Hey Veeky Forums I heard you like scarabs so I made you some.
Hey Veeky Forums I heard you like scarabs so I made you some
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Go back to the hole you came from. We were having a perfectly good Veeky Forums without you posting scarabs everywhere.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of all these scarabs I'm constructing.
>it's been a decade since halo 3 was released
step the fuck back, there's only one true waifu that I need
it's father fulgrim
Did someone say scarabs
I think someone said Scarabs
How to properly Necron:
>God is nowhere to be found, yet there is still so much light! Light that dazzles and maddens; crisp, ruthless light.
>Space echoes like an immense tomb, yet the stars still burn. Why does the sun take so long to die? Or the moon retain such fidelity to the Earth? Where is the new darkness? The greatest of all unknowings? Is death itself shy of us?
I dream of the damnation I have so amply earned, stolen from me by the indolence of God.
This is how you properly Necron.
While you post a dead Veeky Forums meme. I will post a Veeky Forums meme that's in it's half-life.
Tau waifu is all one meme.
ain't that the truth
I miss Da Blue Grot
Oh god dem hips.
Xeno is the hippiest Phaeron.
why is he looking at that weird fishfaced creature with anything but an overwhelming desire to purge the xenos?
>not stealing everything that isn't nailed down, the nails holding things down, and the things that were nailed down
Do you even Trayzn the Infinite
Begone, you filthy xenos, you are vile and hideous.
If I could go back in time, I'd find the people responsible for Xeno and Cultist, and punch them in the dick.
Joke's on you, I don't have a dick.
Trayzn is Necron Nobby Nobs confirmed.
Ah yes, many know of the destruction caused by the Great Ork Waaauughs that plague this galaxy, but much less known are the dreaded Necron Reeeeeee.
Few ever seen these in action, and even fewer have lived to tell the tale. Those who have beards witness to such a horrible sight, describe attacks from these unholy xenos filled with fury and zeal seen only His Divinity's most Glorious Angels. These attacks are always heralded by a cry that may only be described as "Autistic Screeching".
The cunt, then.
I Want there to be porn of these two together.
Not because I Particularly want to jack off to it, Though that can change very easily but because I I just want to see Thunder Psyker's reaction to it.
I just want to flood Thunder Twitter with lewd images also want to post more evidence of Stubbs victory in Kaurava so he stops saying BS like "gorgutz won Soulstorm"
>White skin
kitten is black
forced meme is forced.
40K is a forced meme, get over yourself.
He looked more like super ridiculously bronze to me.
Though that might have just been the fact that he was glowing at the time.
Oi m8.
Gorgutz, Angelos and Macha all come back.
And I aint seein any Lord "I lost 100 baneblades" Stubbs.
>I hate original content
>become a bitter old fag and hate everything fun
That's just sad.
That's where they come from, isn't it?
Because he is occupied governing Kaurava system for the glory of the Imperium
I just hate shit original content. lel randumb speech impediment kaptoored eet fhor kayoss is garbage however you look at it.
more likely ikely golden bronzed like the siddharta
Flare is the true waifu and mascot of Veeky Forums.
It's surprising to know there's no porn of her, from what I've found.
She is to child like. It would feel weird and creepy.
It's mostly just guro and diaper porn
>lel randumb speech impediment
It's meant to mimic the fucked up speech of cultists from DoW, so not actually random, there is very much a reason for it.
That did not stop some drawfags from the olden days.
That was literally just one guy.
Great, so you'e described one issue with a completely different character.
Like that ever stopped loli fags.
Just release it on PC already, come on dammit.
I was talking about both of them, you tosser. Don't even try to pull that shit.
Don't worry, this is not canon.
It's time to bring back this corpse.
>I hate original content
>lel randumb speech impediment kaptoored eet fhor kayoss
Your complaint is literally, "I hate Cultist-chan's speech impediment," that has nothing to do with Xeno.
>waifus in 40k
the grimderpiest franchise overflowing with hypermasculine british 80s judge-dredd parody memes, but you horny retards somehow slap an anime snoutface moeblob on a robot skeleton and then fap to it. Sickening.
She's got a war face, too.
>We /kino/ now!
>This triggers the Blood Ravens
Nice video.
She sprang out of a quest about a stranded tough engineer or technician or somehow ended up merging with necrontech.
Fine. "Oops, I scarab'd in my pants!" is garbage however you look at it.
One joke picture and a drawfag with a diaper fetish does not exactly a defining characteristic make
I wasn't even aware that was a thing, actually. Fucking gross.
>Rule 34 in action
>Fucking gross.
I think you're on the wrong website.
>not being turned on by a disgusting fetish
>hurr, u in da wrong neighborhood
Go be triggered somewhere else.
But being triggered right here is more fun. REEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!1!!ONE
40K has always had shitty anine waifus you cuck and tau have always been the shitty anime waifus race.
Name three.
What do I win?
>I hate waifus like Xeno and Cultist
>40k had always had waifus
>Like who?
>Xeno and Cultist
I think you missed the point of this exercise.
Flamestar or whatever her name was
The Sisters of Battle started off as a man's personal harem anime and a pitiful ripoff of Dune
Pretty much all Eldar
Callidus assassins aka another Dune ripoff
What so I win?
Fuck you don't know old Eldar lore. Or more likely are just a super babby who hasn't been alive for very long.
Go back to the crib, babies are not ready for the world.
>The Sisters of Battle started off as a man's personal harem anime
>I have never been to Catholic school: the post
They were literal whores for some corrupt dude before they became battle nuns.
Some of them are STILL political whores since they're the Bene Gesserit and Fish Speakers rolled into one.
>Fuck you don't know old Eldar lore.
You mean that they were so lewd they spawned a hemaphroditic shota? That's like 12 animemes at once
Xeno, blu, cultist, etc.
Partrician Veeky Forums content
>I have no idea who the Daughters of the Emperor were
Fuck, I'm old.