The setting itself is in fact, an enclosed system. The world is the interior of a Dyson Sphere-like megastructure. It is entirely artificial, but carefully mimics natural life.
The God AI's govern the lives of the humans 'benevolently' according to the principles of Ma'at. Ma'at means many things, but it is essentially the equation for human happiness, insofar as it is seen by the AI. Maintaining Ma'at, this status quo, is their #1 priority. CHANGE. IS. BAD.
Ra? Is literally the fucking sun. The sun is a plasma construct that runs on a track across the ceiling. Among other things he calculates how much energy to put out to the world and where to maximize growth. He governs everything
Isis is in charge of fertility, SHE decides when humans can have children, SHE decides how many crops grow, SHE decides the dispensation of resources. Everything is governed, calculated, controlled for maximum efficiency and maximum ma'at.
Horus is the police, security. Always watching. ALWAYS. Everywhere.
The Pharoahs, their households, the high priesthood - these are all ancient minds, possibly the creators of the sphere. They uploaded their consciousnesses long ago. They take bodies as it pleases them, and rule as they see fit. Both mouthpeices of the gods and yet also, possibly, their creators. Their lives are impossible luxury. Their word is law. Their every desire met.
Mortals live comfortable, governed lives. Their needs are provided for, scarcity is a thing of a past. Work is on an as need basis, people volunteer for projects and earn extra resources for their families, whether building vanity edifices for the pharaohs or farming crops or maintaining infrastructure, but living resources are otherwise assured. The perfect life. Except you are told where to live, how much you can earn is controlled, the system decides if you can have children and how many.