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Ultimate Contingency Edition: Do you have a plan to kill each and every member of your party if you sense they're about to turn on you?

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I wanna marry a drow!


I missed you, Drow user! I want to marry you!

No but I can cast Black Tentacles at my feet before I die, catching everyone in the area, and no one wants that.

Do not.

Or two?

Alright, might as well re ask.
So, realistically speaking what are my chances of getting to fuck the elf queen in Kyonin if I kill treerazer?

>what the fuck is a badonkadonk

Well YOU can't marry a drow. Drow marry you, it's never the other way.

If you have to ask, the answer is probably no.

nobody knows what you're talking about, speak english.

>Ultimate Contingency Edition: Do you have a plan to kill each and every member of your party if you sense they're about to turn on you?

No, but I have a plan to bed each and every one of them and get them addicted to my body until they become senseless pleasure slaves and breeding studs to father my monstrous offspring!

Why did people made clones of Drizzt again? How many people actually read one of his books?

Of course! And then raise them as undead, for good measure.

How do you make a character without planning your entire build ahead of time? It's like I start every campaign with my character already finished and all I have left to do is actually level it up.

Usually when I play games like this I like to start with a blank slate character and let the story determine where I go as far as personality, class, playstyle, etc.

With Pathfinder I'm always afraid to do that. First because I never know what class/race/build to start with as my blank slate, and second because I'm worried that I'll be wasting all of my early feats and skills on things that won't ultimately be of any use to me.

Please help.

Go home, Argentum, you're drunk!


Tell me every built-in way to become a king in Pathfinder.

I know about conquering a River Kingdom or marrying Telandia Edasseril after slaying Treerazer, but what are the others?


There really aren't many earlygame trap options. Usually bad things are gonna stay bad and never were good. Just avoid those few and it's not that much of a limiter.

What about a drider-esque?

Well, Satan, there's always deposing Queen Elvanna and putting Anastasia Romanov on the throne of Irrisen! And either marrying her or just having her name you the heir, depending on the age difference.




Through murder

Incredibly violent, brutal murder.

Involving an incredibly large, rusty sword and screaming incoherently.



Slightly related question, how many nascent demon lords have ever gotten stats across the game? Or anything like that really, whatever the equivalents are for the other outsider types.

Let me snooze, Ruse Ooze

Not even close, user

Hey gaiz...

is there a character generator for Pathfinder that doesn't completely suck?

Let me fuse, news muse.

Just yourself, love!

>how many nascent demon lords have ever gotten stats across the game?

Treerazer and Nightripper have gotten stats, and Treerazer's the only one with plot significance.

Do realize these two were also written before Paizo gave up on their setting, when they were daring enough to actually make killable de.


Wait a minute, you want nascent demon lords you can kill? I can give you one better.

In Wrath of the Righteous, you canonically can fight and slay Deskari, a full-blown Demon Lord and one of the most powerful in the Abyss.

How much help do you need?

Personally, I use Pathguy+Myth-Weavers+PFSRD.

well i found this, but it doesn't print well


I'm gonna do this.

Not the user who asked but I do happen to be early on in a RoW campaign...

Can women get married in Irrisen?

If not, how long can a ruler remain unwed without questions popping up?

I just want something that can print a character sheet without going ballistic.

>Can women get married in Irrisen?

What kind of question is this? Of course they can, you run into married couples all the time.

>If not, how long can a ruler remain unwed without questions popping up?

They can remain bachelorettes (the rulers are exclusively female) and nobody will bat an eye. Why? Because the choice of the next ruler isn't done by the queen, it's done by Baba Yaga. She shows up and gives the crown to a Jadwiga she likes the most (Jadwiga is the "native" ethnic group of Irrisen, it's effectively Ulfen stock enhanced by Baba Yaga's own blood.)

You're thinking too small.

Baba Yaga doesn't give a shit.

You can print out the character sheets from Myth-Weavers, they're really useful!

How would a character attain a position of power by manipulating his way out to the top from the very bottom?

You can also maybe kill baphamot right? And potentially, though not inside the story itself, redeem noctilca.

Fake being noble, make up a foreign position to be from and visiting as at one of their balls. Get married to real nobility before anyone finds out. What are they gonna do, UNmarry you hahahaha

>mfw nobody's made a Drow for any of the games

Ew gross who would ever play a drow? Have you seen one? They are covered head to toe in soot or something. Like they're all chimney-cleaners! Is that gross or what?

>TFW Ondrowyou

You sure can! Wrath of the Righteous is a great many things, but to those who can stomach the first three books it blossoms into a power fantasy the likes of which you've never seen before.

Partner with a professional gambler, who cheats nobles all the time, then duel in his place when inevitable happens and someone refuses to pay.

>That pic


Poor girl needs more layers-she looks cold.


All at once.
Just in case.
It's no guarantee that I'll survive if at point-blank, but it'll happen at the least.

After Blingmaker, which games are left? I need to apply to them all!

Recruit more pimps, more pushes.

>TFW Drowleriya

Overlewd, but that's a bit too meme for me.

That girl looks really comfy.

I'm keeping her in reserve for a really comfy game that comes along. Overlewd just isn't it.

Could anyone help me with something?

I've developed a rough idea for a campaign and it sounds very generic, like I've heard it elsewhere, but I'm blanking on books and other media that've done the same thing that I could mine for inspiration.

Something where a hero/group of heroes and a villain all get dumped into a new land. Villain embeds himself into/takes over an existing faction to take down the heroes, who might do likewise.

Let me choose, Blue's Clues

How high should my main casting stat be by 20 assuming no wish shenanigans?

What about Drowriana?

Corwin: Wait until he passes out from drinking and coup de grace him. If forced into combat, just cast sleep since he has a shit will save.
Casimir: Kill him during sex. Slit his throat after convincing him to get tied up to spice things up.
Onryou and Aranha: Neither are initiators, both will be easy to handle in open combat.
Seht: Poison Mori's oats. That weirdo probably shares with the horse.

Who is the most vanilla of /pfg/'s meme character roster? Dragons 1/2, RotJR, Overlewd? Let's hear it!



I don't know which is worse, looking Onryou in the eyes when you cut her down, or doing the same to Casimir in the bedroom.

Dragons 1/2 is non vanilla by nature
Overlewd doesn't have a roster
I dunno about ROTJR

Are the unchained poison rules any better?

Definitely Rory

The real question is who is the most degenerate in each campaign

>Dragons 2
No characters selected


As far as I'm aware, no.

It's actually spelled "Bitch" if you keep acting like that, Tits McGee.

Calsi's f-list is pretty vanilla

I just want to play an eldritch poisoner and have fun holy fuck

>Poison Mori's oats


Paizo apparently believes poison was never the bane of heroes throughout history.

i didn't know her rival visited Veeky Forums.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the dragon divas, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Lady Tiu, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top singer in the entirety of Culdranth's Demesne. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with indiscriminate fire the likes of which has never been seen before on Golarion, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over a divination pool? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Golarion and your magic is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare claws. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Dragon Queen and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the planet, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Kasatha Spinal Swords and working closely with the DM are the best methods for making poison viable unfortunately, that or using substances that aren't traditionally considered poison (opium etc.)

What's the point in becoming a Prophet of Kalistrade when you can't use that wealth to eat meat, drink alcohol or have wild sex?

Oh look, a derivative work from a derivative girl. I'm sure the humans topside will find it amusing, though I think they'll be more busy staring at your bust than listening to your... I guess I'd call it music?

>people play shitpost chicken and keep upping ante until everyone's literally playing in a dragon erp campaign

pathfinder was a fucking mistake

That happened months ago

We have two of them going right now

You seem to have not been keeping track

>poison vs the best saves in the party
o i m laffin

Look on the bright side, at least it's not a ponyfinder ERP campaign!

Ironfang Invasion. Ponies only.

Ironhoof Invasion!

>Search that filename on the archive
>ValeriyaPlayer appears to have used this filename, but not that image
This is some deep trolling

Casimir isn't a strong build, you could probably kill him in a 1v1.

>Shotguns, my only weakness

Legacy of Blood and Fire Session #2
>Our heroes shake themselves awake and take some coffee
>Gamze takes longer than most, having been half-smothered by Iolanthe's affectionate grip
>Amina charges the heroes with scouting an old, abandoned monastery to the north
>The group makes their way north, Essa's gear-bearing yaks in tow
>Aida and Essa scout out the seemingly-quiet building
>The rest of the group follows suit, heading into the defiled chapel
>Which is the location of a pugwampi next
>Pugwampi archers fire down from the rafters and balconies above
>Essa returns fire and gamze doles out debuffs
>Orlan and Shanan scramble for the nearby ladder to the choir balcony
>Iolanthe tells gravity to fuck off and just strolls up the wall
>Aida scrambles up the wall with her claws, briefly getting stuck
>The group gives battle to the pugwampis, hacking away as they try to return fire with what are essentially sharpened sticks
>A uniquely fat pugwampi charges out of the ceiling-mounted nest of sheets, curtains, and wall hangings, only to get dogpiled by Shanan, then Iolanthe, then Orlan, and finally Aida
>The pugwampi, taking hits from all sides decides that he's going to die, but it won't be their attack that kills him
>The last pugwampi standing just runs away and leaps out a window
>The group spreads out, starting to check out the interesting carvings in the monastery's cloisters, and we end on them piecing together information about genies, saints, and the history of the monastery


>search the image hash
>get unused file 32
>search unused file
>get a pic of Luca from old Hell's Vengeance


Sounds like a fun time!

He got caught without his buckler. Can't use Iron Tortoise counters.