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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Jumpers! How do you get comfy?
Reminding all anons that great shame came to those who ignored the great and comfy couch from 9 to 5.
I mean, yeah, but is there a place to get a great and awesome washer/drier? because without warm sheets and blankets, you will never really be comfy anyway
Why would anyone jump 9 to 5?
Isn't it literally "work a stupid job even though you could easily accumulate great wealth, put up with stupid bullshit or risk being fired and lose the chain"?
Hi everyone. Have a jump. Link comments and gripes to this post for me to check later.
Does Zendikar have anyone worth getting as a companion? I'm not really familiar with the setting, but I know that Innistrad has some good options, so I could see Zendikar having some as well.
it has a nice couch user, what more do you want?
I have a ball pit Filled with stress balls and Enchanted to be exactly 5° above my body temperature.
Depends how you build for it, there's all sorts of ways to go about it,from mundane crime lord to the worlds first superhero to be Bill Gates with out of jump knowledge.
So what are some perks to revive/resurrect others? Most have a time limit on them sadly.
I am thinking using barbadium body with enchantment to make some runes powered by heat and magic, among other things, with correspondance and aetheryte and some etherium to enchant my body into a mana generating work of art. Any ideas how to go about this? I was thinking aetheryte crystals in etherium cages enchanted using my combo for enchanting. The correspondance would be the base language used because its eldritch and cool.
Anyone have ideas or tips for this? I was also considering doing the same with some magitech wings and a halo of some sort behind my back.
D&D has magic for that.
And if you need to force it(as they can say no), go to Ravenloft, buy the perk that lets you buy/sell anything, find a setting that lets you commune with the dead(maybe grab the Resurrection Stone out of HP?), and buy their ability to say no to being resurrected. As long as they don't know you can actually buy it, they should let it go easy.
First Draft Done Take a look. Comment and Review please. Is the formatting working out?
Secondary Trigger needs to cost more. It gives boosters to two tiers of perks and the transformation stuff.
What does the boosted version of I wAnt to be Normal do? it's way too vague on how good a resistance is and seems much too broad as well.
Honcho's booster also feels too vague and needs more info.
Space Piracy same as above
Overall, that's actually one of my big criticisms. Carnival Phantasm is what you apparently tried to copy but you copied all the worst parts of that jump along with the good ones, namely the severe lack of detail. All of that jumps perks were super jokey, so it's not so much an issue, but some of the stuff in yours is much better yet comes off as far too unclear on how good it is or how it does what it does.
Oh, I heard this show was good though I know...next to nothing about it except the premise.
>Gun Morphing
This is dripping with Gainax.
where the hell did my trip go?
Sorry about that
so Are identities free,because only one is explicitly noted as free but the others don't have a price.
>Simplify Me Has the line "deal things back" did you mean dial things back?
You're... not... wrong.
Akki needs to drop down one line.
So do god slaying arts
Otherwise looks awesome.
Zendikar is pretty much dominated by events of Jacetice League: Gatevengers Assemble.
Sticking ten planeswalkers into the story didn't leave much room for anyone else.
This has the names and quotes of the secondary characters though, and there're usually some neat ones.
is there a perk that is not a healing factor that allows you to do things like "regrow a lost arm," or anything like that, over time?
is there a perk that is not a healing factor that allows you to do things like "regrow a lost arm," or anything like that, over time?
not sure if I'm interpreting the Question right Since you're pretty much describing a healing factor but waveform anatomy from NGE.
What are the most useful Mangekyo Sharingan abilities in the long run?
I think certain Nemesis abilities in Anima let you straight up replace lost limbs/body parts with a dark energy equivalent.
Yeah if you go to any of the jumps that give you an animal human hybrid and take axlotle as your animal. They can regrow most anything.
Probably Kamui and one of the Genjutsus, can depend on what your other skills are though.
>Regrow a limb
>But not a healing factor
I'm afraid I don't understand the question. Wouldn't something that lets you regrow a lost arm, by definition, be a healing factor?
Maybe super-surgery or cybernetic perks to just reattach limbs or make new ones?
My vote for the best ability goes to the one that lets you brainwash people into thinking you're their very best friend, and they're a deep-cover agent in an enemy organization.
This is... just ridiculous. The anime is ridiculous, the Jump is ridiculous, the characters are ridiculous, the perks are ridiculous, even the run time is ridiculous!
I mean, I kinda like it, but it doesn't stop it from being ridiculous. I have to say though, not a huge fan of the Drawbacks selection. Garage Sale especially. But that's just my opinion.
>This is... just ridiculous. The anime is ridiculous, the Jump is ridiculous, the characters are ridiculous, the perks are ridiculous, even the run time is ridiculous!
>I mean, I kinda like it, but it doesn't stop it from being ridiculous. I have to say though, not a huge fan of the Drawbacks selection. Garage Sale especially. But that's just my opinion.
So do you think it would be possible to be accurate to the source material. If the jump was completely serious? I feel like I'm missing a step here
The one where you don't kill someone you love for fleetingly useful edgy eyes.
What? No. I think it's fine the way it is. It represents the source material just fine. Being ridiculous doesn't stop it from being good.
Seriously, just unban the cider already. The Seven Against Nidah makes it irrelevant at this point.
Honestly, I've never even watched the show but I can already say that the jump kinda sucks. I mean, it looks like trash, akin to one of those jumps from the early days of /jc/. Please redo, or get a better sense of aesthetics.
Revive from Magicka, also called "the honeybadger of resurrection magic". It can pretty much bring back to life anything that can be brought back to life, and lots of stuff usually can't. Also extremly cheap to cast, and no limit on how much you can use it on someone.
Considering it's 14 episodes long and each episode is roughly 5 minutes long, perhaps you should watch it before just running your mouth?
Also, if you want to criticism aesthetics, be specific.
You have to cast it within like two hours of their death.
I load up on drugs and candy, get a lot of blankets, turn on the Old Television Set in my warehouse... and then promptly pass out with all my time dilation perks active.
I just stole the one from Invader Zim.
I mean, I make that sound easy, when I say I "just stole" it, but I actually fought a small land war over it. Those fuckers did not want to give that thing up.
And that was back when the highest power jump I'd been to was Sonic, fresh off my apprenticeship with Eggman. So, y'know, my tactics had a certain aesthetic to them.
A lot of SIRs died that day.
I took the perk that makes you the benefit of nepotism. My family owned a deli.
And, I mean. Technically you don't actually lose any of your actual powers. So, for instance, I was able to keep that deli really, really clean, like sterile clean, despite being high as a kite like 98% of the time.
At least, I think that's what I did.
That's what my companions said I did.
Apparently I got employee of the month a couple times, one of which was directly because I stayed behind to work when all my friends/companions went off on a cross country roadtrip together and it really impressed my in-jump dad.
I can only account for like maybe 10% of my actual time there.
Well, didn't know that. Everyone was wanking that spell so hard I really thought it had no limits. Looks like the search continues.
The Rinnegan.
It's not criticism of the content, but how he chooses to represent it. Also, I'm no designer, simply a random shitposter. Besides saying "it's shit", there's not much I can help with.
What? It requires you watch someone you truly love die a final death and you can't do anything to bring them back. And it has to be someone that you love so much that it fucks you up mentally. You don't have to kill them yourself, but still.
Uh...Okay a bit of a weird question but I know of a few.
Nightmare Before Christmas has an option that if you attach a body part to yourself, it becomes a part of you after like 24 hours.
Hero BBS has Immortality which heals all wounds eventually.
Various Jumps have magics that let you regrow stuff.
Cybernetics or Artificial limbs in general.
Then there is body swapping if you want to go that route.
The Sims 3 witch line can do it pretty easily, just need to do one spell that raises them as a zombie and then another spell that removes zombification. The body probably needs to be intact though.
The phone you can get in Sims is even easier but costs cash money.
I mean, he's right.
Age of Mythology has an item for Egypt that lets you mummify people and then rez them.
Franken Fran has one that as long as you got to someone quickly enough, you could bring them back to life.
He outright says in the jump he modeled it after Carnival Phantasm. CP was made by Rukipedia, who was never terribly good on his own and it's a very lack luster, semi early in JC jump.
It'd be kind of like the next Call of Duty game trying to call back to the originals by being set in WW2, except they also decided to just port the years old, extremely outdated gameplay and visuals
So mass effect andromeda.
If you're just going to say "It's stupid looking" over and over again, maybe you should just keep your mouth shut. Unless you're going to offer up suggestions on how to improve, your opinion has been noted.
Also, the words Carnival and Phantasm don't appear anywhere in the document. Nice try though.
He was saying that you have to kill someone you love not that you had to watch them die.
You effectively have to unless you have no access to anything that can save/rez them. Standing by and letting someone you love so much that their death will unhinge you die is effectively killing them for power.
We are jumpers, we didn't always have ways to rez someone so im pretty sure we had a few loved ones die on us.
Wasnt it confirmed that you basically need the trauma, whether real or not, to fuck you up mentally to unlock the mangos?
If you know they will be fine Im not sure if it will be enough to make you pop.
Im in final fantasy 1 right now, what is a good quote for someone who is basically playing the part of satan?
True, but most people wait a little while to jump Naruto, drastically raising their chances.
I figured the Mangos activation would work retroactively.
> "I, Jumper, will knock you all down!"
What's your favorite spell, where is it from, what can it do, and when was the last time you used it?
Nope. 99% sure the jumpmaker said it wouldn't. Sasuke's whole clan getting murdered over and over in front of him only unlocked the first stage of his eyes.
Thermonuclear Blast from Quest for Glory using Clones to cast.
So even if you mind-fuck yourself into believing that they're actually, legitimately dead, it won't work? That's kind of stupid, desu.
The Gift of Life from Anima. It creates brand new races! I use it as often as I can get away with. Though usually my first action is replacing mosquitoes in the food chain after exterminating them.
/Fuck mosquitoes./
I mean, come on. It's like you don't even Satan. The answer is obvious.
Elemental Monarch (Candy) from Adventure time. It's a pretty broad power. I can make explosions by creating soda and pop rocks, pelt people with streams of hard candy, create large quantities of sticky gum to trap people in. All kinds of stuff. I'm still figuring out just what I can do with it.
I just used it a few moments ago to make myself a piece of caramel covered in dark chocolate. Which is pretty much the only thing I use it for, making myself candy.
At least now I've got room in my pockets for other things. Like cornbread or rice crispy squares.
Is their a Perk anywhere that allows me to modify Ice and Cold elemental damage into Heat? Something broad preferably.
That's a cool question.
My answer won't live up to it tho.
Here it is:
Summon White Dragon. From the King Arthur's jump. I like it a lot because its very presence thrusts life back into the land. I think that's rad. Last time I summoned it was probably in Actraiser, along with a bunch of other dragons and a gazillion angels, to help me fuck up Satan.
The faithful has lost her faith, the incorruptible has become corrupted, the true innocent has given way to the sins of man... like all the rest before her! Who now can deny me my rights?
sorry I didnt get the quote last time
What do you replace mosquitoes with?
It's a toss up between D&D True Resurrect and and Harry Potter Avada Kedavra.
...I don't think I need to list what they can do.
So far my last use of them was... I can't remember. I took a little break and I do jumps in large batches. The last build I made was for Batman: TAS and I'm not sure how much use I'd get out of True Resurrect as Batman might consider it unethical and he for sure would not like me using the AK.
For the question you didn't ask, the reason I like the Resurrection spell is because fuck dead loved ones, everyone gets a happy ending.
I love the AK spell because there are many worlds where magic doesn't exist an thus evil assholes have no defense against it. I fell in love with the spell after it became my solution to the Dead Space Brother Moons. Spinal mounted naval Avada Kedavra caster cannons. Their reload time was a bitch and a half, and don't even get me started on the construction problems, but damn were they effective.
So, Blessing + Take Shelter Beneath My Wings out of Innistrad lets you give some power to those that pray to you(as in, a single spell), but is there any way to give more than that? Along the lines of a Cleric from D&D? I would still have to HAVE that power, of course, but I just want the potential to give the power
Energy Substitution Metamagic Feat from any dnd jump lets you change the spell dmg type to another every time you take the feat. dunno how you would want to fluff that though
Depends on how creative I'm feeling. If I want something quick and dirty, Insects that are exactly the same, except with the side effect of finding human blood toxic. If I'm have a high enough Gnosis at the time, I do something like make them sustain themselves off Ki (The spells lets you make creatures that have the Do Not Eat essential ability). If I'm feeling creative, I add things like alignment to some element, the ability to recover Zeon quickly, or other neat little things that add random bursts of magic to the world.
Back to the drawing board I go.
A pile of Life Fiber memory cushions with several matching blankets. Not only do they adjust firmness and weave density to regulate pressure and temperature, but they also affect your nerves to directly invoke comfy.
Then, my Symbiote's got built-in wifi, so I can project that into my eyes and surf a little to wind down, or put on some music and just zone out. If I'm really, really strung out I might ask it to tweak my brain a little to improve my mood.
>If I'm have a high enough Gnosis at the time.
I thought Gnosis was fixed. Is there some way to raise it over time?
so how do you feed them and what do you do if they get hungry during? because they Drink blood from the people They are in contact with you know.
There's certain spells you can use. Ascension and Dark Ascension, when cast on yourself, up it by 10 while they're maintained. They're divine magic though, so if you want to cast it, you usually need to be hooked into Megas Therion. Having Elan with Erebus and hanging out in the Wake lets you have Gnosis 40 for a while. The spell Chimera lets you graft bits of monsters to yourself and permanently upgrade yourself to Gnosis 25, with the caveat that the upgrade's linked to your body, so if you change bodies, it drops back to normal.
Kamui drink blood, but Life Fibers' primary food is nerve activity. Goku uniforms and even Covers just envelop their hosts without drawing blood, though after a certain concentration the disruption shuts down normal mental function. If you don't hit that level, there's no issue.
Remember that human intelligence was a happy accident of the Life Fibers' meddling with our ancestors to make them tastier.
What would be a good perk to make someone look like their inner self?
Ie: Making a kind-hearted person beautiful and making a mean-hearted person ugly.
Hopefully this works for you guys. Draft two! With 100% More editors.
Would Contact Fusion work if I summoned all my Aeons/Eidolons and used it?
A perk that allows you to see their "inner self" and flesh-golem perks which would allow you to bring it out? There's no need to be spoonfed a perk for every the thing you could possibly want to do. I mean, is it really that hard, to think of doing what you asked in this way? No, it could easily be done with a minor application of thought.
*flesh-sculpting. Autocorrect, goddammit.
you can probably become a god in one the D&D jumps right?
also Star Blessed - Ara from the King Arthur supplement lets you hear prayers
>their power can be ‘tapped’ once per hour, which may not seem like much but mana from an entire land is enough to fuel army killing spells at the least
>spend all your CP to get 60 lands
But no, seriously, jump looks great. Thanks for it.
I think one of the options for a Brush God in Okami lets you teach other people to draw on your power by drawing your symbol.
Kamigawa also has an option for handing out lesser versions of your powers as a Kami.
I think Cracker Jack said if you're a Demon in Marvel Magic you can teach people to call on your power, Doctor Strange style.
One of the options in God of Highschool lets you hand out stands to people based on your powers.
Some Infernals stuff can let you make Akuma with free will.
The max you could get if you went EDH and Max Drawbacks is 72 actually. Thanks for the complement.
So I'm confused about Sibling Across Spirit and Body? Is it a physical thing or dos it only exist on a spiritual level? Is it alwayw manifested or is is basically a stand? Does it look like you or something else?
If I become a Kami here and make my own pantheon that it would fly if I choose to in Percy Jackson to be my own son?
It's a thing you can do where you make a clone of yourself that is you... just over there. It can be like a stand if you build for it that way.
I think that would be a question that you'd also need to ask the Percy Jackson Jumpmaker, but If I were to weigh in on it? I'd say yeah, if you can make the import.
So am I understanding this right? Elder Dragon Highlaner makes you 1v1 a 60 foot tall elder dragon in your BodyMod body with nothing else?
Because holy shit.
Nah it makes you 1v1 an 60 foot tall elder dragon whilst your powers are both draining during the fight at the same rate.
If I bought all of those lands, what's the biggest stuff I could cast with that?
Just watched the entire show. It was cute, funny, and really well made. The jump pretty much gives everything that was in the anime. Good Job Clover!
Space Patrol Luluco
Revolver Arm Morphing
Ordinary Middle Schooler
•Trigger Scouts (600cp)
•Just Want To Be Normal (450cp)
•Twisted Justice (150cp)
•Space Uniform
•Trigger Media (100cp)
•Hellfire Shades
I'm just along for the ride. However I am gonna act like the rebound guy for Luluco after she triggers & loses Alpha Omega Nova. I won't take advantage of her, just middle school crush type things. A kiss is as far as I'll take things, just so she can get over the fact her first love is gone to another dimension. I break up with her gently after reaching HS. That's when I date Midori, but again its nothing serious. I totally banged Luluco's mom though.
Is the Microverse Battery from Rick and Morty something you could eventually make with Genius?
>If I become a Kami here and make my own pantheon that it would fly if I choose to in Percy Jackson to be my own son?
Considering the shenanigans the Hindu Pantheon got up to with Reincarnation...for example, I'm pretty sure that Vishnu is his own ancestor, and technically a half-father to another Hindu Hero.
So, yeah. I think you'd get a pass with merely being your own Father. In fact, iirc, the Japanese borrowed the idea of the Wheel of Dharma from Buddhism, so if you're willing to rejig your pantheon as Boddhistiva (Religious adaptations ftw!), then you can be the Reincarnation of your Kami.
Er like in canon/the lore wise or in the cards?
Canon has stuff being a lot more low key with mana bond being boost for throwing big spells. Largest spell I can remember in canon was the one used by Toshiro's decedent, a hammer that killed Bolas' body at one point as well as reduced an entire moutaintop to a crater, but I think larger spells have been cast.
Cards would be anything that you can just feed large amounts of mana into like Fireball or Meteor Shower at that point you'd be reducing entire sections of land to ruined husks and burning armies of token monsters.
>incoherent grumbling and cat noises
Mmhf...here's my current to-do list.
1. Heaven's Lost Property, Angelroid update.
2. DxD, more Sacred Gears, maybe actual item trees, and adjusting the budgets involved.
3. Any of my jumps in need of corrections or grammar polishing. So most of them.
4. Make Kamen Rider Blade and Kabuto more expansive and match the other KR jumps in quality.
New jumps, in order of priority:
1. Thunderbolt Fantasy
2. Mother: Cognitive Dissonance
Jumps I want to do but am uncertain of my ability to:
1. GaoGaiGar
2. Getter Robo - This has the Spiral Power problem so unless I either cap it or throw caution to the wind (both unpopular options), I might not bother.
3. A Super Sentai jump. Leaning to Dekaranger. I'll totally do Gokaiger if we get enough Sentai jumps in the future.
1. Kamen Rider DLCs
2. Kamen Rider Ex-Aid update, with Digger
3. Retirement
4. Someday
5. Probably when I'm dead
What's the general powerlevel of Ratchet and Clank? I thought it was pretty weak but there's some stuff about a facility that regulates the universe's time in the jump, so now I'm not so sure.
You can never retire. Not even death can free you from this hell.
>you'd be reducing entire sections of land to ruined husks and burning armies of token monsters.
I thought just one land was enough to destroy an army?