RAWR edition

Previously on /edh/: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

>Thread question
Do you run hipster commanders? More importantly, do you actually win?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Do you run hipster commanders? More importantly, do you actually win?

>Selenia, der Dunkle Engel
The Charles Barkley of MTG.

What is the Stone Cold Stunner of your edh deck

Casting Obliterate while cheating a Blightsteel into play

Last Laugh in my Saskia punisher deck. I flip into it 9/10 times with primal surge, along with 2-3 fetches and a glacial chasm. Literally just watch as the entire table burns for 15+ in the late game

I don't have a hipster commander, but I do want to build Asmira token voltron.

Don't forget your Guay basics.


>Do you run hipster commanders?
>do you actually win?

Is Lovisa, Coldeyes hipster? It does win decently often.

>want to make this beautiful bastard
>the thought of a mono white deck makes me want to die

Jokulhaups/Obliterate into Faith's Reward
Tap out to cast that Tasigur. Do it faggot, I dare you

>tapping out to cast Tasigur
Are we on turn 2? Why are you nuking the board turn 2?

>Do you run hipster commanders? More importantly, do you actually win?
Both Crosis and Radha win fairly regularly, yeah. Crosis is a harder fight, due to being a worse deck and being a strange dragon control deck, but it wins about 60-70% of the games it plays.

I've been wondering how flexible the term hatebear is?
I've heard that it refers to 2 mana creatures or 2/2 or 2 mana 2/2's with strong abilities, such as Gaddock Teeg. I assume that it most likely means cheap, efficient creatures.
Are Aven Mindcensor and Hushwing Gryff hatebears? What are the best ones and are they most GW colours? Is the new red guy that shocks from abilities a hatebear?

My group has recently become obsessed with the Kingdoms variant. All my decks are absolutely terrible for this. Hyper-aggro is the best way to play anything other than the Usurper.

It's been slowly reappropriated from it's original meaning of a 2 drop 2/2 with a strong control ability. I've seen it used to describe cheaper (1-3 mana) 2/2s with strong abilities and 2 mana not 2/2s with strong abilities. In short, people who didn't know what the term meant started using it loosely. Aven Mindcensor is not a hatebear.

How is Mindcensor not a hatebear? It completely fucks up a ton of strategies.

Seriously? Did you not read my post?

It's not 2 mana. It can't be a hatebear because it's not a bear.

>Did you not read my post?

>m-muh 2 mana only!


Hatebears are 2-3 mana creatures, usually in White, that prevent your opponent from playing the game by either taxing them or limiting them (soft hate), or just flat out preventing their strategy from working (hard hate). They can be further categorized into soft and hard,

Mindcensor and Hushwing are decent examples of softer hatebears vs hard ones. Other soft hatebears would be both Thalias and Leonin Arbiter, other hard bears would Gaddock Teeg, Eidolon of Rhetoric, and Spirit of the Labyrinth.

I'd say he definitely qualifies, but the only question is whether he's good enough to be widely played outside burn where he's fairly worthwhile sideboard tech against Lantern Control (and maybe Affinity too).

This is EDH, where tutors and deck searching are king. Mindcensor is very good in this format

How do Past in Flames and suspend cards like Wheel of Fate work?

Wheel of Fate and similar cards have a null mana cost, so you can't flash it back with something like Past in Flames or Snappy

It gains flashback equal to 0

/edh/ general everyone

>This has no mana cost, which means its mana cost can’t be paid for effects such as replicate from Djinn Illuminatus or flashback from Snapcaster Mage.
Straight from the Wheel of Fate page on Gatherer

I already removed him the last two times you cast him
Because I play Zurgo control

Seton: using gilt leaf archruid and rings of brighthearth to steal everyone's lands

Thromok: in a 4 player game, killing one player with pandemonium/warstorm surge and thromok, one with attacking with thromok, and one with fling or altar of dementia. Alternatively, psychosis crawler + rishkar's expertise + Thromok.

Oloro: Aetherflux on everyone in one turn

Sen triplets: Using paradox haze and infinite mana to cast all my opponent's cards.

Merieke: untapping into either controlling everything or destroying everything.

Kami of the crescent moon: Arcane lab + Forbid + Drawing 6+ cards a turn (make it stop)

Kozilek: casting Kozilek on turn 2 or earlier.

Halfdane: Actually winning.

so how do i build yidris? i bought the precon and have been fucking with it but no matter what i do i never seem to able to really abuse the cascade stuff i get like one cascade trigger and then the enemy just blows her up or has another way of dealing with 4 trample damage. even when i get through im casting like 4 cmc spells which while awesome dont really do a whole lot for me long term. what kinda stuff should i be putting in this deck to make it realyl awesome?

Doomsday. Storm. ANT.

What's a good commander for mono black reanimation
Also what are some essentials to make sure my commander doesn't get killed the moment they're summoned

Chainer is probably the best reanimator general in mono-black.

One of those is right though.

I'm actually excited to build a Kefnet Deck.

What are some clever blue wincons I can throw in besides Omniscience?

I also have the Draw Entire Deck + Laboratory Maniac combo

>trying to build a hanna deck.
>every land, spell, and some artifacts are expensive as fuck.

someone who has played this sweet artifact deck, is it worth actually worth the price?

well, I'll just have to wait til I'm not poor. heheh... ;-;

>controlling everything

Merieke can only control one thing short of copying her ability with Brighthearth effects. The way it was worded makes it sound like you were stacking her effects to grab multiple things which is illegal.

You play every Invocation with his art in it, then play every card he features in, then try to simply get infinite blue mana, draw your deck, and win through either Lab Man or Aetherflux reservoir.

That is your trial of Knowledge, no go get that Force of Will...

am i an asshole for playing Edric.dec?

I love how casuals think he's casual with all the trash beaters i play but they start realizing the folly of their actions when I take my 6th turn in a row. Delicious casual tears

You can actually do that. If you untap her in response to the activated ability and usr the ability again, you'll have both the targets, since the delayed trigger can only happrn after the activated ability resolves.

Any suggestions for a mid power level Tazri deck for keeping the board under control? I don't want the deck to be nothing but Allies and some equipment since that can get fucked pretty heavily. I have a Merciless Eviction, Wear/Tear and a Cyclonic Rift so far.

Patron of the moon does it better
these Nu gods suck so bad, none of them are EDH playable

>try to simply get infinite blue mana, draw your deck, and win through either Lab Man or Aetherflux reservoir.

This is both why the card is good, but also so boring. I wish he could attack easier.

nigga if you're playing tazri you're playing combo

this is how you do it:

Kefnet is better then Patron by a long shot due to the infinite mana dumping for the win.

The problem is that a simic commander literally does that so much easier for the exact same strategy.

So /edhg/ I told my normie friend that I would post his deck here to get him some feedback. He's seeking to make it more optimized He actually owns the cards since he's been playing since Revised


the correct way to build yidris is to use him a placeholder commander. you'll only ever need 1 swing to win big then storm out


The 'ol Pala-Architect combo wins instantly with your commander, and don't forget to grab Land Equilibrium for those sweet stax dreams.

What lands have good ETB triggers to recur with Kefnet?

I would like to build a Kydele and Tana commander deck.

Any ideas? I like temur but there's so many options its hard to narrow them down.

I'm picking Kefnet solely based on flavor.
I like blue, I like drawing cards, and I like commanders who can fight.

You dont care about the lands, you just make infinite mana and draw then play your deck to win.

There are no lands that matter for him.

That deck is fucking awful. Too much big mana shit and literally just Farseek, Shard Convergence (why?) and five rocks to get there.

really? but patron combos out better imo
having a combo enging commander sounds better than a mana dump commander

Great feedback, now show us your decks

I run a bunch of casual jank decks and Selvala Storm as my serious deck.

But really, the average CMC is nearly 4 and the ramp is non-existent, and I'm being really fucking generous calling Shard Convergence and Gilded Lotus ramp.

What's that one commander that you want to build despite there being better options out there.

I'm curious as to Selvala storm, do you have a deck list I could look at?

Wew opinion discarded then, you're just some jealous faggot without any real idea on how to work a deck

Google it.


This thing is hilarious in Roon. Definitely a Stone Cold Stunner in Roon because you can use Roon to blink the Chimera back to you so you can steal him back to use it again.

>Give me feedback
>But only if it's telling me how good I am

Not even my deck faggot, I posted it here for him because he doesn't know this place. If the only feedback is too much ramp of course I'm going to call out on being a jealous fag

>too much ramp
Literally the opposite of what I said, and who the fuck would be jealous of Shard Convergence?

sheilds of velis vel in my hazazon deck, favorite board wipe in the deck

Damn that's spicy.

>who the fuck would be jealous of Shard Convergence?

Clearly you are since you keep posting about it

>playing since Revised
That's not a normie.

Anyways, I did a couple test hands, they all either did literally nothing until turn 4/5 when I could drop the commander (God help me if she gets removed), or didn't have the capability to actually play the game.

Is your meta alright with that? You'd be fucking dead playing slivers in my meta and not interacting that long, and we're pretty casual.

lol casual edh fags sure get easily ass blasted

I mean normie as in this is only truly "nerd" hobby. He doesn't tend to get that screwed on mana and has won multiple games with it, couldn't answer why to the cmc is so high and our meta is semi competitive with 2 tryhard spikes who usually duke it out with each other and ignore him unless he starts to build up

Stop posting anytime.

Mathematically his deck should be fucking him in the ass almost every time.

Very little card draw, ramp, running a combo commander with only one actual tutor in the deck.

More importantly why does he only run four fetchlands?

I mean if my "competitive/best" deck was Selvala storm I would be butthurt too

That guy isn't me but Selvala is T2 with a consistent turn 3 win dude.

He's working on getting more fetches, I couldn't explain why he doesn't get as screwed as the automated hand draws do.

Stacking any deck can win turn 3, doesn't mean its good. really I don't give a fuck because nobody plays Selvala in meta

You have no idea what you're talking about, why do you continue talking about competitive EDH when you play casual?

Because he cheats probably.

Because I'm doing a favor for a friend? Also "competitive" is a fickle term, not everything you see online actually works

I'll watch him more closely next time we play

>I couldn't explain why he doesn't get as screwed as the automated hand draws do
He's stacking his hand or his deck. No 5c deck with a mana base that inconsistent can fire off as consistently as that one seems to.

Do it, he's breddy fun

He doesn't fire off that often, the deck obviously has its problems and he's working to fix it. Sometimes he gets screwed on his mana and only gets 3 lands before getting stuck, other times he gets all his land and nothing else besides the queen and what tokens he generates

There is a literal tier list of decks that make up competitive multiplayer EDH. If you're not familiar with at least that then you probably shouldn't comment.

Competitive EDH is awful though

>If you're not familiar with this list of commanders made by a bunch of people who are full of shit and the decks actually only kill 1 opponent >dual commander you don't have an opinion

You aren't wrong but that's not the topic at discussion.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about. Storm, Stax, TFC, PFC, Selvala, Yisan, Karador, Scion Hermit Druid defeat every opponent, it's kind of the point of the decks.

The term you randomly added to your post that has nothing to do with what anyone is talking about is Duel Commander, not Dual Commander. Also, learn how to greentext.

Most of them crumble at the split second of disruption, really you just need to chill out because you are getting yourself frustrated for no reason other than someone's post


That simply isn't true though. Why are you still posting?

>That simply isn't true

Because you keep replying to me, it most likely is. I already got some actual feedback from Reddit and other sites because you like jacking it to your shitbrews and netdecks

That makes sense as to why you're so unfamiliar with Veeky Forums's terminology and posting.

You're going to have to go back.

>People use sites other than Veeky Forums to discuss topics
>All these implications

If you're done shitposting now, you're free to leave


>Implying mono-white isn't amazing.

Are you trying to compensate for something? Consider some introspection before you hit submit next time.


He may not be the best blue, but god damn he embodies blue so fucking much.

>Durdle and disrupt the board
>Suddenly get infinite mana through bullshit
>Win immediately

God its so stupid I love it.

Are we building a wall between Veeky Forums and reddit again?
