>when the best looking model in army has the worst rules
When the best looking model in army has the worst rules
>golden boys can't handle mediocre rules
boo hoo
Tell me about it, I always liked terminators but started 2 days before 3rd ed came out
Grots are underpowered in d20
No invulnerable save, coming through...
Is that a age of sigmar model with a Bolter?
These look pretty cool.
Hi is that a Stormcast eternal? I like the retro art they gave for it.
> Best-looking
>Sagittarum Guard
>anything based on the Custodes plastic kit that hasn't been converted to shit
The plastic Custodes already have wonky-ass proportions, thanks to GW not giving them capes as standard. It's even worse for Sagittarum Guard, thanks to those huge bolt-calivers.
Got a source on those boltguns?
Sanguinary guard get no respect.
The Sagittarum Guard kit, from Forge World.
Cool, thanks
Sanguinary Guard. 2+ armor saves, one wound, no invulns. Life is suffering in the Blood Angels Codex if you aren't running Orbital Intervention or masses of Death Company.
>2+ armour saves
>literally saving 5 times out of 6 unless hit by a specially designed premium anti armour weapon
This is why I hate 40k mentality.
Your dudes are meant to be spent. Maybe it's because I went from Imperial Guard to playing Infinity (and used to play Magic back in the day), but I expect trading and high lethality and spending your resources.
Paying for durability that kills you (grav) is a joke; or dying to free rending or being out of charge distance for longer than 2 turns. Gotta have layers to survive the offensive power being chucked around these days.
That's like bitching that Necron Warriors can't one-shot everything. Those guys are fucking incredible.
>when you're forcing your opponents death star to waste a turn to kill 60 points of guardsmen
(wonky-ass proportions)
Dude, why don't you chill out for one day and just be happy about these dope-ass models that Games Workshop gave us. 40k has always been about crazy proportions and bad ass armor, so just take it at face value instead of whining all the time
I don't think they're good looking. I think their proportions are ridiculously bad.
>I think their proportions are ridiculously bad.
Welcome to 40k, here's your saltiness.
>quoting with parenthesis instead of greentext
I want GW employees to stop shilling and leave. Except Dunc. He can stay. Please visit /wip/ painting man of many thing coats. We need you.
That feel when
>play dark Angels
>best looking model are our terminator
>coolest lore is our terminators
>one of the coolest HQ lore wise is in terminator armor
>worst unit in the space marine armory, possibly game is terminator
>I have an 1850list of Ravenwing deathwing
>only half my army is worth their points
Feels bad man, but at least they look cool
>terminators are shit
BAfag here, iktf.
> actually playing GW games in 2017
You deserve whatever you get, TS.
>Paying for durability that kills you (grav) is a joke
>unless hit by a specially designed premium anti armour weapon
Does anyone aside from Marines even have Grav weaponry? Focus down that dude, problem solved.
I used to rely heavily on Cover saves as Guard and got decimated by Noise Marines. Solution: every time I see Noise Marines, they get shelled first or get Tempestus dropped behind them. No soundblasters, my Vets are back to 3+/2+ Cover saves.
40k is unbalanced as hell, and I'd never go back after switching to Infinity, but seriously people, learn how to tactics instead of whine. Especially when you play some flavour of Marines.
>premium anti tank weapon
15 pts
>one model
Everyone who can buy a special / heavy can take one and as they are Salvo you can move and shoot them on any normal infantry try model
>does anyone other than marines have it
Vanilla & DA have it but those 2 books comprise a significant proportion of the player base especially in competitive areas
>Everyone who can buy a special / heavy can take one
So usually 1 to 3 dudes per squad. How many shots does it get in a salvo, 2, 3? And how many dudes are in your squads? And that is what you use the cheap, disposable troops or heavy weaponry for, to cripple the threatening troop.
Do Blood Angels vehicles still get double movement over regular Marine ones? Get a squad of Assault Marines, exchange their jump-pack for a Rhino, kit them with Flamers, ride up to offending squad and flame them. Or use your 2+ dudes to draw fire while more survivable units take objectives.
15pts is the same as Plasma, which is also an anti-armour weapon. I couldn't tell you how balanced that is because balance and 40k don't mix, but seems like par of the course.
>unless hit by a specially designed premium anti armour weapon
Grav is hardly "premium". It's criminally undercosted for how ungodly powerful it is. It's anti-heavy infantry, anti-tank, anti-MEQ, etc. And you can take a ton of it in every list (and everyone who can will since it's OP as fuck) too. Compared to the PPM of any unit it absolutely rapes, its a no-brainer.
>Does anyone aside from Marines even have Grav weaponry?
Grav is just the tip of the cheese icing. Everyone else in the game has droves of AP2 and AP1 ranged weapons that make mincemeat of you "highly armored" assault units the second they step onto the field. The powercreep has not been kind to expensive heavy infantry/vehicles like Sanguinary Guard, Terminators, or Land Raiders so much so those units are all but unplayable. They get shredded by both AP1/2 weapons and by small arms fire just through pure weight of fire immediately.
>Focus down that dude, problem solved.
Grav is taken by everyone in every unit. It's just a Special/Heavy weapon so you can take one just like you would a Meltagun or Flamer. Hell, even the Heavy Grav Cannons are Salvo and not Heavy, so you can fire them on the move without snapshotting making them the best Heavy weapon choice, even at 35 points.
>I used to rely heavily on Cover saves as Guard and got decimated by Noise Marines.
>i can beat noise marines, git gud
CSM are dogshit. You're bragging about being strong after punching a cripple. You're a /v/irgin telling others to git gud after beating Gone Home. Beat a Tau-dar or Imperial Superfriends list with your "superior tactical mind" and then you can talk shit. Until then, stick to infinity.
Cover saves are also way better than armor saves right now. Your 3+/2+ vets are WAY more survivable than the guys who come with a stock 3+ armor save base.
not him but
>How many shots does it get in a salvo, 2, 3?
Salvo 2/3 on the little lads and Salvo 3/5, so 2-3 shots if you move, 3-5 if you don't. With 18" range on the little guys and 24"(?) on the big guys, they can be annoying to close in on. All for 15/35 points. Sanguinary Guard are 5 for 165.
>Do Blood Angels vehicles still get double movement over regular Marine ones?
Not really. They're Fast vehicles, but more expensive because of it.
>Get a squad of Assault Marines, exchange their jump-pack for a Rhino, kit them with Flamers, ride up to offending squad and flame them.
Straight up won't work. Your Rhino will get Immobilized way before your guys are able to get in range and disembark. Even if they do, you're not going to kill very many with Flamers and Bolt Pistols. At best, you'll kill the one or two Grav-Guns in the squad before getting your whole unit wiped in return. You'll spend 150 points to wipe 50-70 points of marines. Even then, there's going to be another 2-5 squads with Grav-Guns left.
>Or use your 2+ dudes to draw fire while more survivable units take objectives.
>wasting 165-200 points worth of models a turn just so the enemy can't kill your "more survivable" units that turn
Yeah, that ain't really going to work either. You underestimate how OP and common Grav is. Also, what "more survivable" units are we supposed to use. Marines don't really get cover saves outside of Scouts and Jinks. If 2+ armor ain't survivable and we get jack shit for cover saves, what are we supposed to use? Invuln? Congrats, that what the initial user was complaining about. Sanguinary Guard have no invuln and get shredded by everything because of it.
>15pts is the same as Plasma, which is also an anti-armour weapon
15 points is chips nowadays when a single Grav-Gun statistically kills 15+ points of MEQ or TEQ minimum every time it fires. Grav is tied with Haywire for the best non-Explodes! anti-vehicle weapon. One Grav-Gun can scrap a Land Raider in one turn.
Sanguinary guard are the ba equivalent of honour guard. Except they have jump packs, angelus bolters, and can easily get fnp. They are better in every way, now shut up.
They have better mobility than Honour Guard, yeah, but they're still massive point sinks that die to a stiff AP2 breeze, even with FnP. You can't even stick them in a Transport aside fro a Stormraven to protect them because of their Jump Packs.
>CSM are dogshit. You're bragging about being strong after punching a cripple.
Not when your basic gun is a Lasgun and you don't get more than 4+ Armour save on your "Elite" units.
>Until then, stick to infinity.
I plan to. This game is actually fun and people understand that models die, even "elite" ones.
>Not when your basic gun is a Lasgun and you don't get more than 4+ Armour save on your "Elite" units.
Lasguns are fine when you have as many of them as Guard do. Elites with 4+ are fine because they aren't 35-45 PPM like other Elites are. Hell, they're probably better considering 4+ and 2+ save Elites have the same survivablility nowadays
Besides, you didn't even kill the Noise Marines with Lasguns, you killed them with Wyverns, IE some of the best artillery in the game.
They don't really have models anymore, but it'd be great if Rough Riders were what modern cavalry was: mounted rifelmen, using horses for faster movement, not some sort of medieval lancers wannabees. Especially as Atillans are based on Huns, who were known for horseback archers, not hussar-like cavalry charges! Just make the lances an upgrade and give those guys Lasguns, please!
>not taking deathwing knights/deathwing command squads
there's your problem
How big are those bolt-calivers compared to bolters and heavy-bolters?
That's with Knights and command squad
Marginally smaller than a heavy bolter.