What would a fantasy setting based on India be like?
What would a fantasy setting based on India be like?
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Same the next dungeon crawl, but with some sari and head dots sprinkled around.
badass gods
caste system
crazy impractical weapons
Really shitty armor, gods, and music.
Cars and robots, apparently.
Read The Iron Ring. You'll get lots of ideas.
A struggling chamberpot industry
Tons of gods with crazy, conflicting portfolios. A caste system that makes being an adventurer a problem because you don't have upward mobility without some serious luck, and are often forbidden from interacting with certain castes. You can't have a proper cleric because they are the memebers of an elite caste, so they can't adventure, though it's pretty easy to modify that and make full caste membership the "end game" for a cleric and make it so they have to go adventure to earn it. As many demigods running around as in Greek mythology or maybe more. Lots of civil war plotlines. Lots of intrigue. Lots of interactions with foreign colonial powers.
I guess it depends on how closely you'd want to crib the source material.
the bbeg's throne is made of porcelain, it menaces the populace with it's unnaturalness
Roll a D6 to determine which street you shit in.
>you can chose your personal god
>a family has its own god
>a village hard its own god
Gods fucking everywhere.
>A caste system that makes being an adventurer a problem
more like makes it really, really popular for people who are at the bottom
This guy knows what's up.
Man, this just reminds me that I want to play a game based on Zelazny's Lord of Light some day.
Wouldn't being at the bottom make it more difficult? You have to be designated the right status to do adventuring shit.
While not accurate to the book, I do love this artists interpretation of science-fantasy Hindu gods.
I dunno. Today there is a metric fuckload of cooks that belong to the brahamin caste because, odd as it sounds, they're the only one pure enough to prepare food for anyone else.
My india-fu is embarassingly weak but I think this happened for the last centuries. So I think you shouldn't really think brahmin=filthy rich.
Anyway if that's the problem it's pretty simple in fantasy India:
There is an adventurer caste.
Adventurers are chock fucking full of society's outcasts. Just because they made a rule about it doesn't mean it's not gonna get broken.
>Untouchables can go adventuring, can't get magical healing or more than 30% of the value of their loot
Life on hardcore mode.
Mythology of India? India 200 years in the past? India as it is now?
>>Untouchables can go adventuring
No, fuck no, forget that. You know what became of Untouchables that buggered out of the India on "adventure"? Gypsies, that's what!
pc tend to be shit to the veiiagers, so they are mostly gypsies.
All chicks in sarees and without going magical realm, so I would have my fun and nobody would complain or even notice (hopefully).
It would be shit
The towns would have designated shitting squares.
Lots of people getting magic powers for doing penance and rituals for a thousand years, and lots of loop-hole searching by the Gods as the try to find ways to get rid of these people who abuse their powers as soon as getting them. It would also have have ridiculously inflated bodycounts (the Mahabharata had a lot of those).
Oh and no one really respects Indra.
Also Designated shitting streets
>crazy impractical weapons
Guys, fantasy, get over the meme mindset and think bigger. designated shitting demi-plane
Yep, this is Veeky Forums.
Which means that we have to check those fantastic trips of yours!
/pol/, please go
Actually it's /g/ - the hatred of Pajeet and his kin has both memetic and pragmatic roots.
> see post in catalog
> wonder if the thread will just be /pol/ack tier jokes
> Read thread
> It's 70 percent poo in the loo
Why /pol/ always getting out of its box? Is it this bad in other threads? I mostly stay on tg- I only go to /pol/ to feel better about my life choices and socio economic status.
I Think you guys are taking for granted just what kind of people actually have what it takes to become adventurers.
They're the kind of people who not only willingly go out and camp with their armor on, break into the houses of dangerous and insane wizards, Liches and Monsters, and rush to attack a bandit camp without a second thought for personal safety simply because they might have stuff to steal, but enjoy doing so too. Adventuring types can be neatly separated into three types:
The One who has nothing left too lose,
The One who knows not what he has,
And the One who simply doesn't care.
There might be a little bit more attempt at regulation by kingdoms, but at the end of the day, Adventurers are either given more breathing room out of respect or fear.
>/pol/ is the only board that ever makes race jokes.
>just like /a/ is the only board that ever talks about anime.
I Don't think you realize this but none of the boards have ever been isolated and contained, the mixing only limited.
Edging towards my magical realm, for one. A sari is top tier hot.
>poo in the loo is /pol/, and only /pol/
Why is everyone always giving /pol/ all the credit for other boards' good ideas?
>none of the boards have ever been isolated and contained
And thank god for that. This place would be so boring if we only ever stayed in our cliques and echochambers.
Arrows of Indra
Man, seven responses before the first joke about public defecation. I'm proud of you Veeky Forums.
My man.
>I can't breathe without spreading my autistic memes
>I am literally too autistic to get that most people find my constant repetition of the same joke cringey at best, pathetic at worst
A day without memes is like a day without air
Play Asura's Wrath.
The spaceships, giant lazors and planet sized dudes are Hindu mythology canon.
You sound like the kind of guy who has a folder marked "Rare Pepes" and it's just full of common Pepes
> the mixing only limited
I always knew pol supported miscegenation.
>I always knew pol supported miscegenation.
You mean the daily "Asian women are Honorary Aryans who still hold traditional family values unlike western women so it's totally ok to marry them" and the "it's not race-mixing if you do it as a sexual conquest or if you redpill her before marriage" threads didn't tip you off?
The cross board corruption goes both ways user, and quite a few boards, Veeky Forums especially, are filled xenophiles of various degrees from "I like exotic women" to "I want to marry the Xenomorph".
luckily you dont have to imagine.
>This is what Pajeet actually believes
>crazy impractical weapons
>mfw remembering the urumi exists and that we didn't get an equipment of it
Alright, we Nasuverse nao
Rama/Sita posting where?
>ctrl F
>No KillSixBillionDemons
Just binge the whole webcomic in one go user, you'll thank me latter
Literally shitty
So much this
So this is basically the Rogue caste is what you're saying
You expect to see people tastefully use memes, to a limited enough degree that they don't become stale?
Are you fucking retarded?
So, the world of pic related? But less sci-fi?
>less sci-fi
I mean... not particularly. Hindu mythology is 1000% CUH-RAZY and 1000% badass.
Nah man hindu myth is sci fi
You should read the story of Odin, its far more badass than the hindu gods. The Hindi more often than not are just playing tricks, or summoning big armies.
I meant the part where he's a full body cybrog with robot arms and a reactor that runs on souls in his chest.
What about the time Shiva grew a third eye that shot fire because someone covered his eyes?
Keep in mind that not everyone in historical India followed/respected the caste system. Modern Hinduism and its widespread caste system is merely just a series of different beliefs mashed together to form a national identity.
You can defeat ANYTHING through the power of dance.
Skeletons with CURVED swords!!!
Shiva is just Mary Sue
>Taking about Gods
>Mary Sue
India is a fantasy setting.
All I know is my character would have an erection.
He is Mary Sue among the gods.
Why would you mislead anyone to read that comics?
The moment you realise the plot goes from nowhere to nowhere, it instantly turns into pure, unfiltered shit. But it really takes a while to realise that, so most people stay with it due to sunk cost fallacy.
Not him, but Hindu mythology is just unbearable. Everyone and everything is so fucking OP, majestic and powerful, that it quickly gets just tiresome, especially when then you compare their deeds with their powers and realise this is something only an extremely primitive nomads raiding superior culture could figure out as a way to compensate over their lacks - fuckload of boasts.
Aryan conquest was a mistake.
Sikh is the superior shit skin religion.
Quite shitty i expect.
Isn't Indivisible going to be Fantasy India?
No toilets, roll d100 to determine if the water you just drank gave you cholera or dysentry
It's superior religion in general.
And it's literally the only true monotheism.
Well, forsst instead of white animu girl dressed as indian there would be real indian girl.
It would also smell curry and have a nice Pantheon
>instead of white animu girl dressed as indian there would be real indian girl.
Why not both? That's a perfect solution if you ask me
Please stop trying to normalize /pol/ shitposting.
But all these stories of Shiva and Vishnu are a product of post-vedic times and of dravidian influence. You would be right if you would complain about how much they jack-off to the aurora.
Mountains of solidified shit. Torrents of diarrhea. Malnourished men toil in feces mine. Houses are made from dried holy cow shit. Women cook food using dried shit for fire. The food is made with diarrhea inducing curries. Fields are fertilized with stinking dung.
tech support everywhere
Minotaurs are god-kings
And a bunch of other things - south east asian, mostly (Indonesia, for example).
something something can't believe it took so long to get this mentioned.
1) Be nomadic barbarian
2) Clash with high-end civilisation
3) Realise few centuries later what exactly your ancestors destroyed
4) Start feeling insecure about your heritage
5) Boast to no end
6) Also boast because you are half-barbarian culture with strong warrior ethos
The biggest irony of history is the "poo in the loo" for people living in one of the first places with city-wide sanitation.
Add barbarians from Central Asia and suddenly you can have designated shitting streets
>2) Clash with high-end civilisation
>3) Realise few centuries later what exactly your ancestors destroyed
user, both these points are very debatable, especially the latter since there are no archaeological evidence for any widespread destruction and general fighting between the aryan invaders and the dravidian natives, and I feel like you have some kind of agenda here. Also the vedic religion, their hymns and the aryan horses don't need to be ashamed of anything.
> all chicks in sarees
umm, this has never been the case, in any point of Indian history.
Not him, but it's hardly debatable if you have nomads destroying one of the most advanced civilizations of the period. Granted, the Indus Valley civ was in a serious decline already, but Aryans didn't reached that level of development till fucking Ashoka (or did finally English embraces Asioka transliteration?) times.
Who said I can't have my magic real in a game I'm running?