Girls dig my cute gremlin dice purse edition :3
Girls dig my cute gremlin dice purse edition :3
I bought a box for 180. Gonna draft it with the friends in two weeks time.
Boros Charm hiding when all I need is 4 damage to win.
Threw one Death's Shadow in a bw token deck with no fetch. Also added one Angel's Grace just in case.
These fucking shitty OPs with literally nothing except some faggots idea of a funny maymay
Worst 180 ever spent.
U/w control
I've about to give up on hating tron and just give up on the matchup
Not sure yet probably some jank shit. Maybe mardu
bullshit cards like blood moon and bridge
Something mono colored to fuck blood moon faggots
>I've about to give up on hating tron and just give up on the matchup
I second this. Tron was my match up with my previous deck. I just had to give up.
Here's your reply
Esper Death's Shadow.
Not if he bought MM2 or Eternal Masters
Why? It's a fun draft set from what I've seen.
This Mardu midrange / control thing.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Blood Moon Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Board Enchantment Hate Like Nigga Basic Lands Hahaha
6.5/10 I chuckled
Public service announcement to my fellow American Modern-bros: taxes are due tomorrow. Better get on that if you haven't already.
Make sure to include any appreciation or depreciation of value of your collections on your tax forms!
Only if you sold or traded them.
I sure hope you fellas have been keeping a spreadsheet of your trades and the card values involved ;)
Reminder that if you don't you aren't a patriot.
I am a true American Patriot. I will and have always reported the appreciation value on my RWU cards.
If you were really a patriot you wouldn't pay taxes at all
Just lie back and think of Washington.
I hate that now when you look at certain cards on sites like MTGSalvation, it shows the hideous Amonkhet invocation version if it is available.
2bh I look at those things and see only $$$$
sure they look like ass. But things that people don't like (but are actually good) are the best thing to invest in.
These cards are preordering for as little as $20 + shipping on ebay, but will easily see two-fold if not three- or four- fold increases in under four years (two years, if we exclude the normal cool-off period).
I am a-okay with them. They're like white border cards. They may look bad, but there's a certain section of the population that finds them highly desirable.
>Street wraith is now a 5-10 dollar card
well fuck I was thinking I only need to get thoughtseizes and I am golden for grixis shadow but nooooooo
Hope you guys kept your old standard staples, wotc is axing modern next announcement in favor of frontier
Hope you guys are ready for a format that's actually good.
Also fuck me for ever wanting to play reanimator in pauper - not only are petals/SSGs/manamorphose money cards but also this turd too fuck.
Format is a dumpster fire, how anyone has fun playing these awful cards is beyond me
>another coco deck
How do people enjoy playing decks with so few spells? You're just cramming creatures on the field hoping yours beat your opponents
Pain lands are the budget option. Very little control over losing life, but hey, at least you've got a way to lose it without paying mana.
Try harder.
the creatures are the spells :) just look at queller and mage
>1 refector mage
>bounding krasis
>not just playing 4c rally if you feel some need to play collected company
We just need to introduce a slow rotation to modern.
Every 2 years, the last 2 years worth of sets rotate out.
Done, modern is fixed.
GB Elves with white cards in the board.
I think the format is relatively healthy, I just hate playing the same deck 4 times in a tournament. Hope to never face Anger of the Gods decks.
GW tokens with a few Sram's expertise. Tried Beck//Call, but ended up not working well, then they made the rules changes. Deck is better without em.
Reading this post hurts my head
rally get's pretty btfo by hallowed moonlight where this doesn't
I'm also playing 4 reflector mage and krassis is very nice to either buy time, get through on a clogged board or represent a combat trick.
Modern is already on a five-eight year rotation.
At the end of that period, the format dies and nu-neo-Extended begins using cards from the last two years or so.
Everything before Alara should be out of modern.
See, that's a problem. I don't want to lose 8 to 10 years worth of cards at a random time. I want a predictable, but incremental rotation. Modern's card pool is large enough that it would never be like standard.
Rotation a shit. I don't want to play Extended 2.0
part of the reason to play modern is for no rotation.
I am in favor of introducing something like extended but with longer rotations though.
It would be better to begin aggressive Legacy reprints, axe Modern, and give Frontier official support.
We need some form of rotation, or card prices are just going to keep rising. Wizards has shown they are unwilling to reprint modern staples in a relevant matter.
>somebody please help me I'm clinically retarded
>let's ruin the format so I can afford cards
Who said modern needed fixing? Modern is great.
>mfw I anger 4 amalgams
Is this a troll post? The new Modern Masters was great.
Wizards plays a balancing act between flooding the market and giving needed reprints, and they're getting better at it.
>card prices are just going to keep rising
That's not how supply/demand works. At a certain point, prices can no longer rise. They hit a glass ceiling and stop.
The only things currently rising are card that have been long overlooked. They are merely rising to meet the rest of the market.
The less messing around Wizards does, the better. They can't even balance their card game, much less regulate an economy.
>let's have the format grow stale as fuck over time, while card prices skyrocket, because I am afraid of having to react to new decks in the format.
What would this even look like? I feel like the T1 decks take a huge hit
Well there would be no tron, so it is automatically better.
>every 3 months a new set is added to the format
>B&R announcements
kys desu
>let's have the format grow stale as fuck over time
This statement has not been supported by any of your posts. What assumptions is it based on?
>card prices skyrocket
Do not exaggerate. Card prices are not skyrocketing. There are cards that are rising, but these are superficial. Most card spike retrace and see only a 20% increase.
>I am afraid
This is not an argument.
>No tron
>No goyf
>No blood moon
Could this be...the perfect format?
That doesn't mean we should jump to invalidating people's cards just because some people are unfortunately priced out.
>No Goyf
>No Bob
>No Dredge
>No Ad Nauseam
>No Tron
>No Affinity
Literally the only deck that would remain untouched is Bant Eldrazi
Imagine what Modern could be if 8th and 9th edition were banned.
I get the hate of tron and blood moon, even if I disagree, but there is literally nothing wrong with goyf.
What a mild meme. I ordered spicy.
>wanting ban enforced rotation
Absolutely not. Face it, a rotation every 2 years is plenty of time to warn people to divest, and fixes the format as soon as it happens.
See above.
I'd play it.
Ban Thoughtknot.
There's two kinds of Modern players - those who think Goyf should be banned and those who already have a playset.
Eldrazi were a mistake
If they turned Modern into a rotating format, I'm going to Legacy.
I don't want to do it, but I hate rotation.
>fixes the format
You mean rapes.
If you want to make a new format, argue for that. Needless change is needless mistakes. The best way to fix things is to make a new, competitive option and allowing the players to vote with their attendance and money.
a shitty format
Waiter, this meme is stale
2 year rotation is just some arbitrary, autistic fucking headcanon bullshit you made up. My point is that like it or not, the B&R announcements do shake things up from time to time, and you ignored the fact that new cards are added to the pool all the time. This isn't your fucking blog taking your dumb ideas to sleep with you and dream up your bullshit there.
Name a fresh meme that you didn't just make up on the spot.
By the time we can call anything a meme, it's stale.
Modern would be much better without those two, that's just a fact
Untrue. I play U/W control, don't have any modern relevant green cards at all, and don't think goyf needs to be banned.
[chortles in non-euclidean]
Actually, that's just an opinion.
it literally wouldn't but keep crying about blood moon and bridge the grown ups love your tears
the only thing that would be better is no tron
Duck you not everything is a meme you dumb nigger. Modern is fucking great right now. You and other faggots who like bitch are just pussies who will always find something to bitch about. Blame wizards for your incompetence more why don't ya.
Ancient Stirrings
Friendly reminder that if lands were cast and counted as spells, we would fix not only Tron, but Blue as an entire color.
Wizards is going to have to introduce some rotation or kill modern at some point, because counterfeits are going to destroy demand for real product.
Rise of the Eldrazi came out two years after Shards of Alara
Hahaha don't stop there, man, keep going.
>Duck you
I love when shitposters out themselves as posting from mobile.
That's the point, though. Memes are shit in the first place, but the ones here in modern general are all awful.
>I force of will your forest
>oh, that was your only land in hand? haha, enjoy not playing magic
That would turn every counterspell into land destruction.
If by "fix" blue you mean make it completely broken, then you're right.
As much as I want to agree, new sets usually have no effect on modern, or break it completely.
Thay new infinite G mana combo has the potential to send the format into a new Winter.
Eventually there are just so many cards in a format that we wind up in a situation where the format is "solved" and new cards can't change the existing decks or change them so slightly it doesn't mean a thing, OR it absolutely breaks the game like Eldrazi.
As time goes on its going to be less and less likely new decks will break out in Modern.
>he doesn't know that reserved list cards regularly trade hands for thousands.
The people who buy fakes are not, and never were, the ones supporting the secondary market.
Fakes do not matter.
They cannot and never will pass PSA inspections.
The format won't be decent until tron goes
I'm obviously not shitposting, you're the one ignoring the argument and posting smug anime bitches.
>implying there's anything wrong with phone posting
Now that's memeposting
Force of will is not modern legal.
do you even play this game?
>They cannot and never will pass PSA inspections.
You keep telling yourself that buddy. They're getting better every day, and the counterfeit protections on old cards aren't.
Guys. Does dredge needs another ban?
It's slowly creeping it's way into t1 despite bannings and it's still just as degenerate and polarizing as ever. I thought wizards doesn't want unfair decks like this to exist so why is it still a thing?
It definitely needs to go for format health.
I am okay with this
Consider suicide
I will be amazed when Chinaman starts building his own printers in order to match the ink patterns on real cards.
Counterfeit protections are surface-level indicators intended to protect the casual trader. They never meant anything.
Bloodghast is next. They've got Bloodsoaked champion already printed and disbursed as a fixed replacement.