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Is Changeling 2e having a midlife crisis? Is it still even alive?
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Why are we using this image? From what I've seen it been mostly false flag magefags that shot up our threads. I know the more recent vampire conversation have been civil.
Because Magefags have nothing in their life but winning powerlevel discussions so they have to make every thread about that.
I'm not worried about us seeing 2ed but more about how long will it take. I hope they won't have to rewrite half of the book from scratch
Got a VtM20 game going on in the 30s. What are a few good supernatural hooks in pre-war Nazi Germany?
Masquerade players have had similar tendencies from my experience. Requiem not so much.
Pre-WW2 has a lot of crossover potential. The stereotype around Nazi occultism etc, it's a gigantic grab bag.
Be creative.
From what I see rivalry from VtR perspective is against VtM not against other splats.
Oh trust me, I got a lot of decent shit tied to the Nazi party, bunch of tremere sneaking into Himmler's circle, etc. Just the day to day stuff about how werewolves and the like are dealing with an increasingly restrictive society that may or may not be the beginning of a Camarilla/Sabbat proxy war.
You're no better than the magefags at this point.
It's because it is a magefag that wants to stir shit because self wankery
That's no excuse. Better to just let it go.
or maybe it's just occam's razor
This might be more 1920's germany but it's good to play through the problems of the Wiermer Republic to get a good idea of how things escalated.
- Paramilitary Group exist and have a lot of personal power.
- A lot of the Colonial forces of Germany being forced to come home following the Treaty of Versailles
- Berlin is one of the most "Red" places in europe
- Rehabilitation centres that were established are basically turned into organized crime syndicates with rampent prostitution everywhere
- Potential french kindred influence in parts of Germany lile the Rhur
- Occultism has become a very fashionable hobby
- The arts have more prestige than the sciences at the time and a lot of very provocative art is coming into the forfront of entertainment.
Man, the quality of art in VtM and VtR varies a lot. Sometimes, a book will be filled with really great looking stuff. Other times, it's like the worst scribbles you have ever seen. And let's not even mention the laziness with the photoshopped photographs.
>Pre-WW2 has a lot of crossover potential.
Nazi mages. Everyone hates Nazi mages, particularly Seer Nazis, although Nazi mages were well represented in the Pentacle.
Heck, they're even worse than those money-loving Libertines!
>Nazi mages
But user, surely if the Nazis had mages, they would have just turned FDR, Stalin and Churchill into lawnchairs and won the war :^)
Yup photographs are probably the worst stuff in the books. How did anyone thought this is a good idea?
This is Owod20 from what I understand. In Owod from what I've seen Technocracy supported nazi germany
Since the last thread quickly ended, I just wanted to re-raise my earlier question: What Awakening books have information on the lesser ministries of the Seers of the Throne?
I'm particularly looking for more information on Seers who deal with the Psychopomp and Death.
The Seers book very vaguely mentions the Lesser Seals like the Psychopomp as Exarch of Death, but provides no other substantive information on it or its associated lesser ministries and doctrines of fear and oppression. It seems that the Chancellor is the only "lesser" Exarch that has received any significant attention, with both the Mammon and Pantechnicon Ministries.
Is information available about the other Lesser Seals and Ministries in any other Mage supplements or maybe expounded upon by DaveB in blogs posts or comments?
>reading that RPS interview with Dracula
>mentions that "Of course, our werewolves are nature’s vengeance. They are the immune system of the planet and the plot point we’re at with them is that they’re thinking of restarting the Impergium. That is where we are."
Jesus fucking Christ, how the fuck would that even work in modern day? I figure, much like with vampires, if humans collectively turned their ire against them, they'd get fucked sideways.
Nazi mages were definitely a thing in Awakening, and discussed in Mage Noir (written by DaveB).
Nazi mages were one of the cause of the schism between the Silver Ladder and Free Council. The FC were angry that the SL were rescuing Nazis, and the SL were enraged that the FC were rescuing Seers from Pantechnicon.
Also, there are the Daksha, the androgynous, mage-supremacist Mysterium legacy who supported the Nazis, and are little better today.
The 90s were a mistake.
Why did the FC rescue seers? They hate the seers to an almost irrational level.
Are they fucking kidding?
The Impergium.
In a world with nuclear warheads?
Yeah, and he talks like how some of the Garou want to go to war with humans, just to see if we can survive. Oh and of course the Black Furies won't help humans until we "sort out our gender rights".
Here's the interview, it's from February this year:
Hopefully, our friends in the Technocratic Union will exterminate those hairy Reality Deviants with the anger control issues.
I thought this Gaia-worshipping nature immune system crap was squashed by Control well by the before the turn of the century.
Alright looks like I need to take a look at Mage Noir. Sounds interesting enough
Seriously, the more they talk about this new shit they're going to push out for the next iteration of the World of Darkness, the more I'm actually keen on siding with the Technocratic Union as they seem to be the only sane bunch, even with all the shit they've pulled.
Elricsson is absolutely ludicrous if he honestly believes the Garou are capable of exterminating humanity, especially with the Union and Pentex effectively running the world.
He probably hates Ascension, if I had to make a wild guess. Or he hates Apocalypse and wants all the dogs to die out in a suicide mission.
>The 90s were a mistake.
SwedeDracula is a mistake, or at least a man-child with delusions.
Wait, what's this about? Are they re-rebooting oWoD?
Yeah, moving Gehenna back (for about a century or so), because what the fuck would be the point?
>Why did the FC rescue seers?
It's complicated, and Mage Noir is definitely worth a read. The Seers were supposedly reformed, and the FC was willfully blind and stupid. The only order who didn't really fuck-up too badly in WWII was the Guardians.
Here's the tidbit on Operation Oracle from Mage Noir.
Only the Free Council were Nazi-free (and that's like saying "every proto-FC Nameless Order refused the Seers' offer". It's only true because the exceptions were immediately kicked out.
All of the Diamond Orders had Axis-supporting members. The Mysterium were particularly bad for it.
I'm not well versed in MtA but reading this threads is looks to me like Mysterium are the biggest douches in awakened community
I still don't get gehenna.
You have 13 vampires who have been alive for 10's of thousands of years with some even being active only 1000 years ago. Why is it just NOW that them being awake is going to destroy the fucking world.
The Free Council rejected the Nazis, but saved Seers. That just seems monumentally stupid and inconsistent with their asserted beliefs.
>Mysterium are the biggest douches in awakened community
But isn't that why we love them so much?
I wonder what Dave's favorite Order is? Among the Paths I seem to recall him being partial to the Thyrsus.
Why? It's probably going to be utter garbage, and I can't imagine anyone who actually likes the oWoD setting to like the neutered, gender-neutral politically-correct version of W:TA.
Better cut Silent Striders, they make light of the gypsies. Better cut Bone Gnawers, they romanticize the plight of the poor people.
Stargazers? Shipped right the fuck out, because we can't have problematic white people appropriating Eastern philosophies. Utenka and Wendigo? Ooooh no, we can't talk about the injuns anymore.
Fianna is okay because fuck white people amirite? Lol drunken McO'Connors in kilts xD.
And the Black Furies aren't sexist with their KILL ALL MEN dogma because women are an oppressed minority. Children of Gaia will probably go full on SJW since liberal progressivism is the equivalent of hippies.
Oh, and we'll have to cut Lupus. Wouldn't want anyone thinking they could have SEX with a SENTIENT ANIMAL. That means no Red Talons (yeah, we know this is about the Impergium, but, that's BAD! Red Talons are BAD!). And treat the Metis nicer, it's not nice to marginalize people based on the circumstances of their birth. In fact, Metis are now the chosen ones, the product of Gaia's sacred unions! Yeah! That sounds good.
Dave is more than likely a Seer supporter.
Please tell us that the Mysterium were like the Nazis from Indiana Jones.
This is now canon.
>No published information on Lesser Seals or Ministries besides the Chancellor and Mammon and Pantechnicon.
Dave, any chance we'll see some more info on the Lesser Seals and Ministries in Signs of Sorcery? Since the book deals with the Supernal, Exarch info definitely should be included.
Supporter? You shut your whore mouth Pentacle shill. You are talking about Komodo Exarch
The idea was one getting up hungry, eating a nation, yanking on all of a clan, would be enough activity to shake more awake and it would all domino and go worse faster.
>Dave is more than likely a Seer supporter.
Dave is not a Seer supporter, he's an Exarch.
Worship the Komodo, or suffer his wrath!
>Dave an Exarch
That's just a rumor. You have no proof!
>Why is it just NOW that them being awake is going to destroy the fucking world.
Because there was a shitton of people thinking that the turning of the century was going to be the end of the world, one way or another.
hate to say it but people did that with the W20 releases. tha game is dead now but this kind of thinking is already out there.
>Exarch DaveB
>That's just a rumor. You have no proof!
Are you blind? We see his oppression everywhere in /wodg/.
We play the games with rules that don't make sense and supplements that never come, yet we want more and more.
It's not true IT'S NOT TRUE
Look into your heart! You cannot deny it!
Look deep into your soul, user.
You know it to be true!
Accept DaveB into your life
Holy fuck you DaveB fangirls are like fucking clones.
> Black Furies are about feminism, and feminism is not about hating men. Feminism is about equality for women, and that means disassembling the patriarchy, but not hating men
> Asian people have often been the targets of racism and oppression. There are still people alive today who were forced into internment camps here in the United States during World War II.
> White Wolf's treatment of the Rom is very problematic, all of their games serves to reinforce the romanticized "gypsy" stereotype. If you want to make a Silent Strider, please do not draw on that portion of the Silent Strider lore.
> Literally nothing about the stereotypes of the Fianna.
Holy fuck. I wonder why people didn't want to play at that game. :^)
>Holy fuck you DaveB fangirls are like fucking clones.
>Humor impaired.
>Likely Beast fan
I bet Dave is even disturbed by your devotion, magefaggots.
For we have seen the truth. On your knees for the Komodo Exarch!
>DaveB posts in thread
Why do you hate DaveB? He brings nothing but joy and lizards.
>look up dracula interview
>see this
what did they mean by this?
>Children of Gaia will probably go full on SJW since liberal progressivism is the equivalent of hippies.
That came way before W20 though
Hopefully, the Glass Walkers will make The Garou Nation Great Again.
I swear to god, you guys that whine about "SJWs" are 20x more annoying than the PC bullshit itself.
Onyx Path is a struggling company with a certain fan base. They need to either pander to that fan base or close up shop. If they piss off the furries and the unwashed goth wiccan femynists and all those people, they'll be out of business within the week.
If you want to use the controversial stuff that was in previous editions, no one is stopping you. Go ahead and name your chronicle "Nazi Wolf Gypsies Eating Nigger Babies", it's fine. But it's not like Onyx Path has a lot of choices on this issue—they have a hell of a lot of easily triggered customers, and not a lot of leeway in terms of alienating any part of their tiny market share.
My good chap Garou Nation always sucked
Then how come the Tribebook: Children of gaia revised isnt regarded as the highest quality of gaming literature by the sycophants on the OPP forums?
You misunderstand me. They don't need to *please* the retards, they just have to avoid pissing them off. Big difference.
Where on earth do you think all these "easily triggered customers" come from? Because I'd like to know. I've been out in Portland, OR for years now and I've never seen any public game start up for World of Darkness.
I did manage to find one Werewolf game through word of mouth, run by those new-age hippie kind, and they were the most egregious of the bunch, playing overtly gypsy-like Stiders, medicine-men Uktena, and the rattiest, bummiest of hobo Bone Gnawer. (in Downtown Portland! It's full of them)
Most easily-triggered furries I know play shit like Pathfinder (or Ponyfinder or Pathfurry or whatever subgenre they come up with) and the unwashed goth wiccans are playing their unwashed goth wiccan game: Vampire. Not even V20. They're using the same old ratty books they were using in the 90s. Most of them don't even touch the books, recycling the same characters they've been playing for nearly 30 years now.
>I swear to god, you guys that whine about "SJWs" are 20x more annoying than the PC bullshit itself.
Listen to a few more rants on Youtube, that'll cure you of that.
>Is Changeling 2e having a midlife crisis? Is it still even alive?
Yes and yes. David Hill quit and decided he's never writing for OPP again, so they're reworking it with new developers. It's still going to come out, but it'll look significantly different and it'll be coming out much later.
>Black Fury Ahroun, antifa by day, cashier by night. Wants to smash the patriarchy, bash the fash, and demands equal pay (despite being paid the same as her coworkers).
>Glass Walker Ragabash, a white male who has checked his privilege by driving the pack around in his 1992 Geo Metro (complete with Bernie 2016 and I'm With Her stickers).
>Bone Gnawer Galliard of Color, master of social welfare programs, finances the pack's endeavours through generous food stamps and cheap Section 8 housing.
>Child of Gaia Kinfolk, demi-auspice trans-garou, believes she can do anything a cisgarou can and hopes that one day the Garou Nation will develop rituals to spark her First Change
These super-friends fight against the evil PENTEX (Plan to Elect Neo-con Trump EXecutives) Corporation, who have now seized control of the White House, and bring Gaia one step closer to the Apocalypse.
>The Free Council rejected the Nazis, but saved Seers. That just seems monumentally stupid and inconsistent with their asserted beliefs.
Yeah, this never made sense to me. When, why, and how exactly did the group with "Kill Seers on sight" turn that into "accept Seers into our Order en-masse"?
>I'm not well versed in MtA but reading this threads is looks to me like Mysterium are the biggest douches in awakened community
It's not so much that the Mysterium themselves are douches as they're the one Pentacle order which is actively neutral on the topic of being a douche. Everyone else is against it, so the shithead Mages gravitate toward the Mysterium (if they don't go whole-hog and join the Seers).
They're gypsies. And there sure as shit isn't anything romantic about them.
>You have 13 vampires who have been alive for 10's of thousands of years with some even being active only 1000 years ago. Why is it just NOW that them being awake is going to destroy the fucking world.
Because the end of the millenium was going to be the end of the world. It was a big thing in the 90s.
>I bet Dave is even disturbed by your devotion, magefaggots.
I think he knows it's a running joke.
I hope so.
Preety much. This stuff was all over the media back then
Are you fucking with people or is that shit really in there?
Oh never mind, I just realized what the 20(17) meant. Carry on.
Ah Y2K, such a simpler time.
I'm just roleplaying. :^)
Yeah, I got it after a second there after I already submitted my post.
>demi-auspice trans-garou, believes she can do anything a cisgarou can
Despite the joke, I fear ridiculousness like "cisgarou" and "trans-garou" is exactly the type of garbage that will appear in the Paradox releases of the oWOD games (along with lots of katanas, trench coats and guyliner).
>PENTEX - Making Capitalism Great Again
>I bet Dave is even disturbed by your devotion, magefaggots.
>I think he knows it's a running joke.
>I hope so.
Dave is well aware of the joke. He's played along on a number of occasions.
So? It's just a fucking picture.
>It's not so much that the Mysterium themselves are douches as they're the one Pentacle order which is actively neutral on the topic of being a douche
The Mysterium is all about accumulating knowledge and saving it from Pancryptia, i.e., destruction by sleepers.
As a result, Sleepers don't normally rate too highly, and Mystagogues are sometimes willing to comprise Fallen ethics.
However, I don't think Mystagogues are the biggest douches so much as they aren't hypocrites that profess flowery ideals that they rarely meet.
>So? It's just a fucking picture.
Yes. Not only was Dave not in control of every piece of art, the actual setting, rules and author POV hardly push the issues, particularly compared to other gamelines.
You know, I wonder how magefags would handle another splat coming out and taking their place as top dog.
Pretty much. I mean Mystagogues understand and comprehend the nature and influence Wisdom has upon their Magic.
It doesn't matter that much if you're Gnosis 2 or Gnosis 7 when you go Mad, you're still forever lost unless an Archmaster stitches you a nice new Wisdom.
They would start fagging that splat instead, because they're trolls first and mage fans second, if they're fans at all.
Paradox is just a financer/publisher from my understanding, and while I know people like to make fun of them for being numale Swecucks, this is also the company that puts out the medieval incest Holy War simulator, and more recently, the intergalactic racist slave empire simulator.
Whatever crap that gets in the new game is solely on OPP and whoever's making the game. Also when is the use of katanas going to be considered cultural appropriation?
The devs for the Werewolf game are known for making Blood Bowl, Game of Thrones (both that awful quasi-RTS and that decent action RGP), Of Orcs and Men and Styx games.
Werefags thinking they matter
Fucking adorable!
Don't be mean, of course they matter.
They make wonderful moccasins.
This is all very true. Though I'm leaning more towards Changeling wardrobes, myself.