Anyone get a copy of this? Seems like it is getting pretty good reviews and seems to be gaining steam.
Anyone get a copy of this? Seems like it is getting pretty good reviews and seems to be gaining steam
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It's an FFG game, so:
>there'll be high production values
>there'll be a metric buttload of extraneous dials, tokens, and whacky dice
>it'll be well balanced, with solid rules and no broken combos
>it'll only ever be in stock three times a year, when the stars are right
Take all this into account before buying in, because even for FFG, it's a bit expensive.
Wish people would stop shilling this shit
>>it'll be well balanced, with solid rules and no broken combos
The core set will be well balanced, but you'll find yourself needing to buy expansions you don't really want at all because one powerful upgrade card is in there.
You forgot
>you need to buy atleast two starter sets. No because you want or need them but because it is crucial to have two or more copies of certain cards and the only way to get them is with the starter set
>You need to but shit unit and/or expensive (in money) model for the same above reason
It's shit. Broken combos in starter terrain rules out of ass and on top 4 factions total - wow. This will die horrible and fast dead when GoT from CMoN hits. Cancer product
Have you played it, or is this just theory? I've played my fair share of FFG games and whenever they spoil an upcoming product people cry that they've found some OP shit IN THEORY, but 99 times out of 100 it doesn't amount to anything when you actually play the game.
Just a thery based on reading the rules. For instance - you get terein tokens - and set up cards that tell you where to put them - but what if i dont want to use terrain tokens but acctual terrein ? Im forced to model terrain EXACTLY as those tokens to be tournament viable - shit
2 thing - upgrades and cards. I dont think this will be as much of a problem as it is in armada but having to buy 4 boxes of something because 1 upgrade is OP is to much of a money grab for my taste.
Also - factions seem to pley exactly the same - 1 rank and file 1 racher 1 cav one monster for all 3 factions ... come on bro - where is the variety !! ? ?!
>when GoT from CMoN hits
Fuck you wow moron
I was interested in this product right up until I saw it was D8s, fuck D8s they don't roll properly I can't fucking stand them.
Tried a demo game this weekend, the game plays well. Not convinced by the human set but I'll totally pick a couple of undead starter sets and split with an human player.
Played last week with a friend who was really trying to sell our group into it. If you don't like X-Wing you're going to hate it. The dial and movement mechanics are clunky as shit. When a rank and file game is mostly about proper positioning of your units this becomes a problem.
>rank and file combat
>not about proper positioning of your units
He said it doesn't work so well. What's so hard to decipher about the sentence?
>come on bro - where is the variety !! ? ?!
Hiding with your grammar
Also GW has the same 'problem' with the sylvaneth forest.
Solution: build on a base exactly the size of the forest. MDF guys will probably sell these bases soon if the game is going anywhere. Also who cares if you're not playing casually anyway? How is this in any way broken?
Upgrade cards are good in general, but bad, if you are forced to buy kits just for specific ones.
Variety is obviously not there right now, because only the basic units are released, it will most likely be added though. I mean even right now you have this golem and the worm thing and different characters and different special rules. Also just like in every r&f game you'll have r&f infantry, some ranged unit and cavalry for every faction.
I mean I won't buy into this, because I think the models aren't worth their money, but come on. You are whining about tt wargaming basics. Maybe you should stick to x-wing or boardgames.
This is incredibly autistic, but also incredibly true.
Never did I see Warhammer Fantasy and think "You know what this needs? X-Wing movement dials."
This is pure fagotry - Main selling point of this game - for me - would be no power creep and different organized play then GW and PP has at the moment. I like what they are doing with X wing and Armada - I like rank and file more - but the movemnt in this game is so shit it died before it hit the shelves
Anyone optimistic about this pice of crap sell me on the movement
>wow moron
>from CMon fan
Holy shit.
So much this. This is the reason I dropped X-wing. I love(d) the game when it first dropped, and it was really fucking cool. Enjoyed the combat. But when it just became an arms race I gave up.
Admittedly CMoN are AMAZING for easing normies into deeper games. I have Arcadia Quest and it's been a hit since I got the KS. Literally played every meet up, so much so it got to a point where I had to designate a friend of mine to run it so I could actually play other games.
But those same people I've now introduced to other games; Imperials Assault, BSG, and even easing them into so Euro games with hopes of having some for GloomHaven
I'm KSing gloomhaven now - its a blast
I think GoT from them will fill the void that WFB left. Massed battles with rank and file minis. Sadly runewars had a chance and blew it because movement had to be copy pasted from different game :(
eat this stupid kid
It seems utter shit given how hard FFG tries to shill it. Probably wouldn't survive on its own merits.
Also, the usual unbalanced money-grabby schlock, wait for the second/third expansion then it might become playable.
Models look like shit.
Models look very good - have this WoW cartoony feel to them - I like it. One thing that bugs me is the strange move rules (why the fuck I cannot move like 2.3 inch I MUST go 3 or 2 or 1 ...
>Game looks like next big thing in local area
>Only two factions are Undead and Generic Humans
>Elves and Chaos not coming for at least 6 months
>Other Fantasy races confirmed, but probably won't be out for years
>So no faction I'm interested in collecting and playing
Feels bad man.
That's exactly how I feel...
I second that !
Your taste must be down there with a Chipotle public toliet if you think thosr minis and designs are good. The art is especially atrocious.
What kind of factions are there in the lore?
Picked it up, painting my dudes. Gonna have my first game tomorrow to give it a try.
I don't understand the movement system.
Or rather, I don't understand why they applied that movement system to a rank and file infantry game.
>Generic Vanilla Humans
>Generic Vanilla Undead
>Generic Vanilla Elves
>Generic Vanilla Evil Horde