Necrons need a nerf, buff eldar edition.
Last thread:
>Shadow War: Armageddon Free Faction Rules:
>Rules Archive:
>77 pages of rule: some pages missing bottom part, check archive.
Necrons need a nerf, buff eldar edition.
Last thread:
>Shadow War: Armageddon Free Faction Rules:
>Rules Archive:
>77 pages of rule: some pages missing bottom part, check archive.
Where did you get those dank bases?
Harlequin leader why take a cc When a neural pistol can be used in cc and always wounds on 2+ and no saves allowed?
Third for finally getting to start painting my fucking guard.
They're recast micro art studio bases.
And people wonder why others a cautious about letting harlies into their campaigns.
Nice, thanks!
How many times can a tyranid warrior with 4 boneswords parry? 2 or 4?
Reposting because thread insta-died the moment I posted these. Very WIP Rogue Trader warband I'm hoping to somehow shoehorn into SW:A. Any feedback on the test fits?
is that how pistols work in assault? you wound using the pistol profile right?
They're pretty cool, but look like I'd get frustrated with them not turning out how I want and I'd spend 4 hours painting bases before saying "fuck it, good enough" even though it looks like shit.
Yes, you can use pistols in CC, if you have other CC weapons you get +1 attack also as long as you don't carry any basic or specialist guns.
If you don't dualweild pistols tho, you have to cycle your attacks between the profiles; which in the harlies case would be a naked knife and the pistol if you didn't take anything else for CC.
It's never really explicitly spelled out exactly how using pistols in melee works. The assumption, using Necromunda as precedent, is that you treat any hit designated as a pistol attack exactly like you had shoot them with the pistol. Since the hit rolls happen before they are designated as pistols, you don't roll ammo checks. That ruling isn't really clear, but it's unlikely to get a clarification by GW.
it does state in the rules that you resolve wounds in close combat with pistols 'exactly as in the shooting phase'
RAW 2.
Remember that time Orks couldn't take kommando specialists?
Or when all their specialist traits were skills from the basic book instead of new rules?
Or when they couldn't take burnas and had a grand total of two melee choices?
When even their basic pistols have a chance to blow up and just fucking kill your dudes?
I'm enjoying this game so far, but god damn if Orks didn't get the short end.
At least the switch from initiative focus to weapon skill focus means I have a chance at winning CC with my CC focused army.
As I recall (the Google doc got deleted) its simply says pistols can be used in close combat and never expands on that. Not even in the pistol profiles.
What point value would be best for 1-off games to either introduce friends or to play with experienced players who lack the time for a campaign.
I was thinking 1400 pts + 1 Prometheum Cache?
Yeah, you treat pistols as CC weapons in CC. Use their normal profile.
It says to use it's profile specifically somewhere, I believe there's even an example in one place. The book isn't laid out very well though.
An attempt at an Arbites list. A bit more of a switch hitter than most lists but lacking in access to the big guns.
Not exactly. At the beginning of cc you can choose if you wield both your cc weapons or just one. That way you can choose what weapon your hits are made with, but obviously you have to forsake the extra attack die then.
>Only hand-to-hand weapons and pistols can be used to fight hand-to-hand combat... fighters equipped with a basic, special, or heavy weapon do not gain an extra attack for using two close combat weapons.... cannot swap weapons once they are engaged, they must perservere with chosen weapons until finished... If a fighter using two weapons (one in each hand) then any hits are inflicted alternately.
Those are all the relevant rules I see.
So much this.
There's not even an index as far as I'm aware.
Those look cool as fuck, but please take a better picture.
So, this has been bothering me now. Can you have a dude with a cc weapon, pistol, and rifle "switch" to the pistol/cc weapon before he gets into combat?
Will he get the extra attack roll for having two cc weapons or is he denied for even considering carrying a rifle?
Shouldn't riot shield models be usable as cover, as well?
Are you sure? If a fighter has 2 swords, they get 2 parries. And Twin Boneswords count as a single weapon for the purposes of close combat.
Even if you have the rifle slung over your back, it slows you down.
First question, yes. The book states your fighter has time to quickly switch his weapons before engaging in combat. You can't change once that combat has started, however.
Second question, also yes. It is implied that the rifle/special weapon get in the way of two-handed combat, which takes the extra attack roll away. So a boy with choppa and slugga gets an extra attack, but a boy with choppa, slugga and shoota does not, even if he chooses to use the choppa and slugga in CC.
why aren't you building cool robot dioramas?
Might be just me but the executioner shells seem a bit overly complicated.
The new special rule is a lot better.
Wouldn't a Tazer weapon make more sense than Arc? Arc seems to be fluffed as 'Red Alert Tesla' weapons, while a Tazer Goad seems to be exactly what you want.
The 2 attacks on the specialist will trigger some people to hell and back again. Does it have a precedent in the Necromunda arbites?
At the beginning of cc you choose what weapons your unit uses in the melee. However it doesn't matter how many cc capable weapons it's wielding as long as it's carrying a weapon other than pistol or melee. Your unit only gets the extra attack die if it's *only* equipped with cc weapons, including pistols.
It doesn't say pair of boneswords, it says one bonesword and two boneswords.
So a dude with a lash whip and bonesword can parry once, a dude with a pair of boneswords can parry twice. Additional boneswords don't get you anything.
Dude, think about it. How are you going to parry with a sword strapped to your back?
You get one parry per sword being used in close combat. Period dot.
a tyranid has 4 arms dipshit
4 arms = 4 swords = 4 parries
>A fighter with a bonesword is able to parry; a fighter with a pair of boneswords can make two parries.
The only question is if additional boneswords get you additional parries. Which RAW they would not.
They can still only use two cc weapons, jackass.
Why is it people have to try and find SBBS in everything?
If a fighter has more than two pairs of arms and carries a hand-to-hand weapon in each hand, then the fighter rolls one extra Attack dice in hand-to hand combat. Any hits are inflicted by cycling through the weapons they are using in an order chosen by the controlling player
You get a parry for each melee weapon that has the parry ability that you're wielding in cc.
Attack dice =/= parry
Bonesword: Parry.
Two Boneswords: 2 Parrys
Pair of Bonesword: 2 Parrys
Pair of Boneswords and Bonesword: 3 Parrys
2 Pairs of Boneswords: 4 Parrys
I don't see why you think it's limited?
This is false, tyranid warriors can explicitly use all of their close combat weapons in close combat.
Okay, you convinced me.
Please show me where it says that, 'cause I'm looking right at the Tyranid profile and not seeing shit.
It's at the very beginning of their section dumbass.
A fighter with a bonesword is able to parry; a fighter
with a pair of boneswords can make two parries.
I don't see why you think it's not. It most explicitly does NOT say you get additional parries for each sword.
Copy paste that shit and show me. I'm still not seeing anything. I see this:
>If a fighter has more than two pairs
of arms and carries a hand-to-hand
weapon in each hand, then the fighter
rolls one extra Attack dice in hand-to-
hand combat. Any hits are inf licted
by cycling through the weapons they
are using in an order chosen by the
controlling player.
But that doesn't say you can use more than two pairs or two single CC weapons in CC. It's just a reiteration of how the extra attack and dual wielding works from the main book.
No, but it does show that a pair of boneswords counts as a single weapon. Hence why the single bonesword has the paired rule, in case it winds up paired intead of with a lashwip.
... it literally says you cycle through all 4 weapons in the order you choose. How is that NOT using all 4 in combat?
Enough about shitposting, I have a question.
My store is starting a league first Sunday of may, which I am coordinating.
Any houserules I should test out to see if we implement them?
Also which killteam should I run? My catachans with 2 plasma and one sniper, my skitarii with all the customization I could want, or my genestealer cult with the same level of customization as my skitarii rangers?
No it does not. Boneswords are listed as single weapons in their entry , not as a pair of weapons and can be bought with a lash whip, so it is possible to have just one bonesword that is not part of a pair.
No, it says you cycle through the weapons you use in CC. It doesn't say you can use more than two weapons in a single CC, which is what it would NEED to say in order to overrule the main rulebook.
I didn't say that the pair don't count as a single weapon. You can use two pairs of Boneswords, you just can't parry more than twice or use additional CC weapons. You cycle between the pairs like normal CC as stated in the main rulebook.
Those mould lines done haunting you? Make sure you post your guard when you finish them m8
Huh. So, if they count as single weapons, then they get +2 attacks for having 4? Because if they're single weapons, the get the Core Rules +1 attack for dual wielding. But then their section also says they get a +1 attack for having four weapons.
Good to know my Scything Talon newspawns get 5 attacks.
raw yes they do, every time you get parry, you can parry, if he has 4 arms, each sword grants parry, 4 parries
Shit, didn't notice that. That means you can't use two pairs of boneswords anyway, since you can't use more than two CC weapons in a close combat, as stated in the main rulebook.
You CAN use a bonesword and a pair of rending claws, or a pair of rending claws and a pair of scything talons, but that's 'cause those two pairs are explicitly stated to be a single CC weapon.
just put this together, all references of pistols or shooting in relation to assault
Hopefully this helps out a bit for the discussion on Parry, CC weapons, and Boneswords.
Rules as written, THEY DON'T. The rules do not state "You get a parry for each sword." they state "You get 1 parry for one sword, 2 parries for two swords."
It says fucking nothing about more than that.
It's starting to sound like we need a serious FAQ for this game.
I still have cuts from the ordeal.
Yeah, I'll prime them and maybe basecoat later this evening and post pictures.
I perfectly agree with you right there.
I don't care if people house rule it to give your warrior four parries, and I agree that it makes absolute sense, but RAW doesn't allow it.
Yeah, if you read it as "Warriors don't get to use all four arms if they commited the cardinal sin of buying a Bonesword", which seems to be the hard Raw, then that is absolutely true. That's what GW gets for not just having 2 seperate profiles for Twinswords and Lashwhip/Bonesword
Go catachans and test out the skill buying rule with the exclusion of scavenger
Exactly. I agree that it's fucking shit and terrible writing, but that's the simple RAW.
That's because the main rulebook doesn't have rules for units with more arms than two.
Tyranid warriors are particularly unusual because they have four arms and probably are intended to be able to use every weapon they have in each hand, but don't have properly written rules in support of that.
Additionally their weapon categories all have unique terms for them which are not referenced in the rest of the rules and subsequently cannot be held to restricions for moving and shooting with heavy weapons etc.
Yep. It's almost like they should have put a mini-faq in the Tyranid section talking about multi-armed combat.
But they didn't, 'cause they're GW.
Well, to be fair on tabletop ALL tyranid weapons are assault. Even the fucking huge ones. Because organic.
If a pair of boneswords are treated as one weapon, and you score one hit against your opponent, do you get two hits? I mean, it doesn't make sense to treat them as a single weapon.
Thanks for that, I knew there was an example somewhere with the chainsword and laspistol.
Seems obvious to me that if you have 3 or 4 boneswords for some reason, which I don't recommend anyway, then you'd have 3 or 4 parrys. You'd have so many attacks anyway you probably couldn't parry them as it is, as you'd have 5s or 6s.
The RAW RAI thing never really made sense to me, if someone is being a butt, just don't play them I guess.
What's assault?
Really they should do an expanded kill teams book that erratas all this dumb shit and expands the KTs a bit.
I mean fuck that's like a week of work tops and you can both sell a new epub/book and increase the miniature selling capability of the game.
I knicked my thumb working on my Fallen this morning and it hurts like heck, what are you using to work your lines?
It's a weapon type. Assault is the type usually reserved for Shotguns, Submachine guns, and Flamers.
Except in second edition, which this games rules are most similar to in which those guns were Heavy.
But a 2nd edition venom cannon would be a WMD in SW:A.
The thing is, you can't use more than two in a single combat.
And I agree, if someone walked up to me at the FLGS and asked if we could house-rule it, I'd say sure since that's obviously how they are supposed to work. But I'm not gonna give GeeDubs a pass on their shit rule writing just because I know what they meant to say.
In regular 40k Assault weapons are weapons that you can shoot in the shooting phase after moving without penalty and also charge in the assault phase.
The worst part is that if Imperial or Eldar or Tau models coud have more than two arms, this would've been fixed within a week.
Nothing says Imperial Guard troops are restricted to only two arms.
>Does it have a precedent in the Necromunda arbites?
Not really, no. The issue is that in Necromunda they fill a VERY different role than they do in this.
In Necromunda they were the Elite faction. They got carapace armour and special shotgun ammo and didn't have to scrounge for stuff a heap. They brought the big toys and you didn't want a straight fight with them.
In this...well, we have Grey Knights and Clowns running about. They don't even come close to the elite faction. So they needed a restructure to find a role. Right now we have a number of very elite melee factions, a super plentiful melee faction or two and a good number of elite ranged factions. Grey Knights are the main switch hitter faction and they are super-elite. With the fluff of them as both excellent shots and a metal wall for riots to break on, I went for a switch hitter them for them.
They were based less on necromunda Enforcers and more on the Dark Eldar specialists who get the same thing (2 attacks) as well as access to better melee weapons (And riot shields, which are designed to be rather good at it)
>Wouldn't a Tazer weapon make more sense than Arc? Arc seems to be fluffed as 'Red Alert Tesla' weapons, while a Tazer Goad seems to be exactly what you want.
Taser goad is a very good call. It's very fluffy and it's special rule is a lot more notable than concussive, which barely matters.
>Might be just me but the executioner shells seem a bit overly complicated.
Executioner shells are a sore point for me. I'm not sure what to do with them. It's heavily based on the necromunda ones where they are basically Sniper rounds for a shotgun. Good at long range, bad at short.
However, with the two shell types already for shotguns it leave shotguns without a bad range and a lot of rules. I'm pondering it being a total replacement ammo rather than another shot type.
Tyranids: fucked over in every game
Fuck me, if Harlequins could have more than two hands I'd just quit.
You just know some fuckwad is going to glue more arms to his special snowflakes.
>"You don't understand! She plays the role of the SPIDER and is the bestest most beautiful harlequin EVER."
It was pondered but ran into 'The thing already has a fair bit of rules'. The game also only allows you to shoot the closest model most of the time so it seemed like a moot point nine times out of ten as well.
Part of the issue with it, mechanically, giving cover? It means the guy with the shield is now not the easiest target. As he's got constant cover and his buddies behind him don't, so they are an easier shot. You can now ignore the guy designed to soak shots with his shield in favour of shooting his buddies.
Games workshop is racist against people with more than 2 arms.
Chitinous Lives Matter!
Ever since back in the '80s when the Genestealer hybrids that used to work mail order unionised and were replaced by trolls.
Unless you play Orks and can assign every shot to a different target:
>(about sustained fire) Each shot must target either the original target or ANOTHER FIGHTER WITHIN 4" of the first target (even though these other fighters may not be the closest enemies to the shooter).
Well, yeah. But Orks firing and hitting 'Everything in that general direction' isn't really surprising.
>Strength 8
>Damage D10
>Save mod. -3
>4 blast Thudd gun salvo
Hope you didn't need that kill team
What I'm saying is, give the guy with the shield an armor save and models within 4" and a 120 degree arc behind him a cover save.
>he wuz a gud 'nid, he did u nuffin
>he wuz just tryna git some food fo' his momma
This is objectively true, tyranids did nothing wrong.
So, are Genestealer Cults BLM: The Army?
But you know, with more rampant murder and lasers and stuff.
They're marginalized people of color (purple) who want freedom from institutionalised oppression.