Why is this OTK-infested spergshit so popular? There has literally been no deck type variety for over a decade.
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You're exaggerating a bit, but the fact that it's only a bit is the sad part.
The speed of the game has certainly gone up gradually over time since it started. While FTK strategies tend to get cards banned, there are plenty of ways available in the game now to flood the field for an OTK.
Saying that there hasn't been deck type variety for over a decade isn't true either; mostly because R4NK spam isn't that old. I say that somewhat in jest, since retrained cards, other ridiculous monsters with generic summoning requirements, and new support for old archetypes continue to shake things up.
Link Summoning was an interesting suggestion in creating limitations against the game's insane extra deck spam problem, but it's too little too late and has already been proven to be easy to break. I do like the reformatting of Pendulum Zones, though.
Someone who plays more competitively probably has a better answer for why it's so popular. I've just been playing it since the beginning, and have fun by playing on a very casual level. Because there are a lot of different groupings of ridiculous cards to try out.
>There has literally been no deck type variety for over a decade.
u wot m8, in the last decade we saw the rise and fall of Airblade, TeleDAD, Blackwing, X-Saber, Junk Doppel, Agents, thyat terrible control period with Dibo Rabbit, Dragon Rulers and a series of somewhat stun related top decks in the last years
How dumb can Konami be that their new Link feature has already been proven to be shit by fans before even releasing?
I'm not a huge Yugioh fan but even I know the community doesn't like Konami very much.
The lack of deck diversity isn't because of lack of good decks, it's due to the fact that lots of people circle jerk archetypes (zoodiacs right now). In YCSs those super popular decks seldom win. The winners are usually the best players using an unconventional build of a non-mainstream but still meta archetype.
I agree though. The game is pretty shitty and Konami is worthless. They have virtually no idea how to make it better paced/improve it and I doubt they play test their new sets. It's really frustrating.
and infernities, I miss those guys.
Yeah, three different Infernities actually (og Trish loop ones, Synchro and Xyz spam)
Also a lot of older decks are still pretty good but they've just gone out of fashion. I can FTK with my cyber dragons.
Moving this conversation along in another direction, I'd say that there's a pretty good variety of decks that have been coming through the game for years.
My problem is that certain cards are "staples." The game continues to go on, but you still need certain cards to make your deck stay viable no matter what era you're in; even worse than that, some staple cards get reprinted even stronger or in slightly different variety to replace their predecessors.
My group sometimes plays non-meta tourneys with tier 2-3 decks we have for fun. It's all a matter of knowing where and with who to play.
>My problem is that certain cards are "staples."
More or like MtG's standard. I sure wish it was more like Legacy but then the prices would shot through the roof.
I would argue that M:tG's standard format means that there are fewer staples. In the other long formats, there are probably many, many more staples.
Yu-Gi-Oh, on the other hand, allows you to use cards from all across time. It can do nothing but accumulate staples until those cards find their way to the ban list.
I compared it with Standard because Konami enforces the rotation with banlists and powercreep. I might not like it but that's the way Konami makes the game and I normally just affects top tier decks and most of the time I play anti-meta. TCG-wise the game makes more moneygrabbing decisions, the OCG banlist and meta seem a lot better (at least up until True Draco domination).
Haven't played in a while, but couldn't resist picking up Machine Reactor. God damn I miss Ancient Gears.
My god, this game is pure cancer
It's popular because marketing. There are better games even if you go outside the "big three," but you have to be willing to keep an open mind.
Yugioh is shit but MTG players are constantly wrong about what's bad about it. OTK and deck variety are seldom actual issues in Yugioh, it usually leans towards the opposite, the bad metas are the ones with oppressive decks that lock down too easily and the ones where card releases are coming in way too fast and the meta never stabilizes before you need to shell out another 400 dollars to change up.
It had a popular cartoon when people were children.
It's more like Pokemon TCG where certain cards like Professor [Name], Great ball and in certain decks Rare Candy have been mandatory for pretty much the entire game's life.
Everyone net decks, no one builds a personal deck. Every tourny and all local places all play decks that are meta in Asia. It's so boring.
What's the difference between the orange arrows and the black arrows?
Whoops, I meant Ultra Ball.
>Big Three
Name them
Konami added specific spots where you can summon monsters from the Extra deck. Link monsters are a way around that, they open up new spots for you to special summon into with the orange arrows. Black arrows are just part of the card's template.
I don't deny that netdecking is even more prevalent in Yugioh than other games, I'm just saying that people have huge misunderstandings about the meta.
Simply put, the big issue isn't a list that goes big and dominates the scene, it's that there's never a consistent list. Not just the market, but the Yugioh meta is volatile as fuck, with cards and techs shooting up and down not just in price but also in viability constantly. The game is even deeper on meta and tech than MTG and off-meta tops, the too fast release of cards, and the ridiculous handling of the banlist makes it ridiculous to try and settle on a deck competitively.
I hate Yugioh but I just really dislike seeing Veeky Forums's take on it, because it's way too often obvious when Veeky Forums criticizes this or other card games that MTG is their only frame of reference, when in a lot of cases MTG experience is absolutely useless in translation.
I played it for a few years came back and then discovered the player community is unbelievably bad. Everyone trades cards expecting to get a value of 'x' on 'x' eBay sale.
There is more wrong with the game than just the meta. The number of people in the game that obsessively watch the Asian meta looking for the next top deck is also annoying. Then the player attitudes is sickening. I built and played decks that where tier 3 because they where fun for me and there was fun to be had deck tuning.
The meta top tier decks are a 90% deck copy list. There is no variation.
Then there are the gimmicks introduced each and every year like OP's card. It's so childish and practically ruins the game.
Seriously fuck this game and its cancerous players!
This is an opinion of a player from the first launch till now.
MTG, yugioh, pokemon. Do you live under a rock, or are you just a bit slow?
It has better waifus than MTG.
That's pretty much it.
I like the archetypal designs and synergy cards. I mostly play casually with my friends with random cheap tribal decks. (I will say I enjoy the yugioh market, basically if the card doesn't belong to a tier 1 deck it's like a dollar a card)
There are many problems obviously. My solutions to said problems are
>1. Never should have made generic OP synchros and XYZs
There is way too many good generic rank 4 xyzs that rape and same with synchros. If a card is going to be that easy to summon you can't make it that ridiculous. In addition I feel like yugioh is kinda popular because of the archetype designs, making the generic extra deck bros better then non-generic archetype extra deck monsters is fucked.
>2. Extra deck is too big
15 cards is a fuck ton considering you only have 40 card decks. Related to the first problem, it allows a decks extra deck to be a swiss-army knife of all the broken xyzs and synchros that are easy to summon. Then it just means the maindeck will just be the most efficient engine to power out the extra deck. Making the extra deck smaller would go a long way.
>3. There should be a standard format and it be pushed as fuck (or a decent limited format)
Standard format is a necessary evil. You need a way to print new sets without being pigeonholed into making them slightly better then the old sets, which is how they do it now. Cards are just getting too strong and the barrier to entry is ridiculous for playable cards. Standard format would allow better balancing because when they print a new set they don't have to worry about a retarded combo with a set 10 years ago and you wouldn't have to constantly have you foot on the powercreep gas pedal.
That's one hell of a searcher
IDK man, I've been playing DW since Reing-Beaux was considered new and revolutionary and its been fun to see them become main stream again and again.
No, just making sure. Pokémon's fanbase hasn't been entirely consistent over the years, and new card games have come in that make attempt to rival the others (such as Force of Will).
Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh are obvious picks, but I might believe someone if they said something other than Pokémon.
I would love that
I'm here first to thank an user that helped me out in the last YGO thread. He made a budget ABC list for me, but i never got to reply. I bought 3x Felgrand decks and i am upgrading it, but i plan on building the ABC deck later, thanks user!
Also, i'm upgrading my Felgrand Structure deck. Bought 2x Honest, 1x Armophage Goliath and i'm planning on buying Twin Twisters, Soul charge, Reckless Greed and Galaxy Eyes Full Armor Proton Dragon.
That's my current list:
3x Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand
3x Arkbrave Dragon
1x Armophage Goliath
1x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
3x Dragon Knight of Creation
3x Raiden
2x Paladin of Felgrand
2x Honest
3x Return of the Dragon Lords
2x Trade-In
3x Terraforming
2x Dragon Ravine
2x Charge of the Light Brigade
3x Ruins of the Divine Dragon Lords
3x Call of the Haunted
3x Oasis of Dragon Souls
As for Side deck and Extra Deck, i don't run neither.
So, what can i buy to make my deck stronger? I prefer it to be budget friendly, but that's not necessary.
See this guy? He pretty much gets it. I don't agree with him saying that a standard format is a "necessary evil," but everything else is pretty in line.
Since the Synchro era, I've said that the costs to call monsters in are often too generic, which has been a runaway problem moving forward into Xyz and beyond. Even Fusion monsters are starting to become more generic (though, they still have more specific requirements over all than the other types). The ease of summoning, as well as the cards printed in order to facilitate these summons, has drastically sped up the pace of the game over time.
The extra deck, particularly because many cards have very generic summoning conditions, has become like an active side deck that players can just stuff full of monsters that will get them out of any given problem, or push the game towards its conclusion. It's really disgusting.
Wasn't some shops in Japan not going to stock YGO anymore because the new mechanic murdered the metagame? Did anything ever come form that, or is the game doing as fine as it always has?
That was a backlash rumor when Link Summoning was first announced, but given how fast that people figured out how to break it... it's certainly not going to be true.
Break it? Starter Deck 2017 literally did nothing. COTD won't do anything. Firewall Dragon is the only good Link, and it requires a lot of resources to get multiple of it out. And it loses to Master Peace and Kaijus.
You been under a rock the last few months? There are tons of videos already of combos people figured out you can do within the restraints of what few Link Monsters we've been shown. Tons of summons can still happen each turn, now it's just a matter of "summon this, do X, get it out of the way to play Y so you can Z, then get it out of the way so you can play A so you can B," repeat ad nauseum. The monsters may not all be on the field at the same time, but they are still all reaching the field on the same turn.
I don't remember Misaki and Yuri being that stacked, good god.
>tfw no local scene for vanguard
>vanguard online sim declared dead in development months ago
>no 3DS game on the horrizon to look forward to
>used to have a Spike Brothers deck for way back when I would actually be able to drive an hour to an LGS that played it like once a year
>can't even justify updating it.
I just want to crush rush some fags. Is that too much to ask?
Meaningless combos. Remind me when was the last time 1 card Zarc topped in OCG? Or 2 card Tierra/Sophia? Or anythign that requires you waste all of your extra deck and run a lot of bad cards? People find ways to break random shit all the time. Doesn't mean they'll top anything.
Shit like summoning Quasar while Decode Talker is on the field or D/D/D needing to open a 5 card combo are both meaningless. The current Link monsters we have won't affect the OCG meta. They'd to kill True Draco and True King Dinos or release really broken Links in the next sets.
There's no doubt that the Links will get more broken as the related anime progresses. That's a goddamned given.
You're discrediting the combo considerations too much though. That shit's going to be the basis going forward of how everyone tries to play around the new mechanic; the ones that are the most consistent will be common in the meta to come.
So what's the status on Pendulums? Are they officially kill or will they survive?
Seems to me that it's weakened, but still usable. As with the rest of the changes, your choices will need to be more deliberate. Less monsters being spammed from the Extra Deck means you can't just recycle tons of Pendulum Monsters at once, but if you have really good ones that make good monsters then being able to call them back is still worth it. The Pendulum Zones now being in your Spell and Trap Zones means that you need to make your picks for Pendulum cards count more, since it takes from your backrow.
It's been shit since XYZ stuff was made. Tried playing on duelnetwork a while back for nostalgia, the opponent used what can only be described as bullshit shenanigans to draw out more than half his deck and completely filled his side with 3000-5000 atk monsters and loaded up on the traps. Like, fucking really?
It's only gotten worse with pendulum
Pendulum literally changed nothing. Only 1 Pendulum deck was truly overpowered. PePe was like 3 different Pendulum engines and worked because of the interactions between the cards. Metalfoes are a good, splashable Pendulum engine, and a solid deck. Odd-Eyes Magicians topped a few events, DracoPals was a weaker PePe, Qli was just stunshit.
Pendulum literally did nothing wrong.
It's funny. Pendulum ended up doing nothing wrong but still was hated and eventually castrated into what it is now with links.
XYZ literally broke the game a new asshole and yet continues to get support and may in fact be stronger now because of Links holding back other types of extra deck monsters..
Yuma should have been shot.
>MTG experience is absolutely useless in translation
That may be true but I'm sceptical. Conversly, I can confirm that yugioh experience is excellent when transitioning to MTG. I've introduced two yugioh players to mtg and they each took to it like a fish to water. There seems to be plenty of overlap.
>better anime games out there
>sucking Konami's cock for the bottom of the barrel
I don't like Yugioh because the cards are worded horribly and use 2-3 times the text they need to explain themselves. Consistent, simple wording is a good thing, it doesn't need to be drawn out.
And they could probably make things automatically not work with other copies of themselves by the rules and only do so when specifically allowed, instead of having to specify on every damn card that it can't be another copy of itself.
Fuck konami!
Rate my hungry burger deck.
Monsters 20
Bacon saver
3 manju
2 mystic tomato
2 Ritual raven
2 sonic bird
2 Bistro butcher
Charcoal inpachi
3 Great Angus
3 hungry burger
Spells 11
Gold sarcophagus
3 hamburger recipe
2 Mystical Space typhoon
Preparation of rites
3 Ritual weapon
Magnum shield
Traps 9
Bottomless Trap Hole
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Call of the Haunted
Magic jammer
Metal reflect slime
Nutrient z
2 Ritual buster
You're just backing him up.
Kind of a shame that cookpals are anime only
I think I tried something like this before but yours looks considerably more usable
>posting literally the worst possible waifus from MTG
Come on now
I wouldn't quite say usuable. Against any real deck it gets stomped, but it's definitely fun to play. About as viable as an unchanged structure deck
Note that I said "more usable" and not just "usable" in general
I think I stuck more to the cuisine theme and suffered for it
I feel you. Even with my pseudo competitive decks I try and stick to a theme, regardless of better cards that could potentially be in the deck.
Here's my aliens and skull servants (in next post)
Monsters (20):
3x Alien Ammonite
2x Alien Dog
2x Alien Grey
1x Alien Hunter
2x Alien Kid
1x Alien Mars
1x Alien Overlord
2x Alien Shocktrooper
1x Alien Skull
2x Alien Telepath
3x Alien Warrior
Spells (12):
2x "A" Cell Breeding Device
1x "A" Cell Incubator
1x "A" Cell Scatter Burst
1x Code A Ancient Ruins
1x Mysterious Triangle
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Otherworld - The "A" Zone
1x Solidarity
2x Swords of Revealing Light
Traps (8):
1x Alien Brain
2x Cell Explosion Virus
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Crop Circles
1x Fiendish Chain
1x Light of Intervention
1x Planet Pollutant Virus
Extra (6)
3x Cosmic Fortress Gol'gar
3x King of the Feral Imps
Monsters (20):
3x King of the Skull Servants
1x Mezuki
2x Pain Painter
2x Pyramid Turtle
3x Skull Servant
3x The Lady in Wight
3x Wightmare
1x Wightprince
2x Zombie Master
Spells (11):
1x Dark Hole
1x Foolish Burial
1x Inferno Reckless Summon
1x Level Limit - Area B
1x Lightning Vortex
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x One for One
1x Opti-Camouflage Armor
1x Zombie World
Traps (9):
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Chain Destruction
1x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Graceful Revival
1x Gravity Bind
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Warning
1x Torrential Tribute
Extra (12)
1x Archfiend Zombie-Skull
2x Baby Tiragon
1x Dark End Dragon
1x Doomkaiser Dragon
1x Gem-Knight Pearl
1x Ghostrick Dullahan
1x Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
1x Photon Papilloperative
1x Revived King Ha Des
2x Slacker Magician
Links don't hurt Fusion that much. Fusion may be the new king, taking us full circle.
middling the meta right now, about to get a boost through zebras actually being playable.
Then very dead when link hits
>posting numagic shit
>posting a bastardization of the greatest villain faction in classic Magic
>posting a meme waifu
Thanks for proving him right.