Curse of Strahd is a very problematic campaign
I've gotta say, this article brings up a lot of good points. I mean, just look at the two arts in the OP. Don't you see the obvious, stark and extremely unsettling difference?
What do you think, Veeky Forums?

I think women getting an "interest" for tabletop games was a mistake. Name ONE positive thing they gave to tabletop games.

Yes, it's true: vampire men as better dressers.

Indeed, old chap. Fye & Indeed.

I think you should end yourself

Thanks, OP. I care deeply about what some rando has to say, and I'm going to get mad at liberals for about an hour now because you somehow manage to find this stupid shit that makes you mad by actively looking for it.

I mean, the modern post-Dracula vampire myth is kinda problematic to begin with, so, yeah

>Many thanks to Laura Hamilton, Paul Czege, Joanna Piancastelli, Andrew Medeiros, Mikael Andersson, Arlene Medder, Sean Nittner, Brianna Sheldon, Brand Robins, Steve Dempsey, John Stavropoulos, Josh T Jordan, and Chris Chinn for helping me [make this list]
How does it take 15 people to make a shitty low effort article?


It's probably patreon donors. They helped author make this list by paying for his hamburgers.


There's that word again.

I happen to know most of those writers are shit writers.

This is Veeky Forums material. Blame the retard who wrote the article for injecting politics into your hobby.

Story time.

Gosh, horror and madness and cruelty and racism and bad things in a horror adventure? You don't fucking say.

>the ancient Greeks believed that the sheer act of having a uterus is enough to make you crazy, and that crazy belief has pretty much stuck with us for a couple thousand years. (And yes, not all woman have uteruses – I’m simply referencing the origin of the stereotype here.) So all of this is a nice little gender cherry on an ableist shit sundae.
I'm not even mad, this is hilarious

Behold! The Veeky Forums equivalent of clickbait! Everyone give this thread lots of attention, and don't sage or anything, because people need to know about [some guy's opinion]!

The original Ravenloft module, for a start. Written by a husband and wife team.

Veeky Forums is nothing BUT opinions with some random images scattered about. If you removed the [[[opinions]]] there'd be nothing left.

This isn't even a Veeky Forums poster's opinions, he had to import some random internet blogger to make people mad.

> In response to Petrina’s murder, Strahd subsequently murders all of the female dusk elves in Barovia so that they can’t reproduce and will eventually die out. Because, you know, genocide is totes okay, as is reducing women to their reproductive capacity. (uggghhh)

The author is maybe unaware that Strahd is a bad person?

Here's your reply.
>Omitting the flavor text behind both of the pictures

>What do you think, Veeky Forums?

I think you are brainwashed and you have the need to over-analyze everything until it confirms your ideology.

The author of the article should spend more time learning how to go make me a sandwich.

>as is reducing women to their reproductive capacity. (uggghhh)
It was effective though. The dusk elves are fucked because they've got no vaginas left.

>believing women are crazy because they have a uterus is problematic
>as is believing people with inverted dicks aren't women
Well, which is it? If all 'women' without the uterus are crazy, and all with are... (less crazy?) doesn't that disprove the Greeks?

>Not all women have uteruses

But user, being reminded that natural women with uteruses can reproduce triggers me.

The problem isn't women getting interested in tabletop games, but rather a subset of women.

Take a lot of old 2e women gamers. They'd look at shit like the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity and laugh. They could let a game be a game and just sit back and enjoy the shit. Hell, many of them even enjoyed the scantily clad cheesecake/beefcake.

The problem more comes from people raised in the 90s.

No, it's fucking politics. There is nothing Veeky Forums about political issues other people have with a gaming module.

Most of those authors belong to a circle of writers who associate and share ideas with one another. They are also very intensely political, and considering the things they write, they really have zero right to claim that that particular module is bad. Considering Laurel K. Hamilton writes her mary sues as 'strong womyn who fall in love with monsters and don't really need no man, only alpha male predators and vampirres who fall down and worship the ground her mary sues walk on', calling the mental illnesses and vampire bride issues 'problematic' is pure hypocrisy on her part. It's okay is a WOMAN makes the mosnters obey her every whim, especially when she builds harems out of them, but a man? Oh no, that's totally can't be allowed.

Steve Dempsy? Shotguns vs Cthulhu. That's right, the great old ones get taken out by gun toting fearless heroes who cannot be concerned with terror or fear because they are capable people with clear heads. Only the stupid people who don't treat women perfectly and like the goddesses they are and who can't be bothered to vote for politicians who won't take their guns away suffer insanity and madness caused by things men was not meant to know. Except, of course, manly men who are kind, sweet, and attentive to women, and are sensitive even as they blast away at the hideous alien monstrosities. In other words, numales who get written as big buff heroes fixated on their one perfect women, who can sleep around all she likes because She Is In Charge.

Yeah, just a little hypocrisy there.

Is this the same sort of nepotism that gives Amber Scott a paycheck, even though she's a subpar writer?

You know we're getting to the heart of it, when someone screams /pol/ everytime there's a dissenting opinion.

Like, is anyone actually okay with this? I consider myself a liberal, and I think it's fucking bullshit.

Writers have always formed cliques, shame they've turned into nepotic echo chambers though.

I know there are writers who want to 'uncouple' the racism from Lovecraft and make it less 'problematic'.

I wish I could wrap my hands around their throats, and squeeze.

>Even outside of the Monastery, there is a theme of “person goes mad so they are locked up” running through the book, which – as someone who has been told that I should be involuntarily committed for daring to have opinions while mentally ill on the internet is just seriously offensive

I've got a question for you guys.

Have you ever started on a post or response, and the subject matter angered you so much that you felt like you could just snap, and in that moment spill forth a torrent of anger and angst while trying to disguise it as fact?

Because this feels like what happened in this article, right here. This person doesn't give a fuck about equality, this person is ANGRY and UPSET over pictures and writing.

I don't understand why they bother to write about games they clearly and obviously hate.

Why? What do they get out of it? They're just ruining it for people who do like it. It's sort of like that whole attempt to make games 'politically correct', and that Siege of Dragonspear expansion pack.

Yes, exactly.

Even worse, nepotic echochambers that support other people's political agendas. This is why the Hugos have accepted "Space Raptor Butt Invasion" by good old Chuck Tingle as a award nominee, because people decided to point out how 'problematic' the Hugo's selections have been in the past.

I've been involuntarily committed. Its not so bad.

>Like, is anyone actually okay with this?

No, because it's stupid. There's no reason for us to discuss some random dude's fucked up opinion, the thread is little more than a political rally thinly disguised as a games discussion.

>Its not so bad.
yeah, NOW

cause we don't even electroshock or waterboard our mental patients anymore

Especially when the fact is that he regretted his racism and apologized for it later. But that didn't stop him from writing in his same style and using the same themes that made his horror effective as it was.

This is why the cancer spread. If we'd jumped down the throats of anyone who wanted to change things, our hobby wouldn't have been afflicted by 'progressiveness'.

The only lesson to take away from this is that you have to attack viciously and without mercy if you want to protect what you love.

It's because they see things in society that makes them angry, and they want to fix it.

Used to lobotomize them not so long ago and just be done with it. Ask the Kennedies.

They're idiots. I hope that the pendulum swings back enough for a vicious backlash. Living in a fascist state - A no-joke fascist state - would be worth it, if only those people were wiped out.

I mean, I'm a straight white male. I'll do fine.

Yes but this person is reacting to the modern effect of being involuntarily committed.

It's not a dissenting opinion to post /pol/ shit and claim "this is really Veeky Forums realted". This is just a different version of the White Male Terrorism In Games poster.

The fact that you have to defend it is what is really horrible.

Isn't electroshock therapy actually pretty efficient, given the right methods and circumstances?

Outrage clickbait designed to get views from people like you.

Congratulations for falling for the bait, OP. Extra kudos on falling for it so hard that you felt the need to share it on your preferred media.

So what?

Check your modern day insanity privilege shitlord!

At a certain point, I really don't care about the moral high ground. I honestly don't care who is objectively correct.

I'd be better off if we win, so I just want us to win. This is probably why I've given PC the finger in my campaigns. I mean, I can't do much, but every little bit helps - Like giving aid to the Proud Boys at Berkley.

Yes, but the shock therapy they used to use was insulin shock therapy. Electroshock therapy is a relatively new procedure.

get back to work mike

>comments disabled
I wonder why.

Demographic shifts suggest this will never happen, the most you could hope for is irreversible ecological devastation ruining the West's age of plenty while forcing tens of millions to migrate to Europe or America, overburdening them even more.

The only thing that will hurt these people more than Donald Trump as president is an empty belly and their "allies" snarling at them for scraps.

If you lived in a libertarian state, you could shoot them if they tried to initiate aggression against you. Ah, some of the joys of ancap.

So first she praises the setting for having a well done misogynist monster and then complains when it acts like a misogynist monster?

Of fucking course the spawns that are locked up and abused are more savage than one that aren't.

I mean, I don't care enough to read the article, but just going by the pic, I don't see a problem with the fact that one looks more like a high-class noble while the other looks more feral. Especially since those are the most common representations of vampires.

Even if you complain about the fact that the male is the dignified and the female is feral, I don't think anyone exactly associates males with dignity and females with ferality, so I don't know what the problem would be.

I've had no problems with any woman in my gaming group. The only thing I could remotely complain about is the fact that we play on roll20 and one of our female players types slow as fuck. Other than that, she's a good player.

Is it really misogynist to note that you can wipe out the reproductive capacity of a species by eliminating female members? I mean, that's genocidal, yes, but it isn't exactly showing a hatred towards women so much as using women as a means to an end (which requires their extermination anyways).

I'd argue its far more racist than misogynist.

They used thermo shock (dipping in cold water), isolation and hard labor first. Insulin and electro shock came later.

Equality is ignoring everything that makes a woman a woman, user.

I mean, besides they are or were repressed and you're a monster for ignoring that.

I bet you a coke they wouldn't have complained if the woman was dignified and the man was feral.

This is one of the side effects of making the internet democratic. Even the troubled and mentally disturbed become reaffirmed when they find blogs like that, that their delusions aren't all in their head.

It's sad and unfortunate that these people have nothing better to do than screech and make false accusations. I hope they seek and find psychological help that they need for their mental illness.

It depends on motives.

Killing all women is not much easier than killing everyone you see so if the attack seems laserguided it is more likely misogynist.

Women are always the primary victims of racism, war, disease, famine, everything bad that happens.
Even more so, women, especially first world white women, suffer more than any other demographic group in the entire planet. No other people who are as disadvantaged as them. Poor things.

Killing all the women does a good job showing off what happens when you fuck with someone, as the men linger and languish in the agony of recognizing they are the last of their kind.

It also shows off how monstrous you are, for the aforementioned reason. They took the future from you, and yet you still exist... Why not do the same to them?

Wasn't it Hillary who said that women are the ones who suffer most in war, because they're the ones who are watching their sons and husbands die?

Killing all women and children is actually easy than killing all men or all of the race.
Usually during a war scenario, women and children are kept in safehouses in large groups which makes them easy to deal with if you find them.
Not to mention that part of the genocide wasn't just to kill them off, but to inflict absolute despair on the ones that remained. It wasn't enough to kill them. The ones remaining needed to suffer knowing they could never recover.

But killing all women guarantees the death of the species - and mind you, (something that they deliberately left out of their diatribe), dark elven women are the STRONG gender in drow society, not the weak one. In other words, Strahd had to hunt down and kill the stronger members of the society to genocide the race, not the weak ones, and that would be the dark elven women.


Dusk elves are not drow, user.

Did you read the same modules I did?

>critisizing CoS for tropes that were taken straight from Dracula

Why doesn't the author just end xeir life once and for all?

Fucking this. I'm not even a fascist, I fucking hate nazis, it's that these guys have gone so far that I hate nazis less.

Honestly castrating all the men would be crueler considering they'd have to live without having reproductive means while the women have to resort to other races in order to continue the bloodline. It's essentially cuckolding half of a race.

Nah. People will complain about anything, since it's super easy to contrive something to manufacture identity-based outrage. With the genders reversed, I'd imagine someone would complain that it's some kind of fetishization.

Though, they wouldn't be too off, since being a mindless slave to a vampire ojou-sama is my magical realm.