>A setting in which everyone keeps their entire body completely covered at all times
How might it be done?
>A setting in which everyone keeps their entire body completely covered at all times
How might it be done?
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Veils, probably
Maybe everyone is just insanely prudish. It's like the Victorians, except instead of ankles it's literally any skin or hair at all.
The atmosphere is literally acid. Air purification is costly, inefficient, prone to breaking down or whatever have you.
State religion is like a more strict version of Islam where even men have to be fully covered
>What is equality in islam
People have been adjusted to permanent night conditions due to [plot device]. After the [plot device] was resolved, extreme photosensitivity required full body coverings to avoid burns from the now present sun.
Some sort of incredibly unsafe environment like a creaky spaceship prone to breaking or someplace were the air has toxins in it that corrodes anything it touches. Check out Miyakejima, the island whose residents must carry a gasmask at all times in case of excess sulfur dioxide from the local volcano.
Space Muslims.
When they set out into space one of the main planets they colonized which became new Mecca doesn't have a breathable atmosphere. The practice of dressing modestly extended to the practice of wearing full environment suits from the early days of colonization and spread from there.
>Colonizing anything but their neighbors camel
It doesn't have to be Islam per sey but the idea of a practice that became a religious custom could still be used in a sci-fi setting.
Please stop posting the exact same thread over and over. It's obviously a fetish.
Must be several fa/tg/uys with this fetish then
This is only a fraction of your fetish threads because you use slightly different words making it hard to search.
Your question has been answered numerous times. Cut it out.
It'd be super neat as a post-eldritch abomination society. Like how eyes are the gateway to your soul but more intense.
Must be the religion of philosophy and mathematics islam, not the aloha snackbar islam.
I'm sorry any implications that Arabs or Persians are capable of accomplishing anything trigger you, user.
I think you mean epicalest thread on Veeky Forums right fucking NOW?!
It's just pretty silly user, just like how laughable Degenesis is
The media pushed the skin cancer meme too far and people snapped.
Old world islamics were pretty kickass though. They had all this sick shit like numbers and fuck. Not like our modern radicalized, power hungry terrorist cells.
That's some pretty good detective work
Dude become a PI, I'd hire you
Necrontyr homeworld
victorians were huge whoremongers and drunks: the 'morality. 12 year old whores were common.
earth now has a hostile atmosphere. Full sealed arrmour is required to go out into the wild (which is mutated to fuck), and even with filters and sealed zones, everyone wears the arrmour because the air quality is STILL that shit.
>Who are Quarians?
>What is Mass Effect?
Those were Persians before the kid diddlers overran them, Islam has created nothing of value
>TFW Earth's united space program is just to deport all muslims to a new star system.
This can happen in fantasy, right?
Everyone is a mummy.
Touching peoples skin results in telepathy/pregnancy/something ickish
People have both a private identity, which is secret, and a public one, which is tied to costume and can be inherited and passed on
Everyone was disfigured by some catastrophe at some point, and the clothing style stuck around as a cultural thing, showing skin is now as shameful as showing ones genitals in current society