Common Legacy - Decks You Should Prepare to Face >Miracles >Delver variants (Grixis, Izzet, BUG, RUG) >ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils) >Death and Taxes >Eldrazi Stompy >Shardless BUG >Lands
Uncommon Legacy - Decks You Should Know About >Turbo Depths >LED Dredge >Reanimator >Infect >Stoneblade >Burn >TES (The Epic Storm) >Elves >Painter >Maverick >4-Color Loam >Nic Fit >Sneak n Show
Rare Legacy - Decks You May See On Occasion >Enchantress >MUD >Goblins >Merfolk >High Tide >Aluren >Food Chain >12 Post >Belcher >Pox Control >Blood Moon Stompy variants >Tezzerator >Sneak n Breach >Stax (White or Black) >Deadguy Ale >Landstill >Affinity
Mythic Legacy - Decks You'll See Once a Year >Doomsday Fetchland Tendrils (DDFT) >Cheerios >Nourshing Lich >Non-Eldrazi Moon-less Stompy variants >Spanish Inquisition >Ux Omnitell >Parfait >The Cure (Kavu Predator + False Cure
Dredgefag here, I want one build a new deck as dredge is awful against my local legacy scene. What should build?
Jackson Moore
Belcher. You have LED's right?
Ryan Johnson
I second Belcher. Might Get OLD Pretty QUIVKM thouh
Carson Fisher
Yeah, I was tempted to build ANT because of that but then I realized how Leovold and tendrils interact.
Nolan Mitchell
I don't think you need to worry too much about that. People are still playing storm. Most decks play only 2 copies of leo. Sometimes they don't have it. Sometimes you win before it comes down. Maybe play the 2 decay main that togores likes.
Ryan Davis
I actually think this formats more stale then Modern recently I just really dislike playing blue so the amount of viable Legacy decks are reduced significantly
Adrian Carter
ban terminus
Grayson Nelson
Modern is the same except you trade blue decks for aggro decks.
Carter Ortiz
If Leovold isn't that big of a concern I might just put the deck together, I've been wanting to build it for a while but didn't want to shell out for the seas
Leo Walker
I think the deck is worth building. It is fun, interesting and powerful. The lands go into other decks. If you already have the leds I think it's worth it. It'll never be a truly "bad" deck because what it does is so inherently powerful that you can steamroll any deck with tight play and a bit of luck. It might not always be the best choice for a given meta, but you could take it into almost any meta and feel like you have a chance.
Liam Williams
Thanks for feedback man, I'll definitely give a shot, now to get a line on some duals.
Angel Gonzalez
Yeah but at least the aggro decks are playing different cards. Legacys all about the cantrip shell, Ponder, Preordain and of course Brainstorm. Theres no reason to not play Brainstorm its just that good. I like Legacy but the formats been very stale lately.
Parker Cooper
I'd rather have decks that play similar cards but work differently than decks that play different cards but all do the same thing.
Ian Parker
How do you normally track life when you play?
Josiah Evans
Pen and paper. Used 2x10d, but sprinning the fucking things gets old quick.
Isaac Foster
Right, many decks play Brainstorm, but it's probably the most skill intensive card ever printed barring Gush, so it doesn't really get old that fast.
Mason Fisher
>gush more skill intensive thank brainstorm Menendian pls go
William Hernandez
It has my favourite decks in all of magic with tons of super fun matchups that never get old
I want to play enchantress, anyone with experience on it? I'm reading lists and they seem pretty straight forward. I was hoping for more spice.
Landon Watson
the cantrip "shell" is just that: a shell. Brainstorm and ponder don't win you the game. Storm and miracles both play the card brainstorm, and yet the way the decks function (as well as the way that they use brainstorm) is vastly different. Meanwhile, in modern, some decks use lava spike, some decks use arcbound ravager, and some use death's shadow, but they all play the same linear aggro style.
Landon Taylor
My two normal decks are Big Red and TES. I'll occasionally sleeve up Stone Blade, UR delver, or Standstill stuff if my local Meta gets super hostile to combo decks.
Dylan Campbell
Never mind, I can't read. Thought the question was "what do you play", not "why do you play".
I want to put together something to compliment my memerange pile so I have variety and something else to play when we're just jamming casual games and testing match ups
but I have no idea how to play anything other than slam discard into goyf, help
Robert Cooper
Just proxy some shit up senpai. Try weird shit you'd never normally play. Play some Jank combo
Juan Perez
Put together a meme combo deck like Belcher or doomsday. It will be fun to play once every now and then, and you can go back to your memerange after you're done.
Jayden Adams
Play nourishing lich, it's really awesome
Lincoln Stewart
If you want to play something good and different, but in your wheelhouse, I would recommend elves or aluren. Both can play the value/midrange game but can also combo kill relatively consistently.
Joseph Morgan
>they think everyone is just clamoring to play Legacy
Jordan Reed
>implying they aren't
Jordan Martin
There is just so much weight on timing it right.
Hunter Garcia
I want to brew something, any suggestions?
Jayden Powell
I almost never play blue, and I have plenty of decks that win well.
Evan Clark
Julian Brooks
The same could be said about brainstorm though. So many people play it wrong.
Jack Howard
Josiah Martin
Is mill viable in legacy?
Jose Jackson
What other format would they by hyped to play?
Sebastian Morris
Technically. Theres self mill strategies that work pretty well. if you mean milling your opponent then there is painters stone or some decks using RIP helm
Adam Clark
>All the legacy cucks circlejerking. >With a stale format that has had the same top dog deck for 4 years. >Implying salt hate isn't better that a lot of autist jerking off to pics of white bordered decks and post on how to build tier 9999999 shitbrews that just want to do what t1-2 decks do but worst >The format is so bad that the only deck that gets updated is Death and taxes >Topped by obnoxious i-know-everything namefags >All threads degenerate in anonymous lying about their richness and Chinamen cucks fighting because the format does not have a figure You autist should just have let die this general when it was still good and free of the tumblrines namefaggers
Hudson Morales
Literally none of that is accurate except for miracles being top dog for a few years, and most of us don't even really care because we aren't obsessed to the point of hemorrhoid bursting rage over what the top deck is
Back to your containment zone, unclean one
Jace Brooks
I dont think people are hyped to play Legacy. Semi-casuals see it as a degenerate format with turn 1 wins. FNM Grinders actually want to play sanctioned Magic and unless you are on the East Coast the Legacy scene is nearly dead, its Standard/Modern or bust.
Henry Kelly
How are you fine that theres a deck so much more powerful then any of the others? Miracles always shows up as the Top winner without fail. Its not even surprising. One of the recent Legacy GPs ended with a Miracles mirror. If you are actually competitive there is no reason to play any deck other then Miracles, top that off with the deck being horrendously boring to play and you've got a stale format. Sorry I dont find spinning divining tops for 8 hours fun.
Jason Garcia
TFW you get to play legacy every week. It's at least a lot more fun than modern, that's for sure.
Standard seems so fucking bad that I don't even understand how there is scene for it.
Zachary Bell
The bant one looks nice. I'll play around with it online.
Parker Ortiz
The reason why miracles is so represented in top8 is because it's played the most. Sure, the deck is good, but it also has a lot of bad matchups. If you get hit by few of those in early rounds, goodbye top8.
Also, consider this, there will always be "the top deck". Why is your ass so tingly when it's miracles?
>the deck being horrendously boring to play Your opinion, your loss, abloobloo babyman.
Logan Young
Good for you that you have a scene but the vast majority of towns dont, especially here on the West Coast. Good luck trying to convince anyone to buy into it either. "Yeah just go spend about $2-3500 to play a TCG occasionally" you can try to argue that Moderns prices are similar but they arent, I have 4 Modern decks for the price of 1 of the top tier expensive Legacy decks. I have two Naya Burns one for me and my brother, I have Titanshift, and UR Storm that I need to tweak, all for less then Shardless BUG or Miracles. The decks even have a fair amount of pimp/foil cards and still come nowhere near a Legacy decks price. Yes I have Legacy Burn too because it was only an extra $50 but since theres not a big Legacy scene here I rarely get to play it.
Isaiah Hall
>Miracles >Horrendously boring to play >"Pardon me while I don't mention the Modern/Standard format in the least"
Semi-casuals view most formats they aren't playing as degenerate formats with turn 1 wins. Your second issue is mostly an issue with there not being a scene for it, which makes any format except Goldfish (not so popular in the long run) unplayable.
Juan Miller
I have taken this pile of jank to Legacy night and it has won a good number of games but I still feel like it needs alot of work but I haven't got an idea on how to improve outside of vial. Apology for if its not up to snuff as I don't come to this thread often
There will always be "the top deck" this is true but the difference between the top deck in Legacy versus the top deck in Modern is vast. Miracles is much much more powerful then the second best Legacy deck, theres a disparity in the power level. In Modern the best deck is DSJ it seems, but theres still a large amount of decks that give it a run for its money and the power level of DSJ is not that much more then Affinity, Eldrazi, Burn, Ad Nauseam and Titanshift. Theres less of a disparity between the power levels of the top decks, giving you more reason to play a deck thats not DSJ.
Jaxson Johnson
>TES (or should I go back to AN(...) >With an obnoxious response, but namefags are not a cancer >Your opinion on boring does not matter but mine does There are far more flavors on modern than aggro. You are just hipster tumblrines that cry because they cannot get out of its hugbox.
Cooper Rogers
You may be shocked to learn but some of us actually like the Modern metagame. I enjoy the decks I play, I enjoy the decks I sit down against, I look at new cards and see how they can slot into new or existing strategies, Moderns a lot of fun. Also homebrew decks while not optimal are still decently competitive, I got to see a very good BW Aristocrats Aggro deck last FNM that did very well
Joseph Price
This, there are three top tier combo decks right now in Modern (Ad Nauseam, Storm and Scapeshift) the only strategy thats got to push water uphill is Control decks but thats more due to the good control cards just not existing in the Modern card pool.
Ryder Johnson
Thanks for keeping the thread bumped friendo. :^)
Jack Reed
I don't hate legacy, I hate namefags like you that just shit this general
Noah Martin
How fucking autistic are you that namefagging is your fucking trigger that leads you to shitpost uncontrollably?
And the namefagging here for the most part is just to indicate what deck you play rather than any deeper notion of individual identity.
So, fuck off retard.
William Reed
Burn is literally less than half the price of Modern burn. Upgrading it to UR Delver is feasible if you tire of "trepÄr'ej" (3-in-face).
Goblins can be a thing if you simply try enough. Go forth to mtgthesource if you want to keep developing it!
I'm with you on Miracles being a boring deck to play, I'd prefer not to if I get to choose. But what other ways to play modern is there really? Control is shit, combo is mostly shit, midrange is doable and sometimes good, tempo died with twin. Do you prefer the format with no clear meta over the format with one?
Brews are a thing in all formats, I had a friend do well with "Mardu-pile" in our legacy weekly just over a week ago. They aren't as prevalent as most people tend to stick with their decks after getting them though.
What did we do?
Also, what the fuck is up with modernfags in legacy general?
Caleb Jones
>combo is mostly shit >Storm >Ad nauseum >Titanshift >That green ramp deck with tooth and nail >Copycat Wewew lad
Nicholas Taylor
There was also that meme mill deck running Hedron Crabs and Glimpse and archive trap that went 5-0. I can't link it right now on my phone but they featured it on This Week In Legacy on mtggoldfish. I remember it looked like an absurd deck.
Julian Rodriguez
Burn is the only budget Legacy deck. It is the exception and not the rule. Also combos pretty good in Modern, Aggro is sweet, Midrange is playable, and Control is cancer so who cares lmao. The only reason control doesnt exist in Modern is because Tron kicks its shit in, and the good control cards just arent in the card pool.
Jack Williams
So play a budget deck? Have them in multiples?
Right, modern is decent, but still not interesting or interacting in meaningful ways. Control stands for a third of the" base-meta" (aggro, combo, control), something that should be prevalent in all formats at a decent enough level. Right, nevermind, burn is the control deck in modern! If they can't cast their cards (they've lost) they are controlled!
Matthew Rogers
Their general is at critical meme mass again. Something about kithkin. Also reading through it reads like one or two turbo autists that are upset about control existing anywhere.
Cameron Johnson
>Control is 20% of modern meta >Lol is not control if I don't like it
Carter Nelson
There's a really simple solution here: just don't respond to people who's posts you don't care for.
Can we just all agree that all the magic generals are shit?
Henry Campbell
>I'm just using name because I want to show which deck I use. >So I can be the expert on my deck and satisfy my need of being acknowledge an a super know all of a deck and stroke at the tought of being the authority of (insert deck I suck on) here
Daniel Jones
Well, we are in Veeky Forums, so some level of degeneration is only expected.
Parker Turner
I like legacy general. Its pretty nice. I stopped with modern general around the REMAND IS LITERALLY TIMEWALK memes. Never been to standard or edh gen because they are not formats Ive ever had an interest in beyond shitbrews.
Legacy gen was best when it was eternal gen though.
Admittedly, all their recent posting about Living End makes me want to try brewing up a Living Death deck.
Elijah Thomas
What is this?
Brody Anderson
try harder
Nolan Nguyen
Some bullshit I play against my brother's storm deck.
Bentley Ortiz
Modern thread is so shit that shit is overflowing. that's what it is.
Jaxon Ward
>Cycle Street Wraith >Cycle Street Wraith >Cycle Street Wraith >Cycle Street Wraith >play black source >Dark ritual >Priest of Gix >Culling the weak >Living death Profit?
Dominic Rodriguez
I'd be happy to talk about other eternal formats. My LGS is starting pauper and 20-proxy vintage nights later this month, so that's cool. Gonna have to throw the old vintage list back together.
Justin Brooks
what the fuck do i play with with duels then
most old creatures are shit FYI
Angel Reed
>Control is cancer so who cares lmao pls kill yourself
Joshua James
Bant with efficient creatures would be a fun brew. Stoneforges and some value guys like finks or beaters like geist to carry swords/jitte.
Basically pick your favorite 2-4 creatures and scale back to multiple copies of them
Brayden Gonzalez
>i-know-everything namefags I for one barely know anything past the few decks that I play.
Christopher Hernandez
I also generally hate namefags/tripfags, but this is different. There are so few regulars here that it basically isn't anonymous, and the names are confined to this thread, so they're actually used as intended.
Jayden Ward
can't decide which community has a bigger concentration of retards, EDH or modern
Ryan Walker
On the other hand I do know literally everything about my deck and every other deck ever, including every top8 result since 2006, regional variations, and best species of yeast to use when brewing new decks of any archetype.
Elijah Roberts
Is Canadian threshold still a viable deck choice? I fucking loved that deck when I played a few years ago but it seems everyone is running delve fatties and that cock sucker drs with four colours or so
Jackson Howard
I've been building towards a tournament-worthy gruul deck for a while. It's not so much aggro as it is midrange, but it has severe ramp and gets out trampling fatties by turn 2-3, sometimes 1. It's looking pretty solid, but I still have to answer to the dreaded Miracles.
Is there a gruul response to Terminus?
Best I could come up with without compromising too much power is the Champion mechanic. I've been considering tossing Possibility Storm in.
Also wondering wither Vexing Shusher is preferable to Leyline of Lifeforce.
Should I be worried about other decks, such as Sneak n Show?
Ian Myers
I mean, I know that vast majority of the rules, I know most matchups, what cards to watch out for, how to sideboard, how they'll sideboard, etc. but I only know my own decks in depth. I like to think I'm good at brewing, especially after making that slow as fuck modern Mardu control with 10+ planeswalkers work well.
Grayson Nelson
>is there a _____ response to Terminus? lmao
Jason Long
EDH. There are more Modern players enjoying the game for what it is than there are reasonable EDH players. Also EDH players tend to be loud, unwashed plebians whining when their 7-piece combo gets disrupted by a Naturalize effect.
Regarding namefagging, I've been playing the archetype for the duration of the last three years and feel a connection to it. Screw you, I want it there.
>Response to Terminus >Quicken >... >Duress
Chase Hall
Nimble mongoose was muscled out by tasigur and angler, not sure if there is a viable replacement for him
James Myers
You break my heart
Luke Davis
Unban survival, it's the only way to make this format great again or ban drs and terminus
Connor Harris
>their goal all along is to usher the demise of Legacy
Jason Cox
No you kill yourself blue baby. Im calling Mark Rosewater tonight and getting Brainstorm banned in Legacy. You had your chance to stop but you blew it and now im going into my underground jew cabal and im going to ensure that you never get to say draw go ever again.