Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Healers! Healing in combat, for real, not just a Wand of Cure Light Wounds/Infernal Healing. What's your favorite way to do it? Oradins? Vitalists? Life sphere? PoW medic?

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I want to play a XIV scholar!

You catfucking rat bastard.

Which Overlewd apps would be best for a seeious-minded game where everyone still has fun?

What Overlewd app best fits the Level 1 start of the campaign?

100% honest, probably Lucius, Allanz, and one of the other male apps. Less certain are probably gonna be Cijiska and Crytha.

I like healsticks, though. Of Infernal Healing.

Is that just a euphemism for the penis?


As much as I appreciate things that are cute, yuri, and kemonomimi, what the fuck user?

Oh, so a lot more fulfilling than you penis.

Nobody here understands the actual rules of the game, so they default to what they know: anime thirst

What's the best class to prestige into Chevalier?

I'm hesitant to say Fighter, but it seems like anything else would have its progression stymied too much to really benefit from the class.

So you want to play as Eos, huh? Everyone knows she does the real healing.

Given how shoddy the rules for the game actually are I can't say I blame them.

Anything, really. Cavalier or Swashbuckler can be a good idea if you want to stack up lots of single-target damage.

merciful healer cleric reporting in.
My fav way to supply healing is a little spell called blessing of courage and life.

> For as long as the effect lasts, the target receives a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and death effects.

>AT ANY TIME while the spell is in effect, the target can choose to end the spell as a swift action for a burst of healing energy. The target loses the saving throw bonus, but is healed of 1d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +10).

>cast this on a barbarian prior to raging
> barbie can sac the spell to get a cure light wounds while raging.
>barbie can also do the same just before coming out of rage if below 0hps to auto stabilise himself.

Tru dat.

I thought about Cavalier, but I thought controlled charge may be a bit invalidated by cavalier's charge. It's not a terrible choice though, especially with Boon Companion to make up for mount progression

Daring Champion + Chevalier = 2x[your level - 3] + [your level] in bonus damage.

can someone explain to me why we're using pictures of generic anime girls for /pfg/ threads now?

Okay so the players are stronger, so you give the goblins and bugbears more levels to make them a challenge.

Do you see the problem there?

Now? What are you new?

Because cluttering up the board with dueling threads is worse than tolerating a dumb anime girl OP.

persistent shitposter who won't go away

Okay, you're not wrong.
But the longer you go without PMing them, the more likely that you're not going to set up ANYTHING at all. And even if you do get in together, chances are it's never going to go anywhere unless you actually talk to someone.

Fuck you

how many modern hospitals do you see in your pathfinder campaigns

those outfits aren't even setting appropriate

why the fuck are we using half naked catgirl nurses to represent our general

what the fuck happened

this shit has nothing to do with pathfinder

god damn


Frogposter shoo shoo!

weebposter shoo shoo

I sent a PM user, a little while ago.

I'm not a (((weebposter))), I'm the /pol/poster :^)

oh you're fine then

Cart before horse.

The class level NPCs existed before the party reaches their level. They are named characters that do their own thing, have their own motivations, and now want to smack down the threat to what they care about.

This can happen at level 1 or 21, since these NPCs are built to the world, not the encounter.

But why, what did I do? I was just saying that we've had those pictures as our general for a long time now.

I hope you get die

I have a lot of dice already, though.

I'll take them

>He doesn't play a cleric
>He doesn't dress up in a classical nurse outfit
>He doesn't give thorough examinations to the whole party at least once a month

Alright fuckheads i'm bored and have nothing to do tonight

Give me a list of Sorcerer Bloodlines you'd like to see as bloodrager bloodlines.

How do you build him?

W-what does semen have to do with monthly check ups?

He has the stats of a level 1 commoner, but the Supernatural ability to project his voice and image to anyone anywhere and shit talk them.

Gotta make sure magical energies haven't corrupted the bodily systems. A thorough check of them all is necessary.

You definitely need a special kind of monthly checkups if you get some of that up in you.

So just like checking blood, or peeing in a cup?

Kobold, Nanite, Imperious, Impossible, Orc, Psychic.

Well, checking to make sure the party is healthy includes routine checks on all their bodily functions, like ejaculation for instance. Of course this means prostate milking.
Now some of them might object to this, even start to get a little antsy about it. But you're a cleric, all this means is you have to use magic to hold them down. After that just make sure to be extra careful until their protests turn into helpless moans, and if you can make sure to constantly reassure them that it feels so much better if they just give in

Looking at what we know now about Bestiary 6, anything jumps out at you as something you as a player or a GM/DM would like to see in your games? Or not face?

this, but also 20 wis/cha with a -4 penalty on any wis/cha based rolls that don't aim to negatively impact someone or be played off as in universe comedic humor.


I've always loved that term, "Violent Semen Inferno".

It just sounds like a super robot's final attack, you know?


I feel like I'm missing something.

Θώθ what's this? *notices book of magic*

It's pretty much rape fantasy in that last one.

It's actually from a trap manga that's entirely sfw and actually a really cute romance

While, typically you strip the subjects lower body for the process, then use one hand to stimulate the prostate and the other to stimulate the cock. Most of the time a healthy amount of oil is used in both cases, to make the process smoother. Of course if you want to sneak in a few kisses and licks to show them what a good job they're doing, few will object.


Prunus girl is cute, cute.

Clerics AND doctors take oaths not to rape their patients, user.

But its not rape! I'm not getting myself off at all, just checking up on them. And they always come back for more anyways.

There have been what, like 5 posts on topic this thread? I love it.

It's sexual assault no matter what else you call it. Trust me, I'm an inquisitor.

What do you want to talk about? Neat build ideas? Str vs Dex debates? Paizo writing quality? SoM shitflinging? Ded 3pp devs?



I honestly prefer the shit posting. I stopped caring about new stuff in pathfinder for a long time.The pictures from their books are neato, though!

You say that yet you posted the two best characters from Non Non Biyori


semen makes the nurse a mommy


And? AND?

Am I allowed to say it's heresy in a non-40k thread?

You can say whatever your little heart desires.

Sure, but if you're going to start saying things are heresy in /pfg/, you're going to make yourself very hoarse.

How do I pic related, /pfg/?

Any spontaneous arcane caster?

I'm trying to build a Gnome martial who isn't a charging midget in a dog. What classes work best with their stat alignment?

Technically I have to accept that. I mean, sure, I wouldn't get any toon physics, but I technically have to accept that.

You can play a Kineticist I guess?

And kill myself?

Outside of the ability to detect alignment, do Inquisitors have special abilities or spells for identifying lawbreakers? I'd imagine they do, I've just never played one.

Becoming another cancerous 40k place would probably reduce anime by some quantity but not really improve anything, since it's the same uncreative people either way.

Mesmerist. Get your damage from Painful Stare.

Gnomes make shit-tier martials, user. CON/CHA isn't the best statspread. HOWEVER...

If your DM is good for 3pp, look at Legendary Kineticists 1/2. Be an Overwhelming Soul Kineticist. Take Kinetic Blade. Then, take Overwhelming Prowess and Flashy Finesse. Congrats, you're now useful, and you get CHA to hit and damage with a weapon that scales 1d6+1 per 2 levels.

Can't this even wait for the thread to go into freefall? God I hate kitsunefag.


Shadowcaster Archetype, then get some charisma because bards can't have all the fun.

A social rogue with lots of wands would be something. You'd be more of a part-time martial though.

You can make a magus become charisma-based with the eldritch something. Also, check out their unique FCB with the class!

Both of these are largely unaffected by their small size and strength penalty for delivering damage. You can also specialize in Dirty Tricks if you use the alternate racial trait for +2 to them and ignored Int prerequisites.

Are there any decent archetypes, feats (other than that gnome one) or other options for a riddle focused character?

There's the Sphinx Friend trait.

I can't wait for anime Garou, just to hear Saitama treat him like the Chuuni he is.

You can be friends with a sphinx?

Interesting, and there's a Sphinx Riddler trait too, but those are just regular "trait bonus to a couple of skills" stuff. Was more hoping for ways to offer riddles that cause buffs or status effects.

>You were raised near the lair of a proud sphinx. Well known for their wisdom, sphinxes are greatly respected by your people, and in times of uncertainty and crisis, their counsel has been invaluable. When you came of age, you were chosen to be the emissary between your settlement and the sphinx. Luckily for you, the proud creature enjoyed your company, and in addition to bartering for information, you learned to enjoy the riddles of your noble friend.

After they decided to boot the erp threads off Veeky Forums people decided to just sneak shit in elsewhere.

Oh honey, it happened long before then.

Play a Bard. Fluff your perform Oratory.

Which of the good aligned outsider races is the most fuckable?

Lyrakien Azata

Brijidine azatas are hot.

Is this even a fucking question? Hound Archons make the greatest daddies of all time

I was looking more for type rather than individual, but I guess azata's do have the whole carefree thing going on.
I wish I had a bit more creativity to get down to writing what romance with various outsiders is like.