Why is REQ mooing again?
Why is REQ mooing again?
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Bogdanoffs made the call.
I just sold it
Nice Trips! Because it is ahead of schedule, has a great purpose, good whitepaper, y combinator backed, audited by QSP, and the future is bright. This coin will be at least $5 by end of year.
Oh and it typically pumps before the bimonthly post which is this friday.
REQ is going to give some people lambos at some point..for real thought it is a real product with a goal and a team behind it
I just want to thank you and your kind for the gains, bro.
you think there are any partnerships coming up, and insiders are getting in early? I mean with colossus out what else could there be on Friday? Im a holder btw so I'm just happy to see it moving up whenever.
Im optimistic but please explain how it will go from 29 cents to $5 EOY?
dem quads and trips in one thread tho. anyone wanna roll some dice for price speculation? next trips determines end of Q1 2018 price. Quads is end of 2017 price XD
$5 EOY
$5 EOY
I bought in under 10c get baited
req the coin that is literally purposeless and overvalued
Feed it grass, will moo right away
this ran off andcant explain himself either im sure
Only retards and memers believe $5. Hopefully these retarded swings and pump and dumps will stop soon and then i'm thinking a nice 35c floor EOY with bi weekly pump and dumps of buying rumors and selling news hopefully increasing a long the way.
Any major news like getting listed on a different marketplace /major sponsor/Good upcoming news will get a major pump and a new floor it. Hopeful for $1.50 by Q2 2018
Testing my luck.... $10 EOY $.$
that would be like what, 10 bil marketcap?
I could see $5 in 2018
Bitrex incoming!
You think this is the friday announcement?
It will be 100 dollars by this time next year
dude its gotta be, there is so much hype its fucking insane. Imagine being able to buy shit on amazon with bitcoin. Im glad I dropped my stinky linky for REQ
> because it is the best coin.
maybe, maybe not, but another exchange is long overdue
I have an assload of money on both CND and FUN. Which should I convert to REQ?
Its literally dumping as we speak, stop shilling it you dumb pajeets.
No way, but this coin anytime posted has been gaining more and more traction. Accumulate now
This pisses me off I need to waste precious energy to even bother checking
it perks up every other week cause of the Friday news
this is nothing new
lol you think biz shills got this coin to top 100 market cap.
lol... jokes....
get REQt, but seriously this is when you buy as it dips
quads of truth
bro, I'm fucking killing it in this thread
tell us EoY price please
2100 sato.
meh idk, I bet they announce a partnership on Friday or an exchange. $1-$2 seems reasonable to catch up with skateboard meme OMG
If REQ takes off then ZRX should too
Most people are hyped about it because they're marketing it as Paypal 2.0. And there's talk about how REQ will be worth 17x of its current value if it taps into a mere 5% of Paypals yearly revenue on $10 billion, based on Paypals marketcap of $83 billion.
The thing most people don't seem to consider is that REQ will also tap into a $600 billion cryptomarket in which it's supposedly hard to cash out of, by making it extremely easy and quick to turn cryptos into fiat.
I've got 70% of my stack in this thing, and intend to hold on to them for at least a year, and probably longer.
Im all in on req, but what do you think about diversifying into ZRX, and Quantstamp?
m8 PayPal's market cap is 88 billion
More like Venmo, but w.e. Still visionary, but this is a long term hodl.
83,88. A slight slip of the mind since I looked up all the numbers more than a week ago. My point still stands.
lol yea right I wish. I got my money on being listed on bittrex or bitfinex.... hopefully lol.
Paypal will just buy them. Like they did venmo.
If REQ realizes all of their goals PayPal and Venmo don't compare.
but not 1st jan
Thing is, their goals are years away
I wouldn't mind that at all. We'd still have our tokens, and we'd shoot towards the moon a hundred times faster with PayPal behind the wheels.
Although I doubt that'd happen. But if it does, good.
Luckily they are rolling it out in stages.
>years away
Check out their roadmap. They're already way ahead of it, and they anticipated to reach their current end-goal by Q4 2018, which is exactly one year.
It'll shoot up in price towards then as the Great Wall, Stonehenge and Colosseum is launched in Q1, Q2 and Q3 of 2018.
If there's ever been a retirement package being shilled on Veeky Forums, this is it.
you are completely off, no one here explains what request actually does
so im gonna do it once and summarize it
req is a network that gives the user multitude of finance tools
1. payment requests, it will give you the option to pay for anything you want, with anything including crypto,bank account or credit cards.
for example, you send a request for your property taxes, you send fixed amount per 'x' amount of time. the city hall accepts your request. same thing can do done for everything ranging from freelancers to institutions.
its basically like western union or azimo but better.
2. offer financial tools like tax calculations,auditing,accounting.
it also takes care of fees automatically, whatever they may be
3.it can handle changing payments, for example like down payments or student loans that accumulate interest
its nothing like paypal, it even uses paypal to benefit its users
this, i get this crazy feeling, like, did i change universes? Is this it? Every paycheck im dumping into this. Patience will pay off huge
In Q1 2018, the first iteration of Request built on Ethereum and working on the mainnet will be released and you’ll be able to:
>Create, send, and pay a request in BTC
The BTC requests will be massive if you think about it
For example:
Bitpay will process $1B this year
forget the paypal comparisons
just being a legit decentralized bitpay competitor will cause REQ to be successful
think about it... instead of relying on bitbay, companies will be able to bypass the middleman and receive bitcoin payments themselves by integrating request into their systems
and thats just a small subset that request will be able to do
it automates everything finance related.
you can even run your business using req
Most obvious thing, its backed by YC and their biz practicies are ruthless. Along with their partnerships with coinbase, and qsp. Obvious moon mission
just a guess?
Someone tell me why I shouldn't skip next semester of school and work full time and just put everything into REQ. Already have 5k REQ btw at 12c
but you should
school is important, user
Order of importance:
REQ, school, work, bitches
just dumped another 200$
i hold 9 different coins and this one feels like the one
this is it bros, we are going to be rich
10k or you're not making it
i missed the boat when it was 0.06
have some mercy user
REQ goes through phases like this where it appears to be manipulated by a huge whale boot that uses you to make profit while accumulating. It is a very scary bot. It will bait fomo then dump. Watch the books.
I've noticed the same trend
>he didn't buy during the mass shilling below ICO
sorry for your loss user
why's it matter when it is a moon shot from here. let the bot do its thing
Not a chance. Adding ERC20s to an exchange like Bittrex is a huge pain in the ass.
REQ plebbit subscribers is going up 400 - 500 per day. Feels good to know even normies can see the value in this coin.
thats why we'll be straight on normiebase in 2018 and skipp bittrex completely
LOL he thinks a big exchange wont take time to add the biggest money maker since BTC and ETH.
the state of biz is worse than communist china
newfag detected
just because I'm new doesn't mean my opinion isn't worth anything
What is the actual purpose of the req token? Like I know it gets burned with every transaction, so eventually we're gonna run out of REQ? Pls explain
it does when you voted for Clinton you street shitter. "my opinion is important" go back to your safe space cuck
not in your grandkids lifetime
Oh im holding for sure. I've read the white paper. As a CPA, I know how revolutionary this is. I'm all in.
Supposedly there's a formula built in that gradually decreases token burn over time. It would take generations to run out. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong.
REQ is currency agnostic. Meaning it will eventually convert any currency - BTC - ETC - USD into REQ to process payments for merchants. It also keep records of those purchases for tax purposes. So if crypto ever gets a real world use case, this will be the token every fucking normie in the world will use to buy shit and pay for shit.
it would take an astronomically long time for the REQ to run out
im so excited. Please god be real. So weird how its possible to go from reading things on a mongolian basket weaving forum to driving a Tesla.
projecting this much
I don't know why people hesitate to invest in REQ. It's the only coin wanting to become a usable service. All tokens can convert between currencies, triple fucking entry accounting, and fast exchanges at low prices. It is a no brainer.
It's because REQ tokens have no purpose
wrong. the token will only be used for running the network.
people that don't own req will still be able to use it, their fees will be spent on ether/gas
Doubles or beyond and train leaves without you
So if I'm understanding, let's say you were gonna start a business over the REQ network. Would that business need to stockpile a bunch of REQ so customers could send them payments?
Or is it more like there'll be another layer between the business and REQ, and then this layer spends its token stockpile to compute the business' transactions, taking a small fee from each one?
Gets doubles
11 is my lucky number
1911 significant year
you fail
Why are you so stupid. Companies and governments pay REQ for the fucking platform, it's tokens are valuated against whoever trades and the more profitable they are the more that shit grows you stupid idiot.