What was your last plan that actually worked?
What was your last plan that actually worked?
Our party pulled off a bank heist using next to no magic. Just lots of halflings in trenchcoats and meticulous planning.
> party of three is ambushed by terrorist druids
> the party gets captured and led to Al-Druida's human sacrifice ritual site
> they gonna be killed
> just before knives slice heroes' throats, one of druids shapeshifts into fuck hueg wolf and starts rip'n'tearing
> the party breaks superficial bonds and joins the fray
> actually it is the party of four, and the fourth member, me, uses illusion magic and is capable of shapeshifting
> mfw they activated our trap card
>Party has to assassinate a king on parade
>Shit loads of guards
>The rogue isn't sneeki beeki enough
>The fighter isn't tough enough
>The wizard isn't casty enough
>The warlock just casts Dissonant Whispers and instantly kills him
He was the only one that thought of this
>Party face kidnapped by crazy magical lizardman scientist and is conducting crazy experiments on him in a giant magic tree on a com disrupting swamp planet.
>When he teleported the rest of the party out of his tree our thief went missing.
>My character, the insane self made mostly out of dumpsters antisocial cyborg ends up in charge of getting him out
>Spend a while trying to think of a plan.
>Eventually take the ship off planet to nearest spacemarket to purchase the largest drill we can find, because that's the only plan I can think of
>Find merchant with exactly what we're looking for
>Realize that everyone in our party with access to our group funds/a concept of money is currently missing
>Fail miserably at bartering large quantities of forks for the drill
>End up attempting to intimidate the guy
>Multiple critical successes, merchant passes out
>Nobody left to stop us, simply drive the large drill back to our ship
>Take it back to the swamp planet
>Drill underneath the huge tree and up into it
>Murder almost everyone inside, kill the crazy lizardman wizard scientist and rescue party face
And our only casualty was an NPC who got eaten by the lizard guys book. We eventually found our thief, wandering the swamp, one of her arms glowing green and slightly translucent. We still have no idea what's up with that.
We blew up an orphanage with magic nuclear space rocks.
>mfw you have no face
need storytime
I'm the DM, so rarely, as my players generally get their schemes working due to being competent.
>players' army is attacking the goblin army
>alright lets go over our resources
>we have twice as many men
>our men are bigger and stronger
>our men are better trained
>our men are better equipped
>our men are better fed
>we have magical assistance, they don't
>hey diddle diddle, straight up the middle
It wasn't much of a plan.
You can't say that and not give storytime.
my party had a back up plan that was just, set everything on fire, either to escape in the chaos, find the mcguffin in the chaos or just kill enemys and destroy their fortifications.
it worked so well that it stoped being the backup plan and just became our first plan whenever we where confronted with any obstacle.
You're a fool if you think their army wouldn't divide up and harry. It would happen even without goblin leadership.
You need to set up a pincer or a bottleneck, run them through a canyon or sweep the flanks and drive them towards the middle.
We stole a magical artifact on prominent display from the most packed tavern in town. The replica we made got stolen by our competition and we even had a nice chat with the guards under the guise of innocent bystanders who saw them commit a crime.
I was the brains
The Anti-paladin was the brawn
The Cleric was the face
And the Magus spent most of the heist invisible and fucking SHITTING himself as people stole the replica he just put up.
But it worked.
You shouldn't be able to kill a king with only 3d6 damage, what?
Or worse, you might drive them underground. Why do you want their lands, anyway? What did you do to piss them off?
thats no way to proper soccer hooligan. You want to bust in there wearing all your jerseys, get into a royal rumble, smash the display case, then jack a loory, ride it five blocks and abandon it in the street.
I successfully convinced the good guys that our party of demon worshipping, serial killing, bastards for money were also good people by just straight up lying my ass off and giving us a fake name. I was rushing so I accidentally named our barbarian Rock.
I dispelled an SEP field which stopped people realising that someone had been rewriting the timeline. With the purpose of their combined psychic dissonance dispelling that effect.
It worked!
...But also summoned a horrific anti-reality demon large enough to likely destroy the entire city.
I successfully pissed off a GM so I could leave the game with no regrets.
And that was the anti-paladin's plan. The CR of the enemy (as was later explained by the GM) was double what we should have been dealing with (we fucked up ALOT to have to steal the hammer in the first place).
It was a long step towards backing "shut up and follow my plan" as the go to for the rest of the party.
>Party is in Ghost-town McPlaguesville
>Carnivorous ravens everywhere
>I, LE bard, make a deal with the bandits, but suddenly a flood occurs(with a side of extremely hungry snakes).
>A few characters are/were sailors, fortunately.
>After taking stock of the contents of the room we all occupied (the second floor sleeping quarters of the local barracks) a plan is hatched.
>We escaped the flood (and the whole gods-damned city) via boat-canoes, finding out that steam engines exist and the fairly swift defeat of our mortal enemy, the Hydra.
Really hope that campaign continues before the two DMs move out.
Define "worked."
surprisingly enough my Grot manage to get the bikas to form attack wings during our fight with Moby Git.
and Steev Orkwin and the Mekboy managed to properly place a melta bomb to kill it.
We successfully killed or incapacitated every kobold in their lair using several bags full of poisonous plants and a well shot arrow from my flaming longbow
Barricade off their exits, hurl a shitload of poisonous plants into their lair and shoot fire arrows it it until it ignites and spews smoke everywhere. Have a barbarian sit at one exit to lop the heads off of whoever runs out and let the air genasi go in and loot because they can hold a breath indefinitely
>Homebrew setting with FR-style gods that regularly interact with mortals.
>City run by aristocratic crime family experimenting with vampirism because immortality.
>Control of city contested by other factions, including fanatic vampire-hating, mono-thiestic cult.
Party convinced the cult leader to meet with vampire leader by invoking "seat at the adult's table" thing, because he's a bigger dick than the high society crime-vampire.
MFW the vampires kill us all anyway.
>5e Eberron
>party of 5 level 3 town guards. What we are doesn't matter, except that one of us is a D'Cannath paladin.
>Town is being attacked by an army of warforged from the lord of blades.
>Including a warfoged titan.
>the "plan" such as it is, is for us to flying wedge through the enemy lines with some NPCs, and the paladin to pull the soul crystal in the titan's head.
Amazingly it worked, and the session ended in the cloud of dust caused by the fall of an 80' metal giant.
Well I play shadowrun so... never.
You add a die of damage for each spell level by using a higher level slot.
>Playing Star Wars: Egde of the Empire
>Plotting for ways to steal the jewel of yavin, which was on cloud city
>Have to investigate people who would be attending an auction to buy it
>Party splits up when we hit a casino, all going to shadow some random people who might be linked to some information
>I had only combat skills, and put up a weapon for collateral to go gamble
>I spot one of the prominent bidders: Kaltho the Hutt
>After somehow passing a deception with pathetic dicepool, I sit down, under the guise I'm merely an off-world tourist
>Dealer droid explains the hutt thinks I may as well hand my chips over now, since I had no chance of winning
>Tell him he's probably right. I had no ranks in the skill required to play sabacc
>But cards are a funny thing, because I had dumb luck in spades
>4 rounds of rolling later, I've managed to force a draw on every hand, causing the pot to double
>Lose. Shit
>Hutt: HOO HOO HOOOOOOOOO.. *insert more huttese shit here*
>Droid: The master commends you on an excellent game, and would love to play you again.
>Tosses me half the pot. which was 4 times what I'd had when I got there.
>Get invited to hang out with the Hutt later
>Find out while I was doing that every other member of the party was gunned down on failed stealth missions.
I trolled the daughters of the count with some ink in one of their bed. The resulting catfight was rather amusing.
Why should I have one?
Realizing that plans never work out, I tried to plan for the plan not working. My reasoning was either Plan A would work, and if it didn't, it would only play into Plan B. I was horribly, horribly wrong...
In short, never.
Splashing the contents of a water cooler on a dude made out of sand to buy a few seconds.
It ended up with a dead party member, so maybe it didn't actually work.
Most of my plans seem to turn out that way, curiously enough.
>SEP field
>ttrpg set in the 2hg2tg multiverse
Never had a plan go right. It'd be a nice change of pace.
>sneak someone out of Lone Star turns into a full blown shootout and the burning of our previous identities and fleeing North America
>bumping off an elf drug dealer turns into our street sammy turning said elf into sashimi and our face foisting responsibility onto radical Japanese nationalists because "the knife ears fear the samurai".
>just hitting up a convenience store turned into a shootout with 4 dead and three injured, though that honestly wasn't our faults
Now we operate out of a maid cafe.
Did they do a business?