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This is a Fyreslayer thread now.
Skyven what?
No Place for fucked up slayers here
No, this is certainly the right place, Thaggoraki.
What is the better ranged unit for Stormcast?
Does anyone have a TGA account that they can download the latest update and post it here?
I refuse to get into TGA until they fix the facebook sign-in issue.
Any. They are SAMECAST eternals so you can just say they have bows and your opponent will be like "ok whatever" and just assume you are right from table distance.
Don't get cocky beardthings, Skaven will own-dominate the sky too!
Judicators suck
Hurricanes are meh
Longstrikes are okay, but if you run Aetherstrike theyre god tier
why is AoS so much more attractive for girls ?
Is it because GW finally understood how to cut all the grognards out of WHFB ?
How come the number of girl playing in the biggest french FLGS went from 2 a months to every game night ?
They're probably just trying to escape the Muslim rape gangs.
we had that just as much mudslims rapegang when Whfb was """""""Selling""""""" tho
Not bloody likely, rat!
Yours are literally held together with shit.
You called them SAMECAST? OMG hilarious!
The Skaven will have all your aethergold.
'Nerd' hobbies just became more mainstream and it's the new game. It's not about the game itself.
More girls like fantasy than sci-fi I would say.
This is actually dope.
I really want skyven.
Whats wrong with those hands?
Easier to pick up & play and a focus on big centrepiece models that look good on shelves would be my guess.
My gf absolutely loves the Maw-krusha for example which is why I've bought it for her for her birthday
oh shit
Is nagash cost justified? At 900pts I don't see him as a rape machine that it should be not I have seen it used by anyone in my local gw (I must say that people play order allday erryday with some other dude playing FEC/death too).
Someone uses it regularly or have some story that would justify including him in a 2000pts game?
Not worth it, keep him for open or narrative play, if you do those.
The existence of reinforcement points fucks with the entire point of him.
However, his 50% chance of outright killing pretty much anything is pretty hilarious.
Now that we pay for summon, he will probably drop to 300 points. unless his ability to double the summon effectively gives you FREE models
>The existence of reinforcement points fucks with the entire point of him.
That's true for all of Death though.
Why do women always play
without fail? the colors?
More creative armies and huge emphasis on customisation. It's well known that girls are far more into the hobby aspects than they're into gameplay, if they do play the game at all.
Take your pick
I think buff stacking on hordes of high bravery infantry and access to tough, fast units that spit out mortal wounds is a decent identity for them.
Tomb Kings are the go-to girl army in AoS
>Cute animals
You'll be hard pressed to find a woman who doesn't like one or the other.
>Instead of refuting the sameness of samecast eternals, ill just say random shit because I cant defend them
They're a fucking standing army with a uniform, of course they're going to look similar, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I don't know why they'd play Tyranids, but I assume that they play Sylvaneth because it has trees, flowers and nature stuff? Also Seraphon are colorful and skinks are CUTE.
They think nids look cute.
Which they do.
>Here we see a horde of crazed bloodmen, spikey guys in heavy armor and deamons versus AN ARMY OF THE SAME GUY
You can build a viable all-girl army with Sylvaneth
Are you actually retarded?
Please don't google Space Marines, they'll give you a seizure
>My gf absolutely loves the Maw-krusha for example
My wife too.
I can even tell you why: it's fucking cute.
Speaking of...
How did you do the skin on your Maw-krusha again? I know it was simple, but it looked great.
? ? ?
? ?
? ? ?
Why did you point it out? we were supposed to be the female friendly ones
Fuck I just got Start Collecting Sylvaneth to get into this game, taking a break from 40k.
I'm a burly man, I didn't sign up for no flower army? I just wanted some cool tree people like in Guild Wars 2.
Am I damned to eternal regret?
And it was either that or Beast Claw Raiders but their low model count kinda scared me away.
You can always play the edgy ones if you like
Edgy ones?
Yeah, there's a subset of them that absolutely hates anything non sylvaneth and wants to kill them. Full Athel Loren autism trees.
You're fine in that anyone who goes with a living faction is a faggit
Umm, nothing?
We're just saying how they're viewed through a lot of women's eyes - it's all subjective mam.
Unless you have a nagging doubt that you did sign up for a flower army all along?
Can't say I've ever seen any flowery Sylvaneth. Paint them how you want, the army isn't exactly associated with being feminine or anything. Even if it was who gives a fuck, as a burly man your choice shouldn't be affected by plebs. They look cool to you, that's all that matters. Nature scary yo
I don't know, I guess I kinda have buyer's remorse, but I could return them since I got it on Amazon
And I like Beastclaw Raiders as well but the low model count makes me nervous in-game and irl because of their price, as well as the fact that they're Destruction and I don't really have an interest in any of the other Destruction factions.
I guess I'm just venting and I'll decide when the Start Collecting Box I ordered gets here.
Nah, Kurnoth Hunters and Freemen look fucking dope, I hope you enjoy your army man.
Make sure you have something decent to carry them around with/be careful, as dryads can be spindly as fuck (speaking as a former wood elf player). I know buyer's remorse well, but I fall prey more to second-army syndrome - I don't even have half my Death army and I want to start Tzeemtch Disciples.
Treemen*, my tablet can suck a dick.
Does anyone knows what this box is actually worth? Found it eBay, 10 Bucks actually but without Buy now Button
Second Army Syndrome is a bitch, I have ~1500 of AdMech for 40k and daydream about other forces I wanna start, despite not being done with my current one.
I'm gonna make a pros and cons list of Sylvaneth vs. Beastclaws and think about it for a good few days.
Are the Beastclaw rules in the Mega? I didn't see them at first and I already have the Sylvaneth book downloaded.
Just checked, it is indeed there.
If you're thinking competitive, they're both good, many consider Sylvaneth to be top 3 in terms of power. Also, from what I've heard the Stonehorn is utterly filthy.
Don't know, but certainly worth more than $10. Providing it's not just a box.
I found it, I went to the wrong one that only had some of the battletomes for whatever reason. I'm not super competitive in my playstyle, I just want a good looking army that I can have fun with
do we already have the rules for the new skydwarfs somewere? :)
Its complete, with buildings and all But i cant find the Original price of GW
Its complete, with buildings and all But i cant find the Original price of GW. Dont want to Spent to Many Money on this.. maybe 50 ?
Death, or at least certain units in it, could be more about bringing back models in an existing unit that have died rather than summoning completely new ones.
Though to be fair this could just be me really disliking the idea of summoning with absolutely no limits.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was originally more than $50.
by the time the auction ends the price will be over $200.
Flesh Eater Court is already designed to do that. Courtiers can bring back an average of two horrors each per turn and/or 5 ghouls each. Then there's a formation for +d6 ghouls per unit every turn.
Let us know what you think!
I played the New Khorne stuff versus Sylvaneth the other day and got destroyed with no hope.
I foolishly took a Soul grinder which i now see to be total shit for it's points, but even things like Crushers and DPs seemed lacking versus Khurnoth units. Are Sylv's just broken or is Khorne a lost cause already
I wonder is it possible to have a good list focusing on daemons but without a Bloodthirster? probably not but i don't like the model is the thing.
Finally, thoughts on blood tithe?most of the stuff seems useless and you're pretty much playing without an alligience ability for the most of the game but has anyone had success?
Sylv, Kurnoths especially, are REALLY powerful.
Bow judicators are viable MSU battleline tax, mix and match with liberator speed bumps to support your actual heavy hitters.
Longstrike raptors are good artillery equivalents and one unit in any list will never hurt nor fail to pull its own weight
Dracothian guard are surprisingly shooty at short range and a lot of their damage can come from it.
Crossbow judicators suck, rapid fire crossbow raptors aren't all that great.
Grots update when?
They seemed way too good .
Reroll every save, all those wounds the scythe weapons, and the fact that even the Archer version just laughed as flesh hounds swung at them for 3 turns uselessly.
I also didn't know that entering the woods just kills guys on a 1. I'm guessing Khorne has no chance versus something like that
How can I fluff Epidemius in my Nurgle host?
I've got story for my dudes, but it feels weird having a named character in with them
gl playing any aggressive no-battletome army against stormcast or sylvaneth. its unplayable
Yeah i believe it, hopefully they get nerfed to hell in the GHB2. That book can't come out any sooner and maybe salvage this game
>tfw you fell for the 'Aos doesn't have power creep' meme
GW can eat shit though they didn't get a penny
Bloodletters are good and generate mass mortal wounds, especially with +1 attack. Khorne Daemon Princes are good in place of Blood Thirsters.
>blades of khorne and kharadron are shit
sure thing, bud
tomb kings and bretonnians do just fine against sylvaneth
are either a very aggresive army without shooting?
>are tomb kings an aggressive melee army?
you really dont know much about this game
>blades of khorne and kharadron are shit
No shit, That's the problem retard
spin the dice power creep is the worst kind, some releases are shit, others randomly dominate
if it was consistent that would be something
Is Sylvaneth shooting a problem? Hunters average 4 damage for 180 points before armor save.
It's not power creep if newer releases are not consistently more powerful than previous releases.
It's simply poorly balanced.
Do what I do, use the named character rules but give him a different name and backstory. This is the only way I can use named characters without having a lore autism fit.
>Spin the dice power creep
So... Not Power Creep?
the shooting itself isnt a problem its the fact that they can teleport around the map while limiting your opponents movement harshly, have some of the best heroes and can give their battleline 2+ saves. while theyve got artillerry range shooting ogres behind all of this
>have some of the best heroes
u wot m8
drycha sucks
branchwych is a generic wizard
branchwraith sucks
treelord ancient is a defensive wizard
durthu is a big slow target
alarielle is a bigger target
sylvaneth heroes are ass, the entire faction is carried by kurnoths and trees
Sylvaneth are mid tier at best
Why is GW taking so long on making updated BATTLETOMES for all its old factions reeeeeeee
You won the autist award
Maybe Epidemius could be a rank; just the name given to all his Tallymen
Does that sound dogshit?
because of a shit p2win game named 40k where the average height of a model is now 30cm action figures
It's a little lazy, could work if you called him something like 'Epidemius Pustulyn, 77th Tallyman of Nurgle' I suppose. I just prefer using the rules for whatever custom character I've converted or written backstory for.