>romance storylines in a standard adventuring campaign
Reasons to drop a campaign
No one show up to play anymore.they just slowly disappear one by one from you life.
But romance storylines are part of standard adventuring campaigns?
>They're trying to keep up the masquerade and you're the next to join in.
I'm happy I'm not at your table.
>the DM's girlfriend is a half angle, half demon home-brewed class that uses a Katana.
>the DM's girlfriend
Reason enough already
Happy you're not at my table, either. Enjoy your weird world of hermit eunuch adventurers.
We will, thank you.
It's okay, I know fantasy is a good way to experience things you never will in real life.
I think you would be hard pressed to pick even a single fantasy novel without a romance subplot. They're well established part of the genre.
>Players can't get out of "videogame mentality" and actually roleplay.
Fuck, I've dropped SO many campaigns because of this shit.
I don't mind romance plots. They're ususaly pretty cringey, but tolerable enough. It's non-fade-to-black sex scenes that do it for me.
>get put into ludicrously unfair encounter
>gmpc shows up, stupidly overpowered and cleaving away at the enemies
>GM acts like we should be grateful
It's what made me hate DnD.
That has nothing to do with DnD itself. But sure, go ahead and assign blame that way.
That's literally just a bad DM fellating himself with a self insert Mary Sue. Don't let one rancid cunt ruin something for you, this is totally a case of hating the player, not the game.
That's true, but most people who run D&D games do this. And from an outsider's perspective the divide means little.
Elaborate for us lurkers that wish to learn.
All of this is the same game.
>Basically everything important is already being handled by someone ten levels ahead of you.
>Nothing you do is considered creative and/or it's already been done to death already
>Your characters don't matter. If they do it's for something trivial like a distraction against a minor noble or some such.
>Everyone else is more powerful than you. EVERYONE. Even bob the carpenter is a level 11 fighter while your entire party is level 6.
>I'm sorry. You'll need a Nat 20 save to avoid this character altering effect. I'm talking about everyone's characters except (insert GM's old friend)'s character since he already rolled his nat 20 to me.
>No bartering. At all. Sell for 25% market value. Buy at 150% market value.
>Start off with 30gp total for equipment at character creation. At level 5.
>So far we have maybe found 3,000gp worth of stuff but only got 2,000gp of useful stuff out of it.
>GM causally describes the gods battling above us and a "lower powered shot is deflected at your party. Everyone make a reflex save. Nobody passed even with that 27. You all take (8d8) 34 lightning damage." Two characters were knocked into the low negatives (paladin and bard, our only healers and no CLW wands) and had to be stabalized and carried by the other 4 very injured party members.
Silver lining.
>Fast track EXP
>We seem to be getting a bit more exp than the book would state per encounter. Maybe 20% more?
I'm hoping I can slog through it all. We are level 7 now about to be 8 after next session where we will beg a gargantuan water elemental to not destroy our house while the party is resting and healing from the encounter with the battling deities.
This sounds miserable, why do you persist?
The world building is nice and the party is made up of good roleplayers. It's just the GM.
>wish to learn
About how to be a shitty player? Whatever.
Don't take any situation seriously, resolve every single response and conversation out of character, complain when the game gives you the least bit of resistance, don't roleplay..
>That time I played a half dragon, half angel, half human that became full dragon AND full angel
>and the DM let me get away with it because the rp was so tight
Git gud scrubs
>most people who run D&D games do this
You are the only one who thinks this.
Don't blame D&D for your assumptions.
>Half Angle
Anything less than 90 degrees is a sin
That happened to me.
>GM wanted a Cerberi but messes up and uses a Cerberus
>chews my arm off, leaving me crippled for life and bullshited his way not to kill my character
>then the king shows up and one shots it nbd
you fucking faggot cunt
And anything above that is too obtuse.
>half angle
How fucking high was her CMB??
>It's just the GM.
The DM is the most important person in any group...
Should I bail out of a game if I highly suspect the GM isn't letting any of the PCs die? Because there's been multiple situations where I probably should've lost a character but then just didn't.
Yes. Knowing that you're invincible is fucking boring and means there's no real consequences.
my sides, pls sempai
Call him out
>GM gets angry when you pursue plot hooks
I shit you not, I've had this experience. Apparently he wanted a slice of life game and we kept ruining it by wanting to go it and do heroic things.
>slice of life game
wtf is this shit
>GM puts up like 8 encounters per session
>nope, almost no RP, just encounters
>it's not even good encounters, he just looks at the volo's guide and puts whatever the fuck he wants
>not even a short rest between AT LEAST 2 really hard encounters
>somehow i'm the only one suffering from this
cant even quit cause i'm DM on the other campaign that we do in the between and it would be fucking awkward
Seems like you're in a good position to two very different campaigns to provide players with both experiences: one very tactical, encounter oriented campaign and one roleplay oriented campaign. Or just talk to the DM about it.
Better than 3 flabby odorous white guys trying to fuck the imagination of their chubby dungeon master.
Why insert plot hooks then? He's sending conflicting messages here.
As a general rule you should only play with people you'd be willing to fuck, user.
I've had the exact opposite experience.
>GM tosses plot hooks that make no sense for my character to pursue
>abandon them and continue to pursue comfy sol activities
You should've talked about that with your GM. Now neither of you got what you wanted.
We were doing a teen supers game, and apparently the part of that concept he liked was super-powered kids doing normal high school things.
Fuck if I know. But he kept having supervillains causing havoc in the background, then doing everything he could to keep us from doing anything about them, then pitched a fit and quit running the game when we wouldn't stop trying to track them down.
I once bullshit my GM into letting me dual wield using only one arm. It beat rerolling. Instead, my arm was a fucking sword.
>Silver lining
How exactly is this a silver lining?
Tell him you think he's fudging to avoid killing PCs, and that it takes the fun out of the game for you, and that you would prefer he didn't pull punches.
>being unable to distance yourself from your character enough to spin an enjoyable and epic romance tale
Bet you just roll seduction without rping the pickup lines, wretch
> Players are adamant on turning the game into a murderhobo power fantasy
Friendly reminder that all of these Posters are SJWs upset that you have unsanctioned fun
Friendly reminder that this is the cancer that is killing Veeky Forums right now.
All these reasons come down to:
> I'm not having fun
> I have a scheduling conflict
So I'm gonna give you the answer to most table problems, or something that leads you to the answer pretty quickly.
Communicate. Talk to him about it. If he outright tells you that the way he does shit involves never killing a PC, then it's not the game for you. If he doesn't overact to project the idea that the question confuses him, and says no, then rolls may have just gone way better than they should have. If he just starts stuttering and looks away and tries to claim he's not doing it then just tell him that he's acting weird and that you just want to mention that it sucks then fun out of a campaign when you're playing tabletop with cheat codes enabled.
I see, I didn't even guess that was it... And here I thought I was good at seeing them wherever they might infiltrate.
Speak for yourself, I'm beautiful.