What kind of campaign would he run?
What kind of campaign would he run?
A successful one.
A terrible everyone keeps getting railroaded and no one likes the direction it's going, and he's prone to throw out everything and throw tantrums at the drop of a hat.
Also, the whizzard is in it somewhere
Unknown Armies or Rifts.
Political biases aside, he seems like he'd be the "Chaotic Neutral" type of DM. You want to grab the dragon's tail and let go when you're right above a concert and then kick the singer off the stage and take his place? Sure, why the fuck not. Roll Perform.
>I literally wrote the book on GMing
>Trust me this campaign is gonna be yuge.
>Open world, completely, no actions forbidden.
>Only losers railroad folks. Only losers.
>This treasure haul, you're not gonna believe it folks, is the most EPIC. HAUL. EVER. EV-ER.
He'd hype the shit out of his upcoming game, but once you actually play it, it's a pretty lazy ad-hoc implementation of the same That GM tendencies that he was ridiculing ten minutes ago.
Also all his NPCs are invincible assholes. This dude probably throws a tantrum every time one of his goblins gets KO'd.
He's constantly breaking character to rant about his job, and always has his phone out. You're pretty sure he's tweeting like 40% of the time during sessions.
He's got gold-colored weighted d20s, and writes on his battlemat in gold sharpie.
Every few sessions his advisers bust in and have a situation room right there behind the GM screen. It's really awkward because they're discussing private security matters that could probably put you in danger just for knowing about them, but at the same time he's telling you it's okay to stick around, and it's also awkward because your ride home is on one of his private jets so you can't really leave early.
And he makes you come to his private club where everyone else is charged $200,000 just for a seat. Like everyone there is just bleeding money and we're just there with our cheap plastic dice. Also some of the club members are sitting nearby and intently watching you play, which doesn't really help matters.
He wouldn't show up for the first session, and then blame the players.
100% pure salt detected
>when chaos starts kicking in
MOAB falls, everybody dies
the truth
A very anti family values campaign. He wouldn't even fuck, let alone impregnate his daughters like a good daddy.
You were funny with ">Only losers railroad folks. Only losers" but after the green text you just outed yourself as a salty fag. Stay mad.
Trump's been pretty fucking good so far. You've gotta be desperate to see him being awful. What would you try to say? That he hasn't fulfilled enough promises less than even one twelfth of the way through his first time when he could get two and everyone on both sides is giving him trouble?
Also wow, baby can't handle Trump making people pay hundreds of thousands a year to use his properties. They do that willingly. He isn't throwing your money at Syrian refugees.
Also "tantrums." Like when Hillary called half of America a basket of deplorables and cost herself the election and when she had an opportunity to apologize she did in a super half assed non-apology way?
I also love how he clearly has a good sense of humor but you like to imagine he gets mad at everything. Meanwhile Hillary has been said to have thrown a bible at a secret service agent and demanded SS hide behind curtains when she walks by.
>And he makes you come to his private club where everyone else is charged $200,000 just for a seat. Like everyone there is just bleeding money and we're just there with our cheap plastic dice. Also some of the club members are sitting nearby and intently watching you play, which doesn't really help matters.
And then he orders the meatloaf for you. The only meatloaf I like sings ballads.
>defeat ISIS in 30 days
>drain the swamp
putting money in his own pockets, hiring cronies, nope
>keep your insurance
not under any plan so far
>not invading foreign countries, isolationism
>get China to stop doing whatever right wing nuts think they do with their currency
I could keep going, but yeah he's fulfilled nothing while costing taxpayers money and actively hurting his constituents. He's a terrible president.
But hey it isn't Hillary huh? Sure is great seeing the country become the next Russia - slums and millionaires with no middle class or real prospects. Make America poor again!
As someone who isn't American, I have no interest in seeing you defend the orange one if you aren't doing it in an on-topic way.
As another non-american, I can live with it
>But hey it isn't Hillary huh? Sure is great seeing the country become the next Russia - slums and millionaires with no middle class or real prospects. Make America poor again!
Except the economy is booming. Nice one.
>not invading foreign countries, isolationism
He's cleaning up Obama's mess. Bombing an airbase is not an invasion.
>draining the swamp
You'd rather he hire some faggy liberal professors who've seen even a million dollars in their lives. Yes, your academics who have no major real world knowledge would be far more competent than successful billionaires and surely they'd be far harder to bribe than the people who already have far more money than they know what to do with.
Okay goy.
Maybe you should have Pokemon Guh-Gone to the polls and voted for your desiccated corpse. Maybe she'd have won.
Oh man this thread is going to be great, huh?
Lolol so much butthurt calm down man it's just a fuckin joke
>I also love how he clearly has a good sense of humor but you like to imagine he gets mad at everything.
The planet you live on sounds nice. Can I move there? We're stuck with an angry cheeto who tweets angrily any time people don't kiss his ass.
Which is something missed - question any of his calls and you're out of the group, and he'll do a twitter rant about how awful you are as a player.
But user, Putin Nat 20'd when he rolled Disable Device to hack the election against the Leftist Lich Queen! Trump's just been using loaded dice to roll Nat 20s on Bluff to hide all the evidence.
I don't know how fun it would be, but I think he would be using a fast and loose imaginative group story telling type of game since running with an existing rules system would require that he read a book, or at least part of one.
>He's cleaning up Obama's mess. Bombing an airbase is not an invasion.
Obama asked Congress for permission to bomb a long time ago, in response to his "line in the sand" over chemical weapons. They told him no, after making a point of telling the public that he needed to get their permission first, before doing something like that.
Of course now that Trump is in office, who cares!
>hurr durr, you'd rather he hire faggy libruls?
No idiot, we'd rather he hire competent people based on their merits, not their ability to kiss his ass, or marry into his bloodline.
>He isn't throwing your money at Syrian refugees.
You're right, he's wasting it on golfing trips and weekly vacations. That's even worse.
The best campaign, with the best NPCs, most of which you've never even heard of. And the players would win so much that they would get tired of winning.
As if Obama did take a million vacations.
Trump actually meets world leaders at his golf courses.
Obama knowingly gave weapons and funding to "rebels" and "moderates" when he knew the weapons would end up in the hands of terrorists because they
1) Were actually terrorists
2) Would team up with terrorists when convenient
3) Would have their organizations taken over by terrorists
4) Would flee like bitches and drop their guns in a fight
and so on
He kept funding them when all the people his CIA operatives were supposed to help were dead.
He started the Syrian crisis in the first place by meddling when he could have stayed out of it.
GG buddy. He only got involved because he thought he could score easy points by encouraging an "arab spring" that failed horribly.
On top of encouraging Iranians to overthrow their government and failing he later throws over a hundred billion dollars at them and sucks them off.
You're a fucking mess.
>defeat ISIS in 30 days
He's trying. That MOAB bomb explosion was beautiful
>drain the swamp
He's arrested 1500 pedophiles/people traffickers in his first month, compared to 400 in 2014. Considering how a lot of high level politicians are mixed into this shit, he's bound to start capturing bigger fish at some point.
>economy booming
Just wanted to say the economy should start declining again soon, not through any fault of trump (though he may or may not exacerbate the problem).
He'd be grand. But tasking.
His Gamingrounds would basically be hotseat tryouts, because he takes his aim for the BEST Pen and Paper Sessions EVER too fucking serious.
He has gostwrighters on hire and some of the best Fantasy authors coaching his campaigns. Every gamenight he has hired a couple nerdy ass voice actors who get together to play some dungeons and dragons, and he has them voice the NPCs with scripts and talking points and everything.
Ivanka keeps dropping in, bringing snacks and beer, while Baron sits beside his dad and gets to roll all the dice.
Trump himself sits on a throne, proper medieval imitation, with Kushner dressed up as a wizard right behind him.
Tump actually doesnt know any rules. He just makes gut calls all the time, and whenever it comes to fighting or actual judgement calls, Kushner is right there to whisper the answer into his ear.
He also has tryouts and performance reviews.
He does not tolerate his players slacking off. You better put in that roleplaying effort, and you better be into the story and into planning shit.
His favourite part of GMing?
When he gets to voice some marketender oder blacksmith or something. His prices are insanely competetive, his quality is great, but he ALWAYS talks the group into buying way more than they could ever need, He just loves making great deals and can juggle the slimmest margins to turn an insane profit.
BBEG of his campaign is an evil witch and her black wizard buttbuddy, who both serve an even greater evil, united in a quest to dominate the globe economically and politically.
In the end the players best all those adversaries and Trump shows mercy, the old hag is allowed to retire in peace.
>whatever right wing nuts think they do with their currency
he'd get excited for the plans and schemes his players implement and flip flop on most of the storytelling and thematic elements of the campaigns. He basically wings it improvising the entire way, going along with everything the players propose, turning it up to eleven and making it a challenge, screaming all the time, never sitting down, instead walking up and down the room, seeling the palyers on quest after quest and plot after plot. Due to his understanding of most detailed rules mechanics and more intricate politics being rather fuzzy he just substitutes violence ingame whenever he hits a wall and allows his players all the leeway in the world to play an insane murderhobo campaign
>When he gets to voice some marketender oder blacksmith or something. His prices are insanely competetive, his quality is great, but he ALWAYS talks the group into buying way more than they could ever need,
>"So, crossbowanon, why did you buy that heavy hammer, greatsword, polearm, light hammer, shotsword, shortspear, shield, and set of full plate when you're dexterity based and have your entire build specced to using your crossbow? How can you even carry it all?"
>"Well, I did get a set of Muleback Cords, and the guy happily traded my Cloak of Resistance for a Corset of Resistance at no extra price. Plus, all of those could come in useful, you know. And all the weapons are enchanted to let me use dexterity with them, it's great!"
>"And, how much did you spend?"
>"Uh, around fourty thousand?"
>"Well, it did seem to me like a good deal at the time, and the whole thing goes for effectively at sixty thousand gold in the usual marketprice, so it's fine!"
>I also love how he clearly has a good sense of humor
An electoral campaign.