>fifth edition
>DM says roll stats in front of him
>3d6 down the line
>Str 11, Dex 12, Con 5, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 11
>must keep
What can I make this?
>fifth edition
>DM says roll stats in front of him
>3d6 down the line
>Str 11, Dex 12, Con 5, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 11
>must keep
What can I make this?
Moon druid
Make a Thief, die in the first combat and reroll.
make a stoner character that only wants to smoke of his wizard pipe and scowl at monsters.
>3d6 straight in any post-2e edition
>rolling stats in any post-2e edition
You should find a new DM, because your current one is more of a retard than your character.
If you insist on continuing, cleric or druid with a lot of buff and utility spells. Pick Variant Human to get your Con to a nearly-stable 6 while bumping Wis to 15. If your character and game survive, put ASIs into Con until it reaches 10, then Wis.
Alternatively , but make a wizard and run into the nearest enemy.
Be heavily armored fighter.
Senile cleric.
You can make like a tree and get the fuck out of there. No gaming is better than bad gaming and with a retarded DM like you have it is going to be bad.
Scarred half-orc witch doctor.
If he doesn't at least let you reroll Con and Int, then fuck out of there and find a DM that follows the 'below 10 reroll' rule.
>Not somersaulting out of the room when your DM told you to roll for stats
You brought this on yourself.
Only game in this middle of fucking nowhere town
>rolling stats in any post-2e edition
Are people actually trying to make their players roll for stats in 5E, or is this just the lame new forced meme for April 2017?
Moon druid if you actually want to help. Otherwise rogue or monk or something so you can die quickly.
Of course what you should really do is walk away.
A quick exit.
Rolled 2, 4, 4, 3, 6, 1, 6, 3, 5, 2, 6, 5, 2, 5, 6, 5, 3, 6 = 74 (18d6)
Here have my great roll bro, Its on the house
With the Internet the middle of nowhere is as close as Roll20.
And again No gaming is better than bad gaming. At least with no gaming you can be doing something more fun with your time.
Fuck you can even start your own game, with blackjack and hookers.
Good answer. They are almost wholly stat independent, at least in the single-digit levels where their Wildshape is effective.
>2, 4, 4
>3, 6, 1
>6, 3, 5
>2, 6, 5
>2, 5, 6
>5, 3, 6
10, 10, 14, 13, 13, 14
Half Orc Fighter, pick a shield and heavy armor.
Play the heroic and altruistic type and naturally sacrifice yourself for your friends.
Then die and be glad you get to reroll.
3d6 down the line has only ever worked in pre-3e editions because of how the stats work, ie anything below a 15+ doesn't matter but doesn't hurt either. That your DM is so retarded he either can't recognize WHY that method was acceptable then and not now (mechanics changed), or that he is so retarded he blindly clings to tradition despite it being a completely different game (or wants to appeal to the authority if equally retsrdd grogs he probably cocksucks on some forum or blog) is more than enough justifucation to exit the game and never look back.
This is someone who never read the rulebook of the game he is running, or worse, read it and did not care. So I repeat, DO NOT PLAY IN HIS GAME!
I have my players roll. We use 4d6 roll-then-rearrange though. And one time 1d20 in order, but it's probably better if we don't talk about that
You are hosing them still, but not as badly as OP. I would allow an array or point buy if they roll worse than what it provides.
I personally run for a 6-man group.
So what I have everyone do for stats is that that each person, including me, rolls 4d6 drop lowest. That gives us seven stats. Then drop the lowest of those seven, mark the low roller as "unlucky" and the high roller as "lucky" in my notes, and let everybody arrange the resultant stat set.
I like it because it means we get rolled stats, which some of my players are nuts for and we all find fun, but also means everyone's on a level playing field.
4d6 drop lowest, or 4d6 keep everything?
What does being lucky or unlucky entail?
Just that if I need a plothook relating to luck or unluck, I already know who I'm using.
Party needs a push towards checking out the nobility so they'll stumble across the plots of the League of Evil Butlers?
Well, maybe the lucky guy happens to have a run-in with a drunk lord who's throwing around invitations to his wedding. The party nearly gets poisoned, and now wants to know who was murdering who.
Or maybe the unlucky guy gets framed by a passing butler for some nefarious misdeed. Not because he actually did anything, just because the butler looked at him and thought "Yeah, fuck that guy in particular". The party proves his innocence, then turns to figuring out who framed him and why.
So you turn the plpt against the fuy who rolled the worst?
Isn't that kind of bullshit? Punishing the player because of RNG?
Rolled 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 6, 3, 3, 1, 6, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 1, 1 = 60 (24d6)
Try this roll from Murica
It sounds to me like he makes the highest roller unlucky, so he has the best stats, but worst luck, and makes the worst stats guy lucky.
5e is not the kind of game where you should be rolling 3d6 straight down.
>I'm a power gaming faggot that needs every ingame advantage i can get
Rolled 2, 4, 4, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 4, 2, 2, 6, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2 = 61 (18d6)
Let's do this.
STR 10
DEX 12
CON 10
INT 10
Your way to a different game where your GM doesn't force you to keep fucking awful stats in the game where you should have a 20 in your primary by level 4.
Str 4, Dex 5, Con 9, Int 11, Wis 7, Cha 11 and 13 dicks in your murica ass, because he said 3d6, retard
Rolled 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 1, 6, 2, 6, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 6, 3, 4 = 61 (18d6)
>Wanting to actually participate in the game is somehow power gaming.
Yeah, alright.
Str 10
Dex 8
Con 14
Int 9
Wis 7
Cha 13
Bard or fighter I guess.
I'm careful not to make it have any real direct consquence on them in particular.
In the "framed by the butler" example, it wouldn't go
Framed -> arrested -> in prison while the other PCs investigate -> trial -> freed
It'd go more like
Framed -> accused -> NOT arrested, NOT in prison -> all PCs investigate -> all PCs present findings to the guard -> acquitted
It does, I'll admit, sound like picking on the guy, but in practice it's worked out as "You botched the rolls during chargen, so here's some extra spotlight".
>I can't participate unless I am POWERFUL AND HAVE GREAT STATS AND STUFFZ!!!!
Mkay Mr.Faggotpowergamerfaggot
>You can totally play a character with ones in every stat! Stop whining and learn to ROLEPLAY!
What the fuck do you even call this? When someone goes so out of their way to avoid any kind of optimization whatsoever that they end up playing a useless cripple, just because in their own twisted logic they've convinced themselves that being good or exceptional at anything is somehow a bad thing.
Anti-gamers? Reverse-optimizers? Shit man, I dunno. I don't get that sort of attitude.
feral druid
You call them "People with permissive DMs".
See, if the GM lets backstory and narrative trump stats and rules, then a character with trash stats is still perfectly viable. Not because the game says so, because it don't and to it they ain't. But rather because the GM has said that having fun is OK.
But then they conclude "Hey, I had trash stats and played a monk and was a help to the party and that means all the people saying that bad stats mean a bad character or that the monk is worthless are all just powergaming play-to-win faggots". When in fact, having trash stats means you're a drag on the party and being a trash class means you're a drag on the party.
Enlighten our powergaming asses on how you would play 'Murrica's array of Str 4, Dex 5, Con 9, Int 11, Wis 7, Cha 11 and still meaningfully contribute in and out of combat in a way that is not metagaming due to your terrible stats? Keep in mind you have the common sense of Chris-chan, so weak you can't even carry a tune, get sick fairly often, and have to wear a helmet due to lack of coordination. I'm sure your average intelligence and people skills will carry you far.
Not that fag, but I'm up for a challenge of my 3.5 op-fu.
What level?
Are these stats before racial adjustments, or are they after the racial mods for whatever race I choose?
Drop lowest obv
This reminds me of an idea that I've really besn wanting to try out.
Everybody rolls 3d6 in order. They can then trade stats amongst themselves. So if you roll a 6 dex, you can't switch that with your 15 str, but you can trade it to the guy who rolled a 14 for dex.
It's a sort of cooperative character creation, and it seems like it would be a fun team building activity. Theoretically everyone would end up at the same level, because both the extremely high and extremely low stats get passed around.
In practice I feel like my group just wouldn't trade with each other and try to hoarde whatever rolls they got.
>See, if the GM lets backstory and narrative trump stats and rules, then a character with trash stats is still perfectly viable.
Then why bother with stats at all then? In fact, why bother with any sort of rules if everyone's just going to ignore them?
As a young skinny boy. I dunno, 9 years old. or something. With potential to grow.
Found the freeform faggot
Rolled 4, 5, 6, 2, 5, 3, 6, 3, 3, 6, 2, 5, 2, 6, 4, 1, 5, 1 = 69 (18d6)
Why would a frail 9 year old go adventuring at all? Who in their right mind would let them tag along? Outside of sheer GM fiat, there's no reason for that character to be in a party of any kind.
Uh, chummer, you might want to reread that.
There's likely no reason for most of your powergaming group to be together.
As for a kid?
>adopted by group
>child of one of the members
>hired to keep him
>found floating in a fucking basket
>saved from being eaten by goblins and his parents are dead
Now, give him a couple magic items and some stat growth, and he's fine.
give him a -2 penalty to certain skills, but give him 4 ranks (6 with a feat of focus), and he's still at a +2-+4 to use said skill.
But you won't...because you're more interested in a +4 ring of dex or str, going to your half demon/half drow bard/assassian/mage, in getting a +4 to his already 22 dex.
Or am I mistaken?
>There's likely no reason for most of your powergaming group to be together.
If they're all competent in their respective fields, then it could at least be assumed they're a mercenary company who are all being allowed along adventures because they can actually earn their share of the gold.
It's not the most exciting motivation, but for an otherwise blank-slate character basic competence is a big driving factor.
Who in their right mind is going to take a kid into a dangerous dungeon with them where they'll be risking all their lives trying to protect them. Why are they going to load him up with magic items when a single magic item getting sold would be enough money to hire a fucking babysitter like this kid needs? Hell, you could probably hire a tutor so that when he's an actual adult, he'll have moderate intelligence enough to become a wizard.
Why does every other player have to bend over backwards and act out of character for their level of Int/Wis just to justify your stats being applied to a child?
>There's likely no reason for most of your powergaming group to be together.
Congratulations! You missed the entire point! Which was that a character needs to be at least somewhat competent stat-wise, otherwise they're a burden on the group as a whole. Nobody likes to babysit another party member. It's not fun, and anyone who forces a group to do it, whether it's the player who makes a retarded cripple because "muh roleplahy" or the GM who has to shoehorn a crap character into the group because they insist on rolling your stats, is an asshole.
>Who in their right mind is going to take a kid into a dangerous dungeon with them where they'll be risking all their lives trying to protect them.
In what way is he needing protected due to lower stats?
He can stand back and shoot, or cast CHA spells (for bard or other cha class).
Yes yes, you're a powergaming fuckwad that must have all 18's, or you feel 'weak'.
We get it faggot.
Either the DM doesn't understand the system or this is a bait thread.
>DM is a notorious minmaxer
>Read somewhere that the most optimal statline for players would be 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16.
>"using these static numbers, please choose an applicable class and race, "
I'd recommend you start by learning to play.
Ain't nuffin wrong with what he's doing.
>In what way is he needing protected due to lower stats?
The fact that he has a Con penalty and a Dex penalty means that the first time anyone swings at him in a fight he's probably going to trip over a rock and die.
Monsters don't just politely ignore short people standing in the back of a fight, especially if they're flinging spells. Except instead of a Wizard who has a degree of magical training and might actually accomplish something significant with his spells, you're letting a child be the frail person you have to protect.
It's all of the glass with none of the cannon, except worse, because your typical Wizard would still probably not be as glass as that.
It would be better for everyone if he stayed home and they brought along the NPC Village hunter who was all 10s except for 14 dex and just shot arrows all day.
And why, pray tell, can the child not be slinging spells?
>The fact that he has a Con penalty and a Dex penalty means that the first time anyone swings at him in a fight he's probably going to trip over a rock and die.
>What is armor
>What is HP
>What is Toughness
My group rolls for stats. 4d6, drop the lowest die, 7 times, drop the lowest score, and then place those scores where you want.
because a spell slinger MUST have a min of 18 to cast anything.....otherwise, the spell caster is totally gimped and useless.
>What is armor
something a wizard doesn't have. At best he's got light armor or mage armor, which relies on Dex, and therefore takes a penalty.
>What is HP
Miniscule being level 1 and suffering a penalty from negative Con
>What is Toughness
Something that won't matter considering the stacked deck against him
Why would the party want to bring this waif along for their perilous romp? He can't cast spells worth a shit, hit worth a shit, survive worth a shit, has poor skills
Make necromanncer that only uses undead to deal damage
Why would a child have a dex penalty, anyways?
>Y-y-you're still a powergamer!
Just admit you have no goddamn idea what you're talking about and we can move on. You've already been btfo'd by multiple anons and now you're just crying about how no one agrees with you. You aren't fooling anyone.
I know right? these faggots dont roll with all threes. Fucking plebs.
Your undead don't key off int so you'll be fine
He can, he'll just be worse at it than any actual professional magician. And of course there's the fact that most spellcasting actually takes time to learn, so unless you make him a sorcerer then you've got a weird child prodigy who has gone through several years of Wizard/Bard training at this point?
>What is armor?
Something spellcasters don't get overly high amounts of, and is negated by his terrible dex
>What is HP
The same as above, but lower due to his Con
>What is toughness
A feat you're spending to make him marginally more survivable instead of getting focus on skills like the guy above suggested, meaning now he's contributing even less to the fight except he's slightly less of an annoyance to protect.
I mean, just imagine this kid walking into a dungeon. He's going to be making a racket, because he doesn't know how to move quietly. He won't be able to spot an ambush until it's already upon him. He's going to need someone to carry all of his supplies and him up cliffs or other things, and odds are he's going to just get shot by a single arrow and get killed without doing anything.
Unless the entire party has a max of 7 Int/Wis, nobody should think this is a good idea. Why do you support child soldiers and the killing of them user?
Try to keep up, we're using the amazingly awful array that we rolled up thread with a 4 STR and 5 DEX.
I was assuming we were talking 5e, in which case a 14 would be the minimum I would expect from a professional dungeon delver.
He doesn't need to be the greatest mage in the land, but being better than the average townsperson seems like a good starting qualifier to go on an adventure.
Ask the DM to run Swords and Wizardry or Labyrinth Lord instead
See The array was The child part was suggested to help explain how low all the scores were. It doesn't explain why it's 'Bring your clumsy 9 year old to the Goblin Warrens' day
Play a fighter that thinks he's a paladin and be basically don quixote
Ok, then people need to stop implying that the trash dex is because of an age penalty.
Nobody was implying that
The only reason the whole child thing came up in the first place is because the "muh ROLEPLAY" retard was using it as a justification for his crap character, as if that somehow made it better.
Rolled 5, 1, 3, 1, 6, 6, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4 = 44 (12d6)
I preffer to make them start with a base 6 across the board and then roll 12d6 in order adding every two rolled numbers to a stat.
The lowest stat you get is 8 and the highest is 18.
Average is 12 so barely anyone will roll a useless character.
Watch me.
12 Str
10 Dex
18 Con
13 Int
14 Wis
13 Cha
>Pick your muscle-wizard.
Never really posted in one of these threads but...
I stopped playing 3.5e/Pathfinder years ago because it's a system entirely focused on dungeon crawls and heavily encourages people to make optimized characters using point buys. People play it like it's some kind of wargame rather than a roleplaying game, and that's not what I want.
New DM wants to run a game in Pathfinder for some reason, I'm not going to make an optimized character at all and I'm going to have fun. We can choose between rolling stats 4d6d1 or using point buy. I chose to roll. I have a 5 in one of my stats and I'm okay with this.
Pathfinder/3.5 seems like a system that people hear about, try out, then when they hear about other systems they move on and never look back, or that they stick to forever and end up talking about optimization and how much damage their level X character does on average.
>I stopped playing 3.5e/Pathfinder years ago because it's a system entirely focused on dungeon crawls and heavily encourages people to make optimized characters using point buys. People play it like it's some kind of wargame rather than a roleplaying game, and that's not what I want.
Cool story bro.
>New DM wants to run a game in Pathfinder for some reason, I'm not going to make an optimized character at all and I'm going to have fun. We can choose between rolling stats 4d6d1 or using point buy. I chose to roll. I have a 5 in one of my stats and I'm okay with this.
The hilarious thing is that it really doesn't matter unless you tank a stat your class needs, or are playing a class that's so shit it needs all stats.
And if that's the case, you're fucking over your group.
>Pathfinder/3.5 seems like a system that people hear about, try out, then when they hear about other systems they move on and never look back, or that they stick to forever and end up talking about optimization and how much damage their level X character does on average.
Cool story bro
>I have a 5 in one of my stats
The powergamers will now explain how your charc is hopeless and lame, and will destroy and drag down the entire group, and possibly destroy all RPGS. If you enjoy that, you're having fun wrong, and should die.
Yeah, those fucking powergamers that expect a person to have a stat above 11 to offset their 4s and 5s. How dare they not want to babysit the special needs child I made?
Oh shut the fuck up you salty little bitch.
>Not having all 18's and above
>needs babysitting
Since we're implying..
I don't entirely blame the players desu, they're not 100% wrong. The system and the scenarios seem to be created with a power level in mind, and almost entirely around combat/dungeon crawling and not much actual roleplaying.
Combat encounters seem to end up levelled according to the power level of the players, or at least what is 'supposed to be' the power level of the players rather than what makes sense. You stop seeing low level creatures because they're not a challenge, you don't see high level creatures because they will destroy you. Things like that bother me, it's like when you're playing Oblivion and you realise that as you level up, the bandits have suspiciously better and better weapons and armour until eventually you see bandits in daedric and ebony armour. If everything else is getting stronger as you level up, do you actually gain any power?
I didn't say what my other stats were.
Have a couple neg's on your stats?
You're totally hopeless and will RUIN ALL RPGS if you attempt to roll with it.
Skill ranks make up for a lot of stats, and feats do as well. But if you have a negative.....you simply must kill yourself and start over.
This is serious shit.....play a pc with a neg on a stat, can and WILL ruin RPGS forever.
You're warned.
Did I say 18? No, I said 11.
>18 16 14 12 10 8 (in a stat that doesn't matter)
That's what powergaming looks like
>14 12 11 10 8 6
This is what basic competence in a specific field of adventuring looks like
>11 10 8 7 5 5 4
This is what you're implying is totally fine and not a burden on anyone else
And the best part is, you're advocating for the rolling system that can give you all 3 of these in the same group
You know what?
Fuck ALL of you, I'm cutting the gordian know because you're too 'tarded.
Variant Human, Illusionist Wizard.
Statline is now 4,5,10,12,7,11. Put the feat in Alert if you're afraid of your party members conspiring to leave you defenseless, or in Lightly Armored if you want less-bad AC.
Illusions don't grant saves until interacted with: Thus, not being a mouthbreathing 'tard allows you to execute BFC without granting saves. Thus, you never need to roll to hit and your save DC never matters.
>you either have 18's
>or 3's
Have a couple plus's on your stats?
You're a total powergamer and will RUIN ALL RPGS if you attempt to roll with it.
Skill ranks make up for a lot of stats, and feats do as well. But if you have a positive....you simply must kill yourself in real life.
This is serious shit.....play a pc with a plus on a stat, can and WILL ruin RPGS forever.
You're warned.
^This guy right here gets it
But but but stats dont matter when im role playing!