What would a world run by Hags look like?

What would a world run by Hags look like?

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Every man is a drone designed for creating more hags.

Women are used for creating more humans, slave labor, and food.

Hags spend their time raping male slaves, eating female slaves, and knitting.

Droam from Eberron is a nation/kingdom of monsters ruled/ran by a trio of sister hags.

I mean an entire world where Hags are the dominant force, ideally where they created every other monster humans face either out of malice or accident.
I'm going for something a little less erp, thanks

>I'm going for something a little less erp, thanks

Then use something other than hags.

Both in general folklore and in much of fantasy, hags reproduce by raping human men, and eat human beings.

A culture where they are the dominant species rather than monsters living on the outskirts of society would have to hinge on this.

There is nothing erotic about hag rape. It's about as fun as sleep paralysis.

I don't know about the rest of fantasy, but in 5e at least Hags reproduce by eating babies and getting pregnant from that somehow. Besides, it's pretty common to say that Orcs rape their victims, but that doesn't mean I want to touch on that in my fantasy game. I'm not saying someone would get off on this, but it would be uncomfortable

Literally Oz.

If you're that wary of the basic aspect of hag rape, then you just have human farms.

Basically just a vampire dictatorship run by evil grandmas.

I'm a little tired of fucking around, so basically what you're going to get is a magocracy centered around a coven. You have the hag matriarch, the Baba Yaga, her inner circle of hag children and grandchildren, and the serfs they keep in line through evil sorcery and pure fear.

>What would a world run by Hags look like?

South Korea.

>tfw kpop stars are their changeling progeny

It all comes together


They call them the 8 Goddesses, not "hags!" Geez user, get your geopolitics straight!

Bump with hag art

Personally I think it'd be neat if each major mythological hag/witch has their own kingdom

Much like Gensokyo I'd imagine

Sounds terrifying. Would purge/10.


I was thinking that, but I feel it'd be weird since Hags don't like working together anyway. I'd imagine them being somewhat spread out, with each Hag carving out their own area. Maybe the really powerful ones have apprentices or a shit ton of daughters to help them

Like modern Germany


They'd be called the haglord supreme

I kinda like it, but it might not be whimsical enough

We know you'd prefer to be a faglord supreme

True but sadly that title is taken

Damn you caught me.

Shit like this is why I'm unable to stop coming to Veeky Forums.

I like this

Where are people getting this "hags rape men to reproduce" shit? As if there's a single unified entity under the name "hag" in folklore? It's a catch-all term for a wide variety of folkloric figures that range from Jenny Greenteeth to Baba Yaga. It's a mythologized perception of certain elements of female identity in European cultures, and each example is different.

Seriously, if this is coming from a specific mythological tradition I'd be eager to learn more, but I don't see any fucking examples of it in folklore.

Are we talking about hags conceiving with the men they're sitting on and riding at night? Because that's supposed to be riding in the same way you'd ride a horse or any other beast of burden - fuck, half the time the folklore says the victim is turned into an animal specifically for this purpose.

The night hags from the Forgotten Realms, though that's in later editions.

In AD&D, the night hags schtick was that it captured people to sell them to fiends.

So basically it comes from shit-tier contemporary post-Tolkien fantasy.

I don't see how a franchise that's consistently in the NYT's bestsellers lists is shit-tier, but okay.

You also need to calm down. Go log off and get a Snickers. You're getting really worked-up over nothing, user.

>NYT bestsellers
Apparently Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey are not shit now.



The NYT's bestsellers list is in no way a list of 'good' reading.

See any American arts college.

>Are you ready for another mission, Shadowrunner-kun?
>I need you to infiltrate a soirée and gather information on the target. It's a couples-only event though, so you'll have to find a d-
>ME? Ara ara~, but I'm just an old lady! Surely you can find a younger, prettier girl to accompany you?
>I guess it can't be helped...



Hags don't want to run the world. They want to take advantage of the world that is being run by other people, because then you can cause a lot more suffering, pain, hatred, jealous, and suffering because it's unwanted, unexpected, and cruel.

Hags aren't like witches or like humans. Hags are creatures of alienation, spite, cruelty, and malevolent intent. Being in control of the world is actually detrimental to their goals, because suffering and pain and jealousy and anguish are things that are hard to experience when you're miserable and depressed and the world is already dark and grim. Piling shit on top of more shit doesn't make it more shitty, it's still all shit. But take a pristine, beautiful, joyous world, and then inject a dose of extreme heartbreak by seducing a married man into an illicit affair, a dollop of shame-and-blame by revelation of said affair to the wife, and then top it off by forcing the couple to raise the child of their folly under threat of curses and destruction....then you have a hag's true delight.

It's sad how far Veeky Forums has fallen. This stuff used to be common knowledge.

Any North American University*

>Are we talking about hags conceiving with the men they're sitting on and riding at night? Because that's supposed to be riding in the same way you'd ride a horse or any other beast of burden - fuck, half the time the folklore says the victim is turned into an animal specifically for this purpose.

Except the exact same phenomenon was also thought of as incubi/succubi raping people in the night.

It's simply a logical conclusion combining the "hags replace children with their own" and "hags ride men at night".

If you think there is no sexual connotation in being "ridden" by a monster that also produces children with men against their will, you're a sock.

I would prefer a nice game with sweet grandmotherly PCs but here's some art you might like.

Obviously there's a sexual connotation to the riding, but where do we get a unified tradition of "hags" replacing children? Jenny Greenteeth and Peg whatserfucking name drown them, witches in the folktales the Grimms assembled were cannibals, Baba Yaga eats them or indentures them as servants/slaves. Changelings are attributed to fair folk mythologies in the British isles.

What I'm saying is Veeky Forums is making that mistake it always does in assuming the hodgepodge archetypes that are offered in the fucking DnD Monster Manual are solid mythological or folkloric figures rather than, as has been said, a hodgepodge of vaguely related local iterations of a nebulously common folklore.

There is a place in Ravenloft called Tepest where a coven of particularly nasty Hags rule. Its a complete backwater of rural superstition. There are no major cities or towns, but small villages dotted throughout a large valley. The valley is pleasant during the day with whitewashed cottages decorated in flowers with the occasional goblin attack, but at night the place is entirely under the power of the coven. They prey on the humans, goblins and anyone in their valley.

The forests become filled with evil treants and one immense Corrupted Oak of pure evil begins to worm its roots through the earth in search of victims wandering the roads alone. The narrow roads that lead out of the valley become blocked traping adventurers within their realm until they are killed or left them go.

It should be up on the pdfs of Domains of Dread if you want to have a look yourself.

Hags like to ensure that the people have hope as its more pleasing to rob people of what little they have than to taunt shells with no reason to live.

That's interesting. Thanks for the info

Depends on the definition of a hag.

And Tepest in Ravenloft and Irisen in Pathfinder

5e Hags mainly

I really like the idea of trapping sprites and pixies and using them for regenerative effects. I'm going to steal this idea for my next world.

Thank you.

I'm not versed in 5e's lore but it might be worth looking at Dragon Annual #2 (1997 or so), and issues 125, 300, 324, and 345.

These may also be helpful:

I could see a weird kind of hag monopoly on evil larvae/souls emerging, with the fiends trying to break their control up via support for rebels, often non-evil ones too.

Doesn't that mean they need to sabotage any greater evil which would try to destroy the world? After all, doing so would leave them without their abused pets.

Alright, I've been thinking a little more.
>Hags and Neutral Evil (with a few other shades of Evil) gods are in cahoots; hags promote worship of those gods in exchange for the lion's share of the larvae
>this promotion is in the form of perks for the faithful (lower taxes, less food taken, less likely to get harassed)
>Night Hags charge a premium for these larvae, demanding valuable artifacts and materials
>Other mainly Lawful Evil gods trying to undermine the hags so that they stop losing worshipers/power
>Demons and devils are also trying to undermine the hags, but they're also trying to keep the LE gods weak since it gives them political leverage
>Good gods are being pragmatic for the most part since they believe that although they are weakening Evil might be weakening overall
>Good outsiders actually support the status quo since they are getting more Good petitioners; from their point of view, Good is actually benefiting from this
>Neutral gods are just neutral and don't really have a united front

It would look like hillary hadn't lost in 2016

Yes. Because making the hero of a story rely on you for help when he knows you're thoroughly, utterly wicked and hateful, and will not only betray him but ruin any chance of happiness he may have given half the chance, is delicious, delicious irony.

>provide the good guys with the knowledge/power to kill the greater evil
>name your price later

checks out

t. S*uth American

what kind of solvent do you need to get the magic out of a fairy?

Beat me to it user.

But they are hags, whatever they call themselves.

>5e lore
>Being ok with eating babies, killing in general and all the other horrendous acts committed by any and all evil creatures
Grow up user, the world is a dark place. Using a game or anything for that matter as a method of escape from that is unhealthy and immature.
Don't expect anyone to respect your discomfort because you can't handle reality.
Fairy tales and stories that a lot of dnd lore is based on was dark and grim for a reason. Passing on life lessons to children. Says something about you if you can't handle something children have dealt with for generations.

What would a space hag look like? Do some hag covens have their own SpellJammers? Imagine finding a lone surviving beautiful young women on a drifting abandoned ship that's secretly a space hag.

I imagine the ship would be like an angler fish, with the beautiful maiden being a lure attached by an ethereal/psychic tether/tentacle.
Perhaps the Hagship can shapeshift to look like other crafts or maybe it uses psionics to just convince others it looks like a normal ship?
It's true form is a horribly fleshy craft with patches of hair, eyes and two gigantic birdlike limbs that end in clawed talons. Sort of like a Space Baba Yaga.

>Getting raped by hags after being a slave is erotic
What the fuck is wrong with you?

I'm guessing you don't have much of a social life

>He doesn't want a super powerful granny violently assaulting him nightly

I'm guessing you're the kind of person who can't take criticism

Nigger no one wants to play a game where rape is an incredibly common occurrence. And if you say you do then you're a fucking freak

>No one wants to play in a setting with lots of rape
>Murder and cannibalism is cool though


>traditional folklore is incorrect because I don't like it

See, this is why I doubt you have ever interacted with anyone socially.
>I'll just make shit up and pretend he said it. That'll show him!

You asked what a would run by hags would look like and got an answer (that was correct according to irl hag lore) you didn't like, so now you're trying to force what YOU think a world run by hags would look like.
Why ask if you already have an idea you're going to run with regardless?

>Makes personal attacks since there's no rational defense for cherry picking what evil acts are acceptable

Just cause I asked a question doesn't mean I'm not gonna call a retarded answer retarded. Besides, the "irl hag lore" is
1. Not the lore I'm using
2. Not even definitely Hag lore. It's at best a personal interpretation of one piece of writing on one Hag in one part of the world. I would imagine things like cannibalism, magical powers, and a hatred of beauty to be much more important.

So you're saying there is no difference between rape and murder? In that case why is the exclusion of one but the emphasis of another important at all? Unless you're trying to argue that rape is better than murder, in which case your own argument defeats itself. Also
>Makes personal attacks
If that got you that booty bothered you should probably stay off this website.

Just for you, you special snowflake

So you've never actually hear the term 'hag ridden' before Veeky Forums in your life?

Its fairly arbitrary that chaotic evil orcs form naturally into hordes that cooperate fairly well, and NE greenhags and night hags can't. They even have a natural benefit from organizing.

In AD&D, hags can learn a ritual that turns human or demihuman females into hags that are slavishly devoted to them, so you don't actually need any further justification for why they'd work together.

I make DF worlds where Night Hags really have taken over. Thousands of Night Hags/Night Trolls/etc. come out as soon as the sun sets, so you'd better be long gone or retired by then.

I like to have hags mostly replace orcs etc., and they fulfill a similar role... making large quantities of the wilderness unsafe, and urban areas at night even less so. But each hex of the map can have its own coven + minions, requiring far, far fewer assumptions about monster agriculture.

Normally they largely ignore other covens as they are ultimately just crazy old wizard bitches who are content to do weird magic shit, but love to be dicks when visitors drop by.

But nobody will come and visit them if they kill literally every visitor, so they have to spin yarns about benevolent things in the wilderness to guarantee visitors.

Hags are pretty much antisocial creatures and don't really like the company of other hags or crones or witches, with the exception of the occasional sister parings.

So probably the same as a normal fantasy world, but with more wilderness, so it can support more crones who strive to be in the middle of nowhere.

Probably a lot like Russian Folklore.

Pretty much their ass/dnd.

I prefer Hags to just be particularly old and evil witches.

Why exclude if it makes no difference then?
You said it yourself you don't want it in because it makes you uncomfortable
That's what's being addressed here, the fact that you can't seem to understand there's no reason to change what hags are unless you can't handle or address rape like an adult.

Britain under Theresa May. Stick around to see.

That's just Big Brother with a Boobjob, not a Hag.

I would think a hag world would be similar to how drow are presented in dnd just much less fetish/magical realm and more hermit like behaviour

*drow matrons I meant

Please tell me you're the one screeching cause I didn't like his idea, who just got done saying shit about
>Making personal attacks

>A phrase meaning beset by nightmares
>It came about because Night Hags were thought to sit on ones chest to bring them bad dreams

Muh nyqqa.

Only kind of rapey hags in D&D are night hags pre-5e... and pre-5e, night hags are not, in fact, a kind of hag.

This isn't to say they can't rape if that's part of your magical realm, but they're not particularly rape-centric.

This makes me think of the Crones in witcher 3
That on a global scale would be a shitty world to live in.

Because, as stated previously, rape is not and never was anything close to "official Hag lore". I mean fuck, old Night Hags were just thought of as demons or evil spirits, and usually were lumped in with shit like succubi as generic bad stuff that makes your dreams weird. Hags like Baba Yaga and Hansel and Gretel witch were never anything other than implied Satan worshipping humans, and in general were allegories for strangers. Even shit like Jenny Greenteeth was just some human shaped monster that drowned your kids.

I'm not uncomfortable bringing up rape in a game. I'm uncomfortable doing so without it being nessecery, just like I would for shit like canabalism and murder

Ever read The man in the high castle?
Like that, but with hags. Oh everything is hunky dory, except individuality is out of the window along with your rights and safety, the hags will sacrifice you on a whims notice and there's horrors going on that everyone just have to not say anything about.

that has nothing to do with sex nignog.

It was basically a medieval description for sleep apnea and/or sleep paralysis.

The grey wastes in D&D? (Great wheel)...

Because... you know... It's run by hags...

In the user from earlier who was making the same argument - there is no unified, agreed upon archetype for the hag other than that she's an old woman who lives alone. She may be a sorceress, she may have hidden powers, because in human culture your old granny has been around for fucking ever and knows everything, especially how to make people better (and even make people sick) because granny was a mum and mum kept her fucking babies alive. The hag is a perversion of that female cultural archetype. The bad mother. She eats children, doesn't raise them. Or she traps them and makes them slaves, or she drowns them in a fucking river. Seriously, I love folklore, I am eager to learn more, give me a Jenny Greenteeth or a Baba Yaga that has stories told about her where she rapes people. Please. I want to learn more.

You fucking idiots don't know how this shit works. "Hag" is a blanket term for "bad mother" folklore in Europe. Every culture has it, but human culture is mindblowingly fucking diverse and the minutiae of each mythological tradition will vary wildly. Baba Yaga counts fucking spoons for the love of God (Slavs please enlighten me).

True, but they're not actually hags per se other than in 5e. Night hags are very interesting, but they depart from normal hag behavior and powers quite in many ways.

For example, pre-5e, they are among the most straightforwardly violent and destructive kinds of fiends around -- the only kind of fiend that roams about, directly killing humans for their souls. This isn't to say there can't be more subtle kinds of night hags, or that you can't decide to count them as a kind of hag in older editions, but as is they're very different.

They do make great antagonists, though.

I always thought stuff like that is to make Baba Yaga seem monstrous. After all, back then, what was more monstrous than something you don't understand, and who can understand counting spoons? Plus the common fairy tale lesson of "listen to people who are smarter than you."

Continuing this spasm of autism on a different trend - I've been into Sasquatch lately. I'm not gonna go on about whether or not there's a relict hominid or undiscovered hominine (or more than one species) running around North America I'm almost certain there aren't in modern times but am increasingly convinced that there were during the earliest instances of anatomically modern humans inhabiting the continent, but it's pretty compelling to think about the figure featured in the story and dance in the following video.
We know female apes have breasts that, in a general sense, considering we're all primates, resemble a woman's breasts. If Sasquatch was/is primate (which if it exists it is, it's not a fucking intersimensional hyperbeing or some shit), and if it did/does have an aggressive disposition, or exhibited predatory behaviour as either a subsistence carnivore or omnivore, the idea that's Dzunukwa of the K'omoux nation shown here or Yanikuka (I'm probably misspelling that) of the nearby Haida nation have heir origins in early humans' contact with large hominids or hominines. And the child-stealing and haggard wild-woman aspects seem relevant to the discussion about hags here.

Good shit


That's pretty neat. I always imagined later interpretations of Hags just being metaphors for Satanism and the trouble women get into if they don't have a strong husband. This whole primal ape thing seems a bit incongruous, but fits pretty well historically


Teresa May, Angela Merkel, and Tronald Dump run our world. What do you think?


well 5e hags are supposed to be embodiments of malice, right? you can't get anymore malicious than rape. just look at how all this rape talk is making you feel, OP! would this not be the perfect behavior of a hag?

Fey-based hags are supposedly the embodiments of that which is ugly in nature just as nymphs are supposedly the embodiments of that which is beautiful in nature.

That said, while rape is definitely something most humanoid evil creatures would do happily, I see them more as symbolizing people's fear of the unknown and a muggle's fear of magic and old age maybe, not sure.

They're just freaky, evil, twisted fey critters, lets go with that.