/wip/ Works in Progress

Waiting on parts blows dicks edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine (high level stuff):

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?
[YouTube] How to Magnetize a Tyranid Carnifex

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

Other urls found in this thread:



Flash a light close to the ground, the piece will project a shadow. That's what I do when I lose a part.

Started on Alarielle, I'm enjoying painting a face that isn't tiny for once


i fumbled the model and it bounced head first off my work space and ricocheted off into a random direction. A flashlight aint gonna help me

Working on this for salute.

got more pics?

Also been working on some new 15mm sculpts in the mean time between working on the board.


vacuum cleaner with sock over the end? That sometimes help

This is phenomenal, especially for only a few hours of work.

I feel weird critquing someone more talented than myself but I would paint the sides of her nose a little darker (chicks do this with makeup) as her bridge looks swollen at the moment.

Only W.I.P shots, Everything is scratch built so it's mostly just pictures of plastic and polyboard in various states of being built.

Can anybody give me ideas on what to put othe shoulder pads, lost the transfers so cant use them

Is this knight part of a house or a freeblade?

For what are you making those guys, they look sweet

Skulls. I was gifted plenty of little skulls. I plan on gluing them to a Knight shoulder pads when I finally get one, Paris catacombs style.

Have no clue yet just painted something i liked, what is the big difference anyways not really that cought up on Knight lore

>Can anybody give me ideas on what to put othe shoulder pads
Squirrel holding his nuts.


what is this warhammer for ants?

You micro fuckers are insane, you know that? But really though, well done, mate.

I would do that if i was talented enough

Actually it's x-wing for ants and song of blades and heroes for ants.

But thanks!

If you have a printer you could try making your own decals.

Thanks for the feedback, I see what you mean about the nose. Should be pretty simple to get sorte though.

Reposting for Dark Mechanicum user with sisters.

You'll have to do so much work to make the Sisters look (dark)mechanacus that you're better off converting your own counts-as from other models. SoB are so definitely SoB that by the time you've mechanacus'd/chaosed them up you may have well have had used deldar or WHFB/AoS parts from the get-go.

I'll buy the sisters (and maybe greyfax) off of you, and/or offer bits for your conversions if you live in the US if you're interested. (Not against nonUS deals but shipping costs might be more painful for both of us)

[email protected]

You mean like cutting them out after printing or what?

yeah, like the transfer sheets that come with the GW kits.
Bolter and Chainsword and Bells of Lost Souls both have quite comprehensive guide on what papers to use for ink or laser printers and how to treat them with sealant and what not.

The finished product should basically be comparable to what GW gives you, with the difference that - since you can't screen print at home usally - you can't use white on the transfers.

But aside from that you only need an image you like, a printer, the decal paper and some varnish to make your own decals.

got a lot done on my rapier

Oh ok thanks, ill try that out sometime

with crew, the tracks are much more weathered with black/ rusty brown drybrushing but it's hard to make good pics

still needs basing but i'm undecided what to use yet, i will pic something when i finish my plasma support squad

He needs a left arm, /WIP/
but I cant figure what it should be

two right arms

How do you guys model your artificer armor? Especially 30k folks. I asked there, got a little feedback but more disdain.

use 40k stuff, BA got a lot or wtvr looks nice for you, just shave of chapter specifc shit and purity seals. everything is plastic these days, should be doable,maybe ad some etched brass icons for your legion. /hhg doesn't like plastic somehow but fuck that

You forgot to remove some sigmar details

Why is he so sleepy?

Looking a little lighter than last thread due to some highlights, I think I'm gonna keep this scheme.

Any basing suggestions? Ideally something light to contrast dark armour?

A desert base would look nice

a giant dick.

working on biel-tan green any tips ?

Here he is, the Lord of Death himself, Mephiston.

I have been looking forward to having him arrive yet right now I am nervous as fuck to put a brush to him. I really want him to be the most badass looking model in my current army yet with his old as fuck model it seems like it will be tough.

Any advice on what colours to use to really make him stick out? Red, Gold, Black of course are gonna be the big 3. Also anything I should watch for to not fuck this up?

I'd say you should mix the dark and light green paints and add a mid-tone around the highlights to make them less harsh, particularly on the area of the torso wit the fat stripes of light green.

I look forward to seeing it at Salute!


Good luck getting it done in time!

Warhammer for ants is Warmaster
the 40k counterpart was called Epic

Has anyone got tips/improves for my first model. Theme is mordian iron guard army and this model is the lord (also not sure what colour to do the powerpack on his back). 1/2

Some edge highlighting will help. more shade if you haven't applied them already. the photo makes it hard to tell if it's flat due to the flash or the lack of shades

Is there any WIP threads for rpg building? I'm sorry for such a dumbass question but I don't necessarily want to make a thread for a game I'm writing. Sorry again and thanks y'all!

homebrew general?

What's your recipe for old/weathered wood?

That looks much better.

You're recreating the "beach" scene from Rogue One? That is awesome! Cool project user.

Got up early to paint this herald. Ignore the pink bits that's only a base. The skin is nearly done, need a bit more glazing then I think I will need to re-highlight a few bits before painting the guts and boils.

Command tank finished, ready to join the esteemed ranks of the Cadian 812th Armoured!

Always a lot of fun painting Russ chassis, C&C welcome!


Drill dat Hbolter barrel.

Yeah the other one is drilled, I can't find the right drill bit at the moment sadly.

Looks great, drill that bolter barrel and maybe make those tow hooks a metal colour. That's pretty nitpicking though.

Here is what I got done so far, want to get his robes and armor complete before I move onto anything else... and so far I am not feeling it. Just looking at the robes I am not sure if these are good highlights, or if I am going on the right track, should I start over? What can be done?

Robe looks good yeah, the outer cloak shoudl halp it once you get that done

What's the plan for the chest armour though?
If its going to be red as well you might get a samey vibe going there, unless you got for a deep gore red.

I'm not sure. Thinking maybe Korne red to start, right now it's Mephiston Red. But yeah, the panels were going to be red and the Trim I was going to lean on gold. Though maybe Black would be a better look. Though I do intend the cloak to be black with a red trim.


So essentially this with more fiery robe highlight?

Pretty on the money, I don't know it's hard to make him look really badass and keep to the Blood Angel theme. What you posted is pretty much that but trying to fit any unique change in.

However I do want to try and see if I can give him yes like Kaecilius. Unsure how though.

Looks good. As the others said, HB is to be drilled, tow hooks need a coat of metal, and the HB might need some more painting one the front, but is it just details, very good work overall.

These tattoos are gonna be a real pain

It is an ancient model.
Best badass Mephison i saw was a heavily converted Astorath the grim as he had the same "flayed muscle" armour and long hair, but far more savage face.

Got something for you boyo:

You mean this one? Yeah, though I don't have the tools for that, just trying to make due with what I got.

There's loads with Grim base, I meant this one

You gottta maximize that eye-theme son!

Oh damn, that's nice. I would try out something like that but it would look way too close to my actual Astorath.

maybe an arm holding a mirror like gaston in the beauty and the beast

In the process of painting a box of these guys. Working on NMM and brush control on highlights. Looking for critiques.

>Looking for critique.
Rare for me to say but... I can offer none.
Solid 9/10.

Looking for more advice on the golden embroidery. As is it looks like ass, but multiple attempts with washes and highlight layers didn't work out at all.

Got some really good advice last thread, but more can't hurt, right?

Ok sweet yeah he has shades applied just don't know how to highlight yet.


Just my two cents, but some rust on the metal might provide nice contrast from the bone and other metals.

Update. Don't think I'll have time to do more today.

All done in washes?

Getting there.

It has a strange look in general, but especially on the orange parts, how did you paint it? Is it airbrush?

Why is there a silver line where red meets gold?

Its light reflecting off the black

It's actually just black. It's a gloss black and brown thst will be dulled with a topcoat.

Some anons gave me some advice on basing like a week ago
Here's the first 5 of my zombie squad

Wow man, you paint pretty fast. I really like how they look, good job

Base looks neat, flesh need serious work.

Nah, fuckit. I'd take hordes of okay zombies over 5 really well painted ones any day.

I'm looking to get into wargaming, specifically 40k, no prior experience in painting miniatures. I'll be starting a Tau army soon; painting some Fire Warriors and Crisis Suits. I've added everything to my cart except for brushes. I was looking at this set: elementgames.co.uk/paints-hobby-and-scenery/brushes/element-games-kolinsky-brush-bundle and was wondering if it's any good. Would I have everything I need from this set apart from something to dry brush with? Are the brushes provided good enough for painting fine details or should I also purchase another detail brush?

The front edge of the leftmost shield needs some highlights

Is that a Buttery Commissar?

It's a good set, but it's like buying a Porche as your first car.

Get some cheap ones to wreck and neglect first.

This one has a Fine detail brush, a Regiment brusk for bulk work and a drybrush.


I was refraining from buying Army Painter brushes because I've heard they aren't very good. I guess I'll give this set a shot. Should I also purchase a brush cleaner or will water be fine?

Brush-cleaner/shampoo is mostly for maintaining sable sets like the kolinsky, plain old waters and dish-soap will do for learner brushes.

It's basically one brown and blue wash then a load of glazes, no airbrushing. It's deliberately pretty weird, here's the rest of the army.

Yeah i know the look, works well for Nurgle with the desaturated almost pastel feel, best "lazy" painting style there is, beats "base n dip".

>The riot of colors on those Nurglings
Just beautiful mate.