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Mystery box.
Objectively best option. I get a cute lesbian doggirl and I get to be a cute doggirl.
>inb4 not lesbian
Of course doggirls are lesbians why else do they have those strong tongues?
Gonna post some comfy shit, internet is garbage so this might take a tick.
Some tunes for anyone needing to be comfy and sleepy.
Forgot to add
>[Dual-classing] (lean towards girls)
>Necromancer this, Necromancer that
When will we get a cyoa about replacing flesh with glorious steel and launching a crusade of forceful abduction and upgrading of feeble fleshbags.
Some people might not find this one too comfy, but I dig it.
Also I'm out, my collection is kinda small.
Does anyone else read the mystery boxes before you decide if you take them or not?
Thats a big 10-4 good buddy.
Yeah, but only because most of the mystery boxes say something like, "you have to give up everything else you chose to get this thing without knowing what it is".
And I'm just like... Really? That's dumb.
I'd decide whether or not to take the mystery box WITHOUT looking if they weren't going to be the only thing I'm getting.
Wow a mystery box that does not fuck me over those are rare
Some of you weirdo's might want a gentledom waifu with you to be extra comfy I know I do so have a bonus cyoa.
In a bit of a weird mood, in that I feel like doing this one but I feel like letting RNGesus take the wheel.
Should I do the rolling here anons? Or get it done real quick with a virtual roller and just post the results?
When you make it. I'll even play it.
Roll outside and then post
Original Comfyposter here, do thisInterested to see your results
I like this one. You can do so much stuff with the options presented.
>room type
[other], set up a simple house (bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room) and then add a gigantic, empty room with a park aesthetic and ceiling that can project various skyboxes that we can use later for building housing for the various people we'll summon.
>entrance method
[other] you can imbue any drawn doorway/arch into a portal. The portal will function like whatever it is drawn as (e.g. a normal door, garage door, etc)
>physical items
auto-Veeky Forums 1
gamen piisii 2
the rest 3
/diy/ zone 4
Veeky Forums as heck 5
Veeky Forums hell yeah 6
Veeky Forumsbulous 7
ocean man 8
turn it on for 2 item choices
start with mediterranean beach, forest, hikeable mountain
turn them on for 2 item choices
be the girl 0
redesign 2
inter-bot 9001 3
lasting effects 5
reality convert 7
all along 9
last resort 11
hq hq 12
skinship 13
2 birds, 1 soul 15
machine learning 17
So the idea here is to abuse the crap out of machine learning, workshop, and being able to summon any fictional companion. First, remodel yourself so that you have specs as high as the ability will allow. You're specifically looking for intelligence/memory and dexterity/tool use. Once that's done, pick a subject and have HAL teach you how to git gud at it. If necessary, summon a relevant fictional character to train with. Being able to split into 6 bodies should help quite a bit when you're building stuff. Use the recreational facilities and summon waifus as needed to relax. Being able to split into 6 bodies should help a lot here, too.
All of this can take as long as you want, and you can progress at a pace as relaxed as you want, since you're immortal and no time is passing in the outside world. If you do want to interact with the outside world, one easy way to make money would be to function as a super high-end plastic surgeon. The portal method should allow for keeping things a secret.
Roll here.
>Age: College Student
>Size Ratio: Towering Giant
>Physical Build: Chubby
>Breast Size: Mammoth
>Butt & Hips: Badonkadonk
>Facial Features: Cute
>Hairstyle: Long and Straight
>Skin Tone: Bronze
>Sex Drive: Regular
>Romantic Attitude: Mostly Equal
>Personality Traits: Pure, Romantic, Fragile, Needy, Aggressive
>Fetishes: Cuddling
>Hobbies: Movies, Videogames, Painting, Sleeping, Computer
>Extra: Futanari
I will never have a giant chubby qt gf and that makes me sad
After the Necromancer update.
I read them together with the rest but never consider picking them
Newp. I play the CYOA by its own rules
Age: Christmas Cake
Height Ratio: Amazonian
Physical Build: Muscular
Breast Size: Average
Hip Size: Child Bearing
Face: Noble
Hairstyle: Sex Hair
Skin Color: Ebony
Sex Drive: Sexual Predator
Romantic Attitude: Fulltime Dom
Personality Traits: Generous, Smugtacular, Charismatic, Tomboy, Cool, Pervert, Pragmatic, Kind-Hearted, Cunning, Aggressive
Fetishes and Desires: Cuddling, Public Sex, Sweaty Sex, Bondage, CFNM, Oral x 3, Smothering, Being On Top
Hobbies and Interests: Lifting, Videogames, Hiking, Computer, Traveling
Extra Features: Piercings, Glasses, Strange
It is best to ignore him. /d/ isn't used to the outside world. Think of them like autistic children: They can't handle you telling them they're wrong.
Path: Conspirator
-Endbringer Target, S9 Recruit, Kidnapping, Wanted by the Merchants, Birdcaged
Total Points: 39
-Brute (Peak Human Strength), costs 1
-Thinker (Path to Victory), costs 20
-Trump (Unlimited Shard Works), costs 7
Companions: Watchmaker and the Seraphim, costs 6
Perks: Godslayer, costs 5
Gifts: The Candle if I can take people/companions, the Diary otherwise.
Summary: Not absolutely certain how this will go down. Powerwise I'm monstrous, since Unlimited Shard Works should be easy to feed new powers thanks to Path to Victory. I really just took Peak Human because I had a free point. Godslayer combines with Path to Victory to make my power even more comprehensive than Contessa's. If Unlimited Shard Works lets me emulate Endbringer powers, given my friendship with the Seraphim, that's just icing on the cake. Whilst the flaws I've taken are pretty horrible, none of them are a huge issue given my power set and allies.
Seems the preference was rolling it outside and then posting. So, first off village style.
>Hellenic Seaside
Geography (not in order rolled)
>Cave systems
>Coral reefs
Funky so far, but I think it fits the village style. I would've figured it to be somewhere more tropical, but I guess it's temperate. Next where I live.
>Apartment room
Darn, I'm a light sleeper so being in a building with other people might be rough on me. Oh well. Where is this apartment place?
>A strange place
I'd have guessed I'm on my own, except it said the previous option that I'm with others. I guess inside one of the cave systems then. My three artifacts then. (actually in order rolled, but just by chance)
>Soft blanket
>Ragged doll
>Sorrowful mask
Well the soft blanket will help with the sleeping problem I suppose. I'm not big on the other two though, since I don't like kids that much, and I have enough problems with my own depression. Well, now the village borders.
>End of reality
I've wondered sometimes what it would be like to live on an actual flatworld. I guess now I get to find out. Now, the job they put me to.
Aw man, that's like the worst one for me. Damn. I hope the highlights make this place worth it. (not in order rolled)
>Cloud tower
>Blossom meadow
>Primeval forest
>Galaxy lake
Fuck yeah, the village's lake is awesome, that meadow is gorgeous to look at even if it might make me sneeze, there might be dinosaurs in that forest, and I'm totally gonna climb the hell out of that tower. Awesome. Now what about my new buddy in town?
>Dapper gentleman
1/2 cont.
I might've preferred one of the waifus, but I'll totally take a cool bro, too. Now, I really hardcored it up by rolling a virtual d11-1 for how many bad things there were... I got a 10, so 9 of them... Wow. In that case, I just rolled which bad thing ISN'T at the town, and left in the rest. So...
>Catacomb depths
>Nighttime shades
>Mystery festival
>Ruined cathedral
>Wandering god
>Endless abyss
>Otherworldly mist
>Nature sprite
>Decay city ruins
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck holy shit this town now seems about 99% less comfy than it did before. Though at least the old guard is the one I DIDN'T get, so I don't have to worry about some old douchebag with a weapon harassing me in town. I just have to live with... All that other stuff going on out there... Anyway, so I guess I get, damn, 18 extra things. I pooled together all the remaining geography, artifacts, highlights and other guides, and rolled randomly among all of them so my bonuses would be split up randomly as well. (this time, in the order I rolled them because that was easier)
>Guide: Nostalgic chief
>Geography: Marshland
>Geography: Rivers
>Guide: Smug little girl
>Geography: Plains
>Artifact: Bronze bracelet
>Geography: Waterfalls
>Artifact: Inviting pendant
>Guide: Lonely monster
>Highlight: Healing spring
>Geography: Mountains
>Highlight: Siren overlook
>Geography: Volcano
>Geography: Woodlands
>Geography: Rolling hills
>Artifact: Shiny marble
>Highlight: Floating islands
Well, wish me luck anons, because it looks like what was supposed to be a comfy village life might have just turned into an RPG adventure.
Oh hey, and somehow it ate a bit of my copy-pasta. I also got The old castle highlight as the last bonus.
Damn it, I missed the disadvantages capping at 20. I'll scrap Birdcaged, take Secret Identity revealed, and take Mirror World. I'll get rid of my Peak Human power and take Good Reputation to cancel out the problems of having my secret identity revealed. Path to Victory should patch up any of the new complexities this alternative route causes.
>Age:College Student
>Size: Amazonian
The girl should be juuust exactly taller than the boy! Since he's short the girl is only tall for women
>Build: Athletic
Femdom girls need thick thighs! And to be able to make the boy feel protected
>Bust: Average
>Butt&Hips: Child bearing
>Facial: Smug
>Hair: Sex hair
>Skin: Bronze
Wouldn't be an amazon otherwise right?
>Sex drive: Sexual Predator
Receptive isn't real femdom...
>Romantic: Publicly traditional
The best is having the guy pretend to be all macho and alpha in public but beg her to be blindfolded and tied up at home
>Personality traits:
>Fetishes and desires:
>Cuddling 1
>Orgasm denial 1
>Public sex 3
>Bondage 1
>Pet-play 1
>Oral 1
>Cross-dressing 1
>Territorial 1
Unfair I can only pick 10...
>Extra features:
>Inhuman traits:
>Great horns
>Lizard tail
>Scaly skin
>Sharp claws
>Long tongue
When do I get her?
This one is my ideal comfydark.
Gothic Parish
Mediterranean Climate
Mountains, Woodlands, Rolling Hills, Rivers, Lakes, Islands, Rock Formations, Cave Systems, Waterfalls
Tower Lodge
Village Border
Shiny Marble, Inviting Pendant, Pale Ring, Rusty Dagger, Fur Mantle, Yellowed Book
Endless Expanse
Fairy Grove, Sky Islands, Old Castle, Cloud Tower, Blossom Meadow, Primeval Forest, Crystal Caverns, Healing Spring, Galaxy Lake
Nostalgic Chief, Smug Little Girl, Lonely Waifu^H^H^H^H^H Monster
Catacomb Depths, Ruined Cathedral, Wandering God, Endless Abyss, Otherworldly Mist, Nature Sprite, Decay City
"PeePee PooPoo"
>Inhuman (human-like green frog)
Strength lvl 1
Agility lvl 3
Endurance lvl 3
Durability lvl 2
Enhanced senses lvl 3
Stealth lvl 3
Reflexes lvl 3
Natural weapon(tongue) lvl 3
Natural toxin(mainly Piss) lvl 3
Stylish lvl 3 26/25
Self Healing lvl 2
Focus lvl 3
Elementalism (Water/piss) lvl 3
Passion lvl 1
Prime subject
Hated, Valuable, Traitor
Satan, Satan, Satan, Satan, Yuito Kataok
Olivia Blake (Traitor)
Fiona Dawley
Corrine Devoe
A human that fulfilled prophecy of mighty KEK got turned into giant green frog, gifted with four new voices in his head and contact with Japanese NEET who claims to be chief scientist he set forth to piss on whole world. BUT it seems like women, disgust by this manifestation of manliness set to oppose him, there are also rumors that Moloch created identical being to defeat an Avatar of KEK
Handle of Telekinetic Recall
Suave, Scholarly, Street-Smart,
Is the new Travellers Tale out yet?
I'll take a spear of bloodstone. Persecution will target people other other political ideologies (if that's too open-ended, people who have political belief systems that encourage them to enforce their laws on others without their consent). The spear is fitted with a Handle of Telekinetic recall.
The weapon is scholarly, posh, poetic devoted and social. Imbued with the element of water and tied to the Fox Spirit familiar.
I'll imbue it with the goddess Siyah, taking the Falcon and Serpent additional familiars.
Overall I'm impossible to ambush with a dagger, have an incredibly powerful spammable ranged attack that also makes it hard for my foes to give chase, possess plenty of healing and a lot of utility thanks to my familiars.
How about making a cyoa where you can make your own overwatch character?
Just play TF2 and try on a bunch of different hats and weapons.
only if its focused on making the character homosexual
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Name: John Doe
Origin: Innate
Appearance: Peak Human
Faction: Cult (Self Improvement 2 for free). The Cult of the Multiverse.
Perks: Expert, Boot Camp, Transport(Super Road APC...basically an armored mobile home).
Drawbacks: Valuable, Hated, Traitor, Memory Loss, Weakness(Anti-Matter), Body Guard(Samuel Mason).
Allies: Ryan Elmore, Max.
Foes: The Prototype(Charisma), Corrine Devoe(Samuel Mason), John York(Squad).
Strength 3, Agility 3, Endurance 2, Durability 3, Enhanced Senses 2, Stealth 2, Reflexes 3, Immunity 2, Self Healing 3, Unarmed Mastery 2, Social Enhancer 1, Mental 2, Focus 3, Flight 2, Directed Energy Attack 3, Training 3, Inheritable 1, Overcharge 3.
Corrine Devoe stole the Prototype with the help of York, and now her dark gods are taking them to an unknown world. Its time for a road trip to whatever hell hole Devoe ran too.
World:Noble bright-
OKAY Get on the..., oh sweet Christ where the fuck are we and why is there a sexy elf chick in a bikini staring at me. SATAN, DID YOU FUCK WITH THE PORTAL AGAIN?!
Inherent Power: Good Friend-
Welp, at least this big guy is friendly, I could still take him, but apprantly he just likes getting his chin scratched. Who ta thunk it? Wanna come with my scaly friend?
Birthright: The True Heir
Hey is that a castle? Maybe they need help, there is a lot of smoke over there. Might be where Devoe and York ran off too.
Armor and Weapon: Whats that big guy, you found something for me? I don't really...oh for gods sake don't use the eyes. Fine, I'll use them.
Astral Mark, your breath smells...why did I get a tattoo from bad breath? Solais, hey the sword is glowing the closer we get to the castle, get ready boys, I have a feeling we're going in hot. Kodring, hey Samuel, I bet I could give you a shave with these things from 5 meters away, or farther, doesn't seem that hard to control them.
Mentor(technically second mentor): Theodore.
Guys, we are picking up a local. Part 1.
Can I choose two of the same doggies?
If so, I'm starting a skulk of Kumihos.
If not, I'll take a Kumiho and a Mahou Inu.
Also, I'm becoming a magical Dog-Girl.
Bandolier of Holding
Subspace Backyard
Godsborn Sandals
Musicker Box
World: Nobledark
Inherent Power: Word Binder
Birthright: Marked Hero
Armor: The Hyperion
Weapons: Khanda and Kriscarn
Mentor: Qvrllicui
Companions: Benjamin and Micaela
Mount: Giant Crow
Starting Location: Castle Hall
Essentially I'm a jack of all trades, using divine miracles taught to me by my mentor in conjunction with magic that Micaela can teach me. I'll continuously spar with Benjamin to keep my martial skills up. Khanda will be my main weapon, amping up my spells whilst being a powerful martial weapon due to empowering enchantments. Kriscar is mainly for speeding me up and acting as a good ranged attack whilst I'm still getting to grips with magic.
I plan on using the Word Binder as much as possible, making use of the good reputation I'll garner from being the Marked Hero and the good position that the duke's patronage promises. Essentially I want to accumulate lifespan from people in desperate situations. I'll keep half for myself and trade the other half to Micaela to keep her alive-essentially, the two of us will lean heavily on each other as she teaches me more and more magic whilst helping me procure people who'll trade their life and I provide her with the means she needs to stay alive. It'll be something of a slow burn, but with such a powerful companion and my unique abilities I could well end up unstoppable once I've accumulated enough powers from my contracts.
>Also, I'm becoming a magical Dog-Girl.
But... then you have to bully the cute girl! How could you live with yourself?
Nah, you just have to touch fluffy tail.
You could just ask
Part 2
Companions: Benjamin and Arctora
Nevermind, we got a few extra natives to come with us, hey check that dwarf, that piece of paper he has is glowing for some reason, I think it might....FUCK, MY EYES, GOD DAMN FLASHBANG IN MY EYES! Wait, I can see again, roll call people, any injuries? come I can understand you people now? (Explosion in the distance of the castle) Fuck it, nevermind, get in and strap down, we aren't stopping for anything else now. DRIVE JINKINS!
Mount: Hawk Griffin
I'm getting on the roof to check area, (creaks of a opening ceiling hatch), okay lets see, SQUACK!, what the fuuu GOD DAMNIT, WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE FACE?!(Peal off strange bird cat thing from face) And what are you smiling at, OI don't go...oh for fucks sake, fine. New world, I get a pet. Whatever, Jenkins what's our eta? Fuck that, drive off the side, that big ass window will fit the truck, we need to get in there yesterday! HOLD ON PEOPLE, ITS GONNA GET ROUGH! Sound of breaking glass in the background followed by a certain southern car horn.
Starting Location: Castle Hall.
One badass ball room brawl later, with villain monologue and escape. Samuel, try to get the medic some help with the injured, HEY YOU TWO GUARDS, STOP STARING WITH YOUR THUMBS UP YOUR ASS AND HELP US! Speaking of, hey short guy, why is everyone staring at me? Wait...we didn't accidentally run someone over did we? What do you mean I look like royalty? I just protect people bub....and apparently overgrown house cats with wings. Wait, you meant that literally? Then who's the other guy? Huh....he's shorter than me, but I can see the resemblance. Weird.
You can't ask her. Says she only turns you if you annoy her.
Or if you touch fluffy tail.
Well then you can just be nice and learn how to do it yourself from her
If you ask her enough, maybe she'll get annoyed.
There, easy!
Am I reading this right: The narrator is actually a guy who turned into a cute girl?
Can I fuck "him" so hard he wants to stay a girl? This world needs all the cute it can get!
Suck on her tail while rubbing the other one
>rubbing the other one
Apologies for the delay. It was late at night and IRL matters plagued the morning.
Both, probably. Probably becuase there's an if.
Believe it or not, finding appropriate pics for a CYOA is harder than it looks like. I keep lists of artists that are good at certain things for a fucking reason. I don't have any artists that have good stuff on the comfydark end. In my defense, I did ask for pictures and artists several times several threads ago.
So, what I'm going to do is scour the galleries I know see if I can, by miracles of providence, find any pic that might be more appropriate. If I don't, I may very well scrap it alltogether. If I do, I'll probably do a half-and-half. Keep minimal danger but add more spooky as well.
Unless you master the fucking arts like a hentai protagonist so you can make her pupils turn in to hearts i doubt it
Rubbing her tail, and sucking her "tail".
>her "tail"
Mystery box
Big sis is best
What kinda guy would want to go back to being a guy after being a cute girl and knowing how good sex feels? 'Sides I'm gonna steal her magic book and rock her world.
Wasn't there some dude who got turned into a woman by Hera and Zeus, immediately left his family then became a prostitute, and pissed Hera the fuck off when he said sex as a woman is the best?
>What kinda guy would want to go back to being a guy after being a cute girl and knowing how good sex feels?
It's only that good if you can find someone who's actually good in bed. Most guys aren't.
Guys are the only ones who can get off with a shitty lover. And when they get off, sex is over, even if you haven't enjoyed yourself.
>And when they get off, sex is over, even if you haven't enjoyed yourself.
user we're not talking about a normal girl. We're talking about a magical girl with a fluffy tail. If you stop when you cum you're doing it wrong. This is a once in a million lifetimes opportunity! You need to fuck her so good she stays your fluffy-tailed waifu!
World: Nobledark. Objectively the best world Type.
Inherent Power: Skill Thief. Let's face it, I'm nothing special yet. This will help.
Birthright: God's Chosen. Fits the Nobledark setting well.
Armor: Hyperion. Naked is death.
Weapon: Khanda and Kriskarn. Khanda seems useful for the Paladin Motif, and Kriskarn is great for those folks who expect someone in Hyperion to be plodding.
Mentor: Qvrllicui. My deity could probably use an angel right now, and I could use
Allies: Wanderer to teach me how to survive and keep me alive, Zerria to teach me to fight and watch my back.
Mount: Eastern Cat. It's a kitty.
Starting Location: Main Bazaar. I'd rather not get turned into a pirate or get tortured, so it's that or the slums. Bazaar sounds like a better bet.
>What kinda guy would want to go back to being a guy after being a cute girl and knowing how good sex feels?
Get off the internet Tiresias, you're blind.
Solar Spitz. Easy choice - it looks cool as fuck, and it's a living bundle of magic happiness.
Godsborn Sandals. For walkies.
Everlasting Bludwurst. Never buy dog food again.
Subspace Back Yard. Because I have an apartment.
Let the dog-girl stay with me for a while.
Mahou Inu. One dog is really enough, so I think I'll take a friend in dog form.
Doggie Tesseract Toy. This one just sounds cool.
Do not annoy the dog-girl. I'm sure he can turn me into one later under better circumstances if I want.
Forgot this part
Ehekatl. Luck and charisma are the best superpowers in the real world, and Elona is ludicrously lethal.
'It' didn't look so bad
if having a penis made her not be a girl, then it wouldn't be an option in a CYOA about making your own GIRLfriend, now would it
Cuddly pocket dimension.
(nothing like bright moonlight shining on the snow.)
>Room contents:
(A nice reading room)
Large windows
(Make the most of the view)
Animal (cuddly cat)
Bedding (for snuggling up while reading)
Candles (I like reading by candle-light)
Fruits & pastries (I'm fat)
Soft carpets (I'm going to be sitting on the floor, so I might as well)
Now I can snuggle up in front of a roaring fire, with silvery moonlight reflected of the snowy landscape outside, and enjoy a good book by candle-light. With cake.
I agree it doesn't look bad. Apparently they made the wise decision to cut out the child sex scene
Creepy Cold Comfort
Rural Japan
Cozy Cabin
Inviting Pendant
Soft Blanket
Rusty Dagger
Pale Ring
Ragged Doll
Pocket World
Old Castle
Cloud Tower
Blossom Meadow
Healing Spring
Siren Overlook
Galaxy Lake
Smug Little Girl
Christmas Cake
Lonely Monster
Mystery Festival
Ruined Cathedral
Otherworldly Mist
A rural Japanese village high among the mountains cut off from the world across treacherous pathways long since destroyed by ice, erosion and landslides.
Weather here is fickle, rarely thawing and often everything is enshrouded by clouds making journeying off the few maintained roads a dangerous idea.
The village itself is built on plateaus warmed by geothermal vents. small, warm springs bubble forth around the place, providing water for the village.
There is also several hot springs around the place. One famous one can be found a fair way around the mountain which is known to bring good health.
Above the village is an old Japanese castle and a shrine, decaying and long since abandoned.
They were built around a even older tower of a foreign architectural style that ends far beyond even the highest clouds.
Near the castle there used to be another hot spring but flowers have long since overgrown it as they grow despite the bitter cold.
The village accepted me easily, my medical skills found me a job as a doctor however as it's mostly the farmers out exposed to the elements that need my help my house is far from the village proper, among the rice paddies.
I've found friends between a young child who oft shirks her duties to play and her aunt, a lady in her thirties that her family is desperate to marry off.
There is also an Oni out in the fields of snow. She is recluse but helps lead those lost back towards the village so they don't freeze to death.
>Can't follow basic if A, then A logic
>Calling other people retards
pick one
Lulwy any other choice is inferior afterall speed is king in elona
I've exchanged more then a few words with her when she's brought those suffering from hypothermia to me.
She lives in the many caves that can be found around the mountains and lives mostly off food offerings from the village they leave for her.
Although the village is welcoming, they have many strange rituals and festivals that I've never been invited to attend, at most I can only observe from a great distance away.
Celebrations of the full and new moon, ancestor and death celebrations and one held rarely which I'm forbidden from witnessing. I've seen flashes of old, yellowed robes but nothing else.
>Ordinary humans can survive 4 hits from a magical greatsword
Two-handed sword
Telekinetic handle
THIS is what I strive for.
Any exciting WiP's to look forward to (or cool ideas that I can make) ?
You better tell me why your zwei is not infused with fire