Horus Heresy General /hhg/

Rolled 25 (1d26)

I can't cast to this edition.
Monster Hunter subedition.

Superheavies all need Hellstorm weapons, Custodes are looking suprisingly traitorous 'cause the EC stole their Storm Eagles. Phaeron can't Chaos tonight and the AL set up more code-memes, Rad Snek Magos>Spess Wolves and Magnus shows off his gainz. Lorgar looks better grounded and Standard RG Praetors wear Cataphractii. All this and more in the last thread >READ MOTHERFUCKER READ

>Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016)

What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more
pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLp (embed)

>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
pastebin.com/k9uvqsub (embed)
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2Ffz1OuHK%2Fcrusade-imperialis-army-lists.pdf.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2FZTK72gs%2Flegiones-astartes-age-of-darkness-army-list.pdf.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23F!BxI1HSgI!0tKymKh9RZTzGpgIA5EyCg

>/HHG/'s Legion demographics
strawpoll.me/10558764 (embed)

>/HHG/'s allegiances
www.strawpoll.me/10663447 (embed)

>Oct 16 White Dwarf

>Primarch Popularity Poll
strawpoll.me/11458318 (embed)

>HHG Discord


Other urls found in this thread:


WB are worst legion

You are beautiful
All hail the new breadanon!

Reminder of how the Heresy started in the first place:

Phaeron and Lorgar sat one night
The skies were clear, the stars were bright
The wind was soft, the moon was up. Phaeron drained his coco cup.
He licked his lips he felt sublime. He switched off Emperor’s Question Time.
Lorgar cringed in fear and dread as Phaeron clasped his hand and said:

Let's Chaos, let's Chaos, Chaos while the Warp is right.
I'm ready to sell, a heretical
Faith - I've got an appetite.
I'm on fire
with desire.
I could mindfuck half the Astropaths in the Telepathica Choir.
Let's Chaos, let's Chaos tonight.

But then Lorgar said:
I can't do it, I can't do it, I believe too strong in Daddy Emps.
A rejection to defection
Stops us being spiky plebs.
No derision
My decision
I'd rather watch the building of my daddy's vision.
I can't Chaos, I can't Chaos tonight.

You mean best



So he said
Let's do it, let's do it, do it till our souls go boom
Go davinite,
A new god a night,
Pentagram in the living room.
This want
for a confident;
Quick we'll use the sink as a baptism font!
Let's Chaos, let's Chaos tonight.

But he said
I can't do it, I can't do it, my worshipping days are gone.
Now see here, Monarchia
Makes me think religon's a con.
I'm imploring-
I'm boring-
All the goat's blood would ruin the new flooring!
I can't Chaos, I can't Chaos tonight.

Triggering terran preunification humans pleases the gods
Fuck you Guilliman, you are just an autistic infidel

> They translated Allah to Allah

One, holy shit. I guess this is why Archmagi don't have an EW option, even without the deathstick. Does he have a model yet, or can I convert one? Can't see him on the store.
I'm not usually one for running named characters if I don't Counts-As My Dudes, but I'll keep him in mind if anyone gets too smug about the "Muh Primarch" beatstick competitions.

Now this is more my style. Sad that 40k Admech lacks tarpits, I enjoy workaround strategies like that.
Judging by
I'd need two or three units to screen everything properly, but more chaff is never that bad of a pick. So smash him with an arty volley and tarpit the remnants of the escort with him?
I like the Tyranid-ness of the list, big stompy monsters coordinated and buffed by keystone leaders and surrounded by expendable chaff.

I was just picking up the slack, no idea where the old one's gone. It's kinda fun writing all the summaries, though.

Is it just my captcha horizontal grid that has vanished? Threw me off more than I'd expect.

>Being this mad you will NEVER EVER be Ultramarines


No models yet
But with some conversions this could work

if you do plz send me the rest of the stuff in the box, I want them for SoS conversions

>Copying Iron Warrior's tactics
Now I understand why you didn't see Calth coming

shit forgot image

>be genius
>get fucked by fulgrim and have to be revived by eldar witch
>proceed to suck off eldar and talk shit about humanity for the next few Millennia
Really makes me think

Which legion would have this as a symbol?

White scars. Motorbikes, innit.

Ah, good old Bitzbox Cawl. How would you make SoS out of him?
I may well get him for parts, but I like my Admech a little more stripped down and simple, he's a bit cluttered and schizophrenic. Bottom half possibly combined with some Cron parts and the FW Archmagos would probably look decent, though. I'll have a look.

Sorry what I meant was the celestine, bodyguard and greyfax you get with him in the box, was also just a joke :^)

The legion of perpetual stabbing

Nice digits.
So the Night Lords?

Iron Warrious
Perturabo built a clockwork ball-stomper to use on his officers if they displeased him

I thought that was Guilliman's invention, refining Dorn's pain glove in the same way as .

That almost makes sense.

Why do they even -write- this Blandmarine wank?

Oh yeah, forgot that he came with a harem. I can probably trade them with my BA friend, he had an army defined entirely by golden armour. Sanguinary Guard, Custodes, some SoS, Dante and so on.

Is your friend Donald Trump?

someone got some links for the newer 30k books? Last one i read was pharos, which was pretty meh... not bad, but not really good. I wanna check before buying the next ones.

pic semi related

Try the OP links.

>be lorgar
>lose to said genius
:^) really makes you think

When did lorgar lose to Guilliman?

I don't know if it's possible for his friend to compensate THAT hard

>inb4 but muh master plan he lost on purpose

>shadow crusade
he needed angron to save his ass

bonus for lorgar getting BTFO by the raven lord on istvaan

>master of myriad disciplines of war
>still refused to use Alpha Legion tactics

Lorgar wasn't on Calth, Guilliman was on his knees after receiving a blow from Illuminarium when Angron arrived and Lorgar started to do his chanting to turn him into a daemon.
Corax almost killed him, that's true

What legion would use this as a symbol? DAs? ECs?

>Hated then Alpha Legion's decentralized and fluid command structure

This seems to hint strongly at Guilliman being against democracy, and having the desire to be a dictator.

>Alpha Legion tactics
>i.e. wasting the Emperor's time waiting for your enemy to fortify just so you can prove how good you are
Gee I wonder why he doesn't use those """""""""tactics"""""""""".

Dark Angels. Those guys are all about obscure symbols that hint at secret circles and groups within the legion.

>Kor Phaeron carved out Guilliman's heart
>Guilliman was on his knees after receiving a blow from Illuminarium when Angron arrived
What is it with WBfags being unable to get basic facts right?

Oh but Guilliman already hated everything about AL tactics before that. Alpharius then pulled those tricks trying to make a good example of why his idea of warfare is effective. Not a good way to give an example to defend your standpoint, but then again the primarch all seem to be a bunch of idiots now BL had their way with them.

Oh, it's you again. The user who knows nothing about what actually happend at calth.

Kor Phaeron put an anathame to Guilliman's throat. Then kept babbling so much that Guilliman had the time to get his powerfist in position to tear Kor Phaeron's heart out.

I know Trump makes it look like if you repeat lies enough people will think it is true, but that only works on poorly educated idiots with no free will or thought of their own.

>Lorgar wasn't on Calth
true but he planned the attack

>Guilliman was on his knees after receiving a blow from Illuminarium
It struck him but it only caused him to stagger

>Kor Phaeron put an anathame to Guilliman's throat. Then kept babbling so much that Guilliman had the time to get his powerfist in position to tear Kor Phaeron's heart out.
This isn't the same thing as carving the Guilliheart out.

Exactly. Because that never happend. Kor Phaeron was so bussy stroking his boner over the fact he had a primarch on his knees and a blade to said primarch's throat that he failed to actually do anything with it.

He is a Word Bearer, so he failed to consider the fact that Guilliman has enough common sense to grasp the opportunity (and Kor Phaeron's chest) to retaliate, rather than sheepishly listen to Kor Phaeron seremoning.

Sounds like the retarded scene of a retarded author.

Losing the war on Calth is only Erebus and Kor Phaeron's fault, the first one for being a coward and the later for trying to corrupt Guilliman instead of just killing him. Obviously the Ultramarines fought well and knew how to adapt to this new kind of enemy. Lorgar did everything quite well since Istvaan V but he failed permitting Erebus do his plans and not just executing him for his failures.
I am not saying
>blabla Lorgar is the best, Guilliman fail lol
I just think the evolution of Lorgar since Istvaan was to a more powerful primarch and not just the weak priest he was before.

>I know Trump makes it look like if you repeat lies enough people will think it is true, but that only works on poorly educated idiots with no free will or thought of their own.
So, Word Bearers?

It's mainly WB being retarded I think. They're just as mentally insecure weak as humans after all, with no drive or will to do anything unless there is some sort of (imaginary or not) higher deity that tells them what is right and wrong.


>implying that battle wasn't Alpharius simply trolling Guilliman.

>using an entire battle just to annoy an ally
Such a great tactician :)

I'm reading Scars, and I realize how desperately I want Chris Wraight to do a Blood Angels book.

Anyone know a good way to convert something into a passable Xiphon? Personally hate the ubersnoot of the FW model

>Not liking the Xiphon model

>Personally hate the price of the FW model

The 1/32 Battlestar Galactica Viper MkVII by Moebius Models is similar in size and has been used by an user on here before to represent a Xiphon.

Just needs some appropriate weaponry added to complete the conversion.

>Legion is getting shit on 24/7

I'm used to it by now :^)

Post army pics you filth.

>No nipple horns


What will be the next boxed set after Prospero? I need more plastics in my life.

Why do people want nipple horns? They looked clumsy.

Their MkII is probably useable too, it's a little boxier as well.

They are on his back

Maybe they move when he becomes a daemon

Those proportions are fucked

look at his legs

We probably won't get another onr for a while. Because GW hates money.


Hey those are some pretty good termin-
>notices Lorgar's face

nice gif

I like the fireraptor and have one in the mail; if FW had something more 'flying wing' like I would be all over it.

god damn

Consider that BaC came out in time for Retribution and BoP tied into Inferno then the next box set must be DA fighting NL and should come out in time for Angelus, so never

You know the Ho-229 varient in Wolfenstein? I would kill for that thing

Maybe because those have been one of the most concistent and iconic parts of Magnus' look ?

They mook clumsy and unpractical, but this is GrimDark ffs, where we have psychotic enhanched humans clad in tank-level armour go at eachother with fucking chainswords whilst screaming prayers to their respective deity's. Leave your realism at the doorstep plz.

But I guess the model is in line with everything else concerning Inferno : a huge fucking disappointment.

He's a big guy.

Fucking clean your room, by the primordial truth...

Literally the only unit i have finished, i jsut cant stop myself working on my DP :(

Superior red and black legion comin' through

That's a nice army user, really like the sergeant. Lorgar's head look strange.

Here's my EC, working on 20 supports and the dread's base atm.

Sorry for potato quality

>dat rock surge
> dat not-over-the top armour
> dem STAIRS
your tastes are space-wolf teir m8

Like this: anyone know anything about where to get something like this?

Yeah Lorgar's head is fucked up. (This is user)

I'm swapping it out for a helmet very soon though, just have to acquire it.

Yeah shelf is dusty as the Thousand Sons. Will do it momentarily ;)

See above >.>

>Should we help lord commander?
>Let's see what our Primarch thinks

>not a single 3rd party has jumped on the market with primarch helmets

fuck my life

I'd pay like $20 for a single helmet

That particular variant is fictional, but there are nice 1/32 Ho-229s available.

For Lorgar I'm going to see if the GW Finecast Sauron helmet will work. It looks neat and hopefully it's big enough.

It's like the dreadnought's having a temper tantrum.

Finished my first squads this week. I have another 10 man mk III if you want to see them



The lighting combined with the direction they're looking makes your guys kind of creepy looking, as if they're all staring into your soul...

Post the MKIII as well!

Bless you user!

> Pretty baller

I'm still not sure of Magnus having acess to all the diciplines, should at least not let him use biomancy

why, justify your point

Niceu Niceu
What bits did you use to make that one unpainted guy behind the Terminators? He looks awesome!


>the guy who invented the disciplines in the rulebook shouldn't have access to them all

Would probably pick up some Stormraven turbines and then a mix of autocannon/lascannon barrels to have jutting out in between the cockpit and the original engines location. Depending on differences of size between the intakes and whatnot.

Next question, would it look better in Luna Wolves or SoH with D day style invasion stripes?

I painted them a few years ago when there was only resin in HH but I got fired and couldn't afford getting more miniatures. Thank god I didn't buy more because the paintjob was horrible. I restarted this year into the hobby and I've been trying to fix them (also got the BoP box in christmas) so I am glad that you like them user.
Here is the first mk III squad. I am working on a rhino and tartaros are next, then I have 25 marines to paint and a spartan, wish me luck!

I don't really care about the argument one way or another, but the way Guilliman completely looks down upon the Alpha Legion's insurgency and infiltration tactics, when they were proven to work, really does put a crimp in his claim that he's the most flexible commander ever.

Magnus was always described as being a giant compared to the other Primarchs.