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Any more of this? It seems like it needs missions or foes.


Please, I've spent the last 3 days working on this, maybe in a week or two.

I was going to make an add on that lets you join Erebus, be a Vampire, werewolf, or Lich


any source on the nadia picture?

Or maybe just the original picture


>Could go alone
>Implying we're given a choice unless we're British, German, or Russian.

nvm found it with through the help of custom tagging on danbooru

Shilling my other shit too.

But user, there are 6 factions.

And only one of them is directly tied to a government in >current year



Angel please come back and finish the OC you promised!



One's British, two are German, one is Russian. That just leaves the Cults, who are evil, and Fading Giants, which seems to be Eastern European.

Come tomorrow I shall be vindicated. My coercion techniques are second to none I assure you.

Templar aren't German. Templar are not really aligned to any particular nation.

Raven were originally British, but are basically global nowadays.

DOG are central European, they're German only in name only. They're just Nazis.

GRU are Russian, yes but will work with basically anyone who knows their way around a gun.

And Fading Giants are primarily Eastern European, but their operatives come from basically anywhere, and operate just as freely.

So don't worry. All these venerable organizations won't laugh you out just because your country is younger than some of their members.

Because I'm 90% certain you're American.

Of that number, literally only GRU are directly tied to a government though. The rest are either non-political or support their country as much as anyone else would.

Reposting from finishing thread

>Mad Science

>Weird science 3 (-15)
>Magical enhancement 3 (-10)
>Defensive Magic 3 (-10)
>Elementalism 3 (-10)

>Blessed Melee weapon (sword) 3 (-15)

>Ripsnarl Murdersmash
>Sir Richard Warwick

I am going to try and turn myself into a legit demon with wings and improved everything that is unbeatable in combat.

>Templar aren't German. Templar are not really aligned to any particular nation.
Do you know the history of the Templar?
>Raven were originally British, but are basically global nowadays.
The organization is entirely filled with British people and British culture. It doesn't suit anyone else.
>DOG are central European, they're German only in name only. They're just Nazis.
Central Europe is almost entirely Germanic senpai, nation divisions aside.
>GRU are Russian, yes but will work with basically anyone who knows their way around a gun.
Still a Russian organization for Russians. Maybe Russian allies too.
>And Fading Giants are primarily Eastern European, but their operatives come from basically anywhere, and operate just as freely.
So again, for Eastern Euros.

No worries, buddy. I thought it was good work, and was hoping for more.

>Fading Giants
>magic circles
>Illusion magic.

Im the dedicated battlefield shaper for my team. Magic circle traps deployed by bow? Boom! Illusions leading them into ambush? Covered. Probably pick a couple of very heavy hitters as allies.

Also, I should point out that the Templar's ties to the Catholic church means that it doesn't suit anywhere without strong catholic presence.

This is kinda nice, but why is it set up to have me choose 1 Profession and 1 Alter Ego then further on have a choice that explicitly tells me that it gives me the option to choose an Alter Ego and a Profession?

Also, Jackpot feels like it's in the wrong place. Giving us access to 3 Specials looses a lot of its weight when Jackpot 'has' to be one of them. It's just the normal 2 Specials plus some added fluff on the side. Maybe emphasize the money you get from it more in the text or put it somewhere else.

A.I. Augment feels like a straight up superior version of Brain Implant. I doubt that's what you were going for but mind explaining what makes them so different?

>entirely filled with British people and British culture

Don't step on my dreams of being an Auror for the ministry senpai.

You're going to have to immigrate and integrate, mate. Learn to love the toast sandwich.


Cult - Unfathomable
Abyssal arts 3
Healing magic 3
Magical enhancement 3
Runecrafting 3
Magical circles 3
Defesnsive magic 1
Magical robes 3
Small melee weapon 3
Armour 3
Large melee weapon 3
Small guns 3
Long guns 3
Reinhard and Ripsnarl

Alien drug
Gantz suit and biotics

Look, the author just gave you their view on their work, so you can either accept it or spazz about it. I know what you'll pick but everyone else should be made aware this choice.

I wouldn't mind importing this festival and integrating it with Halloween. One of the few Mexican cultural events that are worthwhile.

I'm aware of his choice, it still doesn't make any sense for people from the New World or Asia.

Shit holiday for shit nation

Nah, parading around dressed like skeletons and eating skeleton candy sounds fun.

Like I said, we combine it with Halloween so you get your whole week of celebrating the dead and spooky iconography before culminating in a night where the children go around in their costumes and demand candy.


Heavy - cost 5,000 (money remaining 45,000)


Magboots - 1,000 (44,000)
Riot shield - 2,000 (42,000)
Servos (free w/ armour) / Hydraulics - 4,000 (38,000)
Battery / capacitor - 5,000 (33,000)
Energy shield / heavy shield - 8,000 (25,000)
Environmental control / environmental shielding - 4,000 (21,000)
Advanced targeting - 2,000 (19,000)
Cyber warfare suite - 3,000 (16,000)
Ablative armour / E.R.A. - 6,000 (10,000)


C.Q.C. "Ghost" plasma-sword - 7,000 (3,000)

>Areas of operation:

Hostora - free (3,000)

Decieclite - 3,000 (0)

>Do you know the history of the Templar?
I do, it was started by French people. I mean obviously it's going to be comprised partially of Germans, but not entirely, and it's been almost 1000 years since it's founding.

>The organization is entirely filled with British people and British culture. It doesn't suit anyone else.

I'm glad that I was able to put across that in such a small space. Yeah, it's mostly filled with Brits. Doesn't mean that they're going to kick you out for being a Yank. Hating you lot is mostly just a meme.

>Central Europe is almost entirely Germanic senpai, nation divisions aside.

True, but there are non-Germans there, and people who are too sadistic to go to Raven. Odd how most of you lot picked it.

>So again, for Eastern Euros.

Not for Eastern Euros, just with Eastern Euros.

Look, if your blue jeans and cowboy hats mean that much to you, you *can* wear them in lieu of BDUs or robes.

Hell, you could be the first cowboy wizard.

Raven operatives might give you funny looks, and GRU operatives might call you mean names in a language you can't understand, but it'd all be worth it to send eldritch abominations packing with a lever action and some well placed fireballs.

Europe has dominated most of the world for many years now. It makes perfect sense, in my mind, that shadowy magical organizations with no government oversight might be considerably more brutal in enforcing an iron grasp over most of the world.

The explanation for it, in universe, is that a combination of EMPIRE! and an interconnected
European nobility gave rise to single powers.

Or you could believe that, what with all these shadowy organizations around, they may have overlooked Asian organizations.

New World though? No magical organization native to the Americas survived contact with Raven.

They wiped them out for basically being cult cells that worshipped wendigos.

I just finished the first page of the TVC rework. Still waifubait, but with extra waifus this time.
I am working on the second page RN, so if you've got doubts about the reworked stat system, you'll have to wait for that one.
Of the four new tales added, Imma take a wager and say most folks are only going to know two, as one of the others will be hard until you see the characters and the remaining one'll be hard even if you know the characters.
If you find some misspellings or whatnot, gimme a heads up.

It does mean a Yank doesn't fit into that sort of organization. Other than a potential love for tea there's nothing in common there.

Glad you like it.

It's fine if he wants to disagree with me. I mean at the end of the day, I'm right. Of course I'm right, I'm the author. What is right is literally defined by my opinion on it.

But I prefer to address concerns, complaints, and criticisms of my shit, rather than just let people sperg out, because I feel it makes me a better writer, and may perhaps allow someone else to find more enjoyment out of it.

>an interconnected
>European nobility
Those all got kicked out of America.

>potential love for tea

I do keep hearing you lads yell about some sort of tea party your throwing.

British and American culture isn't so drastically different that it'd be a colossal problem. You might have trouble handling all the bants, but I think a bigger issue might be the class divide, unless you're secretly a billionaire.

Most of these people come from old money. Real old money.
Not all, but most.

>Those all got kicked out of America.
>He doesn't know
Poor child...

Basically in America the only part of the country that consumes a lot of tea is the south, which is also the part that objects the most to British cultural values.

>I think a bigger issue might be the class divide
Isn't that issue enough for the British organization to be a poor fit?

Battery: 2
Jetpack: 9
Energy Shield: 12
Environmental Control/Shielding: 16
Grenade Satchel: 18
Cyber Warfare Suite/AI: 24
Advanced Targeting: 26

X-2 "Hellion": 32
M-23C "Headhunter": 39
>I'm not overly armed, but at least my guns seem pretty versatile

Vavatch Orbital: 49
>Sounds the most likely to have cool unique missions that keep me on my feet.And if I can make enough money here I'll buy a place in Hostora.

I don't remember you lads specifically kicking out wizards though.

I'm just saying that's how they got there. They stayed there by literally being wizards. You couldn't kick them out if you tried.

I'd love to continue this, but it's 6am and I need to be up before noon for crumpets and tea.

Tatty bye.

Which CYOA authors do you guys miss the most?

Posing this again because we were having a good conversation about coming up with another arc.

Raven's perk is literally called Pax Britannica.

Please add weeb faction and more waifus.

t. thread habitue

Is a joke. Please dont.

The builds in question.
And the convo in the past thread.
Just so we don't have to be going back and forth between this thread and the last.

Are there any League of Legends CYOAs?

Ok, sure. This looks cool. One query though... When you are buying Magic or Equipment to you pay for Tier 1, then Tier 2, then Tier 3 or do you just skip to Tier 3? For example, would getting Elementalist 3 cost 5 points total, or 10 points total?

Yes, 2 I think, one where you go on a road trip, and one where you go on a generic adventure. I'll see if I can find them you have pleb taste

It explicitly states that 'you must purchase the previous rank of an ability or item to purchase the next'

I don't understand how the "A Companion" fortune works. Does it mean you can't take it if you have the Summoner wisdom, or that if you have the Summoner wisdom, you can't pick a companion from your tale?


Corrode, an abyss spell under the your spells section, has a type in the description.
>...that will cause the opponents weaponsor armor to deteriorate
there should be a space after weapons.

Looks nice. Waiting for the second page.

oh shit. holy shit. I'm a fucking idiot. shame. shame on me.

I know, user, but for some reason a lot of people really like Halloween.






Order of the Raven
- Highborn

Thaumaturgy 3 (15)
Magical Enhancement 3 (10)
Illusion Magic 3 (10)
Healing Magic 2 (5)

Small Melee Weapon 3 (10)
Small Gun 3 (10)
Magical Robe 3 (10)

Reinhardt Sauer
Sir Jason Oxford

>you might have trouble handling the bantz

Every brit I've ever met talks a lot of shit and then gets self righteous and offended when he gets it in return.


Topless man of amazing mustaches and warm heart.
Dandy monster of dad jokes
Weird bug monster that is highly adaptable
Fish girl that just wants to see the sights

Not sure who anyone is, but this trip should still be fun. Bad jokes galore, we'll be laughing while groaning the entire time. Was tempted to grab someone for a themed trip, but keeping things simple might just be for the best.

Braum, Cho'gath, Kha'zix, Nami. Good choices.


Thanks user. I'm honestly tempted to make a good LoL CYOA now. Maybe I can put my pleb taste to use.

Who's this bug-eyed blondie?

So the method of inducement is the Holy Grail, which turns water into wine (Jesus' blood), that the proprietor drops a bit into every drink she serves. The owner is also a LotL expy. The bar randomly shifts around London, never appearing in the same place twice.

As for Excalibur, we could just have it function as the Arrow did. It either gives you a Stand or it enhances a Stand if you already have one. Similar to assembling the Corpse Parts, maybe something should happen if Excalibur manages to end up in Avalon, maybe a boon from the Lady of the Lake or something (To parallel the eventual return of Excalibur to Avalon). Though we'd need a villain who was trying to do that. Oscar could be the first-half main villain, and while killing him JoJo and his companions discover the guy trying to use Excalibur either for his own purposes or to get a boon from the Lady of the Lake.

>No Karthus bro to go on bony adventures with

Haven't seen this one in a while. Looks like Shifter's Phases got nerfed, though. I think I'll max Wanderer's Treasures instead - that sounds like the kind of life worth living. I'll also still Shifter's Phases 3 to take on useful animal aspects, Windows to the Soul 2 for the infravision, and Dead Man's Dance 1 to never sleep again.


My plan is to constantly blueball them and try to convince them things would go better if there weren't others
Hopefully I can convince them to kill each other

Hey SDA, how common is it for NPCs to have fully decked out modded ships? Like I don't imagine every Wasp is decked out in Tier 2 weapons and full Overdrive modded with Aegis Shielding, etc etc. I wouldn't even imagine the Navy would pay the expense to have say every Ogre and Skinwalker full armed to the teeth with the most powerful shields, weapons, and energy systems

What CYOA is that from?


Void trip go

i always imagines it was more heaved towards the cheaper civvy like models with the better stuff flown by better pilots more rare

but more common the further "south" you get IE: into more dangerous territory
or just some psycho rushing you with 50 halfrusted hammerhead ships manned by stim addicts
either one

Order of the Raven

Thaumaturgy 3 (25)
Elementalism 3 (15)
Illusion Magic 3 (5)
Magic Enhancement 2 (0)

Magical Robes 3 (20)
Long Gun 3 (10)
Magical Supplies 3 (0)

Sir Jason Oxford
Simon Haueter

If EVE corp wars are any indication this is a viable tactic since you risk almost nothing and depending on what you target can gain/destroy alot.

well unlike eve the guy who owns/commands the fleet isnt a pseudo-immortal demigod who just plain doesnt care about his crew
just generic african warlord levels nuts

>modded ships
Very rare. How often do you see people with riced out cars? The best way I can describe it is to translate it into real-life cars. Everyone has a goddamn civic because it does the job, but then there's that one rich asshole in town with a lambo that everyone covets.

In terms of the Navy, no, they don't really mod their ships outside of the top-level spec ops divisions who want to fit their ships for specific purposes. And it is only when encountering people like those top-level spec ops divisions when you encounter someone with a maxed out ship.

Pretty much, but most encounters in space aren't that large in the CYOA's setting.

The problem with Star Dust is that everyone grabs the maximum titles to mod their ships to the max and get the best shields/energy modules. This is due to the scalability nature of the CYOA, and while I have seen a lot of milder builds lately, I guess the nature of /CYOAg/ is just to minmax. I mean, look at most of the mid-tier and lower-tier titles, they were worded in a way so that it's implied that even small builds could take them on.

Meanwhile, in reality, the typical "bandit encounter" when roaming space freely is probably, at most, a few shitty hammerhead frigates put together.

Getting involved with factions typically pits you against more difficult enemies, like how joining the Blackhawks puts you at the forefront against a slew of different pirate or bandit organizations. Titles just help emphasize more crap to be thrown at you.

From the last thread

"Sidle On" Frigate build

Red Dagger Glaive Enforcer build (Keep calling them Talons for some reason)

I actually did some NPC builds for one of the previous versions. As you can imagine, the general response was "lel, you're no match for my 1billion dreadcarriorship".

Here's an idea: A extremely long time ago, a meteorite crashed in the British Isles. Over time, its crater filled in to form a lake, and a girl accidentally cut her foot on a sharp part of the meteorite in the lake. This girl was the lady of the lake who, upon being cut, was granted a very op stand, but for some reason (I haven't figured out yet) she can never leave the lake. Much later, the lotl's stand makes the place seem enchanted, and a squad of knights journeys there to see what the hell is up with it. They meet the lotl (I'm calling her Nimue from now on, better than an acronym and it's her real name), who, after seeing one of the knight's sword damaged, grants a young Arthur the 'mystic iron' in a fit of generosity, which he goes on to use for forging a sword (Excalibur) and the leftover iron, not enough for anything else, is used to make a cup (The grail). Only the sword at this time has stand granting properties, but a thief breaks into the castle and steals the cup, among other things, which ends up at the final supper as the cup Jesus drinks from, which is when it begins to refill with a magic stand granting water. Then when it becomes known as the holy grail, Galahad journeys to find it, and becomes the first stand user that gained it from the cup. Though as the cup is retrieved, the sword vanishes into thin air, never to be seen again... Until a certain Jojo comes to town.

I have rambled on way too much.

I like both of these builds. First one is certainly prepared for the Traveler shenanigans and I like how you took a different AI for each ship. Gives it some character.

Second build, I wish you'd really write for. I'm curious as to how this enforcer came to be and why several gangs bend the knee for him. I like gang stuff and think it would make a neat story.

I remember these. Made me really want to make the corvette class, but seriously, I can't be bothered with adding that much more balancing.

StarDust Necromancer DLC when?

Necromancer StarDust DLC when?

I could try writing, just shit at it. I doubt you remember, but I did two battlemage builds, Nathaniel Malkov and Luren Florentis. I wrote those and found them to be quite cringy but submitted anyways

I wanted to ask, can you put a man's brain in a robot body? I see there are androids but I'm pretty sure that's not the same. I was just thinking how I could more easily do the whole traveler title thing.

The most boring and overused magic ever. It's literally the "lol so rumdumb xD" branch of the magic world.

Yandere waifu guy


It's opinion of course but to call it bait is unnecessary.

>old timer
>wants to be the android
not massively consistent these things are

Different people, I picked Old Timer in the build, different guy is asking about android

>planning seven years of courses
Yeah, no. Also, super triggered about author getting Org. Chem and Bio Chem mixed up.