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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
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Persona 5 jump when
No? As much as I would like to leave this to die this confuses me too much to let go.
Please explain.
Good god fuck off already user. There's a note in every exalted jump we have that perfect defences are not literally perfect, and Anathema is a perk that explicitly bypasses perfect defenses. Jump-chan is L I T E R A L L Y omnipotent, so the perk shits on exalted. Now, can we finally move on?
Unrelated note:
I recall we had a question posed a thread or three ago, as to what jumpers' themes were. What songs fit you or your travels, jumpers?
Related link is related. youtu.be
Jumpers, what is your favorite variety of cheesecake?
Have some nice setting wanking
>Chaos Gods cannot be defeated by any means
>The Blind Eternities melt perks
>Perfect Defenses trump perks
>The Doctor is smarter than any jumper
>Avada Kedavra is the best instant-death ability in the chain
>Scion is stronger than the Jumpers/Endbringers cannot be killed
>Ea's blast cannot be stopped
Can Perfect Defenses beat Ea?
Anathema doesn't actually say anything about perfect effects or perfect defenses. Just that if you keep hitting supernatural defenses will fall apart eventually. You should use something else because it wouldn't help much at all against something like a perfect dodge and even if someone does block they can just pop another perfec.
That's why I think it wouldn't work. Not because perks somehow don't do as they say, or because exalted wank, but because that perk in particular isn't specced for that particular job..
Haven't we had this edition like, 4 times?Cheesecake's fine and all, but you just KNOW black forest is better
This works for the travel-kind of travel and not the cosmic war kind of travel, I suppose?
I've always been partial to the New York cheesecake. The berries go just right with the cheese and the cake.
Okay, so you've both established nobody on eiher side of the argument can move on.
Now you've accepted that, can you leave the damn stupid argument in the other thread's burning wreckage?
>The Flashbulb
You, sir, have good taste.
Memes do not foster in /jc/, user.
It's 6 AM and I have to go to work in 2 hours.
I'm certainly not going to start my day by being a quitter.
If you want Black Forest then just order it up when the tables clear next time man. I know I wouldn't mind.
Good thing they aren't perfect defenses or dodges in Jumpchain huh?
Let's just ignore that you fuckwits kept arguing they couldn't be beaten by any defense bypassing perk
They stalemate and the universe ends as a result of so much wanking colliding
No. I won't let people continue being fucking wrong on the internet.
That's because it's wording was actually changed and I didn't notice because I haven't looked at smite since it was basically first posted.
I already said that wasn't me earlier and I'm pretty sure that was the guy shitposting.
I can't help it if some people are spicy memelords trying to grab (You)s like a shortage is coming up.
Ah, your memes.
Those memes you've been writing.
We heard about those memes.
How excited you were about those memes.
How disappointing that you're losing your will to complete those memes we heard about and that you were excited about.
Memes you've been working on.
Sure. Of course.
You've been working on MEMES.
MEMES of great importance!
MEMES that will change Memechain forever!
How could people be so selfish as to post things you don't like and discourage you from completing your MEMES of GREAT IMPORTANCE.
I'm sure you're working very hard on your MEMES OF GREAT IMPORTANCE.
Don't let the thread get you down and discourage you from completing your MEMES OF GREAT IMPORTANCE.
How tragic it would be if we never got your MEMES. OF GREAT. IMPORTANCE.
I feel like I need to drink less. Or possibly drink more. I'm not sorry, that was totally worth getting from the archives.
If you could physically stop people from being wrong on the internet everyone on this site would've killed each other long ago.
Minor update to Titanfall to address a few issues that were bugging me.
>Oi! cost changed to free, down from 200cp.
>Krampus Was Waiting For Your Soul! cost raised to 200, from 100cp.
>This means that the total cost has been lowered from 300cp to 200cp, and you no longer have to pay 200 fucking cp to choose your own accent.
>Apex Beauty dropped to 50cp from 100cp.
>Frontier Art dropped to 50cp from 100cp and multiple purchases allowed.
>Both perks are still the same power, this is just so you have more 50cp filler options.
>Added a note to Energy Weapon's description that you get two of them with each purchase. They aren't goddamn special, that should've been in there from the beginning.
>Dropped Size Upgrade in Ship Customization to 50SP per purchase, from 100SP.
>While the concept of ships being giant fucking noodles is hilarious, I decided that was a bit too mean. So, half the price means you can get one in every direction for the price of the original purchase, which means you can maintain proportions on what you import.
>Added Carrier Deck and Titan Deck option.
>It occurred to me that people might want these! Also, more options that let you deal with that 50SP remainder.
>Added Speed is Life option.
But the memes, Jack! How can they be wrong when they feel so right?!
Dude, let's not pretend like we're the only ones participating in an argument, and don't throw proponents of your side of the argument under the bus just because you want to abandon the point and move the goal posts from 'Perfect Defenses are perfect and trump attacks that beat Perfect Defenses' on to 'there is no attack that can trump a Perfect Defense in the first place'.
How about fucking Apotheosis then?
>Chaos Gods cannot be defeated by any means
Except Genocide of everything.
>The Blind Eternities melt perks
Gaunlet has stated that is his opinion and he doesn't enforce it on us.
>Perfect Defenses trump perks
I have yet to see evidence of this.
>The Doctor is smarter than any jumper
Weirdly enough that was really early in my Jumps so yeah. Other Jumpers may vary.
>Avada Kedavra is the best instant-death ability in the chain
I think Gaunlet has a Combo for that actually.
>Scion is stronger than the Jumpers/Endbringers cannot be killed
Scoin can be persauded into suicide and the Endbringers have a weakness to dimensional attacks. (Second Magic from Fate/Stay Night or Reality Slash/World Breaker from Overlord should be able to do it)
>Ea's blast cannot be stopped
I don't know about this one because I've only seen the full blast when it was used in the Reality Marble, however Ea in general use has been defended against before. Please pardon the grammar there.
Looks good.
What? was that a thing in Titanfall? When did Titans fly?
Nope. Perfects stop anything from making them not perfect, even when they're not fucking perfect in the first place in jumpchain.
Please don't take memes seriously. He's just meming. There is no serious conversation to be had.
>his opinion
That's a fucking stupid opinion. How does he even justify it?
how powerful are the locals in anima beyond fantasy?
Really? That would explain a lot then. Terribly sorry that then.
Honestly I just jumped in towards the end because it was getting too stupid that I had to try correcting things. If I've offended anybody I'm sorry. My B
After re reading that perk just to check I don't see why it wouldn't. The whole making absolutes not thing should be a viable path. You've changed the part of perfect defenses where they block things even if those things say they're unblockable so it should work. It's not like there are charms to defend a charm. At least I don't think there are.
I really don't think I need to defend bogus arguments from people that aren't me. If it looked like shifting goalposts I'm sorry, but that wasn't the intent. I'm was trying to explain things as best as possible and offer solutions. That's really it.
Do you want to pull an old argument into a new thread? Because that's literally what you're doing.
Whether objectively right or not, people fanwank differently about shit like this. It's not going to change because you screamed your opinion at them.
You're just baiting at this point, aren't you? This has literally devolved to the point where you're wanting force your opinion on someone else who isn't making anyone do what he thinks, just expressing what he thinks.
What a waste.
No. I cannot understand how he can justify something like that. I get that it's his opinion. But I want to know how he has that dumb ass opinion because I cannot conceive of anyway that it makes sense.
I'm in love.
>You've changed the part of perfect defenses where they block things even if those things say they're unblockable so it should work
Reminder that user here is full of shit. They're not perfect defences so it doesn't matter if they protect against things that pierce them.
Has any Jumper conquered an universe using only memes?
This is actually just shitposting, he doesn't care and just wants to smear his own feces around.
What defense is harder to break through, Accelerators vectors, or a Perfect Defense?
The blind eternities eats full blown planeswalkers like it's going out of style, if they're there long enough. It'll eat just about any normal matter in there as well, and looks at magic like a small child looks at a delicious cheesecake. We are, at best, nascent planeswalkers, not even full blown ones. What exactly do you think is going to happen? You're going to build a house floating in the blind eternities and set up shop? Maybe have a white picket fence, wife, 2.4 kids and a golden retriever? Look out the window at dinner and say "oh, honey, the horrifying space between worlds looks lovely this evening"?
Suddenly I want to. Damn it.
Obvious troll is obvious
short stack,There is a reason my jumper's wife Stacks it so far she has Mutation: think the Venus of Willendorf only more so .fromThe Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest
Heroes/Wolverine and the X-Men stacked with Yordle and shape shifter : flea from league of legends
I've got a couple
Memes aren't for conquering, they are for chaos.
I'm about to go to bed anyway, my grammar is suffering from lack of sleep.
Something along the lines of that's how it works in canon. See there are things other than Planeswalkers that make the run through the blind eternities. All beings without Sparks melt during transit. Gods from various Planes, but more specifically Kamigawa, can make the transit but the blind eternities literally melts there divinity away to get at them, because the divinity is protecting the God from reprisial. At least I think that's Gaunlet's explination, he hasn't gone into gross detail about it and I'm trying to figure things out from inference alone here, and a visit to the Wiki.
Still it's just his opinion and he doesn't force it on us, so it's not really mattering in the long run what his opinions are on the subject.
Have we not learned that we can capture it for chaos, though?
>Not being chaos itself
Ah, so he and you are running with the interpretation that all of Jumpchain takes place within the Magic the Gathering setting? That makes more sense. Still unbelievably stupid but at least I can see some logic to it.
>Obvious troll is obvious
Geez, you don't say Captain Obvious. :V
I'm pretty sure that's just someone's macabre fanart and not one of his canon forms
Nyarly is about having infinite forms. He probably has a few that look like that.
Wasn't it a thousand?
So can we buy the size upgrade for height too or do we have giant space disks now?
>. We are, at best, nascent planeswalkers, not even full blown ones. What exactly do you think is going to happen?
That would be you. I eat those for breakfast.
Jumpers are more like Eldrazi than Planeswalkers though.
That's best mom.
Yes. Of course you do. Because entire team is babies. You're the edgy badass one here. I cede victory to you, and shall be giving you the one-finger salute all the way to bed. Enjoy your (you), friendo.
I considered that, but 150 doesn't divide into your budget easily and I can't make it 33.33whateverCP.
So really, just consider height to increase proportionately if you want it to. If you want giant space disks, fine by me. If you don't, also fine by me.
What's weird about the perk melting thing to me is that there are perks and abilities for surviving in places like that.
Kingdom hearts has one for example. I don't get why a perk made for it would fail. Although maybe he just didn't know the perk exists?
I don't think regular durability would do much so I guess from that angle it makes sense.
Yeah. Do Eldrazi melt in the Blind Eternities?
Neat. Now you've got me in a tight spot trying to decide which flavor I want. To pancake or not to pancake. It's a difficult decision.
A single mother that craps out children randomly and blindly is hardly best mom. Have some standards. Also seriously I could've sworn it was the thousand forms thing.
Hmm. Would "I Live Here" from Kingdom Hearts jump protect you? Or any other similar "screw your hazardous environment, I brought s'mores" perks?
I don't think it has anything to do with that actually. The perk say "you will survive in terrible envorenments" so the Blind Eternities errodes that perk before it gets to you. Kind of like how stacking defenses works in MtG the outermost layer isn't protected from eroding so it gets fucked.
Is this 2015?
Why would the blind eternities erode perks? There's much more dangerous places in the chain.
So the answer to that is 'no, even if you have perks that say you can survive, the blinding eternity destroys those perks and then kills you'.
But there's nothing about the blind eternities that should be eroding perks in general. I can see a jumper getting torn apart for trying to walk through reality acid with just a lot of defense, but if I've got a perk that says I can take a stroll through reality acid I should be able to do it.
But what if I have a perfect defense?
>two fucking stupid arguments one right after the other even continued beyond the dead thread barrier
None of you are without sin. You are all going to hell.
You'd want environmental defense charms rather than a blocking or dodging perfect.
Maybe something like Integrity Protecting Prana to avoid getting unmade.
There are literally single perks that can make you more powerful than any planeswalker, old or new, so stop being so full of shit.
Girls with horns are cute. Where can I go to companion cute girls with horns in jumpchain?
It's all the same people doing it to shitpost.
Elder Scrolls.
Blame Crux for shitting up the thread just after he complained about it in the last one. For all his talk about (((memes))) he certainly isn't very in tune with them.
Wait, what?
I fucking hope that's all this is. This better not ruin regular exalted posting with constant muh perfect, not perfect enuff circular arguing over powerlevels.
That's by far the least interesting thing about exalted and it would be a damn shame if this becomes a trend.
If people could stop being crunch autists for the rest of time the world would only improve.
No, the answer is do not to listen to a shitposter like Crux.
V2.4– AncillaAnon
Titanfall Jumpchain
Wait, hold the dropship! [+100cp]
I'd say don't feed the animals... +200
Titan Fallout +300
origin Engineer free
Specialization: command -200
rolled age Roll(3d8)+20:7,2,7,+20 Total:36
faction:Marauder Corps
Frontier Art X2 -100
Scarves and Suits -100
Titan engineering free for engineer
The Icepick free for engineer
What’s this Do? -100 Discount Engineer
synergy of man and machine -200 discounted for engineer
cheaper by the dozens -300 discounted for engineer
playbook -100
pilot weapon:Smart Pistol MK5,Longbow -DMR sniper,EVA-8 shotgun -100
Anti-Titan Weapon:Mag Launcher ,Archer Heavy Rocket
free for engineer
CP to TP/SP Conversion-400=+1600 SP
Titan chassis:ogre free
Titan ordinance:multi target missile system free Free
particle wall free for engineer
Titan weaponry:XO-16 Chaingun Free
Core Ability :Missile Core Free
Cooper is my Pilot-200 TP
The Odyssey:import LoT-400 400 taken from stipend
Size UpgradeX14: height -700
Size UpgradeX15: length-750
Titan Deck-150
Missile Pods -200sp
Coaxial Cannon -400sp
Factory Module -400SP
In jump plans are unchanged.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance comes with one free choice of three possible companions, one of which is a Gria, who are basically a race of cute dragon girls.
Really? Where? I'm avoiding MtG Settings until at least Jump 300 for this reason and adding to the list of don't jump before powered up is something I'd be fine with.
I think, I mean that's the feeling I got off the guy when we spoke about it a few Threads ago. It's just his opinion but that's how he sees things.
Reality Acid breaks down everything. Even facets of reality, hence the Reality part of Reality Acid.
I have no idea about enough Exalted to speak on equal terms with someone who has actually played a game so I dunno.
No idea.
Don't lie to him user. The only good waifus in Elder Scrolls is Nocturnal.
What really gets me is the "perk erosion" thing. It doesn't even make sense. Why would it erode an ability explicitly designed to survive a setting like that. I just don't understand. Do planes walkers have "perks"? Do they do the whole jumpchain thing? Is such an event even cannon in that verse?
And more importantly does that mean jumpchain takes place in the MtG multiverse? Because fuckfaces keep talking like it is. Like that setting trumps literally everything else in the entire chain.
>Obvious blameshifting is obvious
We already had some folks like that, it was the main reason that Dragonblooded user had that one note in his Jump.
Variety is the spice of life.
A perk that is for surviving in bad places has no business failing at existing because of the bad place that you are using it to survive in.
Not like perks necessarily have presence enough to be eroded. You can't touch them. And even if reality is breaking down anywhere else theres no indication that they'd stop working just because.
Like I can get that someone could have an opinion, but I just don't know where it came from.
Tell me those posts
are not shitposting
What jumps have notable and or available cakes?
Anyone knows any jump for ship import like Star Wars Trilogy and Titanfall?
supreme commander is pretty much the best.