Kithkin will be tier 0 edition
Kithkin will be tier 0 edition
kithkin is op to be honest
I'm hoping for a ban soon
Shit OP. Meme culture is for morons. Fuck off.
What do you guys think of having Determined in Living End
All these posts do is encourage kithposters and their ilk. We have to resist by having meaningful discussion.
What are your thoughts on the current health of the format? How do you feel about the format having no competitive traditional control deck?
>How do you feel about the format having no competitive traditional control deck?
Business as usual for Modern.
I could see it in the sideboard if your meta is really control heavy.
Does As Foretold + Restore Balance count as control?
>Those Living End prices
Wow, I built the deck a few weeks ago and the cards were so cheap.
Sure I guess, but I wouldn't throw that under the umbrella of "traditional" control.
Probably due to the metagame shift towards kithkin
What kind of list do you feel As Foretold could slot into? Does it make a new list? Does it bring anything back into relevance? Genuinely curious to have actual discussion of what it could be useful for in modern here.
I want it to be good but I feel it will only fuel jank combos like expertise did.
Also seems a tad slow. If we get better control cards for the early game maybe it can become a deck
yeah, I'd like it to be good but even the most flexible As Foretold into Lotus Bloom is a two card accomplish what you would have without wasting two card combo and that just seems like far too slow in a format where the game will end a few turns later
>What are your thoughts on the current health of the format? How do you feel about the format having no competitive traditional control deck?
I'll say ban Tron, you'll call me a fag. Then all control decks will lose to Tron on the early rounds of the next GP and get dragged out of day two by Tron's incapability to beat the Burn/Affinity crucible and we're back to asking ourselves why control never shows up.
I'm personally done with this argument.
Thinking about moving from playing edh to playing modern, How much would a budget deck be? Just to get my feet wet nothing tourney winning yet ya know?
$400 min.
Mana base?
>one mana discard is ok
>two mana counters are not ok
Isn't this hypocritical? Both card archetypes fill a similar role.
You can play very budget mono decks with little to no mana base investment like 8-whack, budget 8-rack, stompy, etc that aren't very costly as an introduction and can do fine in an FNM scenario
What's this then?
>I'll pay 2 and drop a Tarmogoyf
>In response I'll play my 2 mana counter ;^)
>Dude that's a Negate it can't hit Tarmogo-
>I'll play my 2 mana counter ;^)
Why don't you play duress then?
>that flavor text
Kek. Sums it up pretty well. Many - not all - control players think they're decks are so complex but it comes down to permission
Anyone done any actual testing with Living End and some new cyclers? I tested about 10 games and it shit the bed way more than it should've.
You're just a bad pilot.
>10 games
what do you guys do to protect your cards in public.
I am an utter idiot and left my 2k deck at FNM Twice now, I have been lucky and got it back but I have had enough, I am going to take drastic measures and attach it to a security cord and attach that to by bag
That's why I asked if anyone did actual testing. Are you an ESL?
Elves is the only deck under $400 that wins. There are cheaper memedecks but those don't do well even at casual FNM and are the kind of crap you'll watch SaffronOlive get buttfucked with on youtube because he's a jankmaster.
You picked a terrible time to start playing Modern.
I keep everything in sight, don't let people go through my binders when I'm not watching them and treat my $4000 investment like its a $4000 investment.
It also runs zero cards that slot into any other deck barring CoCo's, Chords, and basic forests.
Control has always been the deck for people who need floaties and training wheels.
But memerange is for people who don't even attempt to learn how to swim.
That's why so many people hate Modern right now, it's the most high-risk-high-reward format after Vintage but it's also pushed by many stores as the "more approachable non-rotating format" which just isn't true.
If you've ever wondered why Modern is repellent both to the highest level competitors and the noobs, there it is, it's a no safety nets format. Perfect for people who love minmaxing and learning every nook and cranny of their deck and every matchup, horrid for people who want to netdeck and autopilot for 8 hours at PTWhatever or people who just want to learn.
>Control has always been the deck for people who need floaties and training wheels.
On a possitive note you can turn it into Legacy Elves for just the cost of 4 Priest of Titania, 4 Wirewood Symbyote and $10 for a set of good chinaman Gaea's Cradle.
>Implying UB control isn't literally "oops I fucked up let me rectify for two mana and probably draw a card out of it".
You have to be a turbo retard to play Draw-Go wrong but there's a billion factors that can make even elite players punt a match with aggro or combo decks. That's why "pros" always go for control or midrange decks, they cause less fatigue and allow for more misplays.
GR8B8M8, post it again
You can build skred red for, what, 200?
First of I'm not a cum guzzling retard to leave my expensive shit all over the place.
I suggest suicide.
Could you kind anons name a newplayer friendly deck that I could try on Xmage?
Naya Zoo
Pretty straight forward modern deck. Just play your creatures and swing.
2bh this is why I wish thief groups still frequented GPs or any store with a large enough FNM crowd.
The forgetful need to be punished. I am so tired of sitting across from a guy who misses his May clauses ever trigger, and needs reminders on the ones that occur without his prompting.
coat your cards in extremely potent poison that can be absorbed through the skin and wear gloves while playing with your cards
>people aren't already playing vizier of druids, the tier zero deck to end all other fag decks
Holy shit why haven't you just killed yourself
>mfw chinamen cards are perfect (wasteland) or utter shit (blood moon)
Have they stepped up their game or is still hit or miss?
whats a good chinaman store? I ordered some previously and got the wrong cards with square corners, emails went round in circles like they hope ill give up. I want a few card for my commander deck
Anyone have an Ad Nauseum list that runs Spoils of the Vault? Other decks with Spoils would also be appreciated.
Villa Zheng was the only good one last I checked, but that was almost a year ago.
Pod did nothing wrong
Elves, Ad Nauseam or Infect - which deck should I pick to play leagues on MODO?
You know what you're countering. You don't know that your discard spell wont fizzle.
>skred red
Can't wait to cast stormbreath dragon again.
This meme needs to stop. It is actually triggering me. How the actual fuck can a white deck have a bad match up vs living end? You literally have access to the best grave-hate ever printed.
LE doesn't really care and can still use the namesake as an instant wrath.
Does anyone have a recent skred list?
Heres mine
>20 snow mountain
>2 scrying sheets
>2 eternal scourge
>2 pia and kiran
>2 stormbreath dragon
>4 mind storn
>4 relic of progenitus
>1 batterskull
>4 Blood moon
>4 lightning bolt
>4 skred
>1 roast
>4 anger of the gods
>4 koth of the hammer
>2 chandra torch of defiance
>2 ricochet trap
>3 goblin rabblemaster
>3 dragons claw
>2 ratchet bomb
>1 trinispehere
>2 shattering spree
>2 pyroclasm
My meta is all coco and aggro so my deck is heavy on the sweepers
Neat, thanks
So this just folds to Tron every time, right?
What control deck doesn't
>$4000 investment
"Counterspells are not fun" Regards kike
There are two mana counters and one mana discard always has some limitation or drawback.
Your post is bad and you should feel bad.
Is Fruity Pebbles t1????
>There are bad two mana counters
It's real easy. Keep everything in sight or under the table in front of you (not behind your chair).
Two mana counters have limits, yes. A 2cmc universal counter is OP.
>$4000 investment
Lol kys retard
I play chinamen ((proxies))
Grixis Control and Bant Spirits
The fact that UB Fairies is utter shite
Trying to add Bone Pickers into Grixis list and trade stuff to be able to make Grixis Shadow
Do you people think Bant Spirits have any promising future ahead of them? I recently piloted the deck to two Modern FNM 5(4)-0 and really enjoy it. What would make it a go-to tribal deck over fish or elves?
Is a modern budget bw zombie deck possible?
>A 2cmc universal counter is OP.
Shitter post of the day everyone.
Possible? Sure.
>agreeing with wotc is a shitter post
>Jewish trick
they're an ancap trip.
Wotc is retarded so yes.
>3 lands making 7 mana is okay but a 2 mana universal counter is unfair to everyone.
Go apply for a job at Wizards R&D. I'm sure they'll be impressed by your flawless logic and let you fix the game.
Bottom is right though.
Bant spirits is honestly slept on right now, having disruptive spells attached to almost all of your creatures is insane and being able to counter 90% of the format with queller and protect it with rattlechains is huge. You have lots of threats with flying too which is another plus and can close games extremely fast with captain and geist.
So I've started with the general premise of"
>4x Path to Exile
>4x Fatal Push
>4x Faithless Looting
>4x Lingering Souls
>2x Unburial Rites
Any suggestions that don't boil down to "play something else"?
>he says on a Korean meme trading card website
Well, what do you want your deck to do? What is the strategy here? Are you trying to make a graveyard recursion deck that has disruption?
Not really. When you make all universal cards shit, it means synergy is what's most important. When removal is so bad that you rather play more synergestic creatures/cards, you have the shitshow that is kithkin tribals everywhere.
The face when we are getting there by natural creature power creep already. (Not really, but you probably get my gist.)
Basically I want to run a good old-fashioned reanimator deck with what we have in Modern. Like what was possible when Onslaught was in extended, in fact an Akroma might be something I'd be interested in reanimating.
Mostly because I remember having fun with that deck years ago.
Bant spirits is a good deck, but it is very unlikely to change for some time. Additionally I don't thinkit is in the beat position at a more conpetitive level right now; it gets outpaced by death's shadow pretty simply. That is not to say it can't be played to success, the deck has a lot of play to it and if you are good with it you will be able to take down some of the difficult matchups it has to face.
For it to be better than Merfolk it will need a lot more lords or a big haymaker that benefits heavily from the tribal aspect. If it wants to surpass Elves... it's already better than Elves, for some reason a lot of people are just still attatched to that deck.
e.g. current Standard
Had an MTGO match with a guy running 3 ghostly prisons and by turn 6 had all 3 out. Cost me 6 mana to attack him.
I had burn so I just did that but holy hell that was painful.
What's a good B/W control deck for FNM around $200.
Bolt and Thoughtseize are more harmful to the format than Goyf ever was.
Okay so how about 5 colour Mycosynth Lattice Tron?
It's really control but bw aristocrats is a dick with some pretty good match ups
Have you looked at the Goryo's Vengeance deck for inspiration?
I just like it I can use fate foretold to play garbage like this
Land (16)
1x Blood Crypt
2x Island
4x Polluted Delta
1x Steam Vents
2x Swamp
4x Tolaria West
2x Watery Grave
Enchantment (4)
4x As Foretold
Sorcery (18)
4x Ancestral Vision
3x Inquisition of Kozilek
2x Kari Zev's Expertise
4x Restore Balance
4x Serum Visions
1x Yahenni's Expertise
Artifact (6)
3x Mistvein Borderpost
3x Veinfire Borderpost
Creature (9)
2x Goblin Dark-Dwellers
2x Greater Gargadon
3x Simian Spirit Guide
2x Snapcaster Mage
Instant (7)
3x Fatal Push
4x Lightning Bolt
Delet this
Where are the Valakut decks? Where's Big Daddy Gris?
Harmful... More like what still keeps it sensible. You realize discard is one of the last ways to fight against combos? Nobody plays discard to get rid off 2/2 goblin.
Yes, all the oppressive combos in Modern right now.
What combos?
not to mention when you just get rid of the good cards people just move on to the next best thing and nothing changes.
Yeah, nothing changed after they banned Eye of Ugin. Nothing at all.
Not the user you're replying to, but holy shit that's some fucking accuracy there
eye of ugin is different from format staples like removal and discard though you mong. If we ban bolt we just move to the next best thing same for discard.