What is his alignment?
What is his alignment?
>What is his alignment?
this thread is going nowhere.
>Stat me
5* classic
True Neutral
I am seriously interested in hearing your opinions.
I can't tell if he is neutral or chaotic neutral.
Although I am leaning on the chaotic side cause he is a cunt.
He does not really do anything out of conviction or creed.
Chaotic Neutral.
I don't get how being from asoiaf makes them not have an alignment.
Unless you are implying that they are all just chaotic asshole
He wants people to think he's CE and loves killing for the sake of killing, but compared to his brother his behavior seems almost random
I'm implying alignments and ASOIAF are both shit.
>Fuck alignment
Not an argument.
>implying that somehow saying "alignments are shit" IS an argument?
If you have to ask it's neutral
well I knew it was in the neutral spectrum cause those are confusing as fuck but what type.
Chaotic Lawful Evil and Good are easy to pick out
I think it wasn't meant as an argument, but an imperative.
He serves neither Law, nor Chaos.
He's about as true neutral as you can get.
Btw for the "alignments are shit" poster, "Imperative" means command.
Yet he serves himself and is selfish
So CN?
Although later on he he becomes more selfless.
Right Likeable Cunt
True Neutral leaning vaguely in the direction of Chaotic Evil. He doesn't actually do anything chaotically. He doesn't give much respect to the law, but neither does he break the law without clear cause. He acts pragmatically, self-serving, but not consumed with greed or violence owing to his general dispassion. He is still capable of helping others and honorable behavior, but he doesn't feel great reward in doing so.
It all combines to leave him floating in the middle, an opaque mess of someone who will do whatever he needs to, delivering both slaughter and salvation with a grimace.
Nah. He was left with not many real choices. I wouldn't hold his self-serving against him too much.
Neutral can be selfish, without the need for chaos.
I'd say he started out as True neutral, then arc'd into more True Neutral areas, and last I saw of him, he was becoming even more True Neutral (possibly even Lawful neutral-ish)
He's pretty solid TN, IMVHHO
It is kind of why he is my favorite character.
He is so hard to grasp compared to most everyone else.
Not evil for evils sake but not a good doing white knight.
Sounds like he would be really hard to model a D&D character behind.
Despite all the memes about ASOIAF's supposed grey morality, character's alignments are usually pretty easy to pin down.
>Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow are lawful good
>Sansa is Neutral Good
>Daenerys is Chaotic Good
>Barristan, Stannis, Randyll Tarly are lawful neutral.
>Sandor Clegane, Tyrion, Melisandre and Jaime are true neutral.
>Wildlings and Arya Stark are chaotic neutral.
>Tywin Lannister is lawful evil.
>Cersei and Roose Bolton are neutral evil.
>Euron, Victarion and Mountain are chaotic evil.
>Red Priestess "Burn the innocent boy alive, my liege" Melisandre
>True neutral
Makes you think
>Ned was Lawful Neutral
>Rob was an oath breaking Neutral good
>Jon is practical, more NG
>Daenery is self centered in the extreme, and given to sudden shocking violence, CN
>Sandor, TN
>Jamie is Lawful Evil
>Arya is Chaotic Good
>Tywin is LN
>Cersei and Roose are NE
The rest I agree with.
one torched brat doesn't alignment shift make
Raging Faggot
but actions speak louder than words
So, you're saying she did not have any other actions beyond that?
Victarion I'd go with Lawfull Evil. You see in all his chapters that he's very concerned with Iron Islands tradition, and is ironically horrified at Euron's cruelty despite being a slaving raider rapist himself.
True neutral of course.
You forgot Hodor at Lawful Good.
>I know a little of this man, Sandor Clegane. He was Prince Joffrey's sworn shield for many a year, and even here we would hear tell of his deeds, both good and ill. If even half of what we heard was true, this was a bitter, tormented soul, a sinner who mocked both gods and men. He served, but found no pride in service. He fought, but took no joy in victory. He drank, to drown his pain in a sea of wine. He did not love, nor was he loved himself. It was hate that drove him. Though he committed many sins, he never sought forgiveness. Where other men dream of love, or wealth, or glory, this man Sandor Clegane dreamed of slaying his own brother, a sin so terrible it makes me shudder just to speak of it. Yet that was the bread that nourished him, the fuel that kept his fires burning. Ignoble as it was, the hope of seeing his brother's blood upon his blade was all this sad and angry creature lived for...and even that was taken from him, when Prince Oberyn of Dorne stabbed Ser Gregor with a poisoned spear.
True Neutral
I like you.
Attitude 8.
Fuck DnD alignment.
>Attitude 8.
WTF is that? My Little Pony board game or something?
Reminds me of the American political system. Ha-cha-cha!
His alignment is bad writing
It's funny that despite how bad the writing in GoT has gotten, and how overhyped it is, how many actually redeemable characters there are. I find myself liking a lot of them, though most of them are ones that I'm not supposed to care about and the ones I am supposed to give a fuck about I usually ignore or find boring. I am enjoying his books but not how he wants me to enjoy them and it just makes it more endearing.
this site is 18+ kiddo
I mean, a lot of the characters are enjoyable but fuck me are the books boring as all fuck to read.
Indeed it is sport, so take your non-argument having ass off the computer and go do your homework. Your generation is retarded enough without needing to neglect your studies, even if you'll all get participation awards no matter what your grades are.
The Hound is far from written badly.
> Lannisters
> Evil
Spoken like a dirty northerner.
Imbred, child murdering psychos? Power hungry liars and oath breaking fuckwads?
Ya, evil.
Tywin was not evil for the sake of being evil.
The rest are pretty fucked up besides tyrion.
Completely agree. Undedicated to anything but trying to live and get by. A good three dimensional neutral.
Murdered his whore
Murdered his 'father'
Lies to everyone around him
Used his family's wealth to get others removed
Sent a whore to a young boy to get beaten to death
But ya, totally NOT evil. wut m8?
Tywin was clearly lawful evil. He's like the least morally grey of the family
Tywin is not a worse person than Cersei. She is by far the most disgusting Lannister there is. However, he is more cunning and ruthless than she is. She's just spiteful and childish, but she swings a big dick being the Regent.
Jamie = Tyrion > Tywin > Cersei in terms of "morality".
They guy that tossed a young boy off a high building, because the young boy saw him fucking his sister (the queen), thus breaking another oath and every law of man?
Jamie is the best of the Lannisters?
Not saying much, is it?
Kevan was a decent sort really, although a minor Lannister really.
>Sent a whore to a young boy to get beaten to death
only in the show
The cousin that Cersei was fucking is probably more well-adjusted as well. Martin is really heavy-handed with the "when everyone's an asshole nobody will be except these four people LOVE THEM" stuff.
> Stannis.
> Lawful Good.
> Not Lawful Lawful.
That Lawful Good was meant to be Lawful Neutral. Whoops.
Stannis sorta sold his soul, and broke some vows.
We gonna let him remain lawful?
True Tsundere
Devil trips
What vows? Other then laying with a woman who is not his wife. Which his wife encouraged.
Thing is, the idea that the Law is intrinsically good or even neutral is an intrinsically evil idea.
The law is an artifact of self-interest, created by people who intend to maintain their superiority over others by force. This is intrinsically evil.
There is no such thing as lawful good or even lawful neutral, by definition. There can only be lawful evil.
Fucking the witch outside of marriage, with the intent of creating a shadow spawn to kill his brother.
I already made the exception for his single act of adultry, and one act isn't enough to shift an entire alignment, especially after a lifetime of adherence to strict principle.
As for using a shadow spawn, nothing inherently unlawful about that. As for killing his brother, his brother was a pretender to the throne whose claim, which he himself viewed as a game, threatened to make the realm bleed.
Lawful as fuck, bro. The only reason Stannis resorted to killing Renly was because the law. He loved Renly.
>by definition
You mean by your definition. Thing is, your definition is wrong. If it was right, the Magna Carta wouldn't exist.
Alright then. I'll go with that.
>trying to apply real-world morality to D&D, where Good and Evil are non-abstract quantifiable metrics, and Law and Chaos equally factual measurements of reality and the behavior of individuals, to the point where there are living entities that are literally woven from Good, Evil, Law, or Chaos at their spiritual core (celestials, fiends, modrons, and chaos beasts)
Okay. Let's amend that.
>The law is an artifact of perceived self-interest.
I did forget to include stupid and/or insane people. There are certainly a lot of those.
At BEST Dany is neutral evil. All she ever does is take action to benefit herself.
>you city has laws and traditions? Well fuck that
Shit-tier DM detected
Can't Into Metaphor? That's okay, your players are murderhobos anyway.
Ned was good.
Rob only broke it for the sake of love. He still obeys every other law.
Cersei and Roose are lawful because they operate within the laws, and use them to their advantage.
She could be CN...but NE seems better describing her actions
Ned owed loyalty to the King. Yet he didn't tell the King about the surviving dragonspawn child.......
Ned lied about Jon being HIS son.
Not 'good'. Lawful yes, but more neutral at the end of the day........or possibly even Neutral good.
Rob broke his OATH. He doesn't get to be 'lawful' after that. More neutral.
He actually break his oath because he's LG
It's always interesting that you can tell show fans by how they spell Jaime.
I watch and read, but the show is more pervasive currently because the books take forever to come out, so sometimes show stuff slips into my dalliances on the subject.
The show spells out Jaime in a special way?
>Not LG
But that's fucking wrong. He resigned his post and risked being executed for treason to protest the planned assassination of Daenerys. When he figured out Cersei's kids were not Robert's kids, he gave her an opportunity to flee with the kids into exile.
People talk about Ned Stark's honor getting him killed, but they're wrong. His compassion was his undoing.
No, they never spell it out at all.
Therefore the show people hear "Jamie" when he's really "Jaime."
You don't seem to have any understanding at all of what the "lawful" part of "LG" entails.
>he gave her an opportunity to flee with the kids into exile.
Non-lawful act.
>He resigned his post and risked being executed for treason to protest the planned assassination of Daenerys.
Treason is, again, a non-lawful act. Debatably treason in that case, but the dude doesn't put the Law in front of the Good. So he's not Lawful Good.
The one who gets crazy-into-religion? (He isn't a crazy cult enforcer in the books, but he is still buying what the high sparrow is selling, up to and including seemingly forsaking lands and titles. Which, as of the end of "Dance," should rightly include Casterly Rock. Tywin is dead. Jaime has sworn vows to hold no land or titles. Cersei can't inherit as a woman. Tyrion is a convicted kingslayer and attainted. Kevan is dead.)
Which is why he corrected the alignment to Lawful Lawful.
>He thinks that because lawful good puts the word "lawful" first, that you have to be more lawful than good to be lawful good
It's literally part of the setting that comes part and parcel with alignment.
You have no idea what you're talking about if you think it can be interpreted as a DM's selection.
I'd lean to CN. she shit all over a whole societies customs sure, but that was in the process of mass emancipation. She's well meaning just at times inept and unsubtle with an ends justify the means mentality. A neutral trait.
His alignment is "alignements don't work for people or characters worth half a damn"
You do not understand alignments at all, and you are not qualified to speak about them.
To other people, Daenerys is not an evil character, or even a neutral character, simply because you don't like her.
>To other people, Daenerys is not an evil character, or even a neutral character, simply because you don't like her.
You're right. She's an evil character because she's a barbarian who destroyed multiple civilizations because they hurt her feelings
Ned's only failing via oaths was that he refused to comment on the particulars.
>Lawful Good doesn't necessitate "Lawful Nice"
No it's an opinion, why are D&D fanboys so fucking stupid? Okay it was an unsubstantiated opinion, that's what you morons are actually referring to, unfortunately you're too idiotic/butthurt to phrase it properly.
Tywin I had the love of my sons life raped repeatedly in front of him Lannister?
Dude was Lawful Evil to the max.
Those civilizations were inferior and needed to be destroyed, user.
>Murdered his whore
>Murdered his 'father'
His father was just about to have him killed in order to indulge his crazy sisters delusions, remember? I think it's kind of justified to seek revenge after that, someone tries to fucking kill you that's a pretty good justification. As for his whore she then betrayed him as well by shacknig up with his father who was trying to have him killed, it's not like he did it for no reason.
>Lies to everyone around him
Who the fuck doesn't on that show? Everyone lies (except maybe Ned Stark, hence why he lost), there's nothing special about that.
>Used his family's wealth to get others removed
Could you elaborate on that?
>Sent a whore to a young boy to get beaten to death
Assuming you're referring to joffrey he had no idea that would happen, he was as shocked and appalled as anybody. Completely unfair characterization.
>stannis's missus was a cuckqueen
And then people wonder why that meme's become so popular.
Yes I'm sure the laws against theft, rape and murder are all about people maintaining their superiority over others, the law is solely about oppressing people. What exactly are you planning on replacing it with btw?
So the idea that you have to be charged with a crime before you can be imprisoned is a stupid/insane idea? What point are you actually making?