>that guy that shows up to play stoned
That guy that shows up to play stoned
Hey, as long as everybody's having a good time, man...
One MTG guy at my lgs comes to the store sober, but eventually goes out back to smoke weed, and smells like shit for the rest of the night.
Not much of a difference to how he plays off weed, to be honest
My group has that guy (that stoner guy, not That Guy). If he shows up stoned, then good, we get the game going right away. He has a hard time getting in character if he's sober, so we don't start the session until he's good and blazed.
why is that a bad thing? as long as he isnt so stoned out of his mind that he literally cant play i see nothing wrong here. you might just be autistic OP, i bet your the guy who drinks ginger ale at game night when the rest of your group is drinking beer or whatever and having a good time
Because it make you stupid. These games are not for the stupid. Want to get stone and watch stupid shit, that is what TV and the internet are for. Want to actually try to use your brain to either make a story, or solve puzzles? Then don't dull the fucking tool you use moron...
Goddamn this hobby gets worse every day.
>That Guy who isn't invited to the next game
Best way to solve this t.b.h.
Nice enableing user
As long as they are playing a Druid, all they are going is getting into character
>Because it make you stupid
>Because it make you stupid. These games are not for the stupid.
What if your character is a bit stupid?
but thats wrong
Characters can be. Players should never be.
A wise man can play a fool, it's not hard. A fool can never pretend to wise, he will show his foolishness every time.
Even if your premise that it makes you stupid was correct (it doesn't necessarily), you'd still be wrong.
Not every game has to be super serious.
>that time I tried to run a session after eating space brownie
Never again. Totally worth it, but never again
you sound pretty retarded or take games way too seriously m8. just because you are too retarded to be able to make decisions doesnt mean everyone else is
Poop. Underpants. Rigatoni. Apricot.
If that's what it takes for him to get in the mood to game and he's not completely out of it them I'm A-OK with it.
Better than the faggot with the electric pacifier who has no awareness of how utterly disgusting the smell of those chemicals is.
I dont really care about desu honest. Im the DM and all 9 of my plaers bar 1 smoke pot the whole time me and him are the only ones who dont smoke pot, i used to put im no longer a pleb. I dont care as long as they are able to pay attention and RP properly.
Do you guys drink while you roleplay?
>mfw 5 hours into a lighthearted one-shot my friend runs at the last minute
i drink but not to get drunk if that makes sense. usually about a beer per hour of game time, sometimes more sometimes less. as other anons have said as long as it gets you in the mood to play and is not disruptive there is literally nothing wrong with it. only a complete autist would have a problem with it.
You're so fucking wrong it's pathetic. The stoners I play with are the most imaginative players I've seen and their system mastery is excellent, too.
Fuck out of here with this bullshit.
Itt suppositions out the ass from brainwashed sheeple
>usually about a beer per hour of game time
Likewise, but never anything above 4%abv and always with something in my stomach beforehand. When everyone's treading the line just right it's golden.
I usually have about 1.5-2 drinks an hour. Enough for me to get a buzz but not be really drunk.
>tfw you live in a country where the degenerate plant is banned
Feels good man
It's banned in my country too m8. It's banned in most countries.
I still smoke it.
i usually drink stronger beers though, around 5-6% abv. to be completely honest i think it just makes session of whatever game more fun. my group usually plays EDH or DnD and we try not to take things too seriously so everyone loosening up helps with that. people are generally less likely to get salty when they lose if they have a beer in their hand as well
Well, if you gamed with me, I would absolutely report you to the cops.
Sounds like you guys didn't get invited to a lot of parties in highschool and college and still have some unresolved resentment over it
≥alcohol, a perennial problem for mankind, fully accepted
>A herb with very little harmful effects not accepted at all
Yeah, just say no really worked, didn't it....
We get it, you smoke weed.
Enjoy your long, loveless life, tattle tale asshole fuck face.
Would you even need to? You sounds like you're part of the fun police.
thats usually what happened to people like that, most normal people who dont smoke or drink or whatever dont care if others do. its like closet fags who claim to hate fags for moral reasons
>that guy shows up stoned
>confused when we slam the door in his face
Gee, it's not like we've told you 4 times already to stop show up stoned and smelling like a dumpster.
Did you get the multisyllabic word too? Or are you hungover? 'Cause I have more where that came from, sonny.
>its like closet fags who claim to hate fags for moral reasons
Mmmmmmm. I wonder if that's what Putin's problem is.
I don't care that people smoke weed. I do care that every person I've met who does smoke never shuts the fuck up about it.
>This judgmental
Yeah, sounds like he dodged a bullet with your group anyway.
Need to? No. Want to? Yes. I don't like tolerating degeneracy.
Yet you're on Veeky Forums. Great logic there, champ.
I normally drink a 40 oz malt liquor about every 2 hours. When I play, my guy starts off normal, and as the game goes on just slowly doesn't give a shit about consequences, as the group can handle it fine.
my PC's combat speech is pic related
>every person I've met who does smoke never shuts the fuck up about it.
What are they? Children?
/pol/ go home
Better than being the autist that throws his toys out of the cot when anything he doesn't like happens ever, I mean you
He still games with us, we just boot him out whenever we smell weed on him. I don't know if he's fucking bathing in it or something, but when he smokes, my house stinks of weed for weeks.
Plus he's incapable of paying attention when high, and is constantly stopping to interrupt us about this hiLARIOUS idea he had that's usually either impossible (Let's call Optimus Prime to punch the elf king in the face guys xD) or just outright detrimental..like trying to stab the elf king who they are in the process of begging for help from.
That's when he's awake anyways. Half the time he just passes out or gets up in the middle of the game to rummage through my fridge(and then whining about me putting a lock on it during games because he won't fucking stay out of it).
Not as far as the state is concerned.
maybe start hanging out with people who are not still in high school?
Weed generally doesn't make you more of a cunt. If this is real your friend is a huge cunt.
If he's imaginative and chill, that's fine.
If he's a DUDE WEED LMAO I'M SO BLAZED LOOK AT ME degenerate, than he'd better go and stay go.
Putin personally has no problem pic related, his people tho are VERY homophobic and he has to please them
Usually for me it's the vapers that don't shut the fuck up, and if anything they're worsr than the DUDEWEEDLMAOs because they pretend they hav the moral high ground because DUDE IM VAPING NOT SMOKING LMAO.
Me and my group are all Hindu asetics so we're all stoned anyway
Ahhh I see, thank you for answering my question.
It's weird because he's fine when he's not smoking if a bit DUDELMAO at times, he just gets a hundred times more obnoxious when he lights up.
I too like lying on the internet to spread anti-marijuana political memes because I'm mad that the sweet girl I wanted to hold hands with in high school started having filthy sex with that stoner kid.
In character or out?
There was an attempt, I'll give you that much.
If someone enjoys the game and gets into character better slightly high/buzzed, that's fine, as long as they don't stink to high hell of it.
Can this be the new "that guy" thread? Other thread has been derailed into shit
>(Let's call Optimus Prime to punch the elf king in the face guys xD)
He sounds awful.
>(and then whining about me putting a lock on it during games because he won't fucking stay out of it)
You sound awful too. That's some high level passive aggressiveness.
I too get BTFO and anally rage random memes out of my blasted butt.
As long as they can play the game I don't mind.
I mean, I never would. But that's because I know I wouldn't be able to focus enough to play.
I had the lock there for other reasons, but it's useful at times for other things.
And I didn't mind too much him grabbing things out, but the last time he ended up knocking a number of things out, nearly broke one of the shelves, and left a bunch of shit on the counter that I had to throw out after we were done, so I just lock it and tell people I'll buy pizza if they're really that hungry.
I can't even tell what you're raging about at this point.
Lies, gross exageration and slander: the post
I'm mocking you, user. You are SO MAD ABOUT WEED that you lie about it on the Internet.
Oh, you were just baiting. I should have guessed from the start, but thanks for clarifying.
Every thread turns into a derailed /pol/ thread when you discuss things that people with no actual gaming experience think they can speak about here.
If only they stuck to the containment board.
No. I am clearly and directly mocking you and calling you out as a liar. There is no crude attempt at subtlety going on here.
>that guy who shows up stoned
Thank god we play in my house so I've just threw him out.
>Your experience didn't happen because I said so.
Fuck you, ginger ale is amazing.
>my house stinks of weed for weeks
This is impossible my friend, stop lying.
I played with an entire group of these guys once and only once, it was a fucking nightmare. I have never before or since heard an argument for a mouse ladder.
I'll take shit that didn't happen for 400.
No. My statements do not have a causal effect.
You are simply a liar.
>These games are not for the stupid
Lumping your posts together because I'm only responding to you once.
If you think my story is factually false, you are free to post proof.
fuck you Kevin, we'll keep playing without you
What are we still in high school?
Prove it's true first.
>if you think I'm lying, prove it.
>No u
Well alright then.
It's fine if it doesn't turn obnoxious. That rarely does, anyways.
Honestly, most of my friends smoke, a lot of my coworkers smoke, and I even smoked with my boss once. I've stopped doing it to join the military, but from what I can tell there's nothing really wrong with it, and since I'm normally the sober person anyways, I don't see a difference.
Nah dood my friend's passive weed aura is at such a high level that my entire house smells like him if he walks in the door and the weed chemicals make him so brain damaged that we lock him out of the house lest he start attacking us.
It's all true, my dad told me that's how it works and he is a minister so he would know.
Do you not know how the burden of proof works? You made the assertion, you have to provide the facts to back it up, otherwise you get called a liar and a scoundrel.
Really, it usually is fine. There's just those one or two fucks that act like idiots about it and ruin it for everyone else.
While I believe most of what you're saying, you're obviously biased because you're telling the story
I'm personally fine with playing with smokers, but I've never had anything as bad as this, or they would've gotten the boot years ago, so... eh
I don't mind most smokers. I've known and gamed with a few others. He's literally the only one that's had this issue, and even a few of the other players think he's smoking something other than weed, or mixing something with it, because they've never seen anything like it either.
Believe it or not, TTRPGs are quite popular, if not most popular with people in Highschool and College. In fact most people "outgrow" TT when they "outgrow" weed.
I feel like it's usually obnoxious people who are specifically looking to identify with substance use. Similar to people who Vape all the time. If you're doing it to quit smoking, that's perfectly normal, but we've all run into that one guy who won't shut the fuck up about it.
>In fact most people "outgrow" TT when they "outgrow" weed.
Where are you getting this from?
Personal experience. As I get older, have more responsibilities, etc., things like smoking and playing videogames become less important to me. I still play some games, and I still play a game with the guys, but not as much.
Many of my friends who I smoked and and played with in college normally stopped one then the other as well.
>He hasn't outgrown weed and moved on to opiates
>That Guy who shoots up bath salts mid-encounter.
Well I'm the same but I haven't outgrown either, I just have way less time for both.
not my cup of tea
nothing wrong with getting into character as a berserker