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Question: Do you often recycle ideas from the OWoD for the New one, or vice versa?
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
>I'm doing the ghost mechanics for Geist 2e, stripping the spirits and angels out of the generic set and then expanding them massively. The expansion is such that ghosts are now fully playable as PCs.
Very interesting, Dave.
Does this also mean that spirits and angels will receive their own unique rules and be usable as playable PCs?
Dude your making me so hyped for Geist 2E!!
Anything your allowed to spoil about the ghost section to us?
Well, relating back to both Geist hype and my original question, I kinda want to adapt some of the Arcanoi as manifestations that didn't make the cut, but the way keys work makes that really labor intensive. Dont get me wrong, I dig the concept, it's just difficult to come up with 10 seperate varieties of keening (called "the wail") or Usury ("the scales") based on each key.
remember the words of dave
I'm curious if the power level of Sin Eaters in Geist 2e will be comparable to that in Mage, Demon and Mummy or those of the less powerful splats.
The OP was originally going to be "Local Exarch shits on OP's favorite legacy" but it didn't fit. I know "best" is subjective, but he's basically doing a 180 on the legacy concept.
Please tell me we're going to get supplements this time.
Considering that Geists are stupidly powerful, probably on par with a Mage.
Geist have a lot of burst but not a lot of versatility
What's this about legacies?
Basically, 2e mage took the blank badges, who were extreme individualists who used transgressive performance art and magical terrorism to awaken people and made them a collectivist hivemind/magic Veeky Forums/antifa-esque thing.
Better to just kill them off, imo. Not that the hivemind idea is bad, it's just the opposite of what the badges concept was.
The user is complaining about the changes to the Blank Badges described in the short blurbs about example Legacies from the Mage 2e core, pp. 202-203.
If someone changed your favorite legacy's concept to the opposite of what they are, wouldn't you be put off?
You can always create your own "extremely individualistic, transgressive performance art and magical terrorist" legacy.
Not on par, but close enough to be a legitimate opponent.
But it already existed, and there's something to be said about an idea being canon.
So vampire, werewolf, mage, and Promethean have official 2e conversions, demon and beast are 2e originals, and hunter has transition rules in mortal remains right? And changeling should be soon(tm), with hunter, giest, and deviant declared by somewhere down the line at best.
Am I missing anything?
>someone changed your favorite legacy's concept to the opposite of what they are, wouldn't you be put off?
Meh, shit changes with new editions. If your worst complaint about 2e is a gripe about a single legacy (which a just a few sentences in the corebook), you're doing great.
Besides, as notes, you can always create your own legacy or update the old Blank Badges to 2e.
I'm more interested in the status of the Mage FAQ and Signs of Sorcery which should answer questions and provide more info on actually creating and updating legacies for use in play.
Dave, will Geist 2e discuss in detail the whole receding waters of the Ocean of Fragments first raised in Dark Eras The Sundered World?
Also, a lot of dave's defenses of the idea could be applied to the 11th question. see what I said at It's only worst because they were my favorite. I can learn the confusing new rules eventually and all the other stuff that comes with a new edition.
And better to just bin the badges if he can't come up with a fix for their mechanical issues that doesn't involve a total reversal in concept.
And now I'd have to get every ST I try and roll a "true" badge for to OK my concept rather than just accepting it as official. And I still have to memorize all the new rules.
More Wraith shit i want to homebrew for sin eaters is the a "specter" type antagonist, who are what happens when a geist lets a potential host die and just jacks their body. Basically they go around doing horrible specter shit with sin-eater level powers, and decomposing/going crazy.
Usually a Geist who does this never does it again afterwards, as they "come to their senses."A few, however, develop a taste for it and teach inexperienced geists how to do it so they can have "reinforcements."
What'd be the perfect Clan/bloodline for him?
>tfw can't play changeling: the lost because the whole thing is your magical realm
You may not like it, but this is what peak male Toreador looks like.
Why would I mind?
Do it fag
Redpill me on Zak?
He's a faggot who made hill rage quit. While this may be a good thing, hes still a little shit and they are both awful people.
Thats never stopped me. Not about changeling in specific mind.
Remind me, where do the firstborn wolves hang out?
Yeah, but they usually try and stay true to the concept.
>where do the firstborn wolves hang out?
>Questions that will get you killed
How would you play a 10 wyrd 10 clarity pc, is such a thing even possible?
A stalker or a stalker enabler at best, wrote some bad Vampire fiction for new White Wolf because he's friends with the creative director on Facebook.
Traditionally you change the abilities to fit the concept, not change the concept to fit the abilities. This redesign is completely ass backwards.
How would you adapt the Arcana to a modern physics based perspective?
The way I see it, Matter and Forces would be unified as there wouldn't be a distinguishment between a sound wave, an electron wave, an electromagnetic wave or a force wave.
As well, Life, Fate and Time would be unified as Life is merely a very efficient mechanism for using up the sun's energy output (basic entropy and probability principles) and Time is merely the physical direction in Space-Time that increases entropy. If you cause a entropically unfavorable event to occur that is basically the same as reversing time.
A bit of Time would be carved off into Space due to special relativity but not so much as to put the reversal of entropy into the domain of Space. The big unification would be between Space, Mind, Death and Prime into some sort of domain focusing on Shannon information theory, the Bekenstein bound, Bremermann's limit and about the amount of information you can fit in some space.
Maybe this would work for some offshoot of the Technocracy.
Wherever the fuck they want. You gonna tell one of the firstborn "no?"
Other options for "paradox shields," and I'm assuming these would be unique to the legacy
1 They use Prime to charge their occultation, partially hiding from lies with the Truth
2 They use Mind to contain paradox using their mental health rather than physical
Both of these explain the eccentricity of the legacy and their paradox resistance without having to change the concept.
I'm mostly pissed that "change the concept" was the best Dave could think up. This is the first time he's genuinely let me down.
Energy isn't matter.
E=mc^2 faggot. An electron only appears to have mass. It is actually a zero mass photon like particle spinning around in a loop at the speed of light that appears to have mass due to angular momentum and magnetic effects. Possibly. It could also be composed of a cloud of preons like a proton is composed of quarks and derive mass from a strong force like effect.
The technocracy couldn't do it with the Spheres, let alone the "Arcana".
Arcana makes me think of Wraith. Geist needs to get some soul-forging action in 2e.
Please don't shitpost user.
Not really appropriate to post, since the werefags are the one with the aversion now.
This phrase represents a werefag's confusion regarding magefag supremacy and their preference for changeling or sin eater waifus
>Wherever the fuck they want. You gonna tell one of the firstborn "no?
No, No, bad dog! You know you're not allowed in the material world. No treat for you.
TFW the book will never be published and the dev material might all be scrapped.
I dunno, I kind of admire their dogged insistence. I mean they have to know that werewolves don't top mages, but they keep going anyway.
>not wanting a qt powerless vamp waifu that you can do anything you please with
shit taste desu
>being that into necrophilia
gross, you don't have to sink that low just because a Mage won't be your waifu.
>How would you adapt the Arcana to a modern physics based perspective?
Trying to shoehorn a metaphysical magic system into a hard science framework is a fool's errand. The whole point of the Arcana is that they follow their own rules and are not constrained by science.
>Supernatural Personal Ads
Never married, white, mature male Iron Master Elodoth, corporate attorney, no kids, loves cooking, classical music, and slow hikes in the country under the half moon, seeking attractive, warm and smart wolf-blooded woman who loves the outdoors, lazy weekends in front of the fireplace, and heavy petting. No Pure, Claimed, vampires or other undead please. Mages and Proximi OK.
Interesting comment from DaveB about Archmages
In Mage 2e, do Artifacts regenerate mana as they did in 1e?
So do Exarchs summon their seers for an eye to eye talk? Would something like that blow mages mind out?
Exarchs send out their orders through dreams, if I'm not mistaken.
Hmm I remember reading in seers book something like minister having one direction hotline from Exarch to his brain. But if I'm correct(might be mistaken don't have book on me) Ministers were archmasters themselves
I thought Seer Archmasters were called Thearchs or whatever. But I haven't read Seers yet so what do I know?
So if I turned Luna into my waifu using Spirit 9, could I convert the whole world to waifuism as well? Would madness be enough?
I might as well just get a Mind 9 Archmage.
Tetrarchs are the guys but If i remember correct the Tetrarch tanding at the top of the ministry is(obviously) called Minister
Why are archmagefags obsessed with wives the size of gods?
So, how many archmages with 7+ dots in anything actually exist?
If it's more than just a couple you'd think the world would have been torn apart by now by their various autisms.
There are never more than a hundred Seekers at a single time according to Imperial Mysteries. I wonder how rare Gnosis 9 would be in proportion to that number. We only know of Kadmon the Gardener, the Corpus Author and the actual Merlin from legend.
Well most of the time they are stuck in Mexican standoff with each other. Tetrarchs probably have most direct influence but everyone and their dog tries to backstab them
The Pax prevents Imperial autism from overtaking us all, duh.
>Kadmon the Gardener
Really cool dude trying to breed out humanity. I wish we had official artwork for him and not just some vague description.
Mary fucking Sue
If you dont have the giantess fetish why bother staying on this earth.
When your wife is dry as sand and you need to ask chad the life mage to make you a fuckable gf.
>also he wont make a loli gf becuz only death mages are pedos
Wolf fags have tiny knots. Its why they are desperate to date outside their race.
I think daveb knows physics better than your college prof, pleb
Chad the life mage sounds like a saddest person in Consila
If Spirit 9 is enough to bend rank 8-9 (not sure about 10) gods to your will, would it also allow the respective Archmage to manipulate the Shadow as a whole?
Like, could I change how spirits function in there and alter the tangibility of the realm itself? I have an idea for an upcoming Forsaken Chronicle regarding this.
Yeah your gameline is becoming hot trash and get ready for 3e.
Chad's a douche
>Free Council
Any non thyrsus that takes life legacies is a powergaming faggot.
Sometimes dreams, sometimes Ochemata, sometimes messages written in tealeaves or any other form of divination.
Transfiguration specifically allows you to do anything within the bounds of the Arcana being used, for a short duration but with infinite results. You are omnipotent in a limited sense.
So yes, you could do all of that. The mechanics are as-is. Some of us here are going to deny it as though it were heresy though.
The Practices of Entities or Excision should theoretically be enough, depending on how extreme the changes would be, wouldn't they?
In theory yes, but in practice you run into all the same roadblocks as you do trying to manipulate a rank 8 spirit.
By that logic it would only require 7 dots to take on Luna and similar beings.
To be fair, there wouldn't be any roadblocks other than a massive Pax violation. Spirit 9 is probably the biggest counter to any rank 8 spirit god.
The road blocks are actually becoming an archmaster, getting up to that level, and then gathering quintessence. I mean yeah on paper those are all things that someone can do, in universe those are all borderline impossible tasks.
Also other things, like in universe why would anyone ever want to do that, and assuming that werewolves actually exist in said mage verse.
And what that pax violation amounts to is that if anyone ever has the will and the means to do something like that, they get killed as a child by a time traveling mage.
Electrons don't interact with the strong force dawg.
Am I doing the Veeky Forums meme right?
No, a stationary computer has never exploded from 'spiking cpu usage and disabling fans'. There's nothing explosive in them. Laptops, ok, theoretically possible to increase the RISK of a battery 'exploding', which is really more just igniting violently.
>The road blocks are actually becoming an archmaster, getting up to that level, and then gathering quintessence
Those aren't roadblocks assuming the Archmage in-question already has the necessities required.
> in universe those are all borderline impossible tasks
Nothing is impossible when Archmagic is in play. Transfiguration is 'do whatever pleases you' regarding the specific Arcana.
I can agree that it would never happen, but an Archmaster is entirely capable of fucking Luna over.
I was tickled last night that Veeky Forums had a discussion on the levels of /a/ 10 years ago. Y'all are just as bad as Typemoonfags.
Zelretch > Arcueid > Gilgamesh
come at me
We've already discussed ad nauseam that it is theoretically possible for mages to do such a task but the "real world" practical implications of doing such a thing make it virtually impossible to pull off.
>Those aren't roadblocks assuming the Archmage in-question already has the necessities required.
Oh I know, I'm just pointing out that this is mostly theoretical talk since there are only supposed to be so many archmages in all of history. Like this isn't some 'fuck up any god in these ten easy steps' some people seem to get confused about
And I know archmagic can do anything, getting there is the issue though. Honestly if someone manages to pull off whatever bullshit quest it takes to gather quintessence like that, most likely fighting off basically every high power being whos trying to stop him, they fucking deserve it.
Since we're talking about Archmages. Since multi-degree masters are rare (mastery of 3+ arcana is erroneously considered near archmage in power by the pentacle). How 'common' is multi-degree archmastery?
Are there 6+ degree arch masters sick of the supernal war who've retreated to their chantries to while away the eons in a magical holodeck?
>Giest is further along than changeling
The "real world" practical implications being the Pax, nothing more.
Why do you think the world still exists as it is?
It's thanks to the glory of our Komodo dragon prophet peace be upon him.
I always imagined that 90% of all archmasters are superconfused fresh guys/gala that try to avoid getting nuked by the other 10%
This isn't theoretical. The way Transfiguration works makes it a certainty, but won't ever actually happen due to the cold war of the cosmos, AKA the Pax Arcana.
Having the bigger gun doesn't mean you're going to use it, even though you know for a fact that you could.
I'm confused, we have previews out the fucking ass for changeling. Like we know 90% of the contracts, all the seemings and kiths and whatever, pledges and oaths. But we know fuck all about giest.
The named Archmasters in Imperial Mysteries have multiple Arcana exceeding five dots.
It would be funny to me if it didn't happen every other thread.
You know I at least would have thought they'd do antagonists previews. Giest was pretty good all around, its main problem was having no central antagonist or driving force for conflict.
>assuming the Archmage in-question already has the necessities required.
This assumption obviates the entire downside to Imperial magic, so sure. If you just handwave all the drawbacks, then Archmages always win.