Are there any interspecies couples in your setting, Veeky Forums...

Are there any interspecies couples in your setting, Veeky Forums? How are they treated by other people and society at large? Are they outcasts or accepted by others? Is there any discrimination against interspecies couples?

Shit, I have more interspecies couples in my setting than single species couples.

>Are they outcasts or accepted by others? Is there any discrimination against interspecies couples?
Depends on the location. Some kingdoms wouldn't bat an eye at it, while others would consider it an affront to nature. One of my major NPCs is a Kitsune Ninja who came back from the dead to take revenge on an overzealous, war hungry general who killed her and her Human Paladin husband.

you did that on purpose didn't you?

Orcs have kind of really bad feelings about half-orcs. They didn't have their own proper country for a long time and their tribes were continuously beaten by humans and orcs were taken as slaves. A certain human empire based a good chunk of it building projects and hard labour on orc slaves.

Orcs finally got their shit together and crippled a lot of their neighbours in the process but even more than a hundred years later they still have really bad feelings about half-orcs.

The funny part is the first king, the one who really did bring the orc kingdom together and murderstomped anyone who tried to oppose him, was half-orc.

Having more interspecies couples than non-interspecies? It wasn't intended, but interspecies romance is my magical realm, so it was probably a subconscious thing/

no. the kitsune and paladin. The inter-species part doesn't bother me. the kitsune part does
kitsunes are shit

skelly is best inter-species prospect

Always depending on the region and the religon/tradition there. In some region being a interspecious couple will get you invited to a nobles party because the find it fascinating and think it would be nicer topic for the evening then all those intrigues and royalty stuff. In some region, people don't give a fuck, in some regions they will hunted by a lynchmob the moment the pass the border.

Goblins are a female only species that require male humanoids (Human, dwarf, elves, orcs) to reproduce, and even then they only produce more Goblins, where other mixed raced couples produce kids who are the race of one the parents while inheriting traits from the other. They often work as prostitutes in port and trade cities where men are passing through who just want a fuck. Those who don't want to be straight up whores end up as camp followers where they will pick a guy they like, keep him alive and well fed until he's earned enough loot for them to retire, where they typically end up living outside of villages.

As far as relationships are concerned, relationships between men of any race and Goblins is looked down upon to the point where in most small villages Goblins are always run out of town, usually by mobs of women and Father who would see their sons dead than fucking a goblin.

Having said that, camp follower Goblins actually make pretty loyal and loving wives, so for somebody in a mercenary band who has no other family a Goblin wife and a bunch of Goblin daughters is actually not a bad life.

Absolutely, it's fairly inevitable. Acceptance depends on a lot of things. Some places barely register it, others see it as just weird, or outright deviant.

A lot of species are practically identical to humans anyway, so it's easy for people to acclimate to that. People that get invested in relationships with telepathic manta-eels and shit like that are generally seen as a hell of a lot more eccentric by comparison.

In places where there are tribes or cities of two different races near each other, there is a lot of interspecies couples but in areas not like that it is looked down upon

This is something I've always struggled a little with; is there mere presence of interspecies couples in a setting magical realmy, or not?

Like, if the bar is run by an ex-adventurer and his dwarf wife with the help of their curvaceous half-dwarf daughters, is that magical realm?

What about a magocratic foreign city which just so happens to be ruled b a gynosphinx "god-queen" who takes the smartest, cutest male human wizard of each generation to be her husband, which is implicitly the reason why there's so many maftets in the city?

Gena is the perfect woman

There are already so many half-races in the books that it shouldn't be anything weird or unusual, certainly not anyone's magical realm.

>What about a magocratic foreign city which just so happens to be ruled b a gynosphinx "god-queen" who takes the smartest, cutest male human wizard of each generation to be her husband, which is implicitly the reason why there's so many maftets in the city?

This is cute

I'd go with 'no' by default. Despite some of the more vocal opinions on the topic, if something is magical realm or not depends entirely on how it's presented and handled, and in large part on the perception of the audience.

Neither of those things described sounds like magical realm stuff to me. It would be so once the DM spends way too much time describing it, or goes into obviously sexual detail. Other wise, so what if somebody gets a little turned on by the idea? So long as they stay on task.

But what if the skelly is the same species?

>Like, if the bar is run by an ex-adventurer and his dwarf wife with the help of their curvaceous half-dwarf daughters, is that magical realm?

Kinda, but not really. I mean, even if your fetish is short stack women there doesn't have a to a fetish/sexual reason for the couple to exist, it's just story telling.

>What about a magocratic foreign city which just so happens to be ruled b a gynosphinx "god-queen" who takes the smartest, cutest male human wizard of each generation to be her husband, which is implicitly the reason why there's so many maftets in the city?

See, this is far more magical realm. It sounds like the setting's point is to justify a female Sphinx with a shota-esque husband, more than anything else. Especially if the party Wizard is hit on by sphinxes while the party is there.

I want to marry a cute sphinx!

undead + living
still inter-species

Thanks. It's just always seemed so logical to me; you have a lusty, frustrated magical cat-woman on the one hand, and on the other, you have humans, who A: look like the notoriously prudish and reclusive members of the sphinx species that gynosphinxes actually *want* to bang, B: can be quite intelligent and magically adept, and C: are notorious for breeding with just about anything. Doesn't it make a lot of sense that gynosphinxes might decide humans make better mates, even if only a small percentage of their cubs will be pureblooded gynosphinxes?

But then, I think it's logical that gynosphixes produce really large litters to compensate for the rarity of actually getting to breed with androsphinxes, so what do I know?

I keep forgetting that I want to try and make a maftet PC race for 5e... just can't figure out what to give them.

Shota? Hardly; she wants a grown man who knows what he's doing.

No, that's just same-species necrophilia.

I really like the idea, but you'd need to invest a lot of time into fleshing out the Queen, since she's such an important part of this city from a fluff standpoint.

>Shota? Hardly; she wants a grown man who knows what he's doing.

Sorry, guess I kinda assumed based on my own magically realm in there.

The idea could be done without magical realm, but you're clearly getting off to it and that's going to be awkward at best.

>The three faces of Veeky Forums

not if its moving

I usually keep it that there's a bit as long as there's reason for it. For example i'm not going to make commonplace interspecies stuff if the people of the city are not keen to outsiders and stuff like that.

The Capital city of a prosperous kingdom/country would be filled to the brim with all kind of species, neighbouring citys would be a bit tamer and the frontier would have a bit of everything.


What do you mean by fleshing her out, specifically?

Not OP but probably giving her an actual personality or something instead of just a cool concept for a queen

I want to see male Tatsumaki and Fubuki now.

She needs to have had a life, experiences, history, and a personality that grows out of all of these. I'd definitely write up an NPC like that all proper. You want to know all the nuance that she'll bring to situations because you want her interactions in the world and with the plots and player characters to flow easily and be compelling.
She's gotta be more than a stat block and a High Concept.

But I really do like the idea a lot. Do you have a campaign to use her in?

So a really handsome, masculine dude and his weird, bitchy, cute brother?

Ah, I see. Yeah, I'd love to give her that kind of treatment. Just not exactly sure where/when to start.

As for a campaign to use her in... nope. I literally just came up with the idea on the spot for Veeky Forums one day last year and she stuck with me. Never really sat down and developed her, as you can see.

Well, it follows pretty much the same rules and lines of thought as I answered in the homo thread here , because it similarly has the drawback of not producing children.

But, love is given a lot of weight in the setting's cultures because one of the biggest aspects of the primary religion is the love between the two chief creator gods, the Mother Sun and the Father Moon.

Start this week, user! It's a versatile enough concept to fit any campaign with sphinxes, wizards, and cities. Just start taking notes on what you have, then begin to build a little outline.
Maybe map out her traits, flaw, bond, etc. like 5e does, or use a similar system to begin to lay out the simple truths that define her, and go from there.

>if the bar is run by an ex-adventurer and his dwarf wife with the help of their curvaceous half-dwarf daughters, is that magical realm?
I'd say no. The curvaceous part might trigger someone, depending on how much weight you put on it. But in general, your players would have to be looking for something to get mad about to fault you for that.

Yup, and the bitchy brother looks like he's maybe a hair above 12 yet is actually almost a decade older than his handsome brother (might be Yakuza?)

I can try to get around to that. Should I post the results here? Seems like folks have taken a liking to the concept already...

Yes definitely post it here I want to see it

I'm not sure what I'd be doing on purpose, but the kitsune was a spy from not-Asia infiltrating the Lawful Good crusader kingdom on rumors that the overzealous general was planning on starting a crusade against the neighboring kingdoms.

Long story short, Paladin and Kitsune fell in love, general labeled her as a "demon" and had them both executed. Goddess of the Death made a deal with her to do some bullshit in exchange for letting her take revenge on the general and sending her to the plane her husband was destined for once her missions were finished.

Do things like species, race, age, or gender have any meaning anymore when everyone is capable of changing into one of tens to thousands of bodies at will?

At that point your species, gender, physique, etc are more an aesthetic choice than anything else.

The majority of my party are omnisexual xenophiles, they'll try to fuck everything that moves if they can.
Not a lot of couples among them though, more along the line of regular sexual partners.

Most people in the setting are human, so interspecies couples are fairly rare, and usually not approved of. Though it matters a lot where and who you are.

kinda fucked up because anything a paladin does is 95% supported by the general public.

That would be awesome! Make a thread about it if you get a chance.

Taking it to its own thread might be a better thing than cluttering up this poor thread with it. So many distractions... any suggestions for a thread name? Because if folks are interested in seeing the Sphinx God-Queen's rise, I'm definitely interested in bringing her to life.

Sphinx City world building is descriptive enough without you having to commit to a name just yet (which might be confusing to newcomers anyway, and you'll want those to mine for ideas.)

There can be but there's a lot of scorn and stigma about it, when it's by choice. In the DM's setting, anything with sapience is actually descended from humans through cruel selective breeding by the gods in ages past. Thus humans are at a constant external threat where they're sort of the universal mate potential for other races and monsters, which can't reproduce among themselves.

So most interspecies couples are not by choice, those that are get negative reactions.

>Are there any interspecies couples in your setting, Veeky Forums?

There's about three big ones:

Human+Centaur, Orc+Ogre, and literally anyone with fey.

>How are they treated by other people and society at large?

-Human+Centaur has been so outrageously common place for thousands of years that there isn't such thing as a "pureblooded" Human nor Centaur; the two have just become far too intermarried with one another. Everyone is about 20-30% of one another and it's entirely normal for one party to have a sibling or relative of the other.

-Orc+Ogre face some discrimination since half-orcs/ogres are infertile and if you can't reproduce you can't own land and if you don't own land you can't vote, etc.. Orcish society is pretty strict about these sorts of things, so half-orcs/ogres are usually either restricted to living in Ogre Districts (which isn't too bad at all) OR they end up as PEONS; an Orcish kingdoms public workers made up of the poor, weak, elderly, crippled, or irredeemably stupid Orcs whom dig ditches, shovel shit, and swineherd.

-Most Fey interspecies couplings are the product of either Rape or Child molestation. Satyrs and Nymphs are vicious fucking rapists due to being single-gender species having no emotional attachment to the opposite sex beyond being a means to a reproductive end and Fairies and occasionally dryads are blatant pedophiles.... So you're looking at either public shame, pity, or angry mobs- mileage varies wildly.
'Most' Cultures don't appreciate their children being pedophiled.

My party often runs into npc adventurers going about their various business. One such group the party has particularly enjoyed is an ill-fated pair they've come to know as Aksum and Rat. Aksum is an anxious, often weary Orc being dragged about by Rat, an lunatic elven woman so named for the dancing rodent she has tattooed on the back of her shaved head (the result of a drunken dare). Rat can usually be seen draped over Aksum's shoulder while the latter stews over all the misfortunes in his life.

The party met them in a jail cell after a night of carousing, and enjoyed them enough that I occasionally bring the back, usually in some form of bind after Rat's antics.

This fey mindset is one that actually makes a bit of sense.

After all, what's the difference between 13 and 30 years old when you're over 3000? And obviously silly moral concepts like "Age of Consent" or "Consent" don't mean much to horrifying nature spirits. These are creatures than routinely grant small children incredible magical powers for shits and giggles.

Depends on the couple. An elf married to a human woman will be stereotyped as a wifebeater, some people don't consider goblins to be people and will treat someone who's fucking one accordingly, traditionalist dwarves tend to shun members of their kind who are with members of other races, and pretty much anyone who's interested in kobolds is considered a bit freaky. Halflings are flighty and known for their stamina, so you can imagine how they're thought of in this department. Relationships with dark elves are a whole can of worms no matter what the other partner is, and especially if the other is a regular elf. Orcs are orcs. Civilized and less rape and murdery than the usual, but still big and dumb with the stereotypes that come from that.
The eight races can all breed with each other and the children are the race of one of the parents, no half races exist.
A couple of my favorite NPCs are an orc sheriff and his kobold daughter, identifiable by her green rather than bronze skin and being a good nine inches taller than other kobolds. He's very overprotective of her and is against her dreams of going into law enforcement like him, he constantly tries to talk her into taking over the flower shop that her aunt runs instead.

>dryads are blatant pedophiles

The Giving Tree suddenly has a much darker meaning.

>-Human+Centaur has been so outrageously common place for thousands of years that there isn't such thing as a "pureblooded" Human nor Centaur; the two have just become far too intermarried with one another. Everyone is about 20-30% of one another and it's entirely normal for one party to have a sibling or relative of the other.

Okay, I think I know who you are, but I need to know.

Just how can a female human and a male Centaur actually do it without the human woman getting... You know...

Not him, but I'd rule that the genitals are human-ish and located at the part where the horse and human bodies meet. That's how I do mermaids when they aren't hideous fish monsters.

>hating on fried tofu elemental
You don't get to touch fluffy tail

What if you reduced the size of centaur genitalia by 25%, but increased the hip size of humans by 25%?

>dwarf/human x dark elf
Usually a Dwarven of Human master boning his Dark Elf slave. May or may not be frowned upon officially, but everyone's probably doing it.

>dwarf x human
Happens very rarely due to geographical and social divides.
In Dwarven lands, Dwarves form the upper case with most local humans being serfs or slaves. Intermarriage seldom happens, thus, simply because of class differences. Some humans who managed to climb the social ladder assimilate to and intermarry with Dwarves though, and political marriages with nobles of neighbouring human kingdoms happen as well.
In the human lands, Dwarves tend to be segregated into their own districts in port towns, and only interact with humans for business.

>merfolk x naga
Frowned upon in any Merfolk society because Nagas are primitives, crawling in mud, and stuck in the stone age.

These pairings are all between sub-species/races of the same species though, so it's more interracial than interspecies.

>dwarf x merfolk/naga
Never happens, Dwarves are native only to highlands away from the sea/large rivers, and are too busy making money when in human port towns.

>human x merfolk
Certain human societies may marry some of their nobility or priesthood to merfolk to cement alliances with them. Can't produce fertile offspring though, unless some legends are true.
Mermaids may prostitute themselves to human sailors.

>human x naga
Extremely rare. Might happen on a blue moon if a human explorer gets lost in a god-forsaken swamp, somehow doesn't die, manages to befriend a Naga, and prevail against rivalling Naga males.

>dark elf x mermaids/naga
On the few islands where these have contact, there might be ritual/political marriages once in a while.

As in real life, human men will bone just about everything, society's views be damned.

>Okay, I think I know who you are, but I need to know.
You know well you I am, user. (I think)
>Just how can a female human and a male Centaur actually do it without the human woman getting... You know...

Couples things:

1. Humans and Centaurs have a kind of pivoting vertebrae/bone thingy where their hips meet their spine: In Centaurs it allows them the ability to unnaturally twist and move their human-torso around while keeping it steady and independent from their horse body. In HUMANS though; it acts as a support for the hips/thighs while making the spine more powerful.

2. A Centaur's horse body is noticeably smaller than an actual horses- they're shorter, lighter, more in line with a donkey than the long-legged, skinny horses or massive over-muscular draft horses you might be thinking of.

3. Humans and Centaurs have been doing this for thousands of years; they've sexually selected one another a comfortable medium between one another. That said; they can't have comfortable or practical sexual relations between most other species.

>Not him, but I'd rule that the genitals are human-ish and located at the part where the horse and human bodies meet.
user in question.
Nope. Horse Genitalia.
On the other note:
>That's how I do mermaids when they aren't hideous fish monsters.

I've actually been doing Merfolk like wot dolphins have... Not the rape caves, but the internal genital/sheath business.

Merfolk are aquatic hominina (think a human-like species that went half the way of the dolphin), and Naga are an amphibian sub-species of Merfolk (who traded their flukes for a much longer tail and a yet-to-define scale-equivalent).

Dwarves, Humans, and Elves are all closely related hominina, with (Dark) Elves being the most diverged.

They are considered perfectly normal because species is less important than tribe and inter tribal marriage is the normal way to forge alliances. It's a much better alternative to getting raided all the time.

This is also why princesses are offered as sacrifices to dragons by the way. Sometimes it even works. Sometimes they demand a dowry in addition.

For those anons interested in the sphinx god-queen's city, thread can be found over here:

>You know well you I am
You're the same guy who had goblins be almost elastic, so they could breed with almost any race, right?
Did you ever put together a pastebin or mega with all your setting fluff in it?

Sounds like a bullshit DMPC.

Eh. I'm not sure at which point an NPC becomes a DMPC, but she's barely had any screen time compared to some of my other NPCs, and hasn't been in a fight in the campaign yet.

Races are split up differently in our setting; brutemen, mysticmen, and stoutmen.

Brutemen are Humans, Trolls, and Ogres
Mysticmen are Elves, Trow, and Witches
Stoutmen are Gnomes, Dwarves, and Goblins

Within their own "species" relationships are pretty normal. It's ordinary to see a buff-ass human dude dating an ogre lass. A goblin and dwarf marriage is assumed to be from them mutually serving in a war. Even Elves and Trow snogging isn't especially atypical (though, being diurnal/nocturnal, it makes dating difficult).

Dating OUTSIDE your "species", though is highly unusual. Most kingdoms don't acknowledge the marriage of inter-species couples because they can't provide new citizens; without a very rare gemstone, two separate species can't produce offspring. The only place where even dirty hatefucking is excepted in out on dangerous dungeon crawls where any intimacy between party members is accepted if it'll help them watch each other's backs.

Amongst adventuring parties, yeah. Parties from the city we started in are all "balanced" (fighter, magic-user, specialist), and are typically never all one gender. Guild rules dictated that, if a romance starts, the party becomes a sort of family unit. Outside of that, interspecies couples are essentially illegal (Elves rule the world; they're very big on blood purity), with half-blooded children basically seen as admissions of guilt.

Elves and Drow EXPLICITLY never co-mingle; even in places were Drow are no longer Lolth-bound. For High Elves, any feelings of infatuation to a Drow is divinely coded in their bodies to turn into extreme pain and nausea. There's only been one known record of an elf/drow coupling bearing fruit; he's the reason the northernmost continent is a wasteland.

Humans, Dwarves, and Halflings are known to co-mingle in the west that it's said that you can't tell them apart anymore (our setting's explanation for gnomes)

>setting where the playable races consist only of "half-breeds," as the original races are all lost to time and cosmopolitan intermingling
>each one is a mix of two or three of the "Pure Ones," as the old races are called collectively
>even regular old half-elves and half-orcs are rare now

I'm running a Numenera game where even the fellow descended-from-Earth species are cephalopods or avians. The biology's far too distinct for there to be any real attraction. And I haven't introduced true visitants yet, but I'm trying to make them as starfish-alien as possible; probably going to poach a lot from Snaiad for the first one.

>You're the same guy who had goblins be almost elastic, so they could breed with almost any race, right?

Yep, same guy.
Though, you're remembering that for the wrong reasons:

Goblins are stretchy because they have a rubbery-cartilage ring cushioning the inside and outside of their hip bone. They have this for two reasons: one is because goblins have very large heads and are born more 'mature' than other babies, the second reason is because goblins give birth regularly to litters due to poor survival rates.
The low survival rate also gives Goblins an extremely strong pa/maternal instinct; they'll tenderly and aggressively raise and protect any children they can get their hands on even if it isn't their own. Even Goblins who are infertile or lack children aren't above STEALING other species infants to raise.

Trolls are FAMOUS for taking advantage of this behavior since they often have a difficult time forming an emotional attachment to their offspring simply due to how different they cna look. Trolls will look for Goblin Towns/Pits where they can safely abandon their babies; the Goblins dutifully raising the child as their own until it's strong enough to fight it's way out of the town/pit.

Goblins being able to "potentially" take a wider variety of cocks than other species is purely circumstantial.

My shifter is one sidedly pursuing a Drow in eberron. They don't have a language in common.

One race is humans, one is sapient dogs effectively, and the last is trees.

So no. Not really.

>Be Human Lawful Good Paladin
>Have deep-seated, disturbing fetish for Orc Women
>Ambushed by a part of Orc Amazonians
>Their threats stop for a brief second as everyone hears a 'Dink!' come from the Paladin's armor.

>purely circumstantial
user, we can clearly see your magical realm from here, there's no need to lie on Veeky Forums.

Always outcasts, no exceptions. They also either can't have offspring or said offspring are sterile.

Would be better if it was a deep-seated, disturbing hatred for orc women, but the still forced him aroused.

A crazy pyromancer in my eberron game married a medusa he thought was cute. I had him roll for live birth vs eggs.

This was well before monster girls became a craze, back in 2007ish. Dude just wanted to bang a medusa and have some cute weird babies to dote on with her.

Nah, because the most important aspect of his fetish is standing on his tippy-toes and kissing his Orc Waifu chastely

Nah none at all.

The two major species can't breed, so no.

Yes, halflings aren't a race of there own.
Their just what happen were the human and dwarf lands meet.

I really, really want to play in your setting, my man.

In the last campaign I ran, the Empire of the Silver dragon was run by a half-dragon sorceress who, over the course of about 700 years managed to true breed an entire race of 'humans, but better' who had native spell resistance and Ice-breath, using her very own personal 3d-printer.

>the setting's major power is a rapidly expanding meritocratic republic
>all sentient races who obey the laws, pay taxes and contribute to society are allowed full citizenship and political power
>nation practices aggressive cultural integration
Interspecies romance is generally not worth a second glance nor relevant enough to mention. It's considered perfectly normal.

We must fuck the goblins

>Goddess of the Death made a deal with her to do some bullshit in exchange for letting her take revenge on the general and sending her to the plane her husband was destined for once her missions were finished.
What if she goes to some kind of hell with her husband as a plot twist for being a vengeful foxmole and some meta commentary on paladins not always being Capital G Good.

Is that Wander with Centaur Agro?

Is there any art of her not making it across the bridge?

Not the user, but may I help you with my helpful little invention, the magical Dildo of Accommodation (patent pending)? When inserted into a vagina or vaginal-like orifice fully and activated via a verbal command, it will expand itself fully to thrice the size in all dimensions, permanently modifying said orifice to safely accommodate such a size. For the low price of just 280gp plus shipping, this wondrous piece of magical engineering can be yours.

Well in my world lizardfolk are all females and can reproduce asexually, so they can chose to marry anyone (or live alone)
This is why one of the female gnolls has a lizardfolk wife.

And lizards don't really care about that.

Just like there are prolly more interspecies couples than same-species ones in my setting.
But I can justify my magirealm since in D&D literally everything is compatible with everything. Being outcasts depend on the location, as there are several "purist" nations which outright criminalize said behavior. Most of the world is chill though, unless you're undead, in which case many people prolly don't like you much unless you're in the huge undead kingdom up north (where living, while not hated, are treated by the undead in a "Look at that guy, he still needs to breathe, pffff!" way).

Stolen idea.

Entire nations of half-orcs have arisen in my setting just because humans and orcs get along *that well*

All over the place. In particular, a wozard I played years ago ended up marrying a sphinx and I plan to include their daughter as an NPC in my own game.

Interspecies couples are widely looked down on, even if dwarves, elves, and humans have been buttfuck buddies for the last twenty five hundred years and you can still get human offspring out of an interspecies relationship (the offspring would just need to be the same gender as the human parent).

Of course, even more tolerant people will ask something along the lines of the following seeing an interspecies relationship:

>Orc-ish races: "Holy crap, how deep in the woods did you have to go to find that?"
>Feral: "You're a furfag, aren't you?"
>Dwarf: "So do they just use a rock strapon or something?"*
>Orthodox Elves: "Isn't that like fucking a corpse?"**
>Warband Elves: "Do you need me to call the police? Non-humans owning humans slaves is illegal, it's okay, you can tell me."

*Dwarves have an ability to slap on pieces of metal and rock causing it to instantly bond to their skin, after awhile their body fully absorbs it. This is used for medical and combat purposes. And as the quote demonstates, does have perversion potential

**Orthodox elves notoriously practice self-depreciation as part of their religion, feeling unworthy because their gods did not take them to fight in a divine war that killed said gods. Maybe.


Most interspecies couples can't produce offspring, and the ones who can tend to have drastically reduced chance of successful fertilization. Not to mention that most halfbreeds are infertile. This makes most parents very wary about allowing interspecies relationships for their children unless it's a widely known stable pairing.

How interspecies couples are treated varies vastly from region to region. Most societies tend to ostracize couples where one member is an orc or ogre, or couples who are of completely sexually incompatible races. Elves on the other hand couldn't care less if a human is fucking an orc, but tend to look down on all interspecies relationships with an elf. Being caught with a non-elf lover is enough to even get the reigning monarch banished or executed.

yes, sometimes half-elves happen
that's probably it though

In my setting i have a human guy who has an orc wife

Humans tend to look down on humans in relationship with xenos. They're more tolerant if the xeno is at least humanoid enough in appearance, but they will be highly disgusted if the xeno is, say, a mammalian or a squidman. For that reason, humans part of an interspecies couple will generally keep it a secret.