Stat her, Veeky Forums
Stat her, Veeky Forums
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Is this Little Witch Acadamia?
I've not watched it but all stats should be Lewd.
Yes it is. It's definitely the best anime show of this year so far, especially if you like cute spellcasters[/spoilers].
>Is this Little Witch Acadamia?
>I've not watched it but all stats should be Lewd.
And off to gelbooru we go...!
Tactical Nuclear Arrow?
at least try to get us to stat a character we know the full capabilities of.
Like Lotte. Lotte's pretty boring and invisible, she would work.
Pic related
>When you wish they'd done an Inferno Cop anime instead
They did, it was awful.
>all stats should be Lewd.
But user, that's not Sucy.
why stat that red haired floozy when you can stat Boris instead?
>implying it wasn't flawlessly ANIMATED already
Isn't Boris a male name?
not if it's short for borislava
I didn't want them to change what they already had.
I just wanted them to do more.
Bard/wizard multiclass. Later loses her bard levels because she lost her YAY, but took a figher level in order to PROTECT.
Why not stat Boris instead?
Sucy, as of Episode 13, is canonically max lewd.
You are great user!
>Lotte's pretty boring and invisible
Say that to my face and not online.
-10 yay.
Oh boy. Oh boy!
there have been even more made since somebody put together that compilation; they just haven't been added.
+20 in disguise
I still can't believe they made her a canon vorefag.
I feel confused in my pants.
Rolled 11 (1d20)
oh shit
rolling save vs. fetish
Well these got... dark
I feel like I need to take a shower.
>Female chastity represented
Yes. YES.
Would Veeky Forums actually mind stating something from another anime for me? Honestly thinking of putting it as the final boss of a big ass dungeon I've been working on. System is PF. monster is from Blood C
Blood C was such a stupid show
You wouldn't last two minutes on /d/.
He wouldn't last 30 seconds on /trash/.
Well, guro and hard vore are over the line even for /d/. Unless you keep it veiled and subtle.
Rolled 1 (1d20)
This doesn't even include all the lobotomy greentexts.
Eh, it wasn't the best but it had some decent monster designs
Anyway, here's the monster I had in mind. Party will be 10th level before fighting this, and I want to make it hurt if they decide to forgo diplomacy
Reminder that Akko has severe brain problems and her stats should reflect as such
I've been to /d/. /d/ does not include "I've disemboweled myself, now fuck me while I die."
Hell, even Takagi here doesn't, since her whole deal is she regenerates so she'll be fine later.
Eh, just having regular dump INT seems fine.
8 or 9 or something. What's the point in D&D when you are officially unable to read? She should be a little above that line.
Really only someone that hasn't multiclassed out of Barbarian
>not below
yo dickgirls is one thing but that was some cenobite-level shit. fuckin void staring right back. thanks but no thanks.
Everything in those greentexts but the gore would be legal on /d/.
Her blue form is better
And I was referring to the gore and the snuff when I talked about it getting dark.
Snuff is allowed. The only things that aren't are gore, scat, and fur.
The funniest part about gurochan is how nice everyone is.
LWA RPG for ya'll to stat her with
So is there a one stop shop I can go to to watch every episode, or do i actually have to go to /a/ to find out?
Well, that's a new one.
I guess Gurochan is like that town in the Rick and Morty Purge episode, it maintains it's sanity by taking it out on cartoon girls. Heck, that one time I TOTALLY DIDN'T go there, the wiki attempts to normalize it in that exact same manner.
Like, "oh we're a responsible place where responsible adults take out the stress of life by engaging a fantasy they acknowledge is sick and twist, but also responsibly realize it's a fantasy."
They're not wrong.
This is fantastic, thank you.
I think you can go to gogoanime for that.
We all do.
But what stat would she have put her points in instead?
If it's DnD 5E, her two biggest stats would definitely be CHA and INT.
Or DEX, judging by that one scene from the latest episode.
Has anyone actually run a game of this? What'd ya think? How does it compare to other magical girl games? IF it is a magical girl game
Probably STR and CON to reflect her retard strenght, really low WIS and INT since she was easily convinced by the faeries protesters and she's a retard
Awww yiss!
I think the other user is still thinking Chariot, not Akko.
But yeah, Akko does have that retard strength going for her.
Meant to post this webm
Best girl with best legs and best yell.
>gurochan: Bloody murder boners and civility
Sounds like a 4e Sorcerer.
>Magic comes from God-knows-where, probably Wild Magic
>Caster with INT and WIS as dump stats
>STR and DEX are actually quite important
>Really high CHA
>Proficient with staffs and daggers, can get rod proficiency if you wanna be pedantic about it
>Staffs are the only weapon which can shapeshift
>non-combat spells could just be rituals
Damn, now I wanna play Akko in a game.
>tfw you will never get Suçy to turn Akko into a cute incontinent dorky SSBBW with glasses who can't stop farting
I hate having so many kinks I could go fractal.
stat THIS!
bad post
I know my fetish is shit, quite literally, but goddamnit if it doesn't turn me on.
I hate myself for it. Every day it burns me inside.
It needs a bit of work still, but there's a discord where people have been chatting with the creator about what direction to go. There's already an update out that adds emotional conditions as HP, with various ways to heal them. On my phone so I can't post it, but stuff like getting the Angry condition and heal it by breaking stuff. All conditions can be healed by "Take comfort in the arms of a classmate" though. Upcoming changes will condense some classe and break others up, with who knows what happening to Paths and Extracurricular Activities.
Wait, I thought there was just the intro movie and the parade movie?
Anime started to air since january. Last episode is 15. There's going to be 25 and probably OVA. Go grab em.
There's a full series now. It's 15 episodes into a 25 episode run now.
Why is the animation so bad and why do people still keep praising it?
>discord where people have been chatting with the creator about what direction to go
LWA has, like, no budget. The second OVA had to go to kickstarter, and only succeeded because western fans made it happen.
Its a passion project that is more for us than for local japanese otaku. So it gets a lot of praise, because this is TRIGGER saving anime.
Think of it this way, user. When was the last time you saw an anime that wasnt japanocentric as fuck? Because Akko is literally the only japanese person in the cast, and her engrish makes it difficult for her to cast fakelatin spells.
>I'll let you be Ursula's daughter
That's actually a really good offer there.
Warlock with the Ritual Caster feat. She is *technically* Pact of the Blade, but her "blade" is actually her magic flying broom. Either a Fey pactmaster, or some weird subclass related to that giant honking gem the academy has in that tower.
>LWA has, like, no budget
Well, no Trigger anime does.
Trigger seems to get like 5% of their budget for anime, 10% for the workers, the rest is into the collective fund for cocaine, sake and hookers.
Thank you so much for this!
Sorry, I suck at discord and don't know how to do it from my phone. Will link after work though.
That's not bad animation, bruh. Pretty much anyone in the industry will tell you that the sense of weight and inertia present in parts of that webm is not easy to do.
A whole ton of the animation in LWA is really good, especially the effects stuff.
The animation for the original short film is superb (webm related), which is probably where most of the praise is coming from.
They had to spread the budget across 26 episodes, which means that the animation quality took a significant cut. It's still above average, though.
Creator here!
No, thank you! I'm glad it's getting such a good response.
I've run games of the 1e and it was pretty fun, but it had some issues. I haven't had the chance to do a playtest of the new version yet, but I'm planning on doing one soon.
Here's the Discord:
This game is intended to be very lightweight in play. While it has lots of classes to pick from, once you're in play, it's got a minimal amount of stuff to worry about.
I'd say that Trigger's approach to great animation - rather than focus on the beauty being constant even during static shots (like it happens with Fate, for example), Trigger balances out by having REALLY good action animation (unless the gag is having shit animation in the first place - like Inferno Cop or Kill la Kill's moments of limited animation) when it needs to - compare and contrast the momentum of the camera in LWA with the momentum in other series and you'll see what I mean.
They used up all their budget for that episode on this scene
It was a DC of 18. You now have 1 new fetish. Which one is it? Pick from those shown.
>Only the Sucy greentexts are on here
Phew, I was worried that my Barbara vomit greentext was going to be on there.
what the shit, fuck yes
In her shows she display the ability to polymorph freely and has a wide array of illusions. Don't know what I would stat her as.
To be fair, that one was more fluff then vomit fetishism.
Succy's degeneracy must be stopped
>hey, Akko
>do you want to play FATAL with me and Amanda's team?
>you don't know how to play?
>none of them know how either, so it would be pretty easy for me to teach you four~
I'm actually kind of mad about how the show treats Sucy. She seemed like she was up to all kinds of stuff in the OVA and was easily the most competent of the 3 with her focus on potions that actually did stuff. TV Sucy just memes about mushrooms a lot.
From one of the more memorable characters to one of the worst.
The rest of the show is good, but it just feels like they got incredibly lazy writing Sucy. Even her focus episode is just a bunch of nonsensical dream shit, unlike Lotte's nightfall episode which actually gave her some unique character aspects.
10 minutes ago, watching Granblue Fantasy.
Her focus episode at least hinted at more possible character, but they seem to not want to follow up on it.