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Post things that should be cyoas.
>cyoa wants you to take options before explaining how you are to pay for them
How 'bout hell to the no. Momma ain't raised no fool.
Come on we're all friends here. Nobody's going to eat your soul or anything.
What's going on in that picture, user?
You were born black, you were born a fool.
Looks like deaging.
Why aren't you making it? Do you honestly think someone else will make shit for you?
A woman dotes on a cute little girl only to have her grow up to be larger than her and also attracted to her.
I thought it was about two kids who grow up without ever growing asses.
How would you make a CYOA around that?
But jp reads right to left.
user he just want to post cute pictures.
Undeath type: Spectral
Seal: Holy circle
Phylactery: The amulet
Nemesis: The thief
Eh it is not that bad she will die eventually anyways
I assumed it's been flipped for the benefit of gaijin like myself.
I'm right though.
Time skip cyoa. Someone from your past returns to waifu you.
Like, a little girl you played with in the woods outside the village but suddenly dissapeared one day. Years later she returns as an amazon tribal chief intending to turn you into her bride.
I guess that's pretty good, but only because that specific idea (amazon waifu) is pretty good. The core concept is basically just an excuse for waifus.
Great, now come up with a couple more, slap some cute animuh girls on, and you got yourself a CYOA!
Waifus and husbandos. Maybe some pets too (little bird you fed outside your house, comes back as a Roc to carry you to a desert fantasy world). Etc.
In fact you can do lots of interesting things with it. The core concept is user being "rewarded" for something trivial he did in his past and forgot about.
You should do it like
>Part one: choose who you want to help (the drawbacks are whatever you have to do to help them)
>Part two: the reward for helping them
Okay, this one has spelling mistakes corrected here and there.
Glad everyone seems to more or less like it.
Why is this page's width different from that of the other pages?
There isn't a reason that I could give you that wouldn't make me sound like an absolute idiot.
Reposting my build
German occult society
Die Glocke: Gotta have that nazi gold
Magical circles rank 3 really useful
Alchemy rank 3 Im fucking rich i can make all the potions i could ever want making healing and magical enhancement useless for me i could probably end making the philosopher stone or something
Weird science rank 2 With the power of SCIENCE! monster girls are now a thing
Ilusion magic rank 3 Fucking around with people is fun
Runecrafting 1 Better quality anything is nice
Magical robes rank 3 how i could pass this up?
Magical supplies rank 3 great daily effects
Bow rank 3 without this the build is fucking useless
Antimagic device (Free) It could save my life more than once
Adolfo Moretti
Simon haueter
With this team everything is fucked before it started
I think i will do fine
Cool, you will do great, get on it! Don't be shy to ask for ideas.
Best nation builder cyoa?
I said YOU should do it for a reason. I ain't doing shit.
>Axe Lily
who comes up with these names
I ain't doing shit either. Fuck doing what YOU want me to!
>Mystery box
Then I guess it'll never get made. Good.
user if you don't read both fully before making your choice you're doing it wrong.
I'm still here, to still say, Raven is not a good faction for Americans because it's full of nobles and monarchists.
Since when have Americans been against nobles and monarchists?
>le revolution
Yeah sure fought against the French monarchy right
I don't mind. I ain't doing shit for you.
The Japanese, in all likelihood. It's not uncommon for them to make a name by randomly picking and putting together foreign sounding words that sound "cool".
It's not like we don't do the same, I guess.
When we didn't have any in our country and tried hard to keep those concepts out.
And user, let me tell you a little something about American history. Very soon after independence, the French government started to violate American neutrality and act like snobby dicks when we complained, like the French are wont to do. So we started to hate the French. Then the Brits decided that the best way to deal with the colonies was to be far too nice and paternalistic towards them, so they'd still trade all their shit to Britain, which inspired colonials to open up to Britain again. The British were still dicks about impression, and Americans still wanted Canada, so the War of 1812 happened, but after that ended the Brits decided to be even more nice and paternalistic to Americans for more of that trading market at no expense to themselves.
If that's the stance you wantto take on it, sure.
But their are 5 other factions, and if none of them appeal to you, even in the slightest, then that's my fault, and I haven't done my job.
However, I'd like to think that I've at least done a halfway decent job of providing a number of different options that should appeal to almost anyone.
senpai Americans are even less likely to join the nazis or the russians.
>not wanting to join the magic nazis
are you a jew or something?
Lads, help me out here.
I need the expanded CYOBF thing, the gay one. The one that had like 10 gay categories or so.
F-for reasons.
Typos D:
Crown of the Emperor is kinda bad deal, that kinda thing just ends up with half of your sons rebelling against you and you getting stuck as undying corse on your throne.
I would go for the Jail Keys. Would need to be a bit careful about who to jail since just because nobody has escaped so far, doesn't mean that nobody will. Also, some beings might resent about getting shaken up for benefits and I might have to leave the prison temporarily at some point. But other than that, it should allow me to collect almost whatever strikes my fancy.
Then there's 3 other factions, for the people who can't conceive of a universe where they aren't allowed to walk around in an american flag shirt/shorts combo.
No, but I aint an aryan either.
Lilly in Japanese is Yuri.
This also refers to lesbians and to non-sexual, close girl friendships, often in their school years.
Don't know if Axe / Ono has any significance other then being as 'masculine' thing.
Those other factions are more germans, eastern europeans, and the evil ones.
Well, then I'm stumped.
Sorry lad, guess this CYOA's not for you.
I got it. Why you need it? If the answer is anything other than "I am working on a CYOA and here's the proof" I'm not sharing.
Their perk is Pax Britannica, no shit.
Mask of the dreamer
I am going to clean the filth from inside
I actually made it; but okay.
I just lost everything and I was sure I had it saved in my Drive somewhere. I wanted to show it to my friends.
I'll bite.
Grace and Poise:1
Empowered Eyes:2
Within Your Grasp:1
Integrated Internet:5
Stay the Devourer:3
Cruelty of cruelties. I'm frankly surprised you didn't have the thought cross your mind when making these nation-flavored factions considering this website.
No bully, but are there good revenge themed cyoas?
I didn't really consider that anyone would care.
Rejecting Monarchism is one of the top American things, alongside chanting freedom a lot, though.
To be honest i think the only one who cares is that autist here
School bully CYOA?
That is remarkably badly drawn.
Maybe because 99% of the rest of you want to roleplay science nazis.
Yes. Please.
German science is the best afterall
You should be able to find it in the archive. I posted it at the beginning of every thread for quite a while after you released it. Wrote something like "warning: you might be gay".
The Archive as in the Veeky Forums Archive? Nope. Not there, already checked. That's why I was asking here!
This one has one particular bit which seems easy to exploit - you can choose the species of your townsfolk, and yourself, for a pittance of resources. So you could be something stupid, like i dunno, Xeelee or Downstreamers or Q.
I won't go that far, but I will exploit it a bit.
Coastline - 5
Settlement - 10
Townsfolk, choose species (kryptonian) - 20
Workshop, High tech, AI - 60
Library, Magic Organization, Cosmic Knowledge - 110
Portal, indestructible - 130
Form change (to kryptonian, obviously) - 135
Immortality - 145
Charisma - 160
Elemental Magic - 175
Battlemaster, perfect aim - 190
Resistance - 210
Eldritch Bride - 250
The waifu has
Form change - 5
Scrying, Recognize magic, earth - 30
Psionics, Telekinesis, Illusion - 65
Immortality - 75
Summoning - 90
The settlement starts off very low tech, but given enough time the workshop can turn it into a high tech wonderland. Horrors are dealt with by mission control waifu directing me to where they are, then obliterating them. The library exists as a place to learn how to make more of those wonderful workshops, which we can then export to earth if we feel bored. Or conquer the place, whichever strikes our fancy at the time.
I found it for you. Please make more cyoas. With hot guys.
2 Free Coins (10)
And I must Scream (5)
Chill Touch (3)
Sensory Swap (0)
Will things be difficult?
Can I live my dreams of being a shut in with a legitimate reason not to talk with people?
Things will be pretty trippy with the enhanced visual spectrum and sensory swap.
Nazis have the worst aesthetic. It's all buttery.
I'll try.
Yeah. I don't really know how to describe it otherwise. It's like their clothing is covered in a thin layer of unsalted butter. Kinda crinkly, like stars. Effeminate and insubstantial.
No build-making without Representation!
Weren't kryptonians only superpowered under a yellow sun?
But even if they are, you can probably find some other race that doesn't have such limitation. I personally don't like rules abuse in CYOAs because it just ends with every CYOA coming with 15 page document detailing what you can and can't do.
It's basically under any sun that's not red.
>tfw the images that fit your options are all turbo-/d/ related
I hate having one category go without images but I don't feel this would be a good idea.
You americans are worse than the fags on here. He doesn't have to cater to your needs.
But I'm an American and want to make a build.
Well create your american cyoa for american people with american builds if you are so insistent
Post a version with the images in this thread:
Making things is unamerican.
The illustrations show a blue sky so i was kind of assuming a yellow sun.
But being kryptonian is honestly more of a perk than a hard requirement for the build to work. It basically grants you super strength and flight for significantly less cost, but compared to ultratech weapons/armor that can be produced at the workshop, those benefits are small time.
The costs for a lot of stuff has balance issues, like most of the settlement buildings. For example, it would be a looooot cheaper to just import stuff like hospital supplies from earth than spend precious build points on such a thing.
Then you will never be able to make an american build
I can't even find the pictures I need on hypnohub. so I couldn't do that if I wanted to. The cyoa is not suppposed to be turbo-/d/
Hypnosis pleases me.
or at least you think it does..
It's not hypnosis related but this particular category is most easily visualized with hypnosis.
But here, have a cyoa relevant to your interests.