ITT: Things that make you oil your robes
ITT: Things that make you oil your robes
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Is that thing looted?
Yeah, I just noticed that.
I enjoy that is has a giant power cable out the back, as if there may be an enormous 3 prong connector it's plugged into on the base.
I'd hate to be that infantryman advancing within yards of the doomsday cannon's target.
Ew, the only thing worse than 2010s GW's CG artwork is BL's HH artwork.
it's from an only war adventure, it's a sonic (IIRC) weapon based ordinatus, looted then recaptured by the guard in the campaign
Get this blatant tech heresy off my Vox-waves!!!!
>oiling your robes for the worst tactical dreadnought variant
>Cogitates erotically
Brain-cogitator-implants clearly can't fix your poor taste, it seems.
>With Heat and Iron and Industry we'll purge you from this world,
>you will Sunder, Melt and Shatter from the bolts of wrath we've hurled,
>and upon your ruined end our blood red banner stands unfurled.
>Our Might has come online!
Would a looted Ordinatus minor or a looted Warlord be a bigger catastrophe?
anyone know of any instances of looted Titans or Knights in the fluff?
warlords are better than the Ordinatus minor, they get two of the exact same volcano cannons, plus all the other grubbin's but I don't bout controlling it, maybe they put a weird boy in it?
Knights too, they have to rewire the brainy bits, orky know whats arnt they same.
Your fetish is bad and you should feel bad.
how about an Ordinatus Major and a Warlord Titan? I remember in Mechanicus an Ordinatus one-shot kills a Reaver, but the Dias Irae then blows it up.
Also, I ask about looting because in the Space Marine vidya they are concerned about the orks looting a warhound, so obviously they think it could happen. But they could be wrong.
Ordinatus Majoris, as a rule of thumb, are the most powerful weapons in the Admech's arsenal Barring of course, one-of-a-kind whacky archeotech a forgeworld might have buried away. But each one is different because they're each specifically designed to conquer a specific challenge (thus why they're all named after warzones. They're named for the warzone of their birth.)
Unless of course BL changed something when I wasn't looking, in which case I'll just concede and got get draw into a fluff debate.
Good taste my man.
>OC donut steel
>good taste
You get to fire the thing in the mission mentions (assuming you're successful). Being outside of the firing compartment when the weapon goes off deals slightly less damage than being shot by a lasgun, and anyone without proper protection is deafened for a week.
Why would you do that in the first place?
Always fun to see primitive machinery
I see heresy in that picture.
There is a tank that makes sense. Bottom center
Looks like a Baneblade.
Too small compared to the guardsmen, the turret's too wide, flat and forward, and the cannon's too long.
Nothing gets my loins moist quite like Space Communist war machinery T B H
I find it quite interesting that Ordinati are much more "weapons" than titans are - Titans are a lot of things, they're big religious objects, the manifest will of Mankind and the Omnissiah, they've got their Legio history, they have very strong machine spirits, but the Ordinatus are pretty much just big guns with little in the way of frills.
Ordinatus Major might have alters and fanes on board, but they're still mostly just support systems for big guns - which, unlike the multi-role Titans (which are always doing something, even if it's just guarding a temple) are made for a single purpose, and often sealed away afterwards (and inevitably fought over when people re-find them).
They are also a rare example of genuine innovation - they're solutions to a problem that the admech designs mostly from scratch, and most are unique.
I know where that's from.
>sneaky looting
Reminds me.
I have yet to see anyone realize that pic related is actually a heretek.
We are generally unused to orks or heretics displaying subtlety
What do you mean? She's just a normal... oh... now I see it
>xenos tech
interestingly, the ad mech seem to consider Necrons archeotech not xenos - in the books they have an unhealthy interest in them.
Are you sure she's not just running Linux?
Looks like the turn x
I always thought the designs for the giant walkers in WH40K were pretty stupid. Like, if they're that tall and are bipedal, they must fall over a lot. And then they don't have good arms or anything to help get them upright again
>Barring of course, one-of-a-kind whacky archeotech a forgeworld might have buried away
Linux = no owner = anarchy = chaos = heresy
Don't drink the /g/ kool aid.
Despite the general dodginess of bipedal designs in the first place, 40k does it okay, with acknowledged super materials, big feet, lumbering tread and religious reasons for being human-like
This seems familiar...
They see them as machines, effectivly ascended over the boundaries of species, ignorant to the unliving hell being a necron is
Every Forge World has a billion tons of random shit they dug up buried away, and Mars especially is only using the top few layers, there's ruined levels several Hive Cities deep below all of Maris. It's full of rogue servitors, scrapcode, fucked up DAoT nonsense and rarely something useful. Those useful things they do find are often enough to start or end a dozen wars, doctrinal or otherwise.
Likewise, each Forge World has it's own arsenal of the Magi's personal bullshit and their own specialties, which means that a Synod war meeting is basically a Cape muster from Worm, with a giant pile of varied and deadly bullshit. The Forge World uniques tend to do stuff like setting the entire Damocles Gulf on fire, or having a damn good go at closing the Maelstrom. Even the Magos ones can be pretty insane, Telok made an army of resurrecting crystal mimics who shot lasers and gave the Black Templars a hell of a hard time, and then nearly took over an Ark Mechanicus without outside direction other than "attack". Cawl managed to rez Guilliman, etcetera. We don't get those toys on the tabletop outside of the Heresy shit, where we can just loot superheavies from almost anywhere, upgrade them with BS4 and a selection of other shit for a pittance and bring them along as toys to battles. I'm making a Magos Biologis whale-airship Stormbird myself.
Could be a Fellblade variant for round turret. Or Bane/Shadow-sword for the long-ass cannon.
You should go for a biologic-titan
Sort of a bio-daemon titan
oh shit oh shit
I did think about it, since I had some preserved bones from clearing out my granddad's old house a few years back, but I decided against it because the whale is basically a blob of resin that's easy to augment and edit. Building a proper bipedal walker would be a tremendous pain in the ass compared to buying, respraying and editing a £45 model as a base for the Stormbird.
Also I don't particularly like how titans look, since their sheer height makes them not fit in with the rest of the army at all, the limit is about Knight-sized. The Stormbird is lying flat and flying slightly lower than your average flyer, which means it doesn't draw the eye to about 60cm above all the other shit and doesn't have a billion details on every side to get right.
Also, there's more room to shove gubbins and dakka on something that isn't entirely limbs, cockpit and armour plating. Even the Warlord has 8 guns, the Stormbird has that plus an Orbital Strike for a third of the points.
Holy fuck, civies in Warhammer not being dicked with.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
Where do I insert dick?
Why does fanart of Space Marine armor look so much better than official art?
Get in the cockpit and poke the controls until you find something sensitive.
user, thank you. Belly laughs!
Titan in the back taking a breather. He'll catch up.
Can you imagine being one of the civilians on that bridge?
Can you imagine the fucking scale of everything?
Shit like this gets me rock hard.
Ever imagine what parades during the age of the Emperor would be like?
Fuck, I bet every time the Emperor looked out a window in the palace Terra went into full Mardi Gras mode.
>they must fall over a lot. And then they don't have good arms or anything to help get them upright again
Titans do get shot down, maybe not destroyed but being down does count it being out for the fight until the Imperials can get Ships to crane
I imagine the Emperor, who had such great social skills and built his personal base under a mountain range, probably loved the nonstop rocket-launch grade noise outside his window 24/7-365.
I don't like the non beetle Warlords. I think the new design is awesome and can't wait for 8mm versions. Warhounds, on the other hand, I think the oldschool literal wolf is the best.
Reavers are pretty lame all around.
I love Lucius Pattern Warlords. I don't mind the new Mars-Pattern Warlords, but there's just something about those Lucius Warlords that just does it for me.
>I had some preserved bones from clearing out my granddad's old house a few years back
that's fucked up
How good do you think (at least Space Marine-tier) bionics are in 40k?
They tend to always look pretty clunky, but in 40k that could either mean it's a piece of shit or it's jammed full of so much tech-wizardry that it's bursting at the seams.
Incidentally I love big, pimpin' bionic eye replacements. All the glamour of an eyepatch without the disability!
It breaks my heart that droids and their potential for culture is never explored in Star Wars
I was always triggered by how people treated beings that were clearly completely sentient as completely disposable tools.
Like fuck, why even give them the capacity for that sentience to begin with?
Range from 1980's Camcorder level to x-ray vision and laser beams.
Things that act sentient does not mean they ARE sentient
Well, my (rather limited) knowledge of the greater Star Wars lore says that few, if any, droids are intentionally given sapience. Rather, it comes from the accumulation of learned experiences combined with glitching code to make a unique personality.
This can be prevented with memory wipes, and I always thought that spelled the perfect setting for a droids civil rights movement.
Dude i fucking love this book
Question: What kind of music would an Ork use while shooting the Looted weapon at its target?
Anyone else here just love this model? It looks great and it's great on the table.
>$50 for 45pts
oh boy that entier series had the coolest fucking ideas, they litteraly had bats that shat needles at boats to rip apart any signalling flags and retarded crew as well as airships made from giant whale things.
That throne room mech was the epitome of style
Ooooooo m8 this get my toaster USB hard as rockcrete, the ancient Mata Nui machines are the only things that interest my cogitators now.
>Literally nothing on the omnisiahs red planet can compare to this beauty
The shape
The sleek design
The tightness of the ports
The sound of her cooling fan
This is why we exist.
i got myself the box with the entier extermination cohort last week as my first 40k models and im so hyped to paint the dragoon cuz its litteraly cavalry but instead of a horse its a guy whose legs are the strider legs and his arms are the claws at the front, and this guy is being ridden by another guy with a fucking taser lance