What is the most fucked up thing you have ever seen a player do/have done?
What is the most fucked up thing you have ever seen a player do/have done?
In or out of character?
I once had a game where one of the characters, a rogue IIRC, had a background about his mother being literally a whore and him growing up in the streets and becoming a thug, and adventuring to try to get out of that life.
Later on, as he got more successful, they swung back to their hometown. He looks up his mother, and pays her pimp to force her to fuck his horse, all the while ranting about how she could have left all of this behind if she wasn't stupid and weak, as the money he needed to pay for this was an afternoon's earnings for him.
Slept with a girl at the beginning of a story arch, then gouged out her eyes and murdered her to pin the murder on someone else.
It was a bit of a honey-pot trap too. He asked her for help, lured her to an abandon building, then tied her to a chair, and stabbed her in the eyes. Didn't even kill her first. I think she bled out, or they killed her to stop the screaming.
Invented a new warcrime. Fireboarding.
Probably not that fucked up but my party once tied a gnoll chief up and left him in his own pit trap inside a murder forest. I remember giving them a fairly horrified look and asking if they really wanted to torture the guy like that but no one seemed to think it was that bad. I even had him beg them to just kill him rather than put him through waiting to either starve to death or be attacked by scavenger animals but they weren't having it. To paraphrase one of my players. "If I like the villain and he's fun to talk to then I don't want to kill them and will try and avoid it." Apparently leaving someone in a hole to starve doesn't count. I later had him come back as a ghost for a session seeing as apparently they liked him so much.
I like the way you think, user!
sounds like your average rogue/thief player to me
This is only a story I've heard, but apparently a guy shit his pants because he was too excited to leave when fighting some creature
Dismember someone and throw them in the oven. They were trying to get off of a space station.
It wasn't my idea, it was my party's.
Was a cleric for the gnoll one.
Encasing somebody in concrete but leaving air holes and nothing more
Caulking gun up the urethra.
I actually raped a gnoll once.
First some backstory: I was a fighter who believed that only strenght is respected, that a man should be an alpha. So we were told by the DM that a nearby gnoll tribe was attacking local villages. Before attacking them they told us that it was useless to use diplomacy since gnolls only respect strenght. Bad choice of words.
We captured a gnoll in one of the first battles who actually knew Common. After some 'helping' (torture for the more pure anons), he told us where his tribe was and also about their leader: a gnoll matriarch. Pretty interesting.
So we raided the village and managed to capture her and the several non-combatants in battle. One of the PCs suggested that we should just kill them all, but another said that it could bring us problem later. I told them that the best way of dealing with them was showing them who was the alpha wolf in this world.
I'm not really going to describe it, but I ordered the PCs to bring the entire captured village into a circle. Then I used my hopes to tie the matriarch hands and then spread her legs. Then I did the 'business' as they watched. My DM was like dumbstruck.
I didn't feel bad since gnolls were son of bitches who liked to eat and torture people anyway. But yeah, now looking back I cringe now.
...that still better than genocide. Maybe.
Turned an enemy into a clone of themselves, to keep for backup.
I've seen that before. You're either an Oldfag, or stealing someone else's tale.
The background itself is fine even if gritty but what the fuck?
Honestly the truly disturbing thing with it is that the most likely reason why someone could want to do that is as a revenge fantasy against his own mother because she ruined his childhood by being a trashy slut switching men all the time or even a literal whore.
>Be raiders in a waterworld setting
>Get tasked to infiltrate a floating fortress spotted by our scouts
>Dive in at night using makeshift DPVs and do some recon
>Find local leader's shack first and decide to break in and coerce him to open the gates for our boys
>Find him with family of wife and two children, a young boy and a girl, all soundly asleep
>Raiders being raiders, before we actually get to coercing him we decide to just rape everyone a little bit first
>Commence two hours of brutal rape and acts so depraved I dare not repeat them
>Now need to find another way in for our boys seeing how everyone in here is dead
>Then I used my hopes to tie the matriarch hands
Now I know that's a typo and you meant ropes, but damn if that just doesn't make the story all the better
Ops. But yeah, it does make it better kek.
I've got a three way tie on my hands here anons.
>Twilight 2000
>Ran over a prisoner with a tank, inches at a time, starting with his feet, until he told us where the fuel dump was.
>Delta Green
>Bodies in a wood chipper.
>Black Crusade
>Anything involving the heretek.
Why do GMs put up with your edgelord power fantasies?
I wasn't hosting this one, but our party went through this mystical forest full of fey shenanigans and supernatural wood-monster bullshit.
Anyhow, we eventually find a bunch of silver artifacts that belong to some water nymph. One of these artifacts is a ring that, when "turned on," constantly spurts water out from its center. It shot water at a ridiculous speed and would just keep going and going. We realized at one point that, if the ring was turned on and hidden somewhere, we could essentially Noah's Ark this shitty Berserkian murder-world.
But instead, the rogue picked a fight with this human bandit miniboss guy later on. The guy started whooping our asses, so the rogue grabs the water ring, turns it on, and forces it down the chief's throat.
Eventually, the guy just falls back and starts screaming and clutching at his stomach. Water starts pouring out of his mouth, muting him. Water spouts out his nose and his eyes as he fell back. A minute later, his stomach expanded and exploded.
The rogue casually walked over to grab the ring and turned it off. The bandits all ran away.
Not really horrifying, but just really creative.
>Anything involving the Heretek
Do go on.
They started describing after-combat cannibalism in enough detail that it was obvious they were getting a stiffy from it. There's playing a monster race, and then there's that.
>Playing a rules-lite system for the walking dead (safe point).
>GM's interpretation of the setting so it's more like mad max 1, really.
>So far we've met amish cannibals, airsoft operators mormons and biker gangs, no nice people.
>we realise theses people always have gas because the gm really likes car chases
>we also realise the rules lite system is easy as fuck to abuse
>we never use guns anymore
>just run over anything that moves, human or zombie
Well, I don't think the DM was expecting this to happen.
I think in his original plan he would just attack the village, kill his NPC boss, burn it and then receive some xp and loot.
When we captured several gnolls alive however and one of the PC suggested to kill them all and another said it would be like genocide, he clearly got uncomfortable. So when I said I had a plan to break them without further bloodshed he got curious to see what I had planned.
He got even more uncomfortable.
>anything involving the heretek
you started something user, finish it
How was the gnoll matriarchs 8 inch clitoris?
>Heretek Strogg started the game with the simple goal of reverse engineering the lost of of Thallax conversion. Pic related.
>He didn't have any real idea how to go about doing this, being the equivalent of a Magos biologis, but he wasn't about to let something as simple as a massive lack of knowledge stop him.
>Every living being that fell into his hands went under the knife/rotary saw/blow torch. While still alive. While awake.
>Some "useful data" was recorded during this process but his end goal eluded him.
>Eventually abandoned that line of research due to lack of progress and test subjects.
>The second point inspired his next line of reserch: ensuring a supply of warm bodies for his Great Works.
>Eventually settled on a process by which a female captives ovaries would "play host to a Legion of minor daemons."
>Some genetic tweaking and bam, from ovulation to birth takes about 3 hours, with the subject ovulating every 4 hours and the creatures born reaching physical maturity in 6.
>The quest for Thallax conversions has resumed.
She killed another player character's pregnant wife, assumed her identity and got pregnant by him herself, in a pretty ghastly ritual which basically stole his soul and forced him to reincarnate as the baby.
A worse step up where she did something similar before but used the baby as a voodoo doll against the father. Same thing wouldn't work on the player character, so she did the soul stealing thing.
That's not a complete list but I'm about to loose the ability to post. I'll continue later if this is still around.
So I'm assuming these gnolls were only slightly based on spotted hyenas since real female hyenas are impossible to rape (unless you go for the pooper I guess)
>So I'm assuming these gnolls were only slightly based on spotted hyenas since real female hyenas are impossible to rape
That's actually one particular kind of hyena user, all others don't have the pseudo-penis.
It was pretty tight!
Okay, sorry for breaking the magic, but we didn't actually 'roleplay' it. DM just said 'okay you rape her as she curses you. You finish leaving her a mess, the gnolls looking at you horrified. You release her and them, they pick her up and leave running as fast as they can.'
So no idea if she had one or not. Seeing this user I would say she probably didn't.
My games have been pretty tame. Most i've done is butchered the pope and an angel in the middle of the holy city of the setting.
I was basically playing Elric of Melnibone too being an elf with a cursed sword.
Good thing I mentioned that specific species then!
>Good thing I mentioned that specific species then!
Yeah but you got it backwards.
Burlap sack filled with kindling and poison ivy. Hucked it into a cave system, blocked the entry.
Killed EVERYTHING inside.
Lots of XP for cleverness, but I was rewarded with looks of horror all around as I described what happens to living beings that inhale poison ivy smoke. It's not pretty.
Oops also inside the sack was alchemists fire. It was a BIG sack, too. My ranger builds them and calls them Bags of Fuck You. My DM calls them warcrimes.
Clever rangers are fucking scary if you let em be. Nature is MEAN. Rangers learning from her can be way worse: every latrine I build is a punji pit. Every campsite has either nettles, poison ivy, or some other horrifying plant around it. Every trap I use is set at eye level, with spikes, or foot level with sharps to cut the Achilles tendon. So on and so forth. Fucker wants to be left alone, and no god can help you if you bother him.
I let the ranger in our group put leeches into the main water supply so we could find the vampire who wouldn't drink the water.
This successfully starved the vampire in the process, and later revealing her.
How did this out the vampire?
How did the gnolls react?
I'm genuinely curious.
Idiot shouldve made some brothers and sisters
Our GM ran a "multiple game worlds collide" game.
I gave Nanako of Persona 4 an evoker, enchanted to draw out Personas in the real world, and told her to show her dad that she could summon angels.
Note to self: Even if it is ultimately beneficial, do not have tell a little girl to perform what looks like suicide when her big bro is in town.
He was thrown into a TV, had the ever-loving shit beaten out of him, then left in a racy sailor moon costume hanging by his feet from a power pole.
Silver lining: The cute loli who could now summon angels healed him after he claimed to have been hit by a car.
he wasn't full of leeches
Prohibitionist dwarf island-fortress.
Like Ulthuan and Ireland in a blender.
The vampire was discovered to be the surgeon the entire time.
Siphoning her patients blood.
As soon as the hardcore alcoholics started drinking the leech infested water after swapping the barrels and kegs of beer with them.
Well, lets just say her meal bit back.
The fortress would've been better off if I didn't decide to murder her in cold blood however.
t. dwarf sorcerer.
When I say "it bit back" I mean "it bit her in the ass", metaphorically.
I once tested a potion on my familiar to see what it would do
Basically at the start of battle they were stunned by our successful sneak attack.
Then they started to battle furiously as the matriarch joined them.
When the matriarch was captured they lost morale, some of them fleeing. Then we started trying to bring down as many of them as possible.
When we rounded them up they were scared, probably wondering what we would do with them.
This next part was rushed by DM by obviously reasons. When I put the matriarch in front of them they got pissed, when I started they got horrified and when I finished they were like... broken. I don't blame them, she was not only their leader but the strongest. And she was defiled upon their very eyes.
After that we released them, they just grabbed her and left. They didn't even bother to grab their stuff from their village, leaving their weapons and some plundered loot for us to take.
They didn't come back until now either so I guess it worked. Or DM wants to act like that never happened.
Tortured a child molester/killer with a catheter and sulfuric acid to make a point to his boss.
Bound the soul of a dying little girl to a gem until I could make a new, cancer-free body for her. (Ultimately good, but still.)
Ran a website for bullied students that taught black magic.
Enchanted a bunch of dildos to follow and bludgeon funeral protesters.
I can't wait for you to encounter you half-gnoll son
None of those are bad, user.
....technically all of those are Chaotic Neutral.....
Nothing super fucked up honestly. The worst it got was in a sort of superhero game where the one really nice one got pushed a bit to far. Basically at the end of the fight he transformed back to his normal self and finished it by just straight up choking the guy out.
I mind swapped myself with a few day old Time Dragon and accidentally killed most of my party and the BBEG mid speech in an attempt to age myself up to become more powerful.
I mercy-killed Jesus with a pistol.
It didn't have an in-game effect besides him being told that when his time finally came, it would be equally quick and painless.
That would be pretty awkward.
I didn't even remember humans were compatible. But then humans are compatible with most humanoids.
Not especially, the worst I did surgically removed someone's skeleton, raised it as an undead, had it beat him within an inch of his life, then skinned him.
I wouldn't say I've had a PC do something especially heinous though.
friend of mine played a minotaur that literally raped another party member and came on his fur (he was a catman)
he then tricked the catman to admitting he cleaned himself with his tongue
typing this out it sounds really magic realmy but i promise it was not
>but i promise it was not
Well maybe it's because I've gone cold turkey on fapping but color me aroused.
Girlfriend of one of my players joined for ~5 sessions where she acted out cheating on that player's character with another PC.. and then eventually with that player in RL
Was he a furry?
If you're missing your skeleton, I'd say you're already within an inch of your life, no beating required.
i don't think so, he is a black weaboo who at the time was a little socially maladjusted
great guy though
the only thing arousing about the minotaur was his scythe criticals
Why did he rape his friend PC?
a. minotaur player is an asshole
b. catman player is designated punching bag
the catman player didn't even realize the implications of cleaning his fur with his tongue until the rest of us started busting out laughing at what that implied
>minotaur player is an asshole
>catman player is designated punching bag
Double kek.
Well, they were as close as I came to 2edgy4u.
Tainted his mistress's medicine so that she would miscarry his unborn son that her infertile husband believed to be his so that her husband would have no male heir, only a psychopath daughter who didn't know the player was actually her father
I'll show you edgy!
I-I can't top this....
This guy in my group jacked off into our mac n cheese snack before the game started.
There are very few times when the need for holy judgement manifests in our world enough to allow for a miracle, but this shit sounds like it needs a smitin'.
Sacrifice an orphanage.
It was a Kindred of the East game. she was playing a Devil tiger infiltrator, looking about 15. We had captured a hengeyakoi warrior, and needed to interrogate him.
She said she would take care of breaking him.
She started by taking off her leather catsuit. Then she flayed herself alive, taking aggravated damage for it. She flayed herself alive, sliced pieced off her internal organs, with just her hands, feet, and face having skin left, and laid out the sliced off bits around herself decoratively.
Then she said, "Your turn," as she played with her beating dead heart while it was still in her chest.
GM didn't even bother to fucking roll willpower.
>GM didn't even bother to fucking roll willpower.
I wouldn't either.
Are you the guy who gamed with virt?
It's a second hand story from my friends group so I'm gonna hit the major points I can remember from what he told me. It was the worst story I have ever heard in my life.
>group makes characters in 3.PF
>they play normally for 6 months
>decide to switch to 5e
>decide they'll migrate their characters over to the new edition
>the way they decide to do this is with the some sort of conversion chart for monsters that one of them found on some fucking paheal image or something
>the paladin player ends up with game breaking powers because this doesn't work
>they roleplay the paladin being broken AF
>they roleplay gods giving him powers because he's already so powerful?
I don't fucking get it, don't ask me.
>gods give him the ability to turn into a dragon
>gods give him the ability to stop time
>gods give him the ability to eat souls
>game focuses on the """paladin""" doing edgy shit to/at/with gods while the other party watches him anime style
>one time he stops time while the party is resting at an Inn
>he rapes the female player's female character out of fucking nowhere
>the female player does not want to be raped in game
>the paladin and the DM role play the whole rape to conclusion anyway
>the paladin role plays being upset he raped someone
>the rape victim role plays being upset she was raped
>the game keeps going for some reason
>god(s)? come down and tell the player that his sin is too great
>taking the virginity of an unmarried woman is a sin in the eyes of the forgotten realms pantheon
>as punishment he must marry her or her soul will go to hell because it is unclean
>they role play a marriage
>currently they role play being a married couple while doing more, edgier, shit
All the original players are still in the group, and the female player is dating one of the other non-paladin players. I'm pretty sure most of these people have some sort of mental disorder since none of them has the will or desire to stop this evil. They deserve each other.
the fuck
What the fuck?
What the blueberry fuck.
You need to kill them.
You need to save them from themselves. Please.
>the paladin role plays being upset he raped someone
Holy kek, are they muslims ?
Cannibal Corpse fan detected.
Man, everything I can think of feels downright tame compared to most of this shit.
Have had a furfag try to fuck his animal companion though.
do tell
You make Tyranids look fucking civilized.