>Are you going to Vegas?
>What will you be taking?
>What will you be hating?
>Are you going to Vegas?
>What will you be taking?
>What will you be hating?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What will you be hating?
You OP. You and your shitty threads and shitty questions.
>We heard you loud and clear. You remembered Nationals as a multi-format celebration, and we're going to bring that back.
>The formats for 2017 Nationals will be a combination of Standard Constructed and Booster Draft
Pretty much everything that can outrace me
Stay petty. I could not care less about these events you're on about.
>MM2017 still in stores
>Team Modern GP just the other week
>dead format
>no support
You rang?
>Standard-fags: the post
Here's your (You). Don't spend it all in one place :^)
Daily reminder
>daily reminder
...that your graphic is trash
Wouldn't surprise me if it was copypasta with Legacy replaced with Modern.
You don't have to be -that- fast to outrace knightfall
>We heard you loud and clear
Except Wizards didn't hear the part about everyone hating Standard and switching to Modern.
I hope you remembered to pick up some copies of Stony Silence from MM2017...
you're going to need them.
Just like when they killed Extended, I fully expect a few years from now everyone to be all "Modern was a shit format anyways" and "Nobody enjoyed playing Modern"
What card(s) should be banned? I'm curious about others opinions on this.
Right now? Nothing. If anything they should unban something.
>inb4 Tron
>they should unban something.
That's the spirit!
>We heard you loud and clear. You remembered Nationals as a multi-format celebration, and we're going to bring that back.
They didn't hear jack shit.
They heard the cries, but it only fueled them.
It's only good until the 4th panel
Well, the last panel is agreeable.
what kind of an effect would you say mm17 had on prices
Overall positive (as in brought prices down). A few cards that went up will probably come back down a bit after the buying frenzy is over.
Nope. All of the smart, well informed, REAL Magic playing 20-somethings bought a playset of everything while they were cheap. They're spiking like a rich kid at his 4th FNM and won't come down because why would they?
>why would they
Supply and demand. Demand becomes high when sets like this get released and then falls off.
The best time to buy was definitely during the dip, but prices will peak and then slowly fall off until they stabilize.
I think a Street Wraith ban would be hilarious, but there's nothing that actually needs it at the moment.
Unbans would be better.
Go look up the price of an Invocation Force of Will on Ebay. Pretty expensive right? Now look at finished listings. Common sense does not apply to Magic.
I'm not basing it on common sense. I'm basing it on historical precedent from past Modern Masters sets.
A reprint and a masterpiece are not the same.
An expedition map ban would be funnier.
MM1 was out of the blue, no one really knew what to expect and Modern wasn't that big before it. MM2 was complete trash. Taking any precedent from them is hairy at best.
Oh the things retards laugh at
Is there anything more fun than rubbing lotion on your hands before a match and then cutting/shuffling your opponent's sleeved deck when it's time to?
I don't think you know what the word fun means
I mean, not like globs of it...
I'd call a Judge and ask them to shuffle instead, pointing at your lotioned hands when they ask why.
Oh, come on, it's funny. Someone did that to me and I noticed way after that there was lotion on the sleeves and a bunch of them were stuck together.
>not covering your entire body with vaseline before you come to the LGS
You're not even deep enough into the fetish.
Hell, you might even get disqualified for shenanigans like that.
>a fucking 2 mana version of an already terrible card
>but muh cycle
Daze reprint when?
reprinted in the duel deck
not Modern legal
>Daze reprint when?
Daze would make Grixis Death's Shadow T0.
Why do I enjoy playing against every deck that isn't fucking Tron?
Because you have a problem.
you are a right, they should just reprint FoW
Veeky Forums, can someone feed me the skredpill?
>slam blood moon
if you want to play spicy meme cards, form of the dragon and obliterate
I would have to essentially kill Koth to play it, when I could just emblem Koth for a win instead
If you're losing on board, koth uptick does nothing and they kill him
thoughts on WR Prison? I love decks with blood moon
Skred never loses on board, that's the point
Eldrazi and death's shadow are pretty hard to deal with
If Death's Shadow has come out, you should have saved enough burn to deal with their life total (if Death's Shadow has actually become a threat)
Eldrazi fall fairly decently to Skred itself and Boros Reckoner combined with boardwipe
For the most part, creatures are the least of Skred's worries
That's why DSJ will force you to discard all your Koths
>when someone saves and posts your meme
It's a good feel senpai
What does this mean again?
Dark steel juggernaut, the card that pushed affinity into t0
Pls stop
Thoughts? I Want to build this or mono green stompy soon.
Senpai, don't build creature aggro.
build actual little kid junk and not this budget garbage
I know creature aggro isn't great in modern, but that's why I play burn. I just wanted to have a second cheaper deck that I can take when I don't care about winning and just want to turn shit sideways.
List por favor?
is infect ded after the gitaxian probe ban?
Dead? No
On life support? Yes
Someone always fucking asks every thread. Yes, infect is dead, like an armadillo on the freeway or Robin Williams.
It's not fun
there's a sample list in the article further down but it's taken from a two year old article and needs updating for the current meta.
Personally I'd add the full set of smiters and wilt leafs just to try and counter the prevalent discard right now and probably add some number of scooze to hate on the GY a bit G1. The sideboard needs a complete rework but that should be obvious for a 2 year old deck. Could probably run blooming marshes too to cut the cost a bit.
Is there a reason Lepore didn't play Glint-Nest Crane in his Tezz list?
Fun is subjective dude
thanks user
After last thread, I'm interested in putting Knight of the Reliquary into a deck somewhere. Knightfall looks way too slow, though.
Any other homes for this bad bitch? Maybe GW Hatebear minus Leonin?
Thank you modern general
I'm a fan of 2 cranes and 1 kingping
Crane is the closest thing blue is ever going to get to an artifact-only ancient stirrings. Crane is a mostly efficient way to durdle in Tezz so I don't mind it
HateElephants is a solid gameplan in this meta, Todd Stevens has been jamming it to decent success.
>but what about the Tron MU?
4 Ghost Quarter 4 Rallier 1 Crucible, alongside Knight and Courser.
Much like how U/W control is running the package with 4 Seas. The boon of 2c decks is running 4 ghostquarter+crucible these days.
Seriously, fuck turn 3 karn.
She's too slow in other decks imo and I strongly suggest you play knightfall if you want to play knight in modern. Deck is a lot of fun and isn't as fringe right now. It also builds fairly nicely into other Bant decks
No. The turbo version is much better. I like frank, but he did a poor job with the deck too.
>simple questions
>legacy style shit copy paste op
>"pretend I put some shit here"
I know what I'll have, fuck off to the legacy thread. Maybe the first post could do with a metagame, but we all know what the fucking meta is. Maybe we could have rules, like no X-is-a-vintage-level-card-posting, or "no bitching about the OP if you aren't willing to make the threads better". But I'm literally not seeing you suggest anything, so post something constructive or fuck off.
Should I order my Liliana of the Veils? They're at a pretty good price right now and I don't see them going down anymore, but I also am not really dedicated to any individual deck running them. But I kind of want them.
Joke's on you, Brandon
>getting my name wrong
it's Brian, fuck off
Stop forcing this meme.
So I'm play a rather hobbled together list of R/G Valakut that does not include oath of Nissa not do I have through the breach in any capacity. Is there a good list somewhere and should I be playing these aforementioned cards? Also, is 4 explore not good anymore, been out of the game for a year or so.
I havent bought chink proxies since some time last year, whats the go-to seller right now?
Villa Zheng
you're going to get shiny as shit cards
Anyone less obvious?
>tfw want to build living end as a third pet deck but dont want to spend $120 on fulminators
Play scapeshift with Prismatic omens. Explore is good there with khalni heart exp
not on print quality. go watch his youtube and come back
just sleeve that shit up tight and it's fine
What if. What if. Guys. What if, guys, what if we use peek instead of gitaxian probe?
>costs mana
Are you dumb?
Surgical extraction then?
Is the goal to see hand, remove threats, or lose life?
to see hand
Know of any lists, because I'm am unoriginal cuck