This is a thread for funny, cute and whimsical Veeky Forums related content. Let's lift some spirits today. Necromancers need not apply.
Hey you, turn that frown upside down
I'm on a mission from god to makes your guys day better
Medusa and friend
/k/ humor for crossboard appreciation
oi m8 this ain't no giggle this is sum sad shit get the fuk out
we must experience the depths of sadness, for it is only through misery that we know happiness's joyful touch when it finds us
>tfw you'll never be a European mercenary stabbing Catholics and accepting drinks from village cutes
>Veeky Forums
that's it for now, if this thread survives the harsh winter I'll be back in a bit to post more
Good fucking job user, I physically hurt myself laughing at that. I hope you're happy.
I remeber that birthday.
Never seen my cousin smile like that.
Humanities was a mistake.
Ok, seriously, wtf.
I cry evrytim
I fucking loved that scene.
Gaming was so much more fun in the '90's
This is funny, this is exactly How I ran my Rogue Trader sessions, with the players having to go into the different sections of the ship and solve weird stuff that was happening due to the sheer size of the vessel, crew size and entire generations living and dying inside the ship hull
Not really Veeky Forums related but that picture reminds me of this one
Gonna need a sauce on that please
*Not actually gay fic.
Corvus Corax comforting his brother Konrad Curze after a partifcularly horrific nightmare.
>And then Shimmel-Kun realized he was in Auschwitz
>They all died to experiments by Mengele-Dono
The end.
See this would be so much funnier if they replaced zeon with environmentalism.
Anyone has the source image for that?
Reverse image search gives me nothing.
>Austrian circa WWI
>Not using a straight-pull rifle
Immersion broken
Monks were the original shitposters
This guy makes a lot of cute shit.
Indeed he does my friend.
I've always loved these. Thanks for putting them in one image.
>Thai cuisine
My sides.
I got you user
I want to hear a story about this picture.
I kek'd so hard at this one.
Thank you for the kek my dude.