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>How to Jumpchain
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Do you have any minions, Jumpers?
Speaking of Sonic, during which jump is Amy first in anyway? I just remember her appearing in a movie then she started showing up.
I prefer to call them 'friends'.
Amy Rose first appeared in Sonic CD.
She first showed up in Sonic CD, which was also the first game where Metal Sonic appeared. She'd be in Classic Sonic.
Lets see: I've got my Crows, My Vassals from Disgaea, My Grimm, The Four Heroes from Darkest Dungeon, Overlord Priere, and Taylor Hebert.
She first appeared in Sonic CD, although she had a radically different character design. She wore a green blouse with an orange skirt, and styled her quills like Sonic's, instead of the red dress and comb down she does in modern.
Apparently she was also into tarot cards, if the game manual is any indication.
The comic had a really fun interpretation of that version of the character.
Of course! Admittedly, I don't use them a lot, but I do have some. I bought "I can buy my own Insurance now!" from FLCL, which gives me 20 to 30 special forces level trained individuals that all come armed for whatever the current situation requires.
I mostly use them to do the heavy lifting when we get deliveries to the Hot Springs Hotel. But it's nice to know they're around if I need them for an emergency.
I don't consider the Dolls or my Companions as minions.
Do jumpma- I mean servants count? Oh, defective Worms are put to work in the jump-mines, of course.
She was such a psycho, it was great. I remember her attacking Super Scourge with her hammer, complaining about how he wasn't going squish.
Please tell me that's an edit.
Wait? This isn't some kind of edit? I require an issue number.
It's an edit. Her actual dialogue was talking about how she went insane and how she wants to murder Scourge AKA Sonic's evil counterpart from another dimension, who I'm almost positive is a joke about edgy OCs. He's such a loser throughout his whole run.
Damn it.
I mean, it's an Archie comic of Sonic the Hedgehog. They're not going to go THAT far. Just far enough to have genocide and other war crimes.
Those the ones with the guy whose OC they're still trying to fix?
Yep, that's the one.
Lack of going too far in the right direction aside, is it worth reading?
157. King Arthur
Age: 33, Origin: Drop-In, Theme: Soul Shit
Setting: Gargoyles
Perks: Natural Disease Immunity, Quest of Adventure, Fisher King, Star Blessed(Ara), Pentakai Branch
Items: Books of Arthurian Legend, Land Deed
All things are true, few are accurate.
I'm mostly here to figure out what exactly that means in this context.
I get to party with the Fae while they still hated humans and chat up Merlin and he let me write some stuff into his scrolls. Not that I can interact with those same scrolls later but some Gargoyles alternate reality is going to get some really weird surprises in it when I supply coded hints at what's going on to the Manhattan Clan via the scrolls. Teaching Arthur chi techniques didn't seem to change much. Fate is very strong here and I care a lot about the setting so I didn't want to change that much, so I didn't toggle No Fate But What We Make on for the whole jump.
I continued playing Skald here and telling the tales of others. They even enjoyed me playing the songs during battle, because it helped them concentrate and distracted their enemies. Also, a lot of singing and songs actually doing stuff perks now.
I make them in jump by talking to people and helping and eventually people want to help me, for some reason. It's really fucking weird.
It's pretty good, for the most part. It goes through a bit of a dork age when one of the writers (who had a serious thing for Knuckles and Echidnas) forced everything to focus on Knuckles and his echidna OCs, but it gets better after that. It's got one of the best versions of Eggman ever, one who's both funny and yet also genuinely terrifying and evil when he wants to be. Kind of like Aku, basically. The beginning is basically AOTSH with SATAM characters, though, so you won't get that version of Eggman for a while.
For an example of what I mean about Eggman.
>AOTSH with SATAM characters
Attack of the Sonic Haters, Sonic and the Albanian Mafia?
Archie Adaptations are fun.
Archie is thinking about cancelling the whole thing so they can devote more money to their edgy Archie TV adaptation.
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and the Saturday Morning Sonic Cartoon. The first is your basic kids show from back in the 90s, and the other is a fusion of Star Wars, Terminator, and 1984 with Sonic the Hedgehog characters
...holy shit.
... I might have to read that.
Archie Megaman is actually really cool. It's usually not that dark, but it does go into the philosophical and ethical implications of creating artificial intelligence for the sake of helping humans. There's a big thing about whether designing a being so that it wants to serve means that it's not slavery to use it, and if it's even acceptable in the first place to create a mind that doesn't seek its own self-interest and personal growth.
Archie Sonic/Mega Man Jump when?
That does sound interesting. I'll have to check it out.
With a drawback for SUPER! PSYCHO! Amy as your personal stalker? Yes please.
We likely would've gotten Archie Sonic after SATAM, but... Well...
Wakfu was working on SATAM and everybody knows how that worked out
Maybe as an end-jump.
Rule 1. That being said, an Archie Sonic or Megaman jump would be cool, since Eggman came up with some awesome stuff, like that Death Egg that would roboticize the entire planet.
>anyone looking to pick it up will have to either find him or do it from scratch
Eh, it couldn't have helped much anyways.
Archie's a setting option in Megaman Classic.
Maybe not Timmy.
Sure, but it'd be less work for whoever picked it up. It also means Battleborn's never happening.
As if anybody wanted that piece of shit
We have Exalted. End Jumps are basically pointless anymore.
I think I remember him having a WIP or something? It was just a skeleton, but it was SOMETHING. Or was that just some perks he posted to the thread? Fuck, I don't remember.
It was a pastebin on a timer.
No there was a skeleton, and Battleborn was almost complete.
The Battleborn WIP pastebin is still up
How good is the regen from a Narnia Apple?
Just have someone adopt it and convert it into a pdf. A new jumpmaker can use it to make a name for themselves or something
>make a name for literally copy-pasting someone else's near-completed work
Well, we never really see the White Witch have to regenerate from anything, and she's apparently the only one who ate such an apple in canon, so we don't really know.
Combined with her ability to turn people to stone, she somehow never got murdered by the adorable animal people and fantasy creatures populating a roughly medieval tech era kingdom, so take that as you will.
Why not? It's not like fame is worth much around here. If they do a good job polishing the pdf and don't make any fucked up rulings they'll be fine
If they want to be taken remotely seriously and not mocked every other step of the way, that's about the worst decision they can make.
Are you on drugs right now or am I talking to that guy who thinks jumpmakers are better serving the thread if they "fulfill a quota" and then fuck off?
I have Bodacious Maids
Well the wiki says it let the White Witch survive without a physical form and gave her "inexhaustible magical strength."
>If they want to be taken remotely seriously and not mocked every other step of the way, that's about the worst decision they can make.
Why would people mock them for making a pdf of something that's almost complete? That's pretty fucking petty. I'm guessing you're one of those guys that insist we can't call a person a jumpmaker until they've made a certain number of jumps?
Not him, but this freezing of jumps is pissing me off seriously. I have no problem with the idea of not making multiple jumps, but this is getting ridiculously stupid.
Although I'm far too busy on other jumps to make battleborn, so it may languish in development hell for a long while. But I am not going to let perfectly good settings not be made into jumps because of thread politics.
>mocked every other step of the way
...by who? No, seriously, who? I mean, not that user, but who's going to make fun of a guy who completed the Battleborn jump and posted it, aside from the shitposter(s)? We're anonymous, finishing it and posting it isn't going to be some stain unless you take on a name.
>That's pretty fucking petty.
>I'm guessing you're one of those guys that insist we can't call a person a jumpmaker until they've made a certain number of jumps?
I'm saying don't be a lazy asshole. If you're going to just PDF it and post it, put the actual person's name on the damn file.
Then again what the fuck do I know, seeing as apparently anything that involves NOT being a complete and utter asshole is looked down on in this community.
I've posted this image on the thread TWICE now, user! DON'T BE LAZY, SAVE THE IMAGE AND POST IT. I go through all of the trouble of finding this image, and there's just no gratitude!
There was no trouble, it was incredibly easy to find on /co/.
Even if he did put a name like Battlebornanon or whatever no one would give a shit because it wouldn't make a difference.
I think he's saying more "start from scratch" instead of anything about politics or that.
Hi /JC! Got some sweet sweet progress to report to you guys about Kamigawa.
Duplication Magic has now been revised! Bizarre Form's upgrade is in place as well, also put in a note that with the Bizarre Form you can ignore things like square-cube law and other trappings of physics which would stop you from being like pic related..
Drawbacks are done.
Scenairos are done, for now.
Items are being ironed out but right now I've got the first drafts of Undiscounted, Kami, Noble, and Drop-In done.
Work on Ronin Items continues.
Work on Yamabushi Items Continues.
Also I've been thinking that a Legendary undiscounted perk wouldn't be out of place, a kind of thing that doesn't allow for you to be mimicked or cloned properly because metaphysics of a Legendary creature, but that may be too meta though it has precedence with some folk being so 'strong' that duplication magic and their like can't clone them right unless it's the person themselves doing it.
So why are all the robots crazy?
>put the actual person's name on the damn file
And invite even more shitposting because the author's name is enough to trigger people? What's the point of that? Seriously, do you think that Wakfu out there in real life will put it on his resume that he made the Battleborn jump? Or do you want people to try and find Wakfu's personal email so they can hassle him for questions in a bid to try and get him to come back?
>invite even more shitposting
So, absolutely nothing changes whatsoever.
Can we have another WIP now?
For a lot of jumps there really is no difference because chances are there's one jumpmaker who was interested and a group of people who don't want to put in any effort. The dead graveyard of WIPs attests to this. Start from scratch is basically the death knell for most of these WIPs.
Okay thats a bit more legitimate, although I'm conflicted that making it from scratch isn't reinventing the wheel. I mean sure there is room for different ideas in a jump, but what the guy can't use ideas from the original at all? Or just a few? Or just rewrite it in his own words? Not sure.
I mean I want to say it's the "make it in your own words angle" but given the shitshow surrounding Tsukihime user's borrowing from Fate/JumpChain and Kara no Kyoukai, I don't even know.
It works fine in theory, but then once it actually starts that's usually when people decide to show up to shit on things, especially when the WIP is basically a complete jump. We've seen way too many idiotic arguments where people will compare the new jumpmaker to the existing one without a second thought.
I wanna finish the Items section before letting you see the whole thing, I'm in the final stretch as is. Got Yamabushi Items and Ronin Items already named but I've gotta do their descriptions now. After that it's making it all look good and fluffing it up.
If you really want a look I'll post some pastebin of the stuff I've got right now though. Just ask again and I'll throw them down. Back to work for me.
What's still missing?
Is Nine Tails Guardian worth it?
Literally a pdf format, and maybe a grammar check. The perks and items don't look too bad. It looks ok all around, but personally I've got no interest in the setting to begin with, and I'm not one to take a jump just because there's an attractive option.
PDFing this and formatting it properly? Takes 5 minutes at most, even if you're going to go to Dirge levels of formatting where you throw in literally everything. Grammar check? Takes maybe half an hour of read over at most.
If somebody pdfs it and they get shit on because they aren't Wakfu uploading it that's how you can tell this place has gotten too anal for its own good.
I think that, in one of the Megaman comics, they had a section for fan letters. One was from a little kid who said Heatman was his favorite and that he hoped he got more screentime.
Like, 3 pages later Heatman was brutally murdered.
I'd love a new WIP, but I understand if you really don't want to.
Any idea how much longer until you're finished?
I'm still working on it.
...Are there any jumps or settings, besides infini-con, with superpowered cosplayers? If not what would be the best way to create such a world?
I somewhat like the thought that they purposely did that in response to the letter.
It would be a type of low level evil I could see the Joker doing.
Space Station 13 has a perk that lets you gain minor superpowers when cosplaying as a monstergirl.
Posts with images get looked at more so here's hoping.
I need an asshole or two to look over something for spelling and shit.
Er do you mean Nine Tailed Sage?
Some time within a few days. I've got some time off work so I'll be trying to beat down the last bits into proper shape.
Here you go: pastebin.com
The one from God of High School, I suppose I should have said that.
No prob just was making sure.
Ah, yes, the mysterious "jumpmaker" who always pops up for one of these discussions.
Once Mutants and Masterminds get finished you should be able to recreate that kind of power there.
Cosplay: Variable (Powers based on Costume) rank 4, Slow (Must change between scenes), Removable 1, Quirk (Damage to clothing weakens powers). Total cost: 19 Points.
I'm a giant freaking nerd for that system and, yes, I have the entire Powers section of that book memorized. I can build nearly any Power off the top of my head.
drawbacks crime free city and no powers
location the bat cave
origin league of shadows
perks members of the league of shadows, trained by the league of shadows, membership of the gotham police force, do you wanna know how i got theses scars, obfuscating stupidity, jumper the immortal, unorthodox skills, bending the rules, do i look like i a guy with a plan, mask and the shadows betray you because they belong to me
gear blue flowers, bat car, coin, badge, money, weapons, jumper suit, here's my card and police equipment
companions import companions, loyal butler and canon character
What? you want me to call in a favor and get it pdfed?
>I'm far too busy on other jumps
>oh riiiight, the jumps
>the jumps for jumpchain
>the jumps made specially for jumpchain
>jumpchain's jumps
Those jumps?
Yippee more stale memes.
Nobody gives a shit.
Looks good to me.
This is great, thanks.
>No Emperor's New Groove jump
>A shortage of Disney jumps in general
That's a bit of a problem.
Ummm... Wrong thread?
It's for the WoW remake, user.
I'd hope making scenario objectives for a jump wouldn't be forced to a wrong thread.
But I've been wrong before about everything else here, I guess.