time you had any real inflow of newfags to the hobby and those weren't exactly the people you wanted to play with in the first place, unless their concentration in the group was below 50%
Fuck it, there are only so many chances I can use this image and of course I forgot to add it
It's not dying, there are still many players and many people interested in trying it out and joining the hobby. It's just the form that changed. Because of the internet, not many people buy physical books anymore. More and more people prefer to play in their houses instead of in clubs or shops or even over the internet. There are facebook RPG groups for pretty much every larger city.(And by larger I don't even mean actually big) Even in my 20000 people town I personally know at least 15 people who play and I bet there is more of them.
>ever since MAG went out of RPG business, no "big" releases of foreign systems
>Wolsung was the last "big" release in Poland and that was a decade ago anyway
Dark Heresy was translated and released a year or so ago and did bretty gud in terms of sales AFAIK
ASOIAF got translation as well but IDK how did it fare.
I know of some attempts towards Eclipse Phase and Dungeon World
Also since the general knowledge of english language increased and the accesibility to foreign releases as well Rebel's english-language stock is quite impressive. Lots of shit that would be obscure even for westerners. I even managed to grab a copy of Heroquest: Glorantha from there, ffs. Not that I'll manage to convince anyone to play it, ever.
Point is, modern gamers aren't on polish publisher's mercy anymore, and the wide selection spreads players among many systems instead just hogging to few popular ones.
> even WotC decided they don't see any feasible way of selling their games in Poland and they are infamous fro Starbucks-tier marketing (push hard on the market with massive marketing and low initial prices)
They did it with 3.0 and got quite succesful. We didn't just fall for the same trick twice and they eventually resigned. It didn't help that for some reason polish D&D players develped into extreme 3aboos, 4E got terrible press and basically no one is willing to move on from 3.5 or in extreme cases even errated 3.0
Not him, but have you been playing in mid to late 90s? Tabletops in Poland are in such absurd decline right now it's not even funny. Just in my city quarter there were 18 different groups when I was in high school, while each Wednesday and Saturday the "big room" in the administrative building was handled over to RPG players.
There is not a single group there right now and the last time anyone held games in the Tęcza building, it was 2007