Alright, why is this board considered one of the best on Veeky Forums and even the entire internet's best D&D community?
I won't tell other people of this place, I just wish to know if the gossip is true.
Alright, why is this board considered one of the best on Veeky Forums and even the entire internet's best D&D community?
I won't tell other people of this place, I just wish to know if the gossip is true.
Go fuck yourself, Newfag.
Well, first you have to ignore the shitposters.
I'd fuck Diana, no joke.
But I brought this.
because it allows pdfs and the questfags have been purged.
No, it's not true. There's nothing to be found here.
You have passed the trials. Welcome to the fold.
Some mothercucker will show up now and say:
>Well, before Nazimod, this was indeed the best board. Everything was allowed - ponies, giantess threads, monster girl threads, elf slave threads, it was a paradise, because we assimilated everything and made everything Veeky Forums related.
>Back then we've had imagination, you see - which is why all the great stories come from this era. Bearington? Old Veeky Forums. Henderson? Old Veeky Forums. Love can bloom? You guessed it.
>But then the Nazimod came, and all the fun and imagination was forcibly expelled. And then it became even worse, as we chased quests off the board.
>It's all generals and cancer now. We're in the dark days of Veeky Forums, I tell you.
I'm just gonna tell you that none of this shit is remotely true.
First of all. Do you like lolis? Do you like elves? How about loli elves?
Some of that is true, as a lot of the content creators left.
Some of it was false, because there is less off topic shitposting, just replaced by more focused on topic shitposts, and the old trolls were replaced by newer, arguably worse trolls the likes of Virt.
Old Veeky Forums was the wild west, new Veeky Forums New York state.
Because as far as websites go during the earlier days of the internet, Veeky Forums tended to be above average in terms of spelling, literacy, and allowance of what can be posted. It seemed like a website full of 'smarter' people where as chatrooms like AoL and youtube were just full of terrible users and retarded nonsense. Veeky Forums felt like a place you can actually have a conversation about a mutual hobby.
Obviously someone will respond to this post saying >Veeky Forums intelligent LOL but the truth is compared to the early days of the internet it was pretty true.
Now with more social media websites and a larger internet subculture, Veeky Forums is less unique in that regard but is just as unique if not MORE unique for its anonymous structure. The fact that you can talk about things without having your name attached is a huge increase in freedom for users, especially controversial opinions. Additionally, Veeky Forums has been mostly managed well without intrusive pop-up ads, or overly political or sensitive moderators, making it easy and fun to browse.
There is a lot of old boy elitism on Veeky Forums to be sure but that doesn't make it a bad website.
As for Veeky Forums in particular, it's a very specific part of the tabletop game hobby. It's one of the few places where worldbuilding and fantasy concepts or 'imagination' in general can be discussed. And especially for tabletop gaming, I mean hell where else would you talk about DnD? Before reddit there really wasn't any other website I can think of that had such a large breadth of what you can talk about; maybe you could make a thread about DnD on a normal text forum but the userpool is small.
In short, Veeky Forums is a great website for people who want to create their own content or fun. It has a lot of bullshit but also a lot of positive quality. The userbase has degenerated somewhat in terms of negativity and over reliance on memes and shitposting to be funny, but Veeky Forums is a pretty good place to talk about DnD all things considered.
The first 9 posts have given you a pretty good sample of the types of people here.
One group not represented yet are those who can't spell or form sentences (and their first language is English). They are sort of in the minority here.
It's sadly true. We are the best community for roleplaying games, but that's like saying that of all the scummy bars, ours is the one with the clean toilet.
Most of us use punctuation.
i punctuated ur mom
with my COK
>The userbase has degenerated somewhat
Not somewhat, to an incredible degree.
Old Veeky Forums was getting pushed past the page limit in a matter of minutes by Dawn of War meme spamming. Also Dwarf Fortress.
They were wild times, but I like having regular threads to post in and not having to resort to official forums.
As far as content goes, I'm sure it's more that the old users can't really share the same story twice, and we're not going to be limitless wells of interesting stories to share. Only so many sips of that milkshake to go around.
I miss the questfags
>Old Veeky Forums was getting pushed past the page limit in a matter of minutes by shitposting
Compared to nazimod that banned anything tangentially video game related until m00t himself invoked Commander Keen in a thread?
Until generals became big on Veeky Forums, threads always raced on because everyone would make a separate topic, usually 40k/D&D related.
Thank you Sally, for providing a sterling example of sub-literacy.
PS. My mother died in 2009.
Real life-like texture ;_;
Oh, so that's why she wasn't moving
>PS. My mother died in 2009.
Yes, and?
Veeky Forums has a high vocabulary index and low profanity compared to the rest of Veeky Forums.
Jab can make your wish come true.
I would point to the rose tinted goggles, but how about you show me some proof that says otherwise?
Less idiotic racism and sexism. Minimal edgelords. Better at ignoring shitposters.
You can see the entire site is lesser, the strong influx of /v/ and /pol/ memes over the last few years.
Jab is a shit artist.
/v/ memes have always leaked into Veeky Forums, though seemingly to a lesser extent since Veeky Forums came about. People have bitched about it as long as I can remember browsing the board.
/pol/ memes and every third word being "cuck" though... that's new. Of course, in the early days, everything was fur-shit, then after ruby-quest and the influx / un-closeting of furries, everything became weeaboo-shit...
Three to five years down the road, there'll be another edgy derogatory term thrown about as "cuck" falls out of popularity.
Veeky Forums has an awful board culture, it's basically the only board on Veeky Forums which actively, and often aggressively sucks corporate cock (dnd, 40k) and shits on novel, independent games.
I'm pretty sure most threads are started by NARPfags who just want to jerk each other over whiteroom memetic bullshit. Veeky Forums has a reputation as a board where 'lel anything goes' but that's such an awful trait, since what it actually means is that NARPers get together and make 5 threads a day about "Flavor of the Week [Movie/TV/Vidya] LORE" and oftentimes don't even bother trying to set it up as though they had any intention of using their media for a game (nor would they, being 'theorycrafting' NARPing autistics).
One of the worst things about Veeky Forums is that it's full of moralfag idiots but simultaneously super open to SJW propaganda and anti-nationalism.
To sum it up, I feel like the average Veeky Forums poster could be described as "someone who finds Jon Stewart and Stephen Cbert humorous, witty, and informative". A plague of nerd poseurs and genuine autistics, both tending towards all the worst kind of numale behavior and thought.
>shits on novel, independent games
Myfarog isn't a novel game by any measure.
>Veeky Forums is that it's full of moralfag idiots but simultaneously super open to SJW propaganda and anti-nationalism
Your desire to place people into ideological camps would be better suited to American politics than an anonymous image board.
Nonetheless, I'll field: People who generally believe in being just and giving everyone a fair shake are usually in support of people who want a fair shake (who are not your SJW strawmen in the real world) and are against people who will shit on others because they do not check the box labeled "My folk". You can successfully be proud of your heritage and home. The moment it becomes your impetus to look down your nose at others, you are shit, and treated as such.
>Veeky Forums isint supposed to talk about what the board is for! Fucking shills mentioning what game they're running.
Wew lad
It only became that way after people chased off the creative people, the writers, and other people who didn't focus on corporate shilling and /pol/tardation.
This is also the board I see the most 'my bad, I think I was wrong' imo.
I don't think quests were good for Veeky Forums, if that's what you're implying. Quests were what brought so many NARPers here to begin with.
>Veeky Forums has an awful board culture, it's basically the only board on Veeky Forums which actively, and often aggressively sucks corporate cock (dnd, 40k) and shits on novel, independent games.
Naw, that's just the culture of the hobby in general. There's nothing a gamer hates more than having to learn a new set of rules, so why not gravitate towards what's popular, instead?
If anything, Veeky Forums has been uncharacteristically broad-minded with all of it's generals. Sure, one off obscure PDFs with graphic design and art that looks made by deviant-art rejects... not likely to grab most people's attention, but having things discussed other than 40k/D&PF/MtG/YGO is a pretty good sign. Just about anything semi-established likely has a few people who play, played, or have at least read the pirated PDFs.
>says this while talking to the /pol/tard
>/pol/tard doesn't get it
> SJW propaganda
lel RIP gamergate
Generals are irrelevant. Any given thread on Veeky Forums is far more likely to be about dumb DnD/40k bullshit than anything else, no matter the premise of the OP.
I'm not implying anything. It wasn't just quests, nor was it only /wst/. It was systematic banning and board abuse of people who helped the board through creative things.
But that's all true.
Those kinds of 'creators' are not good for the board. They're what attracted all these people who never have and never will play an RPG.
>One of the worst things about Veeky Forums is that it's full of moralfag idiots but simultaneously super open to SJW propaganda and anti-nationalism.
Translation: I brought up my shitty ill-informed political opinions I learned on Youtube and they called me a faggot ;-;
Numbers, man. It's the name of the game. I can't really think of the better candyland where all the other stuff gets discussed.
Well, outside of forums for each game, but have fun with the heavy-handed corporate regulation / Admin's circle-jerk and 3-posts-per-month activity.
Veeky Forums was better when we had quest threads on the board. Even the site creator agreed.
If you want to jack off to monster girls, fuck off to /d/.
If you want to start an Animu Gurl Quest 156, fuck off to /qst/.
It's this simple.
I don't bother arguing with people about it on Veeky Forums but I've seen more spineless numale whimps trying to 'enrich' the hobby with their particular brand of toxin than I care to remember. The hobby as a whole has really fallen off in this regard... so many plastic, shallow, lying faggots putting on a fake smile and pretending to have fun at you through their problem glasses and spiked, pink hair. They resent the hobby, they resent you, and yet they're all too eager to lecture you about how inappropriate your conduct is, how terrible and contrarian your tastes in games are ("wow, like, you don't LOVE DnD/40k?!"), and how great it is that the other completely uninterested and uninteresting, overeager 'zany, fun loving geeks (haha xD)' are gracing you with their presence.
This is the future of this hobby, and the current state of much of Veeky Forums.
Makes me sick.
>Veeky Forums: you need the other boards again!
Explains why she didnt complain
Yes, you should never have thought it would be okay to treat Veeky Forums as your personal playground where everything is on topic.
Hey user, I saw you posted a long block of unbroken text but since I saw "numale" near the top I'm just going to ignore the whole thing and skip right to the part where I call you a faggot.
>Lets kick off all the creative people who actually play and run games
>why are all these people who have no creativity and can't play or run games on my board?
Flawless logic, user.
I would appreciate a containment board for DnD/40k, or maybe a ban on alignment threads, at least.
Yes. This is the point. "You don't need other boards" is and always was an excuse that /d/egenerates spouted when their content spilled into our board, and it's a pretty shitty excuse.
Those 'games' they were running were little more than powerfantasy cults of personality which incentivized people from other boards with no interest or experience with RPGs to come and 'learn' that Veeky Forums was the perfect dumping grounds for 'ideas guys' like them to shit out off topic NARP fantasies. In large part quests were the source of the problem.
>Veeky Forums
>clean toilet
Punch the numale scarecrow harder man! It's the source of all your life's woes!
>Quests are to blame for poor quality
>/qst/ is one of the slowest boards
>Quests composed only 1/15th of this board most of the time
It's good the split happened, but people like you are retarded.
You're basically a "people like things I don't like, so they are ruining the things I do like" type of moron.
>assuming I'm talking about quests
See, this is where your persecution complex goes overboard. a lot of those people ran games on tabletop and off the board. But no, it's all about how much you hate some kind of fun, you sad little egomaniac.
>Quests composed only 1/15th of this board most of the time
Will you stop with the alternative facts? Quests were here not so long ago, and people still remember how bad it was. Shit, there's evidence - a shitload of evidence that gets brought up each time a questfag opens his mouth, but for some reason you don't reply to it each time. Maybe because it doesn't fit your narrative.
>P-p-please let us back in, guys! We weren't so bad! In fact, we were a positive addition to the board!
>Here's front page of Veeky Forums covered in /a/-tier quests.
>Uh... Well... Uh... P-p-please let us back in, guys! We weren't so bad! In fact, we were a positive addition to the board!
>user shits on moral fags
>Lol everyone their fair share
What is the fair share? Do you get to decide that?
Is everyone entitled to it? Is it the same to everyone or slightly different adjusting to need? Or is it by contribution?
You're simplifying things so you can sound like a good guy and pretending your "side" doesn't have any radicalism, misconceptions or moral ambiguity.
>There's nothing a gamer hates more than having to learn a new set of rules,
You what ?
That's the denographic targeted by your favorite games companies (WotC, GW, Paizo, White Wolf/Onyx Path) and their political agenda is harshly enforced by all online gaming communities (RPGNet, roll20, reddit), even increasingly so here.
I think Veeky Forums is probably the worst board on Veeky Forums, it's just a corporate marketing platform full of desperate, spineless people. I really do hate the userbase here and every time I browse the catalog I just get pissed off by what I see.
He's mostly talking about 3aboos. They all think that every ruleset is like 3.x and thus takes a large amount of effort to learn.
Wait a second, Varg? Varg Vikernes? Is that you shitposting again?
pretty sure you'd be happier at 8ch m8
>/v/irgins shit on moral fags
Get it right, user, that is a /v/ thing that ended up on this board.
Also, I said fair shake, not share, you may need to work on learning colloquial English phrases before you try to work on your strawmen.
My friend, I was there to count threads during peak hour. It wasn't worse than 10-15 to 150 total threads.
There is nothing alternative.
You might be the kind of retard with a misconstrued reality because you filtered "quest" and forgot that catches "question" and "questionable" as well as non Quest uses of the word quest.
You might be the retarded fuck that used the front page rather than catalog and thus saw a lot of quests, which are fast moving and thus showed up more.
You might look at the archives and forget that most threads aren't archived in comparison to quests' nigh 100% archival rate.
The actual numbers are on my side because I bothered to check them.
But please go on about how I want quests back, when I explicitly said the split was good. Further proof you just pretend reality is based on your delusions.
Anyway, Veeky Forums doesn't suck because of "people like X", it sucks because it is Veeky Forums.
There's even more evidence disproving all of the antiquester's lies and misinformation.
But hey, your alternative history is better than ours, after all.
I like Varg, but no. Kind of sad that people here have such hate for the man when he's actually a real gamer and LARPer who is trying hard to develop an original, independent product - not fof money but for love of his hobby.
But he's an 'evil racist' so he's dirt to Veeky Forums.
Really does make me sick.
I mean, it's one of the best in my opinion.
>I won't tell other people of this place
Don't do this secret clubhouse shit, Veeky Forums hasn't been anything like a 'secret' since like...07. Most people who avoid it avoid it for the tone posts take, or the inability to have profiles and get good boy points.
The samefag in this thread is incredible.
The butthurt contrarian /pol/tard ought to know when to quit, and the rest of you all need to stop giving him (you)s.
Veeky Forums was better before nazimod. Honestly if you disagree you're probably one of the newfags who showed up around/after his appearance, and are part of the problem.
>The actual numbers are on my side because I bothered to check them.
How about you show me some numbers, instead of telling me about them, you smarmy fuck?
I don't produce mine, because literally each time the quest problem is raised, pictures are posted. You don't produce yours because they don't exist outside of your imagination.
I'm a sudaca faggot, assumed a typo.
You are delusional if you think everyone that disagrees with you is the same person.
>Quests composed only 1/15th of this board most of the time
>Will you stop with the alternative facts? Quests were here not so long ago, and people still remember how bad it was. Shit, there's evidence - a shitload of evidence that gets brought up each time a questfag opens his mouth, but for some reason you don't reply to it each time. Maybe because it doesn't fit your narrative.
Here's the archive of Veeky Forums that goes back to before quest threads were banned on this board. Feel free to provide hard evidence to the contrary. Otherwise, these factual numbers will remain factual numbers.
In the week before /qst/ was created, 8% of the threads on Veeky Forums were quest threads.
I love mining the questfags' salt. The mods banning them was hilarious. It was the best thing since virt got the permaban.
Your posts in this thread read exactly the same as one another. You are fooling no one.
>Three to five years down the road, there'll be another edgy derogatory term thrown about as "cuck" falls out of popularity.
Don't get your hopes up. The current culture of the internet is to resist letting things cycle out.
Reminder that it's been roughly five years since The Dark Knight Rises and people still won't let go of baneposting.
Reminder that the stupid frog has been actively posted for, what, eight? Nine years?
I think we're going to have to put up with it for at least another seven years. Even more if the Americans decide to swing back to the left for whoever takes over after Trump.
This refusal to let go also plays into the degeneration of the userbase. If you'd like still another example, go hang around /gif/ some time or loli threads on /b/ and you'll see people actively crusading against specific kinds of porn. It's utterly disgusting.
>assumed typo
>uses the fuckup to go on a rant about something entirely unrelated
You made a fairly quaint ass of yourself, user.
Do you understand what I'm trying to say now?
>he's still going at it
See, after nazimod, we had trolls the likes of this guy and Virt show up.
Shit, I'd almost take Verity back if these guys all died.
Because I'm on my phone. Do you actually want me to give you screen caps of pre-split catalog with times?
Had you never bothered to participated in the countless meta threads were this info was published?
Did you never actually use the catalog and count it and will you counter me with a pic of your filter overcounting shit?
Hell, if you don't want to wait go to the /qst/ threads per day statistics, put it next to the Veeky Forums graph line, then put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.
These are my replies to this thread:
That's it, if you think I wrote anything else you are wrong.
I can't wait for us to get a new mod who likes quests.
Funny how some people think that the current state of moderation is eternal, even though there have been mods in the past who liked having quest threads on Veeky Forums, and there will no doubt be mods in the future who also like having them here.
Guilty your honour. I regret my role in giving him a little troll-chubby. It ends now.
I know it will be hilarious. I kinda want to go like this...First ERP General is allowed back, then Smut threads, then /qst/ gets deleted.
The point of the post still stands.
You decide your side is just and fair and thus user's claim that they stiffle debate is somehow invalid, because he was "strawmanning" and nationalism/collectives are bad and they politely dislile them (unlike the strawman user made) mkay?
Fuck, I dislike american boards for this particular reason.
What in the world did trains ever do to you?
Quest argument guy here.
The current situation is ideal.
Quests get to shit around in their own board, Veeky Forums loses a scapegoat.
Sadly, it didn't lead to self-reflection by Veeky Forums, so no actual improvement on the way.
NARP stands for "Never Actually RolePlayed".
Google gave me "Non Athletic Regular Person/People."
It's not. I'm pretty sure that title goes to some other board.
There are much friendlier places to discuss D&D on the internet, but I won't share because I don't want those places to become infected. I come to Veeky Forums for the worldbuilding, roleplay, stories, and tabletop-related fetishes that occasionally rises to the top of the sea of filth.
>The point of the post still stands.
The point that was wrong, anyway?
A "fair shake" means to give someone a open opportunity to prove themselves and their mettle to you without prejudice or judgment based on circumstances/situations that do not involve that individual.
The poster fucked up and went on a rant about someone being "owed" something, which is entirely not the point and more wanking off about their preconceived notions.
>the rest of the post that continues to miss the point
user, let's ignore how European style nationalism led to WW1+2, and was abandoned for generations after your forebears realized that staid belief in their own superiority led to the rest of the world getting fucked over, and themselves most of all, then the current generation forgets all that and regresses to their old ways. Also ignore how I said pride in yourself, your nation and culture is perfectly fine, but stops being fine when it becomes your hinge to shit on other nations/cultures, which is exactly what happens irl and on this board.
And yes, most of the good guy fa/tg/uys shit on people like that because they are objectively unpleasant people flexing a superiority complex from a tertiary connection to something larger then themselves, versus their own efforts and achievements.
hear hear
That's roughly what I would have said if I hadn't immediately stopped reading after I saw
> SJW propaganda