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Fyreslayers Edition
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Slaanesh when?
crazy strong ranged army formation for SC, steam punk dwarves with mortar combo from hell, Tzeentch disk riding craziness, kurnoth spam.
all this new stuff makes my legacy stuff seem really terrible by comparison.
You forgot stormcast jezzail spam
You made some good modifications user. I like it. Good luck in the tournament!
Thing is, the Necromancer and Vampire Lord spells are very powerful. I'd wager that it's better to keep shooting these off rather than summon (which is unreliable anyway).
What is your legacy army?
Hurricanum mortarfire
Reposting my new and improved Death list:
Merged the Ghouls and Skeletons into bigger units, added in the Carin wraith, and dropped the Bone Giant for a mortis engine.
Honestly, its a tough choice between the Mortis Engine, and The Bone Giant, along with whether or not I focus on big beasts and mages vs Lots of infantry like pic related.
Keep in mind, I am using the Varanguard comp for tournament play, despite it being 1500 points. So only 2 Behemoths, and 2 Battleline.
Although, I think this works out well for me, since that caps the Treelord/Stardrake/Thundertusk spam as well.
Forgot the pdf
Thanks user!
Just bought 6 stormfiends for £52. Only two have the warpfire projectors so does anyone know how i convert the other 4 too have them?
Just tell your opponent "all 6 have warpfires" and they wont care
a shitty one
Believe it or not you can still match that cheese with compendium, just not every compendium army
Cool explanation bro
that's true. Tomb kings do just fine.
what made GW think bells and rats go together well?
Thunderers (5 for $40) and Gunship ($50) for pre-order on Saturday.
The line of reasoning is essentially rats spread plagues and plagues are associated with bells.
Whats the point of staggering the model releases like that? To milk "shipping" costs or what?
To stop people from chimping out about "no releases".
I don't know about other countries, but here in germany, you don't pay shipping costs if you order for more than 50 euro, and considering that the first and apparently second wave were more than that, i don't think that's the point.
Someone was asking in the previous thread so here's the most recent hinterlands rules.
Builds hype and spreads releases out over a longer period, making it seem like theyre releasing tons of new items every week
That was me! Awesome, thankyou :)
Does any Sylvaneth player run Sisters of the Thorn to buff Dryads or somebody? Curious how you like it/how effective it is.
yeah but i would like to put the actual warp projectors on the model.
do like me buy 9 box just to field 9 stromfiend with warp projectors
if you put them with a packmaster then he can buff them as they have the moulder keyword.
What the source ? I want piiics
Glory! (we really need more CD support lol)
>5 for $40
That'll pretty much guarantee you won't see 40 mortars in casual play
Ordered a Warchanter off of eBay, was supposed to arrive last week (April 12th), but it's been stuck in In Transit limbo (meaning no one has scanned the package since then) since the 11th.
Is it too early to contact the eBay seller, since I can't get USPS on the phone at all?
Never ever
anyone know what counter the sky dwarfs yet?
>tried out the Blades of Khorne book
>had a Skullgrinder with 6 attacks and reroll 1s to hit/wound
>Reavers with 4 attacks and rolling two wound dice per hit
It's pretty good, my guys got shot to bits but the survivors really pumped out the dice.
Tell them you pissed into their beer.
So me and my room mate want to get into AoS. I already have some skaven from back in the day and we are looking to start lizardmen, the enemy of the skaven. We want out list to both be strong but also pretty evenly matched so one person is not always winning. However, it would be nice if these lists could hold their own against other armies if we take them out to play against others.
For the skaven we have
40+ clan rats
a screaming bell, warp lightning cannon, and doom wheel
20 monks
Tons of giant rats, weapons teams, and ogres.
For a 1000pt match we are looking at
Screaming bell 260
20 clan rats 120
20 clan rats 120
doom wheel 140
warp lightning cannon 180
We then have 180 pts left over. I am thinking
2 x warpfire thrower weapon team
1x poisoned wind mortar weapon team
We could also add a warplock engineer or gutter runners or something.
If we want to expand the army I am thinking of getting a vermin lord (which is the best?) and some storm vermin.
For the seraphon we want to have a skink heavy army.
Skink priest 100
Bastiladon 300
stegadon 260
10 skinks 80
10 skinks 80
5 Chameleon skinks 120
1 razordon 60
If we wanted to expand the army for higher points I am thinking of adding some ripperdactyles for the skink patrol and another box of skinks. Maybe a skink starseer and skink chief. If the stegadon or bastiladon work out well we could get another one of those too.
So, how do the lists look? Keep in mind they are written by someone who has never played age of sigmar. Any advice on how to expand each army? I am worried that because skaven are chaos the lizardmen will wreck them hard with all their anti-chaos stuff, but at the same time skaven have so many mortal wound applying weapons that maybe the skinks on dinos won't be able to handle it.
Skullgrinder is fun when he goes off, even if it's rare.
Speaking of Khorne, I'm gonna pick up some skullcrushers and I'm wondering about weapons. Glaives look cooler, but I thought I heard axes are better. Is the difference that drastic? I usually model first, but if one choice is bad comparatively, I might do the other.
Have GW discontinued their Skeleton Warriors or are they just getting a rebox?
Reminder that the Grundstock Thunderers are probably only going to have one mortar, so you're going to need a lot of money to pull off the Khemist + mortars combo
Bastiladon is strong, as is the shadowstrike host with 6 ripperdactyls.
I prefer glaives, use Prayers and abilities to give them more attacks and rerolls.
They are either getting a reboxing, or just restocking.
They never moved into the last chance to buy, so I don't think they are being discontinued.
Good to hear, I'm hoping we might get a 20 model box with a slight reduction like Chaos Warriors got.
I'm thinking a reboxing with round bases, and containing 20 for about $40
>as is the shadowstrike host with 6 ripperdactyls.
stop telling people this
Ripperdactyls are bad and Shadowstrike is a waste of points
Daemon Prince Of Nurgle (160)
Daemon Prince Of Nurgle (160)
Great Unclean One (240)
Epidemius (180)
30 x Plaguebearers Of Nurgle (300)
30 x Plaguebearers Of Nurgle (300)
10 x Plaguebearers Of Nurgle (100)
3 x Plague Drones Of Nurgle (220)
3 x Plague Drones Of Nurgle (220)
Tallyband of Nurgle (100)
Total: 1980/2000
So should I not regret making Terradons instead of Ripperdactyls? Or are they both bad? Since from what I've seen it looks like Rippers can shit out damage if the toad is nearby.
I can also recommend the only competitve way to play seraphon (skinks in a mixed order list), but that is not helpful for the question, is it?
I think rippers are better. 3 do about 20 wounds before saves. That is enough to kill a 10 wound 4+ hero instantly earning its points back. Basically if you pick your target you will always earn your points back.
>Get Skullgrinder to 6 attacks
>charge a carnosaur
>carnosaur saves 1 and just avoids being pummeled to death
>my Skullgrinder warps into a chaos spawn
>waddles off and kills a skink priest and a bunch of saurus
And then my Bloodwarriors killed the carnosaur anyway so all in all it was a good day.
>plagues are associated with bells
...are they though?
How do you guys rank stegadon vs bastiladons vs carnesaurs? If I bought a stegadon and then the crystal from a bastidon would you guys let me play it as a bastidon? I don't want two of the same big model.
Sounds like you and me had the same idea, my skull grinder died before he could turn into a spawn though.
Well specifically with leprosy but in fantasy fiction, especially all things warhammer, they are just generally associated with diseases and plagues.
Why did GW axe good looking relatively new sculpts like the Necrosphinx? I want conversion bits for my Thousand Sons.
How does khorne deal with eternal starhost with 2+ refillable saves?
No idea, never faced it.
I assume my best option would be to try and mortal wound them to death.
Works best on combats involving single units and if you can buff their armour roll all the better.
If you use it on a unit in a multi-unit combat your opponent will attack the other unit, naturally.
Needs to be rend -2 or higher as they ignore rend -1. Even then they have 4+ refillable which is pretty good.
They basically realized they couldn't copyright ancient Egypt. So they axed the tomb kings in order to focus production on IP they could defend.
ratling guns are more fun. tons of dice to roll.
Anyway you can just paint the tips of their weapons green/fire . It will look fine from a distance.
what is the correct way to interpret this rules interaction between these two units?
Does Khorne have reliable moral wounds? If not then focusing the heroes is probably your safest bet. If they're completely surrounding all their heroes then maybe just avoid fighting them dead on? They lose their damage bonus if they move so you could use that to your advantage.
I need an Eternity warden so I can do this but it never goes on sale. I doubt it will go well anyway since everyone I've played against at my "local" GW have mortal wounds out the ass and always destroy me. I want to win too..
Stack em, roll of 6 does a mortal wound, then you get to roll your dice for the buckler.
I swear theres some guy who says every seraphon battalion is a waste of points whenever someone posts a list.
Ripperdactyls on the other hand are complete fucking garbage and anyone who tells you theyre better than terradons needs their fucking head examined.
since mortal wounds proc on "6 or more" does the Dance of Death make mortal wounds proc on 4+?
Kirby's rotten brain.
Can you explain why they are terrible? Assuming both will only live one turn the rippers will deal more damage.
You mean when they axed the faction that nobody spent money on they should have kept the new sculpts that nobody was buying?
People keep saying this, its not true. The tomb kings IP had plenty of unique characteristics that made it as copyrightable as any other GW range. You think skeletons, vampires and ghosts are more unique than undead pharoh-led skeleton legions?
The axing of TK was purely down to the fact that nobody ever fucking bought them, so much that it was a meme at HQ. People only want them now because you cant get them anymore.
>it was a meme at HQ
Oooh, we got a GW HQ insider here!
>no rend
>rule of 1
>Reliance on toad that enemy units can easily move out of range of
Just compare the warscrolls, terradons do mortal wounds (unlike most else in a seraphon army), do a lot of ranged damage with their bolas and then do an okay amount of damage in combat. Theyre more versatile and less situation dependent.
Rippers were good when they werent limited to one extra attack. That was their thing and now theyre shit without it.
Yeah, a 4 would count as a roll of 6, a 5 would count as a roll of 7 and so on. That's some good synergy there.
Seems limited though. You can only cast Shield of Thorns once per turn, which can be unbound. Sisters of Slaughter also don't seem particularly fast or tough. They could easily be neutered by shooting, before getting into close combat.
I heard that in some book there's mention of an "Obsidian Monarchy" that could be a reference to the AoS version of Tomb Kings. That's all I have on that though....
Hello, I was reading the wiki and was checking out some battalions, now I'm wondering about Attendants at Court.
>>Yes, you may use your summoning Command twice per turn. And all of that for stuff you want to field anyway! (Or use the Death Book Ghoul King for a devastating +2 to Hit and +2 to Wound in an 18" bubble, which from experience is quite devastating.)
The summon costs reserve points, right? I can only use it for free when my units were wiped out before as far as I know. And what is the Death Book? I can't find anything about it.
Skaraac the bloodborn could probably take it on
Rend -2 along with 2d6 attacks
In the GHB, it says a Mournfang Pack (unit size 2-12) costs 200. Does that mean it's 200 regardless of the amount I take in a unit? Or 200 for the base two, meaning 100 per model?
Bastiladon is best at defense
Stegadon is best at offense
Carnosaur is overpriced
slaughterpriests with the d6 mortal wound prayer
use the battalion that lets you reroll prayers
Every Seraphon battalion is a waste of points
The bonuses they offer are straight up less valuable than bringing more units
If the battalions cost half as much they would be worthwhile, but the 120 points for garbage battalions like Shadowstrike could be spent on 2 Salamanders instead.
Ripperdactyls would be fine if they cost 120 points. At 140 they're a "why bother?" unit, especially since Terradons exist
200 per 2 guys, must be bought in 2's.
What do you guys think of chameleon skinks? I am not sure if they actually do enough damage for their points.
Real footage of a girl playing our game
We made it boys
In the Vampire Counts warcrolls pdf there's an old version of the ghoul king with a +1 hit +1 wound command ability.
The answer to your question is also in the GHB.
Waiting for the grognards to start screeching that AoS is an effeminate game for nu-males.
Literally just Bloodletters.
They are cheap and can drown them with mortal wound if you give them some bonus to hit.
Why do so many women play Seraphon?
Obviously fake.
even girls think dinosaurs are cool
Dude are you serious? Seraphon are about the cutest thing you can put on the table and the Start Collecting! Seraphon box is the most romantic product GeeDubs produces.
>2 Salamanders instead
I assume it's situational, but would 2 Salamanders be better than 2 Razordons? The Razordons seem better defensively and more consistent, but maybe if I didn't have the points to take the handlers Salamanders would be better? I'm not really sure.
Seraphon and skinks are CUTE.