>1 int
>20 wis
1 int
Other urls found in this thread:
>20 str
>1 con
1 int is the lowest something can have without being considered "Mindless". As a result, they are LITERALLY not playable as characters due to not being sapient beings
How? Like what does a 20 wis, 1 int person act like?
They're literally below the cutoff line for sapience in 3.5 Int scores below three are reserved for pretty much only animals
Izuku Midoriya from My Hero Academia
>1 int
That's dumber than an ant.
So, a wise vegetable?
very wisely, without being "intelligent" or acting logically
>incapable of speech or independent action
>at peak of enlightenment, beyond mortal limits
Sokushinbutsu monks, if you accept the idea they are "alive".
An actually magic Magic 8 ball
Wow, sick latte you got there pumpkin spice
Your opinion is retarded as usual though
More like a particularly clever fish int scores CAN go to 0 (or more acurately, "-" so it can't be raised) in 3.5
it's one of these
It isn't a person. Int 3 is the benchmark for sapience. At Int 1 it's incapable of any form of higher reasoning. Wis 20 means that its instincts are phenomenal, though. My first thought is a magical beast super-spider which is feral and has very simple thoughts ("feed", "run", etc.) but accurately receives and interprets nearly all information around it. It knows at first glance what creatures are friends or foes, who intends it harm, has insane senses, can navigate flawlessly, etc.
No, I mean RAW you are not allowed to play as a character with below 3 int. Even races that have int penalties specify that they can't reduce the score to below three.
>the druid decides to talk to the carrot for shit and giggles
>it's answer prompts him to repeat it to his group
>the palladin falls, the elf becomes a priest of armok and the dwarf turns into granite
Care to substantiate your claims?
>20 dex
There ain't no party like a Zen buddhist party cause a Zen buddhist party lacks lack.
Like this
You're the one who made the stupid claim to be quite honest family
spoken like a true corpse
Shit, I was going to watch episode 3 of season 2 today. Thank you my man. Thank you.
>the elf becomes a priest of armok
if wanting for nothing is a meme does that mean that nothing is a thing and must be rejected?
>How to destroy Buddhist robots
like with every question related to crunch, it depends on the edition user
Then the entire premise of the thread is invalid because unless we know the edition, we can't know what 20 or 1 in a stat means.
What edition did they change that? It kinda seems like the thing you wouldn't wanna touch
I don't know if this has changed, but for years the general rule of thumb is "If no edition given, assume 3.PF"
depends if you're talking about a lack of nothing which implies a desire for it or simply the absence of thing
lol 5e lets you play characters with Int 1? For what purpose? Probably for the lolz which is why a nat20 is an autosuccess in 5e so you can jump a pogo stick 20 times to make it to the moon. Fuck 5th Edition.
does it?
>x lets you succeed at y so that means z impossibility has to be possible now
lol you mad because you stupid
>An ability score less than 3 is mathematically impossible when rolling nd6 where n is any number greater than 3
>3.5's point buy table has no entries for stats less than 9
>PF's point buy table has no entries for stats less than 7
Well the evidence for Int scores of 1 and 2 being reserved for beasts is plainly posted
user, these thread litterally don't have a premise. I'd even add that playing dnd is detrimental to enjoying them, because you then end up thinking "wait, can we do that ?" when the answer is always "depends on X, Y, and Z, so probably"
tl;dr: ignore rules unless it's dnd general, and have >fun
Ability score modifiers. But I'm pretty sure there is some rule against reducing int specifically below 3
I actually love playing characters like this. Basically partially-tamed animals that assist the party in return for tangible benefits like food, protection of numbers, or fire to keep warm.
Find me a core race in either edition that has more than -4 to Int.
depends on how they get caramel into that snickers' bar
tell you what tho, I'll go handcraft one and return in one week with my answer
That sounds like it'd get old fast.
Like, you may enjoy playing it but... well let's just say you must be really lucky if you got a steady group
There is none, but half orcs, for example, make it POSSIBLE in theory to go to an int of 1 or 2
Well there's this.
It's not a hard rule that says "you can't", but being utterly incapable of speech sure puts a damper on your ability to contribute to the party.
It does desu, but mostly the fun is in the challenge of making a compelling character that has no internal monologue.
Half orcs have a -2 to Int. 7 - 2 = 5
He would be one of those people who was raised by animals, not linguistic abilities or social skills, but great instincts.
Madman that have seen Eldritch abominations.
I coulda sworn there was a hard rule somewhere. Maybe the DMG
>Only point buy systems exist
so there you go, anyone claiming that you can't is a liar or a retard
>Here's my character, mister DM
You have an INT of 1.
>Yeah lol
Your character is incapable of speech and possibly higher reasoning. Make another one.
>But I want to play this cooperative RPG as a character who can't meaningfully contribute!
Please leave and never come back.
>but user, that would never happen
Really? Good - then we can stop being asanine about how "lol its technically possible to play a character with less than 3 int guise".
Mr. Bean
>I can't roleplay so I'm mad that you are trying to roleplay, get the fuck out of my fanfiction that I'm calling a game
I'm happy you aren't at my table.
like strange in this scene youtube.com
I'm happy that you're too busy pissing yourself angry about rpgs online to actually run or play in any games
>playing a character with the intelligence of a rodent is roleplaying
Fuck off and die, furfag.
>>I can't roleplay
Fucking roleplay 1 goddamn int. Roleplay having the intelligence of an insect. Roleplay being 1 int damage away from comatose. You fucking can't because you're not a character or person, you're a goddamn animal.
a baby
>autistic spastics who can't roleplay because they have autism throw a tism spasm when confronted with someone they can't do but human beings can do
>literally no life experiences at all
>20 wis
what the fuck?
>>playing a character with the intelligence of a rodent is roleplaying
>>character is actually pack of Cranium Rats in a long coat
I see you're trying to roleplay 1 int but you're still around at least a 7.
Show me how a 1 int character acts.
>can't roleplay because they have autism
pretty sure autism is a requirement for roleplaying.
I would but you've already taken that role and run with it, I wouldn't want to steal your spotlight
Cranium rats form a hive mind though, don't they?
Shut up and do it faggot. Stop dodging the issue and show me how you roleplay a 1 or 2 int character of stop complaining about not allowing such stupid shit.
Get a lobotomy and call it a day?
Rolled 6, 1, 16, 6, 7, 7 = 43 (6d20)
check out these stats brother
>you have to submit an example that I totally won't arbitrarily dismiss and if you don't then I totally can arbitrarily dismiss your point about me being retarded haha looks like I win again
Autism, everyone.
karl pilkington
Still waiting.
So sitting around doing nothing in a vegetative state for 99% of time counts as roleplaying? Would the party just strap you on their backs and run out of the tavern hoping you contribute?
If you dump enough into Con, then they could use you as a weapon
>I grab your dagger from the wrong end and throw it at the orc
A 1 int character wouldn't even be able to into tool use.
True but why even have you at the table if all you are is the barbarian's beat stick? I mean, what are you going to say?
>I twitch slightly more at the mention of orcs, their terrible memory burned into me by my curse
...that's how your supposed to throw a knife.
Well, my original intention would be that the player was the one with the lobotomy, so you'd presumably just let them stay there since you'd feel bad kicking them out
Carry your 1int/20wis friend to the ominous fork in the road. He will point to the correct path.
AH. so he's a dowsing stick?
Or a Dowsing Tard?
Downsing stick?
I can't remember about Pathfinder, but I specifically remember that in 3.5, the rule for half-orcs was that their negative adjustment to Int couldn't reduce it below 3 at character creation.
That depends on them being able to feel.
I think there was also a template in savage species that specifically said it COULD reduce something's int below 3
>20 str
>1 con
Can suplex a train, but pass out at the sight of stairs.
Forest Gump
1 con is not being able to carry your own weight. Its being so sickly that a common cold will kill you.
And bodybuilders don't actually have functional strength that an actual strongman would.
Laughing my ass off. Congrats.
It kind of depends.
Not him, but there have been cases where a body builder got bulked up so hard, that if he got as much as a simple muscle cramp (which you still can if you're a body builder) he was in serious threat of losing a limb because his own muscles were crushing the blood vessels that would keep them alive.
Granted, it's not a universal CON dump, but demonstrates how fragile in certain aspects an extreme body builder like someone with post-herculian strength can become.
Disregarding memes, a nat20 just means that the character did the absolute best they were able to given the scenario.
Having a gobbo do damage to a walking tank with a nat20 is alright since you can imagine a way that it's possible, but players shouldn't be able to bench press a mountain with a nat20 since they're not capable of it.
Sounds like an elderly muscleman recently taken ill. Perhaps his advanced age has delayed his recovery from Con damage.
he was more in the 5 int zone. 1 means animal/vermin level intelligence as I recall. Forrest has chats, it's his thing. 1 int things include oozes I think. they don't chat.
Mastiffs have like 5 int...