>campaign is based off of [popular video game series that just had a new entry released]
Red Flags
Other urls found in this thread:
>OP posts a anime catboy as his topic picture and it's not even a Pathfinder General Topic
>Just because this is D&D doesn't mean realism doesn't exist. Do not expect to be able to pull off stunts not possible by humans or that you can win against demons/dragons/giants. If you are cut and do not treat the wound properly it will get infected, if you get infected, chances are you will die.
came here to post this
Holy fuck, it's an /m/ meme that made its way to /a/, got cattrapped, and migrated to Veeky Forums. Rare AF.
>We're rolling for stats.
>DM views the Good-Evil axis as measuring Selflessness-Selfishness and applies his real-life political views to this.
Game uses alignments in any way, shape, or form.
>vult is the dm
My melanin-enriched kinsman. I use the political compass instead.
>OP makes a thread which describes red flags that have absolutely nothing to do with actual real-life campaigns
Jokes on you, i'm playing in a monster hunter campaign.
This DESU, they're a retarded videogame mechanic that just get in the way of actual roleplaying, allows a DM to shove their own views in your face, and don't actually reflect how real people act. Alignments need to die and stay die.
In before the autism brigade comes in trying to defend Alignments with their own retarded interpretations of how it's supposed to be used.
That wasn't a Veeky Forums meme to begin with?
You based a campaign off a recent video game, didn't you?
Jokes on you, I didn't base a campaign off anything at all, because I live in a third-world shithole and games here are few and far between.
What I can tell you, though, is that in all the games I've participated, the only red flag there was is whether the players and the GM were cooperative and capable of discussing their issues.
how do i paladin then?
Oaths and codes.
From what I remember, /m/ had a particularly obnoxious tripfag who was obsessed with a show called GaoGaiGar. Now, although the main pilot dude is a macho cyborg with 80s hair, there's some little fuccboi kid called Mamoru or something this tripfag was obsessed with, and he had a bad case of Peter Pan complex and never wanted to grow up and thought adults were dirty and evil and people should stay kids forever, basically the kind of autism you only find on this website. Anyway, the tripfag went on twitter to make posts LARPing as Mamoru and at one point posted a picture of this little anime kid with the tagline "This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like." Which made sense because his ideal world was "everyone is permanently little kids and robots do all the hard work", because autism. If it was a Veeky Forums meme before that, I've never heard of it.
Little fucker hated hotblood and any show where angsty kids man the fuck up because being told to man up triggered him, that's why I remembered him.
Pick a set of values and believe in them, without worrying about the DM taking away your powers based on his own interpretation of some retarded alignment system that tries to distill down all the nuances and subtleties of human behavior in 9 neat little squares, at least 4 of which reflect some degree of insanity.
>I use the political compass instead.
Unless the game is modern political intrigue, STOP.
>campaign is based off of [popular video game series that just had a new entry released]
What if the game is 14 years old right now
Half Elf body aka ottermode is the actual ideal male body.
Christ almighty that guy was a true blue autist.
and Jak & Daxter saga wasn't really that popular
>and Jak & Daxter saga wasn't really that popular
Okay, research reveals it originated from a tweet by Steven Crowder about Fedor Emelianenko
Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral?
As much as I like 15,14,13,12,10,8 it is fun to take a chance with dice and End up with some 18s (or some 4s)
Rolled 6, 6, 4, 3, 5, 1, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 5, 3, 1, 5, 5, 4, 1, 2, 2, 4 = 86 (24d6)
And if you get a handful of 11s and 12s? Higher and lower numbers can be interesting, but often you just get blander numbers, meaning you combine the lack of inspiration of pre-rolled stats with the inability to be good at your favorite class of random rolling. The worst of both worlds.
Personally, I like the system that this guy uses:
where you keep rolling 4d6 until you get at least two 15s, but you don't get to move the stats around. That way you always play a character who is good at... something, and you get to think about what your weird set of stats means. You get both advantages.
Play a game of L5R
Not as a scorpion or spider.
6, 6, 4, 3, 16
5, 1, 6, 1, 12
2, 3, 4, 5, 12
6, 2, 5, 3, 14
1, 5, 5, 4, 14
1, 2, 2, 4 8
I could move stats around, but then I'd just have a slightly better standard stat array. The Matt Colville method actually tells me to reroll here, which could be interesting.
if you want to play a game like that just use whfrp.
why do shitty gm's use D&D for everything
>allows a DM to shove their own views in your face
This is the biggest issue, really. If your opinion or your character's opinion differs from the GM, then you either end up being pushed toward not engaging with the moral decisions of the game or engaging with them as a prequel edgelord.
For me, this always happens when the Wall of the Faithless comes up in conversation. Luckily, none of the games I've actually played have been in Faerun.
Alignments are like King Crimson or Heavy Weather, nobody understands how they work.
>hated hotblood
>on /m/
I hope he was driven out.
Adherence to order is the exact opposite of anarchism
And this is why it's a red flag.
>We need you to play a cleric, because the party needs a healer
>We need you to play a rogue, because the party needs someone to disarm traps
>with their own retarded interpretations
>the book stated use is a "retarded interpretation"
user, your point of view is typical of the mindset found only on Veeky Forums that every gm is inherently shit and that anything they can use to call you out on your actions is terrible because muh roleplay.
I always ask the rest of the party if they need me to fill a particular role, and they always say "play whatever you want".
The one time I decided to do that and make an unoptimized mess just to have fun and stray from my usual healer/support role, the whole party got royally fucked because no healer/support because nobody else ever wants to play healer/support.
Anarchy is order, though.
subjugation is liberation.
Tomato is feather.
Compared to other games of the genre? It wasn't.
Where the hell did this meme come from
General threads don't own catboys, they're for everyone
Only pathfinder fans have taste bad enough to post catboys.
>he hasn't been to Infinity General
I use a method of stat generation which uses 72d6 and the number of 1's is your strength and and 2's are your dex and so on.
these are the stats I've generated for 4 irl friends and I'll let them choose which one they want but if you want a stricter method you can just make each player roll there own array.
The first one at least was wildly popular and well received.
We started a Final Fantasy campaign sometime last year. It was pretty great.
Granted I don't think 15 had come out at the time, and the setting was mostly based on 14, 9, and Tactics games rather than anything else.
Service is mastery!
Worst offender is
>Just because this is D&D doesn't mean realism doesn't exist...yadda yadda...dead in one hit...yadda yadda...can't jump more than 1 meter high...yadda yadda...can't lift more than 100 kg...yadda yadda...can't grab a weapon tied to your wrist in less than 6 seconds...yadda yadda...if you're martial of course, magic doesn't follow realism
I hate those but sadly most of the time makes sense because most of the time people want to and where a dude who can spot and disarm traps are needed
Everytime we play without someone who can heal quite often (of any kind) we end dead fucking hard. Detect/Disarm traps can be done with imagination even if you don't have a rogue though
I have it worse, a GM friend of mine has it so that his alignments are "realistic" with "shades of grey".
Which more or less translated to every single thing we bump into having a sob story and are also secretly a saint but they go "muh looks". That and most normally evil things tend to have a contrived "goodness to them". Game is also crammed packed with Prisoner Dilemma situations where we tread upon nurture and nature discussions all the time.
God it's awful.
I want to play dungeons and dragons, not Advanced Nurtures and Natures.
>Human only and basic class only game...except for any NPC and DMPC ever
I want to kill some Phylisophical Zombies though. But that's probably more in line with Call of Cthulhu.
>Player uses the terms "loli" or "shota" to describe their character.
>Can kill a 20 meters long, 500 tons dragon that can destroy an army in a couple of seconds in a 1vs1 fight? no problem
>You can clim without a rope, swim in a calm river, jump farther than 3 meters? hammer ban
Why people has this problem with mundane non combat shit being easily passed by heros?
There goes my sniper Ork with sweets addiction
But else would the DM keep his railroad together?
Good old Clawshrimpy.
You all missed the point of the artwork.
It's about the privelege to rail against the establishment while benefiting from its umbra.
>DM has lanky as his desktop image
But he's a green and mean propa shota ork who loves lolipops
I do often use 3d6 straight down, but I don't run editions where you need good stats to be useful.
>when the DM punctuates the campaign with "big events" that are straight rip-offs of big events from video games/movies/TV shows/books/etc.
Our first adventure was typical DnD fare until he ended it with a 1:1 recreation of Alien where we were chased in a dungeon by a NotXeno
Second adventure ended with his take on the Battle of Kaen Morhen from Witcher 3
Third adventure had Mines of Moria and then it somehow segued into the trench run from A New Hope where we were on Wyverns and had to bomb a hole of a flying cloud giant fortress
I mean, they are FUN, I admit but it really removes suspense when he just recreates them so faithfully that we're just moving through the motions than feel any sense of agency on our part. Well, yeah, we do have control and many events transpired differently than the origin material but still, MAKE UP SOMETHING ORIGINAL FOR ONCE
>DM cares about rations and eating on a regular basis
A DM I know ran a game "based on dark souls". It was terrible because not only did he know nothing about the lore of the game, he knew nothing about the mechanics outside of "lmaoyoudie". There were also guns
What's wrong with 4d6, six times. Each player drop the lowest. Then you gather all the numbers by all the players and tell them they have to work with that as a group to distribute their stats.
Go ahead, I will wait for the infographic telling me how wrong I am.
Depends on the game
in bog standard DandD faux-medieval adventure setting/game? boring
in a more resource oriented game? perfectly fine
As cool as that sounds, no that doesn't happen in my GM friend of mines game: we bump into contrary cliches all the time, the "I'm a necromancer but I use it for good!", a bunch of cultists in a secret fuck society actually trying to seal a demon even though they kidnap people.
This is honestly the best approach
you mean
>roll 6 numbers based on that method (e.g. 15, 13,13,11,9,9)
>each player has this array and needs to assign stats to each (so the wizard takes the 15 in INT while the rogue puts it in DEX)
That seems pretty great
keeps things random, but lets players decide how to prioritize
the second one was the most popular and it wasn't that popular
I... I actually like this idea.
Alignments are built in the cosmology of most DnD/PF settings with planes of positive/negative energy being good/evil aligned and shit like hell and abyss being different.
If you remove it, bestiary, planes and a fuckton of spells and class features break.
Only gets in the way of roplaying if you make it have incidence on the personalities or actions of characters. Wich it isn't about.
That's cavaliers.
Alignments done right:
>Racial alignments
>Humans can be anything
>Unless you have a racial default, are vassal to a deity, or are playing a class with energy chanelling, you should probably default to true neutral
>Ethics don't fuck with alignment (they do fuck with your god's moral code)
>Stuff that's aligned (ie: blessed/cursed items, demons, drows) fucks with alignment.
Pic related: nethack does alignment only on the lawful/chaotic axis but it's got everything else figured out.
Like this
This is tricky. How do you nignogs handle it, or like it to be handle?
It's kinda annoying to have to constantly think and constantly adjust rations in your inventory sheet.
Not that guy but if I'm playing an adventure game with no focus on food I just draw a bunch of | on my inventory I strike once they're eaten.
Takes so little space you're already due for a new sheet when it would be a problem.
If we're doing comfy noncombat, I have a full sheet for inventory so that I can write detailed descriptions.
^^ participation trophy winner detected
its just an annoying chore to keep track of and doesnt really add anything to the game unless your playing some survival game. hell most people dont even remember its a thing and 9 times out of 10 its only real purpose is for the GM to fuck you over when he feels like it
>not keeping rigorous track of food when it costs copper on the silver
>not telling you gm "actually, we've got two weeks worth of food left"
>MTG player at the table
I thought it was meant to be humanizing. A reminder that "Every one of them has a mother." in the words of Burgess Meredith.
>DM cares about rations and eating on a regular basis
This can add a layer of challenge to the game.
>Be me, lv 4 psionic
>have 2 followers/npc hirelings
>Must get to a town, far away
>Either take the short route, through the mountain pass of doom, or take the longer safer way around the tip of the mountain
>Either way it's a long trip, and food will be needed
>day 5 a gnoll attack drives off our pack animals, leaving us only a little food/water
>day 8 my npc 'hunter type' who could find food, dies with a gnoll axe in his head
>day 10 a wolf kills my last npc as he gathers food
>day 14, find a small pool of water, and try to find food
>night 14, climb a tree to get away from a pack of wolves that attacked my camp
>night 14 sit in my tree and watch wolves eat my horses, and tear my remaining supplies to pieces
>day 15, climb down and continue my walk towards town
>day 18 hungry, losing HP, and slowly dying, i stumble into town with a horrific tale to tell
No complaints for rationing food supplies, when done in a fun way
>Alignments are built in the cosmology of most DnD/PF settings with planes of positive/negative energy being good/evil aligned and shit like hell and abyss being different.
>If you remove it, bestiary, planes and a fuckton of spells and class features b
There are skills specifically made to gather food.
Who's fault is it if no one picked them? The Dm's? wut?
Red Flags for me:
>DM says 'durr we're not using alignments because I'm aware that you faggots are too stupid to follow them at all
>DM says "Durr...we won't roll for stats because that could lead to someone being different, and different is bad, in my game EVERYONE IS THE FUCKING SAME
>DM says "durr...don't worry about food or supplies, your pc's can always stop at the 7-11 outside greyhawk, and get food"
Where the fuck were the other players? Or was this some weird bullshit one on one end
>following an alignment
are you retarded?
Ya. We were stuck offshore for 10 weeks, and just two of us to play.
Beat listening to the fucking radio m8
>calls others retarded
>too stupid to make a charc that follows an alignment
>Making players manage food when it's not integral to the game
Shit GM detected.