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Now we see if the prophecy comes true.
Kit is Worst Author Edition
That's really heavy start, this should balance it out a bit.
No, I'm worst Author Edition.
Really should finish my build for this version.
Yellow should be air
Red should be fire
Green should be earth
Blue should be water
Finally done with my OC that I said I was working on last night. Osananajimafags rejoice. It's only one page, pretty fun I think. Let me know what kind of atmosphere it gives off.
It's a meme son
>You do have friends, right? Every kid has friends!
>urban fantasy
>The Ring
>Cosplaying waifu Isabelle
>The Cupid
>The Crossbow
>The Seed
>The Doll Bride
>The Goblin
(I'm only really picking this because of how big her boobs are. All goblins are this stacked right?)
>The Chest
Pretty cute quests!
Did you made a summoner CYOA and a shaman one? could you also post them please?
Power of body
Tongues, music, and health.
I'll use the powers for you guys. Want to be the little girl, a trap, a manly man, or anything else? Drop a comment and I'll hook you up.
I'd also release regular music that, when heard, would treat depression and anxiety for days at a time.
I'd use the power of health to go around spreading perfect health to everyone. It's unlikely I'll be able to help everyone, but I could at least make a difference.
I'd take the door for easier travel.
Dumb demon girl because fun and cute.
>The Marble
Hard choice between Marble and Ring. But I
can shower by myself.
I am afraid if I pick a guy friend that he'll
cuck me, honestly. Elenah for marriage.
Isabelle as backup. Damn, all the kids seem
nice though. Except for Jeremy, lol.
>The Demon
I'll use him to curse anyone who tries to court my waifu. We /yandere/ now.
>The Goblin
Basically gives you a ton of connections. Very good.
>The Chest
>The Mushroom
It is required to protect my waifu from debt/rape/murder.
Gibs waifu plox
>The Dream
This will help me bond with Elenah.
I'll have Isabelle be the one with nightmares. I
don't want any discomfort upon my waifu.
>Power of the Body
>Power of Filter
>Power of Health
>Power of Lies
>The Door
Totally won't abuse this
Sure thing, user
pls think of the phone users
>ignoring on topic posts to suck the dicks of namefags and "authors"
Who would even populate the planet you pick, according to crew members on first page, humanity is dead.
Posting my favorite CYOA because it doesn't get enough love.
>The cyclops
>The Goblin
>The Tengu
>The faeries
>The Doll bride
>The tree
NYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH necromancer where?
Not sure if I can post it all, I've got to leave for class in 5.
Outdated version. You failed.
link to latest one then please
I didn't even know this thing existed few hours ago and it's like my favourite cyoa now
Really? I gave up prematurely when I saw how long builds were and how everyone says you have to go back and ford alot
Damnit, now I can't help but think about a persona CYOA where a tumblrite spazzes out on you because your persona doesn't match your gender.
Can someone post the last page for me? I've got to go.
Question for you guys:
How much text do you prefer a CYOA to have? Do you like having blocks of text defining every choice in-depth, or do you prefer if the exact details are left to your own imagination?
Pick a boy, lads
So long as it's well written, I'll read any amount of text.
>How much text do you prefer a CYOA to have?
Literally impossible to answer.
>Do you like having blocks of text defining every choice in-depth,
No I don't like blocks of text.
>or do you prefer if the exact details are left to your own imagination?
No I like knowing what the options do.
These questions can't be answered without concrete examples. No one likes walls of text, no one likes picking an option that isn't explained.
Either is fine, but if an ability/power/whatever isn't described in a way that tells you exactly how it works, people will obviously interpret it differently, leading them to assume that it works one way even if it doesn't. Unless that's how it's supposed to be, I guess.
You should explain the choices effectively but efficiently
Power of the Earth. Being able to create literally anything that can exist and a whole lot of things that can't doesn't seem weak at all.
Power of Storms. I don't need the destructive aspect, but the ability to create life sounds like it'd be useful with my Power of Earth. If it's more a primordial soup thing than an animate object thing, I'll go with Power of Paths instead.
Power of Filters. To avoid all those questions like "where did that castle come from?" and "why are you suddenly a billionaire?"
Power of Health. Because immortality isn't that great when you have a bad back.
Stone. Anything which makes it glow is something I'll want to know about. The only other one worth considering is the door, and I can just walk. Or create a monorail or something.
The Armor. I don't know anything about the demon except that she's dumb and wants to have fun, and the other two seem unpleasant.
Depends on if the text is good or not. I could read Traveller fluff all day, but something with a strong visual appeal like Battlemage or Monster Hunter is also excellent.
Waifu/fetish shit occupies an odd spot, where I'm fairly sure certain options are taken simply because the picture attached is attractive.
The road to Animanga is long, but so far peaceful--if peace is something that can be had now. You had crossed this area only yesterday, after all, though things were much different then.
[if you came from section 7, turn to section 10. Otherwise, turn to section 11]
You begin to inner the wilderness of Oot. Oot is a strange place; while it leads to many other regions of the continent of Forchin, it is also a place of exile and punishment. Many tribes, outlaws, and other folk--peaceful and otherwise--inhabit the inner woods of Oot.
What do you do?
1. Return the way you came to the crossroads and leave for Animanga instead. [turn to section 8]
2. Go deep into the inner woods to find another trail. [turn to section 12]
Ashley Kim, every time.
Some people eat to live.
I live to eat.
A really good meal can turn your entire day around and even reignite your faith in humanity.
Having lots of text is fine, but if you have make sure you don't have to read the entirety of every option to understand roughly what they do.
>Cyoa thread
>Criticizes us for doing CYOAs and responding to the people who fucking make them
>Pic related
>most of them will fuck around
No. Fuck you. Monogamy or bust.
>The Ring
All of them are pretty useless, but i like to be clean so ring it is
>fishing with a rod
Does that means what i think that means
I mean Smantha
>The Cupid
>The Goblin
>The Doll Bride
>The Mushroom
>The Door
>The Chest
How fat are you?
On it.
waifushit OC coming through
Which boss did you pick poll
Remember you dont have to fuck your boss, you can fuck your coworkers or yourself too
Feedback welcome It's my first cyoa, no bully plz
Which character design style should I use in the future? Not necessarily in waifu cyoas, I made one because wanted to start with something easy and popular. Short and simple like Zoe/Madeleine, long and complex like Erica or something in the middle like Janet/Roxanne/Elise?
- Paint net really needs an editable text box option
- It's really hard to to find pictures for your cyoa if your characters don't fall into the "cute anime girl with unnatural hair color" category
- Initially Erica was your generic sadistic turbo dominatrix but I "nerfed" her because I wanted to avoid one dimensional options. She's still a dom but I tried to give her a human personality.
- I designed 7 bossfus but had to scrap the last one because she was too unrealistic compared to the rest, evne compared to Zoe. She was supposed to be a scientist and your job was about being her test subject in some sort of
a medical or social experiment. Might make a /d/ cyoa based on her in the future.
- Didn't name it "pick your bossfu" because didn't want to make the player think he has to waifu his boss
Is SDA around?
user... SDA's been dead for over five years now.
>Magnifying glass
The applications are near endless; it will guarantee wealth and success.
>Jeremy and Elenah
Maximized knowledge.
>Crossbow, Door, Goblin, Seed, Tree and Chest.
Did you misinterpret the magnifying glass?
It only gives you accessible info. You can't like use it on a corporate building to see how the stocks will do or anything. Unless you have a use in mind that I am not thinking of. Please clarify.
I will take a look at it later. If you ever plan to update it you could add a shadow to the text. I'm too sleepy to read Madeleine's text as is.
Madeleine for me, thanks. I always wanted to work in management, and the problems she has are relatively easy to fix.
Janet and Erica are hostie work environments, while Roxanne and Elise have jobs I'm not interested in. Zoe has almost no positives. You are barely above minimum wage and you can't waifu her (not important to me, but to others perhaps).
Try, it's like Paint but better. I think a nice mix of styles worked best, for someone like Madeleine or Zoe it makes sense you don't get to know many of your coworkers, while a high-stress environment like Erica's you'd naturally get to know many of them.
The setting got me hooked.
I really like blatant not-Earth type settings and this thing also has a very rotk feel which is something that I also enjoy.
The magnifying glass. Seems like the most potentially useful.
Isabelle. Her skills will come in very handy for some of the quests, and she could use a friend.
Elenah. Smart and caring friends are always a good bet.
The Door. Can't say no to your own pocket dimension.
The Cyclops. Poor thing looks like she needs help, and I'm sure friendship with the cyclopses would be a good idea.
The Doll Bride. A good chance for Isabelle to shine.
The Tengu. Same.
The Seed. I love trying odd new fruit.
The Chest. Always bet on the mystery box!
Most of em are great but I can't think a single reason why anyone would pick Zoe. It's an entertaining job but the pay is shit and she's not up for romance and there's no one else around if you pick her. She seems more like she should've been a coworker rather than a boss. She'd be fine as a friend but eh.
I think the positive is supposed to be the adventure or something. But I'm 35, I'm too fucking old for adventure.
I'd almost certainly choose Elise. The curvy but insecure type is a favorite of mine, and a family business with two lazy sons really appeals to me. Probably because I've lived it.
Really good for your first time, user.
hmm... So far the compass, Noah,
the Cake, The Fan, The Maze, and the Cook
have yet to be chosen.
I thought for sure the Cake would be popular, and that the Cook would be still somewhat popular but less so than the Cake.
Glad to see some chose the Magnifying glass though, I though that might be abandoned.
I work in management as it is, so I already got the skills required and I like having more control over my work. She seems nice and the only real downside is a lazy waitress.
Janet is okay but the workplace dynamics are the worst.
Working as a secretary for Roxanne sounds fairly dull and incompetent but bossy people are the worst.
Working for Zoe may be sort of fun, but the long terms prospects are bad and the pay really is a deal killer.
Bobs workshop seems like quite the nice place, but I would never want to work with something like that (unless it was my only option).
Erica is a fairly good option actually, but it's also the most demanding job.
Even if I get the basic skills to do the jobs, there's the issue of what I'd like to do. I think I'd go with Madeleine. That's just dealing with people & managerial tasks that don't seem like they'd be too hard, least not if I'm trained. The job part was a major consideration here. Job-wise, I think I'd only really enjoy this one or the secretary. I'm not much for hard, impersonal work. I like my results to be something that directly influences the boss, rather than just some number of how much stuff I finished or produced or whathaveyou. I've given up on the prospect of love, so that's a non-issue. Madeleine seems pretty easy to get along with though.
Chris isn't Bob's son, he's just an employee.
I'm 23 and I don't give a fuck about adventure either. In this particular scenario, I still got bills. I'd rather not be her "nice guy" camera-boy while working for peanuts.
Zoe seems like a nice job, but pay is low so i don't know.
Roxanne job seems chill and with a potential for raise, though work romances usually end badly so i am not sure if i should. Patricia also seems nice, maybe waifu her and stay on a comfy job with nice boss and no rise, i dunno, i guess i'd just go there and see how it goes.
Middle ones are better
Oh, damn, I assumed they were brothers based on appearance
If the pay was better or there was some option for advancement (like she gets a History Channel show, since they sometimes fund urban explorer things). I'm honestly surprised most of us are focused on jobs over waifus.
Also the xxxxxx border is horrible
I need a cyoa where I trade in bf% for boons, or one that sews my mouth shut.
All anime fuckboys look the same
Really? I thought it was neat.
>unlock the powers of icecreamancy
>pick cherry flavor
>voodoo your fat away
In short you can determine the value of objects with some creativity, and often the value will be higher than the cost.
Determine objects age by radioactive decay, place of production by materials used and analyze damage.
Buying and selling houses or cars would be the best way to make big profits; you can easily figure out if renovating something is worth it or not, and you don't need to spend lots of money on finding potential faults.
If this trend continues I'll nerf Madeleine in 1.1 version. Might make her a single mom or replace the skilled chef with someone problematic.
I designed Zoe for lonelyfags who play little girl cyoas and spend points on "be cute" options. Thought they'd like her. It's basically a "have a friend" choice.
I know, couldn't find anything better in the options and was too lazy to draw my own borders
Oh, nice! I didn't think of that. Well, you deserve to be rewarded for your intelligence. It still isn't so overpowered as to fix it, though.
By the way, you can just directly ask for the age of the object. That was part of my intention when making the Magnifying Glass.
Have a pic that didn't make it into the cyoa