Why is there no traditional games being played in traditional games?

I've noticed that this board only seems to ever talk about traditional games. But I've never seen one played on here. I've never seen a dark heresy game or a D&D game played on here. I'm curious why Is there a rule against this or does Veeky Forums just not work with it's format for those kind of games?

Because this is not the forum games board.

There is a forums game board?

> Veeky Forums just not work with it's format for those kind of games

Pretty much this. Outside of quests and some other things like risk or Dawn of Worlds, it's just not a good format for it, and IMO those things are better off on other boards anyway. I come to Veeky Forums for discussion, not clutter.

Trt /qst/

Oh I know all about quest. I actually run like 2 games on there.

Huh interesting. So maybe one could say its the combined problem of anonymity plus how quick threads sage that does this perhaps?

Veeky Forums is a horrible place for playing a traditional roleplaying game. No post editing, no user moderation, threads prune automatically after a certain length, etc... Literally the only reason to do it is to say "Lol look at me I'm playing a game on Veeky Forums" because you're a teenager who thinks that that's actually going to impress anybody.

The other guys more or less have it handled, but let's see if I can't clarify it more.

This is Veeky Forums, traditional games. It is a board that is about and for the discussion of the topic "traditional games." It's not really a place for playing such games, especially because it doesn't run in a way that allows for such things to be done well.

Veeky Forums has been a home to "quest threads," but those now mainly live on a separate board called /qst/.

Plenty of people come here to discuss games, systems, maybe post that they are looking for a group for a game for Roll20 or whatever other method is available to them, post about online ways to play games... Maybe a random "play a game of chess one post at a time" thread or other such things. But Veeky Forums is really more discussion-oriented than hands-on.

silly user

this is the generals board

To contrast with the other anons' opinions, I played a bit of Lasers & Feelings with some anons on here about a year and a half back, it worked alright and went for a couple of threads.

It helped that L&F stats are expressed as one single number, so everyone could put their name and their stat in the name field; it also helped that L&F is consequently light on the rolls so there wasn't really any "Okay, now roll this" back and forth to bog things down - this problem can be a killer for the more complicated RPGs since you've got a one minute cooldown in between posts, so two or three die rolls in a row really starts to eat up time with nothing much to show for it.
(Yes, you can sometimes combine those rolls together to save time, but not in every case)

Well no one of the only reasons to do it is you have no friends and want to play a traditional game.

Alright that's understandable.

So simple traditional games can work here.

>OP has never seen a Your Move thread

huh I have never see that actually.

Veeky Forums is a pretty terrible format for actually playing games, and there's so many other places to do it. Not only is it bad in the first place, it's also gets worse the more complex the game is.

If you want to see it in action, try to find a MLPFEMTORPG thread on /mlp/.

It starts with "Pawn to d4".
It progresses to "Blood Raven to h7, check".

It's implied that whenever my players end a session in an inn that they settle down for a game of !D&D

95% of Veeky Forums has never played d&d.

we had one a week ago. Started as tic-tac-toe

Veeky Forums wouldn't really work for that sort of thing. It would almost inevitably devolve into shitposting and awfulness.

Fuck, I missed that game.

Oh well. Posting tictactoe game from a month ago.

I can see this happening, but in the vein of it being AARs. Isn't that what the "All guardsman party" is about? Retelling of a supposedly real game?

>Big Zams all the way down
That was a good one.